MultiTech's official mbed team.

libmDot-dev update

04 Aug 2016

Hello mDot Users!

We're aware that many of you have been running into issues running applications with newer versions of mbed-rtos, namely those after mbed-rtos-v111. We've just pushed a new version of libmDot-dev, revision 16, which is compatible with newer mbed and mbed-rtos versions.

It is important to note that because the mbed libraries are in transition so much right now, it's important to stick to known working versions of mbed and mbed-rtos libraries when building applications with the rev 16 of the libmDot-dev library. We've tested and found that rev 16 is compatible with mbed version 121 and mbed-rtos version 117, but not with the latest versions.

As always, we're happy to answer any questions here or on our customer forum at!

Happy mDotting!
