Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller.

How to flash a program on STMF32401RBT6 using Development Kit Nucleo F103RB

29 Nov 2018

Hello, Im working in a hardware project which I need an Interface to program using arm mbed or program trhough a development kit. I will fabricate the board of this project and I would like to know if is possible to use NUCLEO F103RB together with this board project to flash programs using arm mbed from NUCLEO F103RB for STMF32401RBT6 at the same time. I didnt identify which pins from ucontroller I need to connect for it.

14 Mar 2019

Hi, you can program your own aplication with the ST-link included on your NUCLEO F103RB

Start on page 16

Best regards J.