Hi all
Pokitto (www.pokitto.com) mbed and LPC11U68 (Cortex-M0+) based gaming gadget is doing great on Kickstarter.
However, in order to have a chance to be on Kickstarter news bulletin on thursday we need to hit 100% within next few days. If we are on the news bulletin, we will get worldwide coverage through the Kickstarter.
Help us bring a lot of newcomers and new enthusiasm to the mbed ecosystem. We need more kids, teenagers and enthusiasts.
Pokitto, in turn, will bring its massive graphics and sound libraries for your free use into the mbed.org IDE ecosystem, bring in mbed game projects, provide offline tools for sound and graphics and all sorts of things you have never seen on the mbed before.
Its a win-win for us and the whole mbed community
If you are reading this, and feel symphatetic to the cause, please go give your support NOW to Pokitto Kickstarter! Your support is really important. (We will not spam these forums. It is only during the Kickstarter that we need your attention).
Youtube video

Hi all
Pokitto (www.pokitto.com) mbed and LPC11U68 (Cortex-M0+) based gaming gadget is doing great on Kickstarter.
However, in order to have a chance to be on Kickstarter news bulletin on thursday we need to hit 100% within next few days. If we are on the news bulletin, we will get worldwide coverage through the Kickstarter.
Help us bring a lot of newcomers and new enthusiasm to the mbed ecosystem. We need more kids, teenagers and enthusiasts.
Pokitto, in turn, will bring its massive graphics and sound libraries for your free use into the mbed.org IDE ecosystem, bring in mbed game projects, provide offline tools for sound and graphics and all sorts of things you have never seen on the mbed before.
Its a win-win for us and the whole mbed community
If you are reading this, and feel symphatetic to the cause, please go give your support NOW to Pokitto Kickstarter! Your support is really important. (We will not spam these forums. It is only during the Kickstarter that we need your attention).
Kickstarter http://kck.st/2oIzIYm
Webpage http://bit.ly/2pg2BK9
Youtube video http://bit.ly/2qpHti5
Twitter @pokittocom
Thanks! Jonne