Hi All
Pokitto, a cool open-source gaming gadget with LPC11U68 is kicking off on Kickstarter tomorrow 28th April Friday at
11 PDT (California)
2 pm New York time
8 pm central europe (Germany, Spain, Italy)
Pokitto is a different kind of learning kit for LPC11U68. Churning out fast color game graphics out of a 48 MHz Cortex-M0+!!! Only available, and only possible on the fantastic NXP LP11U68
Comes as a full package with plastic case, fast LCD, DAC sound output, PWM sound output, big 18 GPIO extension port, SD card socket, headphone socket, li-po charger and 600 mAh battery. Online libs for mbed, completely free offline ARMGCC toolchain with HW debugging (EmBitz), API-level PC simulator...
Earlybirds will be at a ridiculously low low price of 39 USD !!! They will be sold out very quickly!
We are also at Maker Faire Bay Area 2017! Come see us!
www.pokitto.com website
talk.pokitto.com discussion forums
@pokittocom on Twitter
With best regards,
Creator of the Pokitto

Hi All
Pokitto, a cool open-source gaming gadget with LPC11U68 is kicking off on Kickstarter tomorrow 28th April Friday at
11 PDT (California) 2 pm New York time 8 pm central europe (Germany, Spain, Italy)
Pokitto is a different kind of learning kit for LPC11U68. Churning out fast color game graphics out of a 48 MHz Cortex-M0+!!! Only available, and only possible on the fantastic NXP LP11U68
Comes as a full package with plastic case, fast LCD, DAC sound output, PWM sound output, big 18 GPIO extension port, SD card socket, headphone socket, li-po charger and 600 mAh battery. Online libs for mbed, completely free offline ARMGCC toolchain with HW debugging (EmBitz), API-level PC simulator...
Earlybirds will be at a ridiculously low low price of 39 USD !!! They will be sold out very quickly!
We are also at Maker Faire Bay Area 2017! Come see us!
www.pokitto.com website talk.pokitto.com discussion forums www.facebook.com/pokittocom @pokittocom on Twitter
With best regards, Jonne Creator of the Pokitto