Modified UIPEthernet library working with MBED/SMeshStudio too

16 Dec 2016

Hi All!

I modified UIPEthernet for MBED/SMeshStudio.

Original UIPEthernet writed by Norbert Truchsess.

UIPEthernet have compatible API with Wiznet W5100 Ethernet library.

I modified:

- Replaced import to include, because gcc say 'import is deprecated'.

- I merged martinayotte's modification (Correct s_dhcp 40K more memory usage with STM32F MCU-s.)

- Add support for STM32F, and ESP8266 MCU-s.

- Moved htons,ntohs,htonl,ntohl definitions to uip.h.

- Correct infinite loops.

- Set the version to 1.2.0

(This version tested on ESP8266 too. Working properly. Without watchdog resets.)

- Correct ESP8266 exception(28).

- Add watchdog reset calls in functions for stable running on ESP8266.

- Add geterevid function to get ENC28j60 chip erevid (revision information).

- Change linkStatus to static for outside call.

- Add functions bypass, if can't communicate with ethernet device.

- Add SPI bus instabil communication detection.

- Change debuging/logging. Remove individual debuging. Add global and scalable debuging feature.

You can setup debuging/logging level in utility/logging.h

You can use this header file in Your scetch too.

Add "LogObject" define for serial logging/debuging with board specific default setting.

- Add support for MBED/SMeshStudio IDE.

I only compiled with SMeshStudio (STM32F103RB). Not uploaded and tested with device.

I compiled with Arduino IDE and uploaded to maple mini a tested. Working properly.

You can download from:

Best regards