U-blox C027 Cellular Modem - basic question about usage

29 Sep 2014

If I use this board with the cellular modem on it, I assume I need to get service through ATT or Verizon or Sprint so I can use it? What is the process? What do I end up with? Does it get a phone number that I call? Do I send it text messages? I am very curious about the possibility of communicating with the board using cell towers, just like I might with a wired usb or serial com. I know nothing about cellular or what it takes to activate and use a device like this on a cellular network.

29 Sep 2014

...or am I completely misunderstanding the purpose of this device......Is the cellular modem only for the purpose of CellLocate (location based on cellular network)??

29 Sep 2014

...I am slowly answering my own question!....seeing that ublox sells different versions of this board for sprint and verizon, then I will assume it is not just for CellLocate.

24 Feb 2015

Hi Dave,

Did you buy this board in the end, is it any good? I wanted to use it to develop a portable data logging device (hence the need for a cellular modem) it looks ideal. Any feedback you can give would be welcome.


25 Feb 2015

Andy, I did not buy it. Nobody replied to my questions and I lost interest eventually. It is something I would like to play with one, but the startup cost (board + wireless service) was too much just to satisfy my curiosity.