Sort examples by Platform

07 Sep 2014

Hello Mbed Forum,

Purchased a couple of boards a few weeks ago and so far have had a lot of success with downloading and playing with examples, including USB and Ethernet. Well done for putting together a great way to get started with Arm.

I have encountered a few problems, two of which persist:

(1) Is there a way to sort/identify all the projects/libraries etc by platform ? Many wont work on my platform and it takes a bit of digging around to realise that they are built around a different platform (eg UART availability and/or pin assignments). Am I missing something obvious ?

(2) Is there a definitive source for hardware pin assignments ? There have been problems with some of the mbed drawings (eg UART Tx and Rx pins swapped) which can take a while for a newbie to sort out.

Thanks in advance,


07 Sep 2014

Most libraries should work on every platform, that only doesn't work when they are using custom peripheral drivers instead of mbed ones, but while these exist, they are a minority.

For almost every project you will need to change the pin assignments to match your board, not much to do about that.

Regarding pin assignments: The issue is that it doesn't fit on a single drawing. For example your board can have up to 8 different functions for a single pin. What is needed is some kind of interactive drawing. But until then, yours at least has them all in a single file: .

07 Sep 2014

Great thanks, exactly what I was looking for. And I've since found and imported the mbed-src.