C++ Syntax issues for LEDs library

Hello everyone.

I am trying to right a library for some LEDs functions. I put 26 LEDs (from p5 to p30) and I can change the brightness of everyone (thanks to a library allowing a pwm signal on each pins). Unfortunatly I now have c++ syntax issues to write my library of functions. You can find below the simple function "on", but I think ;y first issue comes from the syntax of the LEDFunctions::LEDFunctions thing.


The Main.cpp:

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "LEDFunctions.h"
  3. include "UniPWM.h"

m = new LEDFunctions ();

int main() {


m.on(1, 10, 0.8, 0); /*on(led id, duration (s), brightness (0.00 < x < 1.00), smoothness (1 < x < 10))*/ } }

The LEDFunctions.cpp :

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "LEDFunctions.h"
  3. include "UniPWM.h"
  4. include <string>
  5. include <iostream>
  6. include <sstream> using namespace std;

LEDFunctions::LEDFunctions(PinName pin) : _pin(pin){ }

void LEDFunctions::id(int n){ char *p = "UniPWM led(p"; char *p2 = ");"; stringstream ss (stringstream::in | stringstream::out); ss << p << n << p2; ss.str(); }

void LEDFunctions::brightness(float b){ _pin = UniPWM.duty(b); }

void LEDFunctions::on(int n, int d, float b, float s){ id(n); if(s > 1){ for(k = 0; k = b; k = b/s){ p = p + b/s; led.brightness(p); wait(0.1); } for(i = b; i < d; i += 0.1){ led.brightness(b); wait(0.1); } } else{ for(i =0; i = d; i += 0.1){ led.brightness(b); wait(0.1); } } }

and the LEDFunctions.h :

  1. ifndef MBED_LEDFunctions_H
  2. define MBED_LEDFunctions_H
  1. include "mbed.h"

class LEDFunctions{

public: LEDFunctions(PinName); void on(int, int, float, float);

private: DigitalOut _pin; void id(int); float i; float k; float p; void brightness(float); };

  1. endif

I'd really appreciate some tips on the syntax, if you manage to understand what I already wrote ! Thank you very much.

By the way what is the command to quote code ? I'm sorry I copied it like that : /