Mbed studio build/clean build

25 Jun 2019

I have been trying out the new mbed studio for a couple of days now, but it seems that I'm using the build system somehow incorrectly. When I edit the code and click "Build program" and then "Run program", the edits have no effect on the program. The only way I can actually change the program is to do "Clean build" every time.

Any ideas what setting I could have wrong that causes the problem?

18 Jul 2019

Hi Samuli,

The latest version Med Studio is 0.5.3, which is I am using for this test

I use mbed-os-blinky-example on K64F, change the SLEEP_TIME in main.cpp and click "Build program" and then "Run program", the blinky time does reflect what I changed.

Could you describe where is the code you edit? Is it between definitions or in other folders?

