LCD Menu System required for MBed project

02 May 2010


I am in need of a simple menu system for my MBed clock project.

The menu system would need to work within the constraints of a 16x2 LCD display and have minimal input buttons for example "Menu", "+", "-" & "Enter".

Has this been done before on the MBed or do you know of a tutorial or something that might give me some pointers on how to get started?

I've "Googled" around a bit but couldn't really find anything useful..................

Many Thanks


03 May 2010
Christian Lerche wrote:

Do you know how to debounce a button?
And do you know how to write to an LCD screen?

If you know these, then it shouldn't be hard.

I know how to write to the LCD screen using the TextLCD Library and have done it at a much lower level (assembly) with other microcontrollers so thats not a problem.

Debouncing switches, I'm probably a little rusty with that but it should be fairly easy to do.

I just didn't want to reinvent the wheel if a menu system had already been done on the MBed.

