Keil MDKv5.1 CMSIS-DAP printf not function

11 Feb 2014

Dear all

Recently i'm testing CMSIS-DAP debug. The Helloworld testing is done successfully.

Normal I/O with step debugging is working fine but printf is not function. May i know this the CMSIS-DAP limitation?

Thank you, Wq

12 Feb 2014

Hello Wen qian,

What do you mean by "printf is not function" ?


12 Feb 2014

Hello Martin Kojtal,

Thanks for your reply.

Means in the code i have call the printf function and...

printf simulation code

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalOut myled(LED1);
Serial     pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx

int main() {
    pc.printf("Hello World\n\r");
    while(1) {
        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;

wish to simulate the UART with using Keil UART debug tool. /media/uploads/bc/debug_-printf-_viewer.jpg

In the UART viewer it didn't show "Hello World".

Is it i have miss configure any setting?

Best Regards, Wq

12 Feb 2014


that debug viewer is through ITM, more information mbed redirects printf to the default uart module, which for example on KL25Z is UART0 module and this module is connected to interface UART. I believe debug viewer is not supported at the moment.

An article about semihosting with mbed is on feabhas blog : ]]]]. It was posted a while ago, cmsis-dap has changed so might not be up to date.


13 Feb 2014

Hello Martin Kojtal,

I also found something on feabhas blog:

I still testing it. Have not success yet. Have you try this basic before? and can you guide me how to do it? Now i have connection between mbed and Teraterm problem haven't fix yet and i can't simulate/debug my program with using UART.

Thank you, Wq

04 Feb 2015

Hi, I have the same problem with KEIL V5.12, but only working with ULINK2. With JLINK the printf function over Debug (printf) viewer its OK.