New programmer

11 Nov 2012

Hello every body

I am new to the programming world so I need your advice to find out the best resources such as books,website, CD's...etc to learn the programming.

I need to know the codes and some techniques to build a program for my mbed system

thanks in advance

11 Nov 2012

There is alot of information on this website. For example

Two books may be of interest to you: (note part 2 was published very recently also)

12 Nov 2012

I will buy ARM Microcontrollers, which is not available in the University library and barrow the other one from Uni.

thanks for your reply

13 Nov 2012

Hi, I am new to this mbed world. Is it possible to implement image processing application by ARM processor? Like median filter design by ARM processor, classification system design that classify images in different region, Image segmentation etc. If possible plz help me.

19 Nov 2012

Hi, I am new to this mbed world. Is it possible to implement image processing application by ARM processor? Like median filter design by ARM processor, classification system design that classify images in different region, Image segmentation etc. If possible plz help me.

19 Nov 2012

Hi Alim,

The mbed doesn't have enough memory to do image processing on 'large' images, but you could hold the image in external memory (like an SD card) and do some simple stuff like histograms and blurs etc. This might be quite slow however.

What specifically did you have in mind? In all honesty you will probably need something with more memory and processing power. Classification of objects in images would be very difficult to achieve.

04 Dec 2012

Bluetooth, ACL, Ubertooth, Proof of Concept, promisuous mode, mac harvesting, Dearborn Michigan mbed1768, online compiler, NXP Open1768. -> Tiberious Initiative.
