Mbed programming over the network with Conceptrontic CHDDLANU file/printerserver not possible?

19 Jun 2011

Hi, my mbed is located in the closet where all my electricity/water/gas meter is. I want to program the mbed from a computer in the network, rather than going to the closet connecting the usb cable to the laptop and do the programming on the floor. Therefore I bought the Conceptronic CHDDLANU file/printerserver. That makes it possible to connect a USB printer or mass storage device the network. However somehow the mbed does show up like a mass storage device, as I expected. Does anyone have a suggestion why the mbed does not show up as a mass storage device?

19 Jun 2011

probably because the conceptronic doesn't recognise it as such. With USBView you can check the device descriptors

This is how an mbed looks (class=2)

Device Descriptor:
bcdUSB:             0x0110
bDeviceClass:         0x02
bDeviceSubClass:      0x00
bDeviceProtocol:      0x00
bMaxPacketSize0:      0x40 (64)
idVendor:           0x0D28
idProduct:          0x0204
bcdDevice:          0x0100
iManufacturer:        0x01
iProduct:             0x02
iSerialNumber:        0x03
bNumConfigurations:   0x01

ConnectionStatus: DeviceConnected
Current Config Value: 0x01
Device Bus Speed:     Full
Device Address:       0x02
Open Pipes:              5

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x82  IN
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0040 (64)
bInterval:            0x00

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x02  OUT
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0040 (64)
bInterval:            0x00

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x81  IN
Transfer Type:   Interrupt
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0040 (64)
bInterval:            0x10

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x85  IN
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0040 (64)
bInterval:            0x00

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x05  OUT
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0040 (64)
bInterval:            0x00

and this is how a USB stick looks (class=0)

Device Descriptor:
bcdUSB:             0x0200
bDeviceClass:         0x00
bDeviceSubClass:      0x00
bDeviceProtocol:      0x00
bMaxPacketSize0:      0x40 (64)
idVendor:           0x090C (Feiya Technology Corporation)
idProduct:          0x1000
bcdDevice:          0x1100
iManufacturer:        0x01
iProduct:             0x02
iSerialNumber:        0x03
bNumConfigurations:   0x01

ConnectionStatus: DeviceConnected
Current Config Value: 0x01
Device Bus Speed:     High
Device Address:       0x03
Open Pipes:              2

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x81  IN
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0200 (512)
bInterval:            0xFF

Endpoint Descriptor:
bEndpointAddress:     0x02  OUT
Transfer Type:        Bulk
wMaxPacketSize:     0x0200 (512)
bInterval:            0xFF

class 2 means CDC class (communications class), the mass storage class is 8 but I tried 3 different sticks and they all report 0 (meaning that the class is obtained from the interface descriptors).

26 Jul 2011

Thanks for your explanation, AD. This probably means that I cannot see the mbed as a mass storage device using my my Conceptrontic CHDDLANU file/printerserver.