Dear All,
I have a problem interfacing the LCD HD44780.
When I power my Embed with an external source (No USB) and powering the Display either on the 40th pin of embed or by external power supply at 12V. it lost its contrast.
What I have observed is:
Every time I switch on the device I need to adjust the Potentiometer placed between the (pin 3) LCD and GND, and more after calibrating it lost its calibration during the time
I have already tested the MBED with 3 different displays which are from different manufacturer and all of three does the same
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Dear All,
I have a problem interfacing the LCD HD44780.
When I power my Embed with an external source (No USB) and powering the Display either on the 40th pin of embed or by external power supply at 12V. it lost its contrast.
What I have observed is:
Every time I switch on the device I need to adjust the Potentiometer placed between the (pin 3) LCD and GND, and more after calibrating it lost its calibration during the time
I have already tested the MBED with 3 different displays which are from different manufacturer and all of three does the same
I look forward to hearing from you soon