Been using an MBED LPC062X system for about 5 years. Decided to try something smaller and hoping I can just port some of my programs over to a new system.
I just got a Switch Science LPC824. I made a breakout board for it and plugged it into the USB for power. There is power on the +5, +3.3 pins but the USB does not recognize the system. No driver, no install, NADA.
If I short the pins on the backside to load firmware I can get to the "CRP DISABLED" drive and it shows a single file <firmware.bin; 64K size, FAT structure>.
Is this where I drag/drop new firmware?
I am used to just having a main flash area for programmed firmware.
Is this new device already bricked? Is there any way to recover the main drive?
Any suggestions?
Been using an MBED LPC062X system for about 5 years. Decided to try something smaller and hoping I can just port some of my programs over to a new system.
I just got a Switch Science LPC824. I made a breakout board for it and plugged it into the USB for power. There is power on the +5, +3.3 pins but the USB does not recognize the system. No driver, no install, NADA.
If I short the pins on the backside to load firmware I can get to the "CRP DISABLED" drive and it shows a single file <firmware.bin; 64K size, FAT structure>.
Is this where I drag/drop new firmware? I am used to just having a main flash area for programmed firmware.
Is this new device already bricked? Is there any way to recover the main drive?
Any suggestions?