Not really a reply, but here goes. I recently bought both an LPC1788 and LPC4088 boards - all identical except for the actual MCU soldered onto the board, but unfortunately, due to work pressures, I have not been able to try them out yet.
From what I can tell, the LPC4088 and LPC1788 are very similar, and the LPC4088 was designed to be a drop-in pin-for-pin replacement for the LPC1788, except of course the LPC4088 is a newer design, with SPIFI and it uses the Cortex M4F core with a hardware floating-point unit. Clock speed, and most peripherals appear to be the same at first sight, except that clearly, the LPC4088 can execute floating-point instructions. So one would expect the newer LPC4088 to be able to run older LPC1788 code, but you know that older MCUs running code for a newer MCU is bound to be frought with problems. Although I cannot imagine how serial code might use floating-point math, one never knows... Have you tried using LPCware with the LPCOpen package for LPC1788?
Hi there, We are using LPC1788 arm mcu (turkcel m2023). We want to use mbed for our development (we develope our own board, not a development board) but mbed not support this mcu. İn forums some dudes write 1788 is like 4088 and so we try 4088 support. We success blinking led example. But when we try uart program fails. What can we do ? İt is so important for us
When we want to use wait or serial comments sistem will stop working (board)
can any one help us thanks.
LVX Electronic