Robert, just a few comments to help you look further...
The piezo are very high impedance devices and really need to feed a high impedance circuit, FET or FET input type op amps (op amps and FETs still need a DC bias via a high value resistor though).
Your circuit does not have very high gain (approx Rc/Re), so about 22/3.3 so about 7 at DC and rising as the extra RC comes into play.
Also remember analogue inputs on the mbed are unipolar, not bipolar so you will get a half wave rectified approximation of the input signal.
You may also wish to consider the mechanics of the piezo. Many many years ago back in the 1980's (yes that far ago!) I used a piezo sensor to measure hand tremor and a key part of the design was to add a mass to the moving part of the piezo as this gives it some inertia that provides a much larger signal than the standard part. I simply glued a small nut in place with epoxy to centre of the sensor.
I hope the above helps with your ideas.
Hi All,
I am looking for some information regarding using an analog input for vibration measurement. I am looking to use a Piezo sensor to measure vibration level. I currently have a piezo sensor wired up using an extremely basic set up. I have only managed to get it showing a value in teraterm. It shows about 0.03 and will display 1 when i subject it to a sudden impact but its very 'rough'.
I was wondering if someone could offer some help regarding the value i will get form the analog input and how to scale it, perhaps with a reference voltage??
Its in very early stages and any help would be very appreciated. I also only have a fairly basic knowledge of microcrontrollers so apologies if my query is worded a little vague. I have looked through some other threads regarding analog inputs but they dive a little deep for my basic understanding at this time.
Many thanks