Run mbed compilations on other hardware?

16 Sep 2011

I have a longterm (will most likely never be finished) home automation project where I would like to have some sort of main terminal. While browsing eBay this came up:

Could I dump an mbed compilation on that board?

I understand that I can't get access to pins that are unavailable to the mbed and that other external parts might be different, but as it is the same chip...

It would be very nice if I could use one of those as they come fully loaded.

The parts needed in my project is the LCD, ethernet, RTC and serial. I suspect that at least the ethernet part will be problematic.

Any thoughts on this is welcome.


16 Sep 2011

Well, that board has the DP83848 ethernet PHY, which is same as mbed, although that is hardly a guarantee that the port will work.

Most of all you will miss the mbed "magic interface" that makes for such quick compile-program cycle times. Without that, you'll have to use LPC21isp and an FTD232 cable - slow!

why not just buy a cool components base board to go with your mbed:

- no compatibility problems, LAN & USB ready to go, SD card too. AND, fast programming!

For LCD, find a Library in the Cookbook that does what you need. Writing your own is time-consuming - and hardware connecting of LCDs is MUCH less trouble than writing the driver. Just stick the wires into the baseboard.

16 Sep 2011

You are probably right. I just wish there was a devboard equipped like that eBay thingy.

16 Sep 2011

I have used the LPCxpresso as 'low cost' alternative for the mbed in semi-permanent applications. You can develop on the mbed and finally upload the .bin file to the LPCxpresso.

18 Sep 2011

@HUgo The above ebay item seems to be >90% chinese clone of KEIL MCB 1760 development board (You can find these clones in China for 350 -400 CNY ) There are two chinese versions , first and second , with different onboard flash and some other minor differences . There are two display options as well , with 2.8 and 3.5 inch 320x240 display . The second version seems to be an attempt from the initial chinese company to differentiate its product , since this chinese clone had been cloned by other chinese factories as well !

The good thing is that it has JTAG interface ( which is must for debugging , although mbed compiler does not support it ( yet ! ) , the bad thing is the display has parallel 8/16 bit bus and consumes too many pins from the LPC , I 'd prefer a version with spi LCD screen , although you might perhaps try the original KEIL demos in this parallel one.

@Gert , I think Hugo needs the LPCxpresso base board as well , which is mbed layout compatible , or some other board ,which makes things more pricey than the chinese clone or lpcxpresso alone . I was thinking of buying one Embeddedartists 1769 baseboard myself , but they refused to provide me with the baseboard schematics before buying the base board . They didnt provide me even the GPIO table for the baseboard. ( They said that I have to purchase the baseboard ( at 80 euros plus shipping I think ) to have access to the baseboard schematics and other stuff , available free after purchase !!! it seems , they see me as a rival factory !!! )