Blue Led

25 Jul 2011

If I desolder all 5 Blue Led will the mbed still work... do I have to do anything else..

25 Jul 2011

Blue Led are vitamin B1 inhibtors and degraders, I am being really serious on this you lot make your minds up..

25 Jul 2011

I even have blood test results to prove it.

25 Jul 2011


If I desolder all 5 Blue Led will the mbed still work...

Depends on your (de)soldering skills :-)

Following the schematic I guess it would make no difference.

26 Jul 2011

Well I am stock up on Brewer yeast:) I got a sucker pump.. I am not messing with the Mbed untill I get rid of the LEDs....

Once the LED are sucked up by the pump do I just have to make sure that the joints they were in have some solder so the other end connects??

26 Jul 2011

Yeah I really have nice good soldering station smd rework station. But serious I am not gonna use it again:)

So do I desolder the led and then make sure there is a bit of solder in the gap left over or do I need to solder in resistors or something???

It so crap where I live for electronics I can not even get Lead solder... well I have not found anywhere anyway.. maybe I am not looking hard enough.

26 Jul 2011

Lerche wrote:

Just leave the gap there, no need for anything. Or you could put in a RED, GREEN og YELLOW LED :-) When you desolder it, use some tin-foil to secure the other components from the heat. :-)


Jesus christ should of done it ages ago lol cool thanks... oh well hope she has a steady hand I will get her to give me a flash when I am doing it.

26 Jul 2011

The only reason I need to desolder is because I got one of the mbeds where the led never fully power off they are allways dimly lit

26 Jul 2011

Lerche wrote:

What LED? 1-4 or Power LED?

All of them all 5 of them:) I am hopeless, as macho as I sound I did not dare put the smd hot gun on her ahhah, the solder iron did not get hot enough alltho its Aoyue repair system tho:(.. So I just stuck err a.. big metal cooking tin on it hahaha:)

I supposed if I could destory the led some how.. but I think the tin should do for now.

26 Jul 2011

Has April 1st came round early this year? Why do you want to remove the blue LEDs?

BTW I know leaded solder is easier to work with but thanks to ROHS it is illegal to use it in industry (unless medical or military applications) so we will all have to get use to it. As Lerche said use a nice hot iron and it's not too bad to work with

26 Jul 2011

Martin Smith wrote:

Has April 1st came round early this year? Why do you want to remove the blue LEDs?

BTW I know leaded solder is easier to work with but thanks to ROHS it is illegal to use it in industry (unless medical or military applications) so we will all have to get use to it. As Lerche said use a nice hot iron and it's not too bad to work with

You obviously did not take the time to even read the thead.. messing wih Circadian rhythm ... Melatonin.. sapping me of all my Vitamin B1.......macular degeneration

But yeah they do help with production of vitamin D and all the other postive effects they can have.. But when I can not turn them off I am gettting overrun with the negative effects when I am sitting here for sometimes as long as 20 hours plus with the led on.. not good.

I am and I am not knocking the Mbed guys this is a 50.. 50 thing here.. and I Could moan about alot of things on a massive scale:)

Too high a tempature can completly ruin the board or traces, hence why lead seems the obvious choice.

26 Jul 2011

Are you telling me that you think the light emitted from the blue LEDs are damaging your health? I haven't heard of this before

26 Jul 2011

No I am telling you Adam and Eve gave us the birds and the Bees.

26 Jul 2011
26 Jul 2011

irreversible is not true:)

27 Jul 2011

Infrared therapy xbox kinect :), coffee, silicon (Wine;)) goji berry, ice sauce:) brewers yeast, Pork.Marmite:)

27 Jul 2011

I recommend this to desolder components from board. Works great. Does not over heat your board.

27 Jul 2011

Yoko Hama wrote:

I recommend this to desolder components from board. Works great. Does not over heat your board.

Ok thanks, pretty god dam senstive to even just the Monitor at the moment, but I will get the last laugh:)

28 Sep 2011

I got some fine nose cutters and just snipped out the LED's

28 Sep 2011

I just turned them off and stuck a metal cookware over the top of it roasting tray:) it's 50/50 with it like everything else its good and its bad:)

when I want some vitamin D I take the tray off, or if I need a little help with reading something but when my eyes have had enough I stick the roasting tray on it

I have always got glasses on tho, to protect my eyes from computer:)

Yeah I know you need to eat meat or your body needs cholesterol before your body will produce vitamin D from the blue led.