Successful interrupt on PB_8 ( it failed on PA_3, any thought?)
InputArray[1] is the state of the inputs.
What is InputArray[0]
Please find here copy of main.cpp
- @file main.cpp
- @author AST/CLs
- @version V1.1.0
- @date February 23rd, 2016
- @brief mbed test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1
- PLC Expansion Board.
- /
/* Includes --------------*/
/* expansion board specific header files. */
- include "x_nucleo_plc01a1_class.h"
- include "rtos.h"
/* Definitions -------------*/
/* Uncomment this for OUTPUT_CYCLING ENABLE */
/* Variables -------------*/
/* Array for input data from Digital Input Termination Device */
uint8_t inputArray[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
/* Array for output data to Solid State Relay */
uint8_t outputArray[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
/* Number of channels in ON state */
uint8_t Ch_On = 0x00;
pulse generator is connected to pin and the thread
implements the pulse counter - can the PLC inputs generate
similar interrupts?
Timer t1;
InterruptIn in(PB_8); (PA_3) not working;
int count = 0;
float t_period = 0; This is the period between interrupts in microseconds
float HZ = 0;
void counter(void )
t_period = t1.read_us(); Get time since last interrupt
HZ = (1/t_period)*1000000; Convert period (in us) to frequency (Hz)
t1.reset(); Reset timer and wait for next interrupt
void print_thread(void const* argument)
while (true){
printf("pulses = %d\nFreq = %.2f\ninArray[0] %.2x\ninArray[1] %.2x\n "\
/* Functions -------------*/
- @brief Receive input data from Digital Input Termination Device
- @param None
- @retval None
- /
void DigitalInputArrayHandler(X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1 &plc)
- @brief Select output function and set outputs
- @param None
- @retval None
- /
void SsrelayHandler(X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1 &plc)
/* Set outputArray as DigInpArray RxBuffer */
outputArray[1] = plc.signalMirror(inputArray[1]);
/* Uncomment the relevant function as required */
outputArray[1] = plc.signalMirror(0xFF);
outputArray[1] = plc.outputFreeze(0xFF,5000);
outputArray[1] = plc.outputRegroup(0xFF);
Ch_On = plc.inputSum(&outputArray[1],0xFF);
outputArray[1] = plc.setOutput(0xFF);
outputArray[1] = plc.inputsAND(0xFF,0x0F);
outputArray[1] = plc.inputsOR(0xF0,0x0F);
outputArray[1] = plc.inputsNOT(0x00);
outputArray[1] = plc.inputsXOR(0xFF,0x00);
/* Parity bits calculation */
/* Send output information to solid state relay */
void setup(SPI &spi, int bits, int mode = 0, int frequency_hz = 1E6)
/* Set given configuration. */
spi.format(bits, mode);
/* Main --------------*/
int main()
/*- Initialization. -*/
/* Initializing SPI bus. */
setup(spi, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_BITS);
/* Initializing X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1 IO Channels Component. */
printf("\n\n* RTOS PLC example *\n");
pulse counter
in.mode(PullDown); Set the pin to Pull Down mode.
in.rise(&counter); Set up the interrupt for rising edge
t1.start(); start the timer
Compiler raises "Deprecated" warning, what is the updated declaration?
Thread thread(print_thread,NULL, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
while(1) {
/* Polling input device to refresh input state */
if(plc.plcInput().GetReadStatus()) {
- else
- endif /* OUTPUT_CYCLING */
Please find here copy of main.cpp
/ ****************
/* Includes
--------------*//* expansion board specific header files. */
/* Definitions
-------------*//* Uncomment this for OUTPUT_CYCLING ENABLE */ #define OUTPUT_CYCLING
/* Variables
-------------*//* Array for input data from Digital Input Termination Device */ uint8_t inputArray[2] = {0x00, 0x00}; /* Array for output data to Solid State Relay */ uint8_t outputArray[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
/* Number of channels in ON state */ uint8_t Ch_On = 0x00;
/*==================================================== pulse generator is connected to pin and the thread implements the pulse counter - can the PLC inputs generate similar interrupts?
Timer t1; InterruptIn in(PB_8); (PA_3) not working; int count = 0; float t_period = 0; This is the period between interrupts in microseconds float HZ = 0;
void counter(void ) { count++; t_period = t1.read_us(); Get time since last interrupt HZ = (1/t_period)*1000000; Convert period (in us) to frequency (Hz) t1.reset(); Reset timer and wait for next interrupt }
void print_thread(void const* argument) { while (true){ Thread::wait(10000); printf("pulses = %d\nFreq = %.2f\ninArray[0] %.2x\ninArray[1] %.2x\n "\ ,count,HZ,inputArray[0],inputArray[1]); fflush(stdout); } }
/* Functions
/* Uncomment the relevant function as required */ outputArray[1] = plc.signalMirror(0xFF); outputArray[1] = plc.outputFreeze(0xFF,5000); outputArray[1] = plc.outputRegroup(0xFF); Ch_On = plc.inputSum(&outputArray[1],0xFF); outputArray[1] = plc.setOutput(0xFF); outputArray[1] = plc.inputsAND(0xFF,0x0F); outputArray[1] = plc.inputsOR(0xF0,0x0F); outputArray[1] = plc.inputsNOT(0x00); outputArray[1] = plc.inputsXOR(0xFF,0x00);
/* Parity bits calculation */ plc.outputParityBits(outputArray);
/* Send output information to solid state relay */ plc.plcOutput().Ssrelay_SetOutput(outputArray); }
void setup(SPI &spi, int bits, int mode = 0, int frequency_hz = 1E6) { /* Set given configuration. */ spi.format(bits, mode); spi.frequency(frequency_hz); }
/* Main
--------------*/int main() { /*
-Initialization.-*//* Initializing SPI bus. */ SPI spi(X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_MOSI, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_MISO, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_SCLK); setup(spi, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_BITS);
/* Initializing X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1 IO Channels Component. */ X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1 plc(X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_CS1, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_SPI_CS2, X_NUCLEO_PLC01A1_PIN_OUT_EN, spi);
printf("\n\n* RTOS PLC example *\n"); pulse counter in.mode(PullDown); Set the pin to Pull Down mode. in.rise(&counter); Set up the interrupt for rising edge t1.start(); start the timer
Compiler raises "Deprecated" warning, what is the updated declaration? Thread thread(print_thread,NULL, osPriorityNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE);
while(1) { plc.plcInput().SetReadStatus(1); /* Polling input device to refresh input state */ if(plc.plcInput().GetReadStatus()) {