while (_repClock.read_ms() < 100); //check to ensure device isn't read more than once every 100 ms
As far as I understand, I can lower the minimum time between reads.
But even "with while (_repClock.read_ms() < 1)" it's still about 0.09 second between the next portion of acceleration data.
According to the datasheet, it should be about 1ms.
Note 2: A quiet time (tq) between messages is required, and 3x( t1 + Tm + Th)+ tq = Ttot. Optimum performance is achieved with a repetition rate of 1ms. Select an appropriate Tclk to meet the requirements of Tm, and then adjust tq to give a Ttot of 1ms.
Is something wrong in my program or I just misunderstood something about this device timing system?
Can I make the time between getting next acceleration value about 0.01 second ?
As far as I understand, I can lower the minimum time between reads. But even "with while (_repClock.read_ms() < 1)" it's still about 0.09 second between the next portion of acceleration data.
According to the datasheet, it should be about 1ms.
Note 2: A quiet time (tq) between messages is required, and 3x( t1 + Tm + Th)+ tq = Ttot. Optimum performance is achieved with a repetition rate of 1ms. Select an appropriate Tclk to meet the requirements of Tm, and then adjust tq to give a Ttot of 1ms.
Is something wrong in my program or I just misunderstood something about this device timing system?
Can I make the time between getting next acceleration value about 0.01 second ?