(Very Minor) Logging in on compiler page doesn't go to compiler

12 Feb 2010


This isn't really a bug, but I've just noticed that if you're browsing the website without being logged in and go to the Compiler page, there is a message saying "the compiler would be here if you logged in", however if you then log in using the link on the top right of the page, it takes you back to that page where you are still prompted to log in. Clicking the Compiler link at the top at this point takes you to the compiler as expected.

Nothing major, but would probably be neater if logging in took you straight to the compiler, or to somewhere else (I guess you couldn't just get directed straight to the compiler as it opens in a new window and would otherwise get blocked as a popup). I did take a moment or two to realise what was going on, and I initially thought my log in had failed (though it is friday afternoon, so I'm not at my sharpest!).

12 Feb 2010

Hi Max,

Thanks for the tip!