Hi again,
Thank you for reporting the issue!
Using your bug report we managed to fix it for other unsuspecting IE7 users.
And about IE7 in general - in IE7-IE9 series, IE7 performs worst of all and while not consuming as much memory as IE9, it's less standards compliant, less secure, the plugin management is almost non-existing, not to mention lack of developer tools, etc.
Upgrading to IE9 is a step forward and you might notice that the Compiler and other websites load noticeably faster (given the memory requirements for IE9 are met) as IE9 uses the graphical acceleration of your video controller if present.
Anyway, thanks again and please don't hesitate to write in the forums or contact us if you find any other issues with the Compiler or other mbed services - we really appreciate it!
The Mbed site seems to work OK with IE9 on Win7, but with my IE7 on Vista, I now (recently) get a LONG delay and then Error on Page status and a IE Error box saying "Out of Memory at Line: 21". Seems to happen when loadig most pages.
This just started recently, after a couple of months of successful Mbed compiliing, etc. on the same Vista system.
Might there be a bug in some of the "new" Java code? Thanks, Gary