Windows 10 serial port driver installation failure

15 Oct 2016


I'm trying to follow the instructions at to get my AT&T iOT kit up and running. The installer is refusing/unable to install the driver.

OS: Windows 10

Filename: mbedWinSerial_16466.exe

After accepting installation for 2 devices from "ARM LLC", mbed (x64) will only produce:

The driver could not be installed

Help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Jay

Note: I previously posted this as a "question", but never heard back, and I really do want to be able to get started with this iOT kit I've got!

28 Oct 2016

Hi Jay,

Sorry for the issues you are having and not getting to you sooner, I'm going to look into this and get back to you!

Edit: So i looked into this, this indeed will not work with Windows 10, However its not needed! Windows 10 already has a serial driver for the purposes so should work fine :)


Andrea, team mbed

28 Oct 2016

Oh wow, that is great news! Thank you so much Andrea I've been checking this thread almost daily because I'm so excited to get started on this project.

Thanks again!!!

Best, Jay