I2C on nucleo F091 not working but the same code on nucleo L152 is ok

26 Jul 2018

I have tried and failed to get a BME280 sensor to work on the nucleo F091rc version. I assumed I had broken board because it worked on a nucleo L152. My shiny new board arrived to replace the broken one. It too does not work.

I put my scope on it and the waveforms look ok for both except for repeated start. It is not present on the F091 board.

The only difference between the two is the target board. So I need help to get arround my problem. It may be a bug in the mbed library. The sensor library used is by Jens Schneider - which does look ok to me.

I could give up on the F091 board and use the L152 board and use an external RTC. However that would not get the problem fixed for others in the future.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

