Export to ZIP not working

07 Apr 2017

Ken Suzuki wrote:

Same here. No mbed_config.h file.


  • import mbed_blinky (https://developer.mbed.org/teams/mbed/code/mbed_blinky/) into Compiler
  • select mbed LPC1768 as platform
  • export the project as Keil uVison5
  • mbed_blinky_uvision5_lpc1768.zip is downloaded.
  • Open the project with uVison5 and build.
  • Then got error: "no source": Error: #5: cannot open source input file "mbed_config.h": No such file or directory

Now I found this issue is fixed. Thank you.

27 Apr 2017

It got re-broken.

Now many of the important (to me, necessary) options are grey-ed out.

And other exports result in "system error, contact support".

I contacted support about this over a month ago - still waiting for a reply

17 May 2017

Is anyone else not able to export to zip file? C027, Firefox, Ubuntu 14.04.

30 May 2017

As an update: support for exporting to zip file has been disabled. It takes too long. It needs to be removed from the compiler options, but it hasn't been. Our solution is to use mbed CLI - https://docs.mbed.com/docs/mbed-os-handbook/en/latest/dev_tools/options/#compiler-versions to clone repositories and move the entire project offline.

16 Aug 2017

Export in Online Compiler is broken.

19 Sep 2017

I can't export a super simple project of HelloWorld caliber to any target (Keil, ARMGCC).

Could we please get someone reponsible from mbed.org to come up and explain what's going on?

24 Sep 2017

Hi Jonne, As you may have noticed, our web team has been rolling out a series of updates to the mbed developer site over the past week and some services were disrupted during domain migration process. All services were brought back online and should be working seamlessly, including the online compiler and its associated functions.

Please feel free to report an issues you may encounter and we will make sure that they get addressed as quickly as possible.

09 Nov 2017

This is still not resolved.. Problems with basic functionality like this are EXACTLY why developers eventually move away from the mbed platform.

11 Nov 2017

You are absolutely right Amit, there are two things that convinced me to move to an alternative IDE, the need to work offline and the need for proper debugging facility. Mbed has its place but the limitations pretty soon force you to move on.

11 Nov 2017

Amit Gandhi wrote:

This is still not resolved.. Problems with basic functionality like this are EXACTLY why developers eventually move away from the mbed platform.

Hi Amit, I'm sorry that you have experienced an issue with the online compiler recently. There may have been intermittent problems affecting the export feature for a specific target/toolchain/IDE combo. With the ever growing target/toolchain/IDE matrix that the online compiler supports, we do react quickly and deploy bug fixes when issues get flagged in our internal testing flows. If you are still experiencing an issue, could you be more specific and provide some more details?

11 Nov 2017

Neil Quigg wrote:

You are absolutely right Amit, there are two things that convinced me to move to an alternative IDE, the need to work offline and the need for proper debugging facility. Mbed has its place but the limitations pretty soon force you to move on.

Hi Neil, For offline IDE and debug, please have a look at the Debugging section of Mbed OS documentation. Besides the ability to export from online compiler, the Mbed CLI command line tool provides a way to export your project offline to a supported IDE/toolchain.


12 Nov 2017

Hi Senthil, I did attempt to go down the export to IDE/toolchain (eclipse) but was never able to successfully compile. Since then we have moved on to a purpose built device using an STM32 device and their system workbench which is also an Eclipse variant. Mbed and Ublox were valuable in the early prototyping stage but our application has evolved considerably and the more specifically targeted tool is advantageous in our case. We also needed more control over the micro so are now avoiding external libraries wherever possible, unfortunately when using generic libraries and working at the hardware level you often find unexpected results.

06 Jan 2018

I cannot believe this has been an issue for years with no resolution. A lot of work I have done is down the drain. I used the online compiler and got my application running well albeit with high current consumption. Investigating I found the online compiler only creates a debug build and I have to switch to CLI to do a release build. I have spent a couple days now learning and installing and debugging the CLI. I exported my application to the ARM_GCC compiler but compiling complains of missing tools. So I did a full repository export and ran into the problem noted in this thread.

So now I am finding I have to scrap mbed altogether and redevelop because the product is buggy. I wish I had known this some time ago. This is when free really doesn't mean free. So sad. Anyone know of a solution?

06 Jan 2018

Can anyone tell me a good os alternative for ARM m4 using Nordic nrF52382 with similar capability to abstract the hardware?

22 Feb 2018

I have started with DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo and extended the sample it with MBED-OS threads, a command console and a HTTP Server, everything works fine with compiling and downloading, but there is no way do a export to any Tool-Chain

There comes always an Error Message Box saying: "An error ocured during export. Please contact support" [ Ok ]

- No more information? - The same Error is for every Toolchain - How or where can I contact "support"

Please I could need some help


23 Feb 2018

If one has the mbed-cli installed on a local system an alternative is to import the project into your local system instead of exporting it from the MBED web ide.

set your working directory to the location where you want the project on your local system and issue the following command

mbed import <web project-url> where web-project-url is the url found in the upper right corner of the web page when the project is opened in your online MBED ide,

This technique has worked for me in many cases when export failed

Download of course is much slower than with a zip export

24 Feb 2018

Thank you for the hint to use the mbed-cli, unfortunately it is not working either:

> ERROR: Unable to clone repository


/workspace $ mbed import https://os.mbed.com/compiler/#nav:/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo; [mbed] Importing program "DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo" from "https://os.mbed.com/compiler/#nav:/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo" at latest revision in the current branch [mbed] ERROR: Unable to clone repository (https://os.mbed.com/compiler/#nav:/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo)

- - -

/workspace $


Any Idea for the reason? Is the path be correct? (this the URL shown webbrowser, containing: ...compiler/#nav:/... ?)

Best regards Peter

28 Feb 2018


The problem is the URL you where using

The URL needs to be the Mercurial repository URL for the project and not the URL of your online browser compiler page I,e,

mbed import http://os.mbed.com/teams/ST/code/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo/

not mbed import https://os.mbed.com/compiler/#nav:/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo/ The proper command can be found in the popup window opened by clicking on the import into cli button on the project's web page /media/uploads/Roietronics/mbed_import.jpg

28 Feb 2018


Here's a working example

E:\Users\GlobalQuality\Documents>mbed import http://os.mbed.com/teams/ST/code/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo/ [mbed] Importing program "DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo" from "https://os.mbed.com/teams/ST/code/DISCO-F769NI_LCD_demo" at latest revision i n the current branch [mbed] Adding library "BSP_DISCO_F769NI" from "https://mbed.org/teams/ST/code/BSP_DISCO_F769NI" at rev #3e58f8a39705 [mbed] Adding library "LCD_DISCO_F769NI" from "https://mbed.org/teams/ST/code/LCD_DISCO_F769NI" at rev #fd7c63b20d54 [mbed] Adding library "mbed" from "https://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/builds" at rev #86740a56073b [mbed] Downloading library build "86740a56073b" (might take a minute)