Offline export to LPCXpresso broken for LPC1768?

29 Apr 2014


I'm trying to export my source code to an offline compiler in order to fix the problem that exists with the NVIC_SetVector function when using your application code with a secondary boot loader (the function incorrectly assumes that the SCB->VTOR is always set to 0x00 when running an application and this is not the case when using a secondary bootloader).

Problem: I get 'unsupported toolchain' when I select 'LPCXpresso' as a target to export to. Other toolchains seem to be working. I tried it with both the most recent version of the mbed-src lib and the regular mbed lib.

I tried it also with a basic example program (blinky) and both in beta and in non-beta mode of the user interface. The behavior is identical.

Is there something I'm missing or is the LPCXpresso export option temporarily disabled?

Best regards, Lieven.

29 Apr 2014

Update: apparently this was a temporary problem. Tonight the export option to LPCXpresso works fine.

Could this be related to a recent commit to the mbed repo (is there some build process that needs to be run after a commit is made before the tool export option works again?).

Best regards, Lieven.