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Data Structures

struct  LlRtCfg_t
 LL runtime configuration parameters. More...


void LlGetDefaultRunTimeCfg (LlRtCfg_t *pCfg)
 Get default runtime configuration values. More...
void LlInitRunTimeCfg (const LlRtCfg_t *pCfg)
 Initialize runtime configuration. More...
uint16_t LlInitConnMem (uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize)
 Initialize memory for connections. More...
uint16_t LlInitExtAdvMem (uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize)
 Initialize memory for extended advertising. More...
uint16_t LlInitExtScanMem (uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize)
 Initialize memory for extended scanning. More...
void LlAdvSlaveInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an advertising slave. More...
void LlExtAdvSlaveInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended advertising slave. More...
void LlConnSlaveInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable slave. More...
void LlEncConnSlaveInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave. More...
void LlScanMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a scanning master. More...
void LlExtScanMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended scanning master. More...
void LlInitMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an initiating master. More...
void LlExtInitMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an extended initiating master. More...
void LlConnMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable master. More...
void LlEncConnMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave. More...
void LlPrivInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation with privacy. More...
void LlScInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections. More...
void LlPhySlaveInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (slave). More...
void LlPhyMasterInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (master). More...
void LlChannelSelection2Init (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections. More...
void LlTestInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for test modes. More...
void LlHandlerInit (wsfHandlerId_t handlerId)
 Initialize LL subsystem with task handler. More...
void LlPowerControlInit (void)
 Initialize LL subsystem for operation for power control. More...
void LlHandler (wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
 LL message dispatch handler. More...
void LlReset (void)
 Reset LL subsystem. More...
void LlEvtRegister (llEvtCback_t evtCback)
 Register LL event handler. More...
void LlAclRegister (llAclCback_t sendCompCback, llAclCback_t recvPendCback)
 Register ACL handler. More...
void LlIsoRegister (llIsoCback_t sendIsoCompCback, llIsoCback_t recvIsoPendCback)
 Register ISO handler. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void LlAclRegister ( llAclCback_t  sendCompCback,
llAclCback_t  recvPendCback 

Register ACL handler.

sendCompCbackClient ACL send complete callback function.
recvPendCbackClient ACL receive pending callback function.

This function is called by a client to register for ACL data.

void LlAdvSlaveInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an advertising slave.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising slave.

void LlChannelSelection2Init ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for secure connections.

void LlConnMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable master.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a scanning and initiating master.

void LlConnSlaveInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable slave.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and connectable slave.

void LlEncConnMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and encryptable connectable slave.

void LlEncConnSlaveInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and encryptable connectable slave.

void LlEvtRegister ( llEvtCback_t  evtCback)

Register LL event handler.

evtCbackClient callback function.

This function is called by a client to register for LL events.

void LlExtAdvSlaveInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended advertising slave.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an extended advertising slave.

void LlExtInitMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an extended initiating master.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an initiating master.

void LlExtScanMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended scanning master.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an extended scanning master.

void LlGetDefaultRunTimeCfg ( LlRtCfg_t pCfg)

Get default runtime configuration values.

pCfgPointer to runtime configuration parameters.

This function returns default value for the LL subsystem's runtime configurations.

void LlHandler ( wsfEventMask_t  event,
wsfMsgHdr_t pMsg 

LL message dispatch handler.

eventWSF event.
pMsgWSF message.
void LlHandlerInit ( wsfHandlerId_t  handlerId)

Initialize LL subsystem with task handler.

handlerIdWSF handler ID.

This function initializes the LL subsystem. It is called once upon system initialization. It must be called before any other function in the LL API is called.

uint16_t LlInitConnMem ( uint8_t *  pFreeMem,
uint32_t  freeMemSize 

Initialize memory for connections.

pFreeMemPointer to free memory.
freeMemSizeSize of pFreeMem.
Amount of free memory consumed.

This function allocates memory for connections.

This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any other initialization routines.
uint16_t LlInitExtAdvMem ( uint8_t *  pFreeMem,
uint32_t  freeMemSize 

Initialize memory for extended advertising.

pFreeMemPointer to free memory.
freeMemSizeSize of pFreeMem.
Amount of free memory consumed.

This function allocates memory for extended advertising.

This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any other initialization routines.
uint16_t LlInitExtScanMem ( uint8_t *  pFreeMem,
uint32_t  freeMemSize 

Initialize memory for extended scanning.

pFreeMemPointer to free memory.
freeMemSizeSize of pFreeMem.
Amount of free memory consumed.

This function allocates memory for extended scanning.

This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any other initialization routines.
void LlInitMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an initiating master.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an initiating master.

void LlInitRunTimeCfg ( const LlRtCfg_t pCfg)

Initialize runtime configuration.

pCfgPointer to runtime configuration parameters (data must be static).

This function initializes the LL subsystem's runtime configuration.

This routine must be called only once before any other initialization routines.
void LlIsoRegister ( llIsoCback_t  sendIsoCompCback,
llIsoCback_t  recvIsoPendCback 

Register ISO handler.

sendIsoCompCbackClient ISO send complete callback function.
recvIsoPendCbackClient ISO receive pending callback function.

This function is called by a client to register for ISO data.

void LlPhyMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (master).

This function initializes the LL subsystem for master PHY features.

void LlPhySlaveInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (slave).

This function initializes the LL subsystem for slave PHY features.

void LlPowerControlInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation for power control.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for power control.

void LlPrivInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation with privacy.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use with privacy.

void LlReset ( void  )

Reset LL subsystem.

Reset the LL subsystem. All active connections are closed and all radio procedures such as scanning or advertising are terminated.

void LlScanMasterInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a scanning master.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a scanning master.

void LlScInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for secure connections.

void LlTestInit ( void  )

Initialize LL subsystem for test modes.

This function initializes the LL subsystem for test modes.

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