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1 /*
2  * The little filesystem
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2017, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
7 #ifndef LFS_H
8 #define LFS_H
10 #include <stdint.h>
11 #include <stdbool.h>
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C"
15 {
16 #endif
19 /// Version info ///
21 // Software library version
22 // Major (top-nibble), incremented on backwards incompatible changes
23 // Minor (bottom-nibble), incremented on feature additions
24 #define LFS_VERSION 0x00010007
25 #define LFS_VERSION_MAJOR (0xffff & (LFS_VERSION >> 16))
26 #define LFS_VERSION_MINOR (0xffff & (LFS_VERSION >> 0))
28 // Version of On-disk data structures
29 // Major (top-nibble), incremented on backwards incompatible changes
30 // Minor (bottom-nibble), incremented on feature additions
31 #define LFS_DISK_VERSION 0x00010001
32 #define LFS_DISK_VERSION_MAJOR (0xffff & (LFS_DISK_VERSION >> 16))
33 #define LFS_DISK_VERSION_MINOR (0xffff & (LFS_DISK_VERSION >> 0))
36 /// Definitions ///
38 // Type definitions
39 typedef uint32_t lfs_size_t;
40 typedef uint32_t lfs_off_t;
42 typedef int32_t lfs_ssize_t;
43 typedef int32_t lfs_soff_t;
45 typedef uint32_t lfs_block_t;
47 // Max name size in bytes
48 #ifndef LFS_NAME_MAX
49 #define LFS_NAME_MAX 255
50 #endif
52 // Max file size in bytes
53 #ifndef LFS_FILE_MAX
54 #define LFS_FILE_MAX 2147483647
55 #endif
57 // Possible error codes, these are negative to allow
58 // valid positive return values
59 enum lfs_error {
60  LFS_ERR_OK = 0, // No error
61  LFS_ERR_IO = -5, // Error during device operation
62  LFS_ERR_CORRUPT = -52, // Corrupted
63  LFS_ERR_NOENT = -2, // No directory entry
64  LFS_ERR_EXIST = -17, // Entry already exists
65  LFS_ERR_NOTDIR = -20, // Entry is not a dir
66  LFS_ERR_ISDIR = -21, // Entry is a dir
67  LFS_ERR_NOTEMPTY = -39, // Dir is not empty
68  LFS_ERR_BADF = -9, // Bad file number
69  LFS_ERR_FBIG = -27, // File too large
70  LFS_ERR_INVAL = -22, // Invalid parameter
71  LFS_ERR_NOSPC = -28, // No space left on device
72  LFS_ERR_NOMEM = -12, // No more memory available
73 };
75 // File types
76 enum lfs_type {
77  LFS_TYPE_REG = 0x11,
78  LFS_TYPE_DIR = 0x22,
80 };
82 // File open flags
83 enum lfs_open_flags {
84  // open flags
85  LFS_O_RDONLY = 1, // Open a file as read only
86  LFS_O_WRONLY = 2, // Open a file as write only
87  LFS_O_RDWR = 3, // Open a file as read and write
88  LFS_O_CREAT = 0x0100, // Create a file if it does not exist
89  LFS_O_EXCL = 0x0200, // Fail if a file already exists
90  LFS_O_TRUNC = 0x0400, // Truncate the existing file to zero size
91  LFS_O_APPEND = 0x0800, // Move to end of file on every write
93  // internally used flags
94  LFS_F_DIRTY = 0x10000, // File does not match storage
95  LFS_F_WRITING = 0x20000, // File has been written since last flush
96  LFS_F_READING = 0x40000, // File has been read since last flush
97  LFS_F_ERRED = 0x80000, // An error occurred during write
98 };
100 // File seek flags
101 enum lfs_whence_flags {
102  LFS_SEEK_SET = 0, // Seek relative to an absolute position
103  LFS_SEEK_CUR = 1, // Seek relative to the current file position
104  LFS_SEEK_END = 2, // Seek relative to the end of the file
105 };
108 // Configuration provided during initialization of the littlefs
109 struct lfs_config {
110  // Opaque user provided context that can be used to pass
111  // information to the block device operations
112  void *context;
114  // Read a region in a block. Negative error codes are propogated
115  // to the user.
116  int (*read)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block,
117  lfs_off_t off, void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
119  // Program a region in a block. The block must have previously
120  // been erased. Negative error codes are propogated to the user.
121  // May return LFS_ERR_CORRUPT if the block should be considered bad.
122  int (*prog)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block,
123  lfs_off_t off, const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
125  // Erase a block. A block must be erased before being programmed.
126  // The state of an erased block is undefined. Negative error codes
127  // are propogated to the user.
128  // May return LFS_ERR_CORRUPT if the block should be considered bad.
129  int (*erase)(const struct lfs_config *c, lfs_block_t block);
131  // Sync the state of the underlying block device. Negative error codes
132  // are propogated to the user.
133  int (*sync)(const struct lfs_config *c);
135  // Minimum size of a block read. This determines the size of read buffers.
136  // This may be larger than the physical read size to improve performance
137  // by caching more of the block device.
138  lfs_size_t read_size;
140  // Minimum size of a block program. This determines the size of program
141  // buffers. This may be larger than the physical program size to improve
142  // performance by caching more of the block device.
143  // Must be a multiple of the read size.
144  lfs_size_t prog_size;
146  // Size of an erasable block. This does not impact ram consumption and
147  // may be larger than the physical erase size. However, this should be
148  // kept small as each file currently takes up an entire block.
149  // Must be a multiple of the program size.
150  lfs_size_t block_size;
152  // Number of erasable blocks on the device.
153  lfs_size_t block_count;
155  // Number of blocks to lookahead during block allocation. A larger
156  // lookahead reduces the number of passes required to allocate a block.
157  // The lookahead buffer requires only 1 bit per block so it can be quite
158  // large with little ram impact. Should be a multiple of 32.
159  lfs_size_t lookahead;
161  // Optional, statically allocated read buffer. Must be read sized.
162  void *read_buffer;
164  // Optional, statically allocated program buffer. Must be program sized.
165  void *prog_buffer;
167  // Optional, statically allocated lookahead buffer. Must be 1 bit per
168  // lookahead block.
169  void *lookahead_buffer;
171  // Optional, statically allocated buffer for files. Must be program sized.
172  // If enabled, only one file may be opened at a time.
173  void *file_buffer;
174 };
176 // Optional configuration provided during lfs_file_opencfg
178  // Optional, statically allocated buffer for files. Must be program sized.
179  // If NULL, malloc will be used by default.
180  void *buffer;
181 };
183 // File info structure
184 struct lfs_info {
185  // Type of the file, either LFS_TYPE_REG or LFS_TYPE_DIR
186  uint8_t type;
188  // Size of the file, only valid for REG files
189  lfs_size_t size;
191  // Name of the file stored as a null-terminated string
192  char name[LFS_NAME_MAX+1];
193 };
196 /// littlefs data structures ///
197 typedef struct lfs_entry {
198  lfs_off_t off;
200  struct lfs_disk_entry {
201  uint8_t type;
202  uint8_t elen;
203  uint8_t alen;
204  uint8_t nlen;
205  union {
206  struct {
207  lfs_block_t head;
208  lfs_size_t size;
209  } file;
210  lfs_block_t dir[2];
211  } u;
212  } d;
213 } lfs_entry_t;
215 typedef struct lfs_cache {
216  lfs_block_t block;
217  lfs_off_t off;
218  uint8_t *buffer;
219 } lfs_cache_t;
221 typedef struct lfs_file {
222  struct lfs_file *next;
223  lfs_block_t pair[2];
224  lfs_off_t poff;
226  lfs_block_t head;
227  lfs_size_t size;
229  const struct lfs_file_config *cfg;
230  uint32_t flags;
231  lfs_off_t pos;
232  lfs_block_t block;
233  lfs_off_t off;
234  lfs_cache_t cache;
235 } lfs_file_t;
237 typedef struct lfs_dir {
238  struct lfs_dir *next;
239  lfs_block_t pair[2];
240  lfs_off_t off;
242  lfs_block_t head[2];
243  lfs_off_t pos;
245  struct lfs_disk_dir {
246  uint32_t rev;
247  lfs_size_t size;
248  lfs_block_t tail[2];
249  } d;
250 } lfs_dir_t;
252 typedef struct lfs_superblock {
253  lfs_off_t off;
256  uint8_t type;
257  uint8_t elen;
258  uint8_t alen;
259  uint8_t nlen;
260  lfs_block_t root[2];
261  uint32_t block_size;
262  uint32_t block_count;
263  uint32_t version;
264  char magic[8];
265  } d;
268 typedef struct lfs_free {
269  lfs_block_t off;
270  lfs_block_t size;
271  lfs_block_t i;
272  lfs_block_t ack;
273  uint32_t *buffer;
274 } lfs_free_t;
276 // The littlefs type
277 typedef struct lfs {
278  const struct lfs_config *cfg;
280  lfs_block_t root[2];
281  lfs_file_t *files;
282  lfs_dir_t *dirs;
284  lfs_cache_t rcache;
285  lfs_cache_t pcache;
287  lfs_free_t free;
288  bool deorphaned;
289  bool moving;
290 } lfs_t;
293 /// Filesystem functions ///
295 // Format a block device with the littlefs
296 //
297 // Requires a littlefs object and config struct. This clobbers the littlefs
298 // object, and does not leave the filesystem mounted. The config struct must
299 // be zeroed for defaults and backwards compatibility.
300 //
301 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
302 int lfs_format(lfs_t *lfs, const struct lfs_config *config);
304 // Mounts a littlefs
305 //
306 // Requires a littlefs object and config struct. Multiple filesystems
307 // may be mounted simultaneously with multiple littlefs objects. Both
308 // lfs and config must be allocated while mounted. The config struct must
309 // be zeroed for defaults and backwards compatibility.
310 //
311 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
312 int lfs_mount(lfs_t *lfs, const struct lfs_config *config);
314 // Unmounts a littlefs
315 //
316 // Does nothing besides releasing any allocated resources.
317 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
318 int lfs_unmount(lfs_t *lfs);
320 /// General operations ///
322 // Removes a file or directory
323 //
324 // If removing a directory, the directory must be empty.
325 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
326 int lfs_remove(lfs_t *lfs, const char *path);
328 // Rename or move a file or directory
329 //
330 // If the destination exists, it must match the source in type.
331 // If the destination is a directory, the directory must be empty.
332 //
333 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
334 int lfs_rename(lfs_t *lfs, const char *oldpath, const char *newpath);
336 // Find info about a file or directory
337 //
338 // Fills out the info structure, based on the specified file or directory.
339 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
340 int lfs_stat(lfs_t *lfs, const char *path, struct lfs_info *info);
343 /// File operations ///
345 // Open a file
346 //
347 // The mode that the file is opened in is determined by the flags, which
348 // are values from the enum lfs_open_flags that are bitwise-ored together.
349 //
350 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
351 int lfs_file_open(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file,
352  const char *path, int flags);
354 // Open a file with extra configuration
355 //
356 // The mode that the file is opened in is determined by the flags, which
357 // are values from the enum lfs_open_flags that are bitwise-ored together.
358 //
359 // The config struct provides additional config options per file as described
360 // above. The config struct must be allocated while the file is open, and the
361 // config struct must be zeroed for defaults and backwards compatibility.
362 //
363 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
364 int lfs_file_opencfg(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file,
365  const char *path, int flags,
366  const struct lfs_file_config *config);
368 // Close a file
369 //
370 // Any pending writes are written out to storage as though
371 // sync had been called and releases any allocated resources.
372 //
373 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
374 int lfs_file_close(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file);
376 // Synchronize a file on storage
377 //
378 // Any pending writes are written out to storage.
379 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
380 int lfs_file_sync(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file);
382 // Read data from file
383 //
384 // Takes a buffer and size indicating where to store the read data.
385 // Returns the number of bytes read, or a negative error code on failure.
386 lfs_ssize_t lfs_file_read(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file,
387  void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
389 // Write data to file
390 //
391 // Takes a buffer and size indicating the data to write. The file will not
392 // actually be updated on the storage until either sync or close is called.
393 //
394 // Returns the number of bytes written, or a negative error code on failure.
395 lfs_ssize_t lfs_file_write(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file,
396  const void *buffer, lfs_size_t size);
398 // Change the position of the file
399 //
400 // The change in position is determined by the offset and whence flag.
401 // Returns the old position of the file, or a negative error code on failure.
402 lfs_soff_t lfs_file_seek(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file,
403  lfs_soff_t off, int whence);
405 // Truncates the size of the file to the specified size
406 //
407 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
408 int lfs_file_truncate(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file, lfs_off_t size);
410 // Return the position of the file
411 //
412 // Equivalent to lfs_file_seek(lfs, file, 0, LFS_SEEK_CUR)
413 // Returns the position of the file, or a negative error code on failure.
414 lfs_soff_t lfs_file_tell(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file);
416 // Change the position of the file to the beginning of the file
417 //
418 // Equivalent to lfs_file_seek(lfs, file, 0, LFS_SEEK_CUR)
419 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
420 int lfs_file_rewind(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file);
422 // Return the size of the file
423 //
424 // Similar to lfs_file_seek(lfs, file, 0, LFS_SEEK_END)
425 // Returns the size of the file, or a negative error code on failure.
426 lfs_soff_t lfs_file_size(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_file_t *file);
429 /// Directory operations ///
431 // Create a directory
432 //
433 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
434 int lfs_mkdir(lfs_t *lfs, const char *path);
436 // Open a directory
437 //
438 // Once open a directory can be used with read to iterate over files.
439 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
440 int lfs_dir_open(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir, const char *path);
442 // Close a directory
443 //
444 // Releases any allocated resources.
445 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
446 int lfs_dir_close(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir);
448 // Read an entry in the directory
449 //
450 // Fills out the info structure, based on the specified file or directory.
451 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
452 int lfs_dir_read(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir, struct lfs_info *info);
454 // Change the position of the directory
455 //
456 // The new off must be a value previous returned from tell and specifies
457 // an absolute offset in the directory seek.
458 //
459 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
460 int lfs_dir_seek(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir, lfs_off_t off);
462 // Return the position of the directory
463 //
464 // The returned offset is only meant to be consumed by seek and may not make
465 // sense, but does indicate the current position in the directory iteration.
466 //
467 // Returns the position of the directory, or a negative error code on failure.
468 lfs_soff_t lfs_dir_tell(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir);
470 // Change the position of the directory to the beginning of the directory
471 //
472 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
473 int lfs_dir_rewind(lfs_t *lfs, lfs_dir_t *dir);
476 /// Miscellaneous littlefs specific operations ///
478 // Traverse through all blocks in use by the filesystem
479 //
480 // The provided callback will be called with each block address that is
481 // currently in use by the filesystem. This can be used to determine which
482 // blocks are in use or how much of the storage is available.
483 //
484 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
485 int lfs_traverse(lfs_t *lfs, int (*cb)(void*, lfs_block_t), void *data);
487 // Prunes any recoverable errors that may have occurred in the filesystem
488 //
489 // Not needed to be called by user unless an operation is interrupted
490 // but the filesystem is still mounted. This is already called on first
491 // allocation.
492 //
493 // Returns a negative error code on failure.
494 int lfs_deorphan(lfs_t *lfs);
497 #ifdef __cplusplus
498 } /* extern "C" */
499 #endif
501 #endif
Definition: lfs.h:221
The key size.
Definition: lfs.h:184
Definition: lfs.h:200
Definition: lfs.h:237
littlefs data structures ///
Definition: lfs.h:197
Definition: lfs.h:215
Definition: lfs.h:277
Definition: lfs.h:268
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