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1 /**
2  ******************************************************************************
3  * @file shci_tl.h
4  * @author MCD Application Team
5  * @brief System HCI command header for the system channel
6  ******************************************************************************
7  * @attention
8  *
9  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
10  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
11  *
12  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
13  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
14  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
15  * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
16  *
17  ******************************************************************************
18  */
21 #ifndef __SHCI_TL_H_
22 #define __SHCI_TL_H_
24 #ifdef __cplusplus
25 extern "C" {
26 #endif
28 #include "tl.h"
30 /* Exported defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
31 typedef enum
32 {
33  SHCI_TL_UserEventFlow_Disable,
34  SHCI_TL_UserEventFlow_Enable,
35 } SHCI_TL_UserEventFlowStatus_t;
37 typedef enum
38 {
39  SHCI_TL_CmdBusy,
40  SHCI_TL_CmdAvailable
41 } SHCI_TL_CmdStatus_t;
43 /**
44  * @brief Structure used to manage the BUS IO operations.
45  * All the structure fields will point to functions defined at user level.
46  * @{
47  */
48 typedef struct
49 {
50  int32_t (* Init) (void* pConf); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus initialization */
51  int32_t (* DeInit) (void); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus de-initialization */
52  int32_t (* Reset) (void); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus reset */
53  int32_t (* Receive) (uint8_t*, uint16_t); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus data reception */
54  int32_t (* Send) (uint8_t*, uint16_t); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus data transmission */
55  int32_t (* DataAck) (uint8_t*, uint16_t* len); /**< Pointer to SHCI TL function for the IO Bus data ack reception */
56  int32_t (* GetTick) (void); /**< Pointer to BSP function for getting the HAL time base timestamp */
57 } tSHciIO;
58 /**
59  * @}
60  */
62 /**
63  * @brief Contain the SHCI context
64  * @{
65  */
66 typedef struct
67 {
68  tSHciIO io; /**< Manage the BUS IO operations */
69  void (* UserEvtRx) (void * pData); /**< User System events callback function pointer */
70 } tSHciContext;
72 typedef struct
73 {
74  SHCI_TL_UserEventFlowStatus_t status;
75  TL_EvtPacket_t *pckt;
78 typedef struct
79 {
80  uint8_t *p_cmdbuffer;
81  void (* StatusNotCallBack) (SHCI_TL_CmdStatus_t status);
84 /**
85  * shci_send
86  * @brief Send an System HCI Command
87  *
88  * @param : cmd_code = Opcode of the command
89  * @param : len_cmd_payload = Length of the command payload
90  * @param : p_cmd_payload = Address of the command payload
91  * @param : p_rsp_status = Address of the full buffer holding the command complete event
92  * @retval : None
93  */
94 void shci_send( uint16_t cmd_code, uint8_t len_cmd_payload, uint8_t * p_cmd_payload, TL_EvtPacket_t * p_rsp_status );
96 /**
97  * @brief Register IO bus services.
98  * @param fops The SHCI IO structure managing the IO BUS
99  * @retval None
100  */
101 void shci_register_io_bus(tSHciIO* fops);
103 /**
104  * @brief Interrupt service routine that must be called when the system channel
105  * reports a packet has been received
106  *
107  * @param pdata Packet or event pointer
108  * @retval None
109  */
110 void shci_notify_asynch_evt(void* pdata);
112 /**
113  * @brief This function resume the User Event Flow which has been stopped on return
114  * from UserEvtRx() when the User Event has not been processed.
115  *
116  * @param None
117  * @retval None
118  */
119 void shci_resume_flow(void);
122 /**
123  * @brief This function is called when an System HCI Command is sent to the CPU2 and the response is waited.
124  * It is called from the same context the System HCI command has been sent.
125  * It shall not return until the command response notified by shci_cmd_resp_release() is received.
126  * A weak implementation is available in shci_tl.c based on polling mechanism
127  * The user may re-implement this function in the application to improve performance :
128  * - It may use UTIL_SEQ_WaitEvt() API when using the Sequencer
129  * - It may use a semaphore when using cmsis_os interface
130  *
131  * @param timeout: Waiting timeout
132  * @retval None
133  */
134 void shci_cmd_resp_wait(uint32_t timeout);
136 /**
137  * @brief This function is called when an System HCI command is received from the CPU2.
138  * A weak implementation is available in shci_tl.c based on polling mechanism
139  * The user may re-implement this function in the application to improve performance :
140  * - It may use UTIL_SEQ_SetEvt() API when using the Sequencer
141  * - It may use a semaphore when using cmsis_os interface
142  *
143  *
144  * @param flag: Release flag
145  * @retval None
146  */
147 void shci_cmd_resp_release(uint32_t flag);
150 /**
151  * @brief This process shall be called each time the shci_notify_asynch_evt notification is received
152  *
153  * @param None
154  * @retval None
155  */
157 void shci_user_evt_proc(void);
159 /**
160  * @brief Initialize the System Host Controller Interface.
161  * This function must be called before any communication on the System Channel
162  *
163  * @param pData: System events callback function pointer
164  * This callback is triggered when an user event is received on
165  * the System Channel from CPU2.
166  * @param pConf: Configuration structure pointer
167  * @retval None
168  */
169 void shci_init(void(* UserEvtRx)(void* pData), void* pConf);
171 #ifdef __cplusplus
172 }
173 #endif
175 #endif /* __SHCI_TL_H_ */
Structure used to manage the BUS IO operations.
Definition: shci_tl.h:48
void shci_register_io_bus(tSHciIO *fops)
Register IO bus services.
void shci_resume_flow(void)
This function resume the User Event Flow which has been stopped on return from UserEvtRx() when the U...
void shci_send(uint16_t cmd_code, uint8_t len_cmd_payload, uint8_t *p_cmd_payload, TL_EvtPacket_t *p_rsp_status)
void shci_user_evt_proc(void)
This process shall be called each time the shci_notify_asynch_evt notification is received...
void shci_notify_asynch_evt(void *pdata)
Interrupt service routine that must be called when the system channel reports a packet has been recei...
Contain the SHCI context.
Definition: shci_tl.h:66
tSHciIO io
Manage the BUS IO operations.
Definition: shci_tl.h:68
Header for tl module.
void shci_init(void(*UserEvtRx)(void *pData), void *pConf)
Initialize the System Host Controller Interface.
void shci_cmd_resp_wait(uint32_t timeout)
This function is called when an System HCI Command is sent to the CPU2 and the response is waited...
void shci_cmd_resp_release(uint32_t flag)
This function is called when an System HCI command is received from the CPU2.
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