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1 /*
2  * PSA crypto support for secure element drivers
3  */
4 /* Copyright (C) 2019, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
8  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
15  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  *
19  * This file is part of Mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org)
20  */
22 #ifndef PSA_CRYPTO_SE_H
23 #define PSA_CRYPTO_SE_H
25 #if !defined(MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE)
26 #include "mbedtls/config.h"
27 #else
29 #endif
31 #include "psa/crypto.h"
32 #include "psa/crypto_se_driver.h"
34 /** The maximum lifetime value that this implementation supports
35  * for a secure element.
36  *
37  * This is not a characteristic that each PSA implementation has, but a
38  * limitation of the current implementation due to the constraints imposed
39  * by storage. See #PSA_CRYPTO_SE_DRIVER_ITS_UID_BASE.
40  *
41  * The minimum lifetime value for a secure element is 2, like on any
42  * PSA implementation (0=volatile and 1=internal-storage are taken).
43  */
44 #define PSA_MAX_SE_LIFETIME 255
46 /** The base of the range of ITS file identifiers for secure element
47  * driver persistent data.
48  *
49  * We use a slice of the implemenation reserved range 0xffff0000..0xffffffff,
50  * specifically the range 0xfffffe00..0xfffffeff. The length of this range
51  * drives the value of #PSA_MAX_SE_LIFETIME.
52  * The identifiers 0xfffffe00 and 0xfffffe01 are actually not used since
53  * they correspond to #PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_VOLATILE and
54  * #PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT which don't have a driver.
55  */
56 #define PSA_CRYPTO_SE_DRIVER_ITS_UID_BASE ( (psa_key_id_t) 0xfffffe00 )
58 /** The maximum number of registered secure element driver lifetimes. */
59 #define PSA_MAX_SE_DRIVERS 4
61 /** Unregister all secure element drivers.
62  *
63  * \warning Do not call this function while the library is in the initialized
64  * state. This function is only intended to be called at the end
65  * of mbedtls_psa_crypto_free().
66  */
67 void psa_unregister_all_se_drivers( void );
69 /** Initialize all secure element drivers.
70  *
71  * Called from psa_crypto_init().
72  */
73 psa_status_t psa_init_all_se_drivers( void );
75 /** A structure that describes a registered secure element driver.
76  *
77  * A secure element driver table entry contains a pointer to the
78  * driver's method table as well as the driver context structure.
79  */
80 typedef struct psa_se_drv_table_entry_s psa_se_drv_table_entry_t;
82 /** Return the secure element driver information for a lifetime value.
83  *
84  * \param lifetime The lifetime value to query.
85  * \param[out] p_methods On output, if there is a driver,
86  * \c *methods points to its method table.
87  * Otherwise \c *methods is \c NULL.
88  * \param[out] p_drv_context On output, if there is a driver,
89  * \c *drv_context points to its context
90  * structure.
91  * Otherwise \c *drv_context is \c NULL.
92  *
93  * \retval 1
94  * \p lifetime corresponds to a registered driver.
95  * \retval 0
96  * \p lifetime does not correspond to a registered driver.
97  */
98 int psa_get_se_driver( psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime,
99  const psa_drv_se_t **p_methods,
100  psa_drv_se_context_t **p_drv_context);
102 /** Return the secure element driver table entry for a lifetime value.
103  *
104  * \param lifetime The lifetime value to query.
105  *
106  * \return The driver table entry for \p lifetime, or
107  * \p NULL if \p lifetime does not correspond to a registered driver.
108  */
109 psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *psa_get_se_driver_entry(
110  psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime );
112 /** Return the method table for a secure element driver.
113  *
114  * \param[in] driver The driver table entry to access, or \c NULL.
115  *
116  * \return The driver's method table.
117  * \c NULL if \p driver is \c NULL.
118  */
119 const psa_drv_se_t *psa_get_se_driver_methods(
120  const psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver );
122 /** Return the context of a secure element driver.
123  *
124  * \param[in] driver The driver table entry to access, or \c NULL.
125  *
126  * \return A pointer to the driver context.
127  * \c NULL if \p driver is \c NULL.
128  */
129 psa_drv_se_context_t *psa_get_se_driver_context(
130  psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver );
132 /** Find a free slot for a key that is to be created.
133  *
134  * This function calls the relevant method in the driver to find a suitable
135  * slot for a key with the given attributes.
136  *
137  * \param[in] attributes Metadata about the key that is about to be created.
138  * \param[in] driver The driver table entry to query.
139  * \param[out] slot_number On success, a slot number that is free in this
140  * secure element.
141  */
142 psa_status_t psa_find_se_slot_for_key(
143  const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
145  psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver,
146  psa_key_slot_number_t *slot_number );
148 /** Destoy a key in a secure element.
149  *
150  * This function calls the relevant driver method to destroy a key
151  * and updates the driver's persistent data.
152  */
153 psa_status_t psa_destroy_se_key( psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver,
154  psa_key_slot_number_t slot_number );
156 /** Load the persistent data of a secure element driver.
157  *
158  * \param driver The driver table entry containing the persistent
159  * data to load from storage.
160  */
161 psa_status_t psa_load_se_persistent_data(
162  const psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver );
164 /** Save the persistent data of a secure element driver.
165  *
166  * \param[in] driver The driver table entry containing the persistent
167  * data to save to storage.
168  */
169 psa_status_t psa_save_se_persistent_data(
170  const psa_se_drv_table_entry_t *driver );
172 /** Destroy the persistent data of a secure element driver.
173  *
174  * This is currently only used for testing.
175  *
176  * \param[in] lifetime The driver lifetime whose persistent data should
177  * be erased.
178  */
179 psa_status_t psa_destroy_se_persistent_data( psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime );
182 /** The storage representation of a key whose data is in a secure element.
183  */
184 typedef struct
185 {
186  uint8_t slot_number[sizeof( psa_key_slot_number_t )];
187  uint8_t bits[sizeof( psa_key_bits_t )];
190 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_SE_H */
The storage representation of a key whose data is in a secure element.
A structure containing pointers to all the entry points of a secure element driver.
Driver context structure.
uint64_t psa_key_slot_number_t
An internal designation of a key slot between the core part of the PSA Crypto implementation and the ...
PSA external cryptoprocessor driver module.
uint32_t psa_key_lifetime_t
Encoding of key lifetimes.
int32_t psa_status_t
Function return status.
An enumeration indicating how a key is created.
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