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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
19 #ifndef BLE_GAP_EVENTS_H
20 #define BLE_GAP_EVENTS_H
22 #include "ble/common/blecommon.h"
23 #include "ble/common/BLETypes.h"
25 namespace ble {
27 /**
28  * @addtogroup ble
29  * @{
30  * @addtogroup gap
31  * @{
32  */
34 /**
35  * Event generated when an advertising packet is seen during passive scanning
36  * or a scan response is received during active scanning.
37  *
38  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onPeriodicAdvertisingReport()
39  */
41 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
43  /** Create an advertising report event.
44  *
45  * @param type Type of advertising used.
46  * @param peerAddressType Peer address type of advertiser.
47  * @param peerAddress Peer address of advertiser.
48  * @param primaryPhy PHY used on the primary channels.
49  * @param secondaryPhy PHY used on secondary channels.
50  * @param SID Set identification number.
51  * @param txPower Transmission power reported by the packet.
52  * @param rssi Measured signal strength.
53  * @param periodicInterval Interval of periodic advertising.
54  * @param directAddressType Directed advertising target address type.
55  * @param directAddress Directed advertising target address.
56  * @param advertisingData Advertising payload.
57  */
59  const advertising_event_t &type,
60  const peer_address_type_t &peerAddressType,
61  const address_t &peerAddress,
62  const phy_t &primaryPhy,
63  const phy_t &secondaryPhy,
64  advertising_sid_t SID,
65  advertising_power_t txPower,
66  rssi_t rssi,
67  uint16_t periodicInterval,
68  const peer_address_type_t &directAddressType,
69  const address_t &directAddress,
70  const mbed::Span<const uint8_t> &advertisingData
71  ) :
72  peerAddress(peerAddress),
73  type(type),
74  peerAddressType(peerAddressType),
75  primaryPhy(primaryPhy),
76  secondaryPhy(secondaryPhy),
77  SID(SID),
78  txPower(txPower),
79  periodicInterval(periodicInterval),
80  rssi(rssi),
81  directAddressType(directAddressType),
82  directAddress(directAddress),
83  advertisingData(advertisingData)
84  {
85  }
87 #endif
88  /** Get event type. */
89  const advertising_event_t &getType() const
90  {
91  return type;
92  }
94  /** Get peer address type. */
96  {
97  return peerAddressType;
98  }
100  /** Get peer address. */
101  const address_t &getPeerAddress() const
102  {
103  return peerAddress;
104  }
106  /** Get primary PHY. */
107  const phy_t &getPrimaryPhy() const
108  {
109  return primaryPhy;
110  }
112  /** Get secondary PHY. */
113  const phy_t &getSecondaryPhy() const
114  {
115  return secondaryPhy;
116  }
118  /** Get advertising set identifier. */
119  advertising_sid_t getSID() const
120  {
121  return SID;
122  }
124  /** Get TX power. */
125  advertising_power_t getTxPower() const
126  {
127  return txPower;
128  }
130  /** Get received signal strength. */
131  rssi_t getRssi() const
132  {
133  return rssi;
134  }
136  /** Indicate if periodic interval is valid */
138  return periodicInterval != 0;
139  }
141  /** Get interval. */
142  periodic_interval_t getPeriodicInterval() const
143  {
144  return periodic_interval_t(periodicInterval);
145  }
147  /** Get target address type in directed advertising. */
149  {
150  return directAddressType;
151  }
153  /** Get target address in directed advertising. */
155  {
156  return directAddress;
157  }
159  /** Get payload. */
161  {
162  return advertisingData;
163  }
165  /** Set peer address. */
167  const address_t &newPeerAddress
168  )
169  {
170  peerAddress = newPeerAddress;
171  }
174  /** Set peer address type. */
176  const peer_address_type_t &newPeerAddressType
177  )
178  {
179  peerAddressType = newPeerAddressType;
180  }
182  /** Set new advertising payload. */
184  const mbed::Span<const uint8_t> &newAdvertisingData
185  )
186  {
187  advertisingData = newAdvertisingData;
188  }
190 private:
191  address_t peerAddress;
192  advertising_event_t type;
193  peer_address_type_t peerAddressType;
194  phy_t primaryPhy;
195  phy_t secondaryPhy;
196  advertising_sid_t SID;
197  advertising_power_t txPower;
198  uint16_t periodicInterval;
199  rssi_t rssi;
200  peer_address_type_t directAddressType;
201  address_t directAddress;
202  ble_error_t status;
203  mbed::Span<const uint8_t> advertisingData;
204 };
206 /**
207  * Event generated when a connection initiation ends (successfully or not).
208  *
209  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onConnectionComplete().
210  */
212 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
214  /** Create a connection complete event.
215  *
216  * @param success BLE_ERROR_NONE if connection succeeded.
217  * @param connectionHandle Connection handle if successful.
218  * @param ownRole Role of the local device.
219  * @param peerAddressType Peer address type.
220  * @param peerAddress Peer address.
221  * @param localResolvablePrivateAddress Local address type if privacy enabled.
222  * @param peerResolvablePrivateAddress Peer address type if privacy enabled.
223  * @param connectionInterval Connection interval.
224  * @param connectionLatency Connection latency in events.
225  * @param supervisionTimeout Supervision timeout.
226  * @param masterClockAccuracy Peer clock accuracy in parts per million.
227  */
229  ble_error_t status,
230  connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
231  connection_role_t ownRole,
232  const peer_address_type_t &peerAddressType,
233  const address_t &peerAddress,
234  const address_t &localResolvablePrivateAddress,
235  const address_t &peerResolvablePrivateAddress,
236  conn_interval_t connectionInterval,
237  slave_latency_t connectionLatency,
238  supervision_timeout_t supervisionTimeout,
239  uint16_t masterClockAccuracy
240  ) :
241  status(status),
242  connectionHandle(connectionHandle),
243  peerAddress(peerAddress),
244  ownRole(ownRole),
245  peerAddressType(peerAddressType),
246  localResolvablePrivateAddress(localResolvablePrivateAddress),
247  connectionInterval(connectionInterval),
248  peerResolvablePrivateAddress(peerResolvablePrivateAddress),
249  connectionLatency(connectionLatency),
250  supervisionTimeout(supervisionTimeout),
251  masterClockAccuracy(masterClockAccuracy)
252  {
253  }
255 #endif
257  /** Get connection complete event status. */
259  {
260  return status;
261  }
263  /** Get connection handle (valid only when successful). */
265  {
266  return connectionHandle;
267  }
269  /** Get own role. */
270  connection_role_t getOwnRole() const
271  {
272  return ownRole;
273  }
275  /** Get peer address type. */
277  {
278  return peerAddressType;
279  }
281  /** Get peer address. */
282  const address_t &getPeerAddress() const
283  {
284  return peerAddress;
285  }
287  /** Get get local resolvable random address if privacy is used. */
289  {
290  return localResolvablePrivateAddress;
291  }
293  /** Get peer resolvable private address if privacy is used. */
295  {
296  return peerResolvablePrivateAddress;
297  }
299  /** Get connection interval. */
300  conn_interval_t getConnectionInterval() const
301  {
302  return connectionInterval;
303  }
305  /** Get connection latency. */
306  slave_latency_t getConnectionLatency() const
307  {
308  return connectionLatency;
309  }
311  /** Get supervision timeout. */
312  supervision_timeout_t getSupervisionTimeout() const
313  {
314  return supervisionTimeout;
315  }
317  /** Get clock accuracy in parts per million. */
318  uint16_t getMasterClockAccuracy() const
319  {
320  return masterClockAccuracy;
321  }
324  /** Set connection complete event status. */
325  void setStatus(ble_error_t new_status)
326  {
327  status = new_status;
328  }
330  /** Set peer address type. */
331  void setPeerAddressType(const peer_address_type_t& address_type)
332  {
333  peerAddressType = address_type;
334  }
336  /** Set peer address. */
337  void setPeerAddress(const address_t &address)
338  {
339  peerAddress = address;
340  }
342  /** Set get local resolvable random address if privacy is used. */
344  {
345  localResolvablePrivateAddress = address;
346  }
348  /** Set peer resolvable private address if privacy is used. */
350  {
351  peerResolvablePrivateAddress = address;
352  }
354 private:
355  ble_error_t status;
356  connection_handle_t connectionHandle;
357  address_t peerAddress;
358  connection_role_t ownRole;
359  peer_address_type_t peerAddressType;
360  address_t localResolvablePrivateAddress;
361  conn_interval_t connectionInterval;
362  address_t peerResolvablePrivateAddress;
363  slave_latency_t connectionLatency;
364  supervision_timeout_t supervisionTimeout;
365  uint16_t masterClockAccuracy;
366 };
368 /**
369  * Event generated when you first receive a periodic advertisement.
370  *
371  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onPeriodicAdvertisingSyncEstablished().
372  */
374 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
376  /** Create advertising sync event.
377  *
378  * @param success BLE_ERROR_NONE if synchronisation was achieved.
379  * @param syncHandle Advertising sync handle.
380  * @param sid Advertising set identifier.
381  * @param peerAddressType Peer address type.
382  * @param peerAddress Peer address.
383  * @param peerPhy PHY used for advertisements.
384  * @param advertisingInterval Periodic advertising interval.
385  * @param masterClockAccuracy Peer clock accuracy in parts per million.
386  */
388  ble_error_t status,
389  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle,
390  advertising_sid_t sid,
391  const peer_address_type_t &peerAddressType,
392  const address_t &peerAddress,
393  const phy_t &peerPhy,
394  uint16_t advertisingInterval,
395  const clock_accuracy_t &peerClockAccuracy
396  ) :
397  status(status),
398  syncHandle(syncHandle),
399  sid(sid),
400  peerAddressType(peerAddressType),
401  peerAddress(peerAddress),
402  peerPhy(peerPhy),
403  advertisingInterval(advertisingInterval),
404  peerClockAccuracy(peerClockAccuracy)
405  {
406  }
408 #endif
410  /** Get sync establishment status. */
412  {
413  return status;
414  }
416  /** Get periodic advertising sync handle. */
417  periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
418  {
419  return syncHandle;
420  }
422  /** Get advertising set identifier. */
423  advertising_sid_t getSid() const
424  {
425  return sid;
426  }
428  /** Get peer address type. */
430  {
431  return peerAddressType;
432  }
434  /** Get peer address. */
435  const address_t &getPeerAddress() const
436  {
437  return peerAddress;
438  }
440  /** Get PHY used. */
441  const phy_t &getPeerPhy() const
442  {
443  return peerPhy;
444  }
446  /** Get interval. */
447  uint16_t getAdvertisingInterval() const
448  {
449  return advertisingInterval;
450  }
452  /** Get clock accuracy in parts per million. */
453  const clock_accuracy_t &getPeerClockAccuracy() const
454  {
455  return peerClockAccuracy;
456  }
458 private:
459  ble_error_t status;
460  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle;
461  advertising_sid_t sid;
462  peer_address_type_t peerAddressType;
463  const address_t &peerAddress;
464  phy_t peerPhy;
465  uint16_t advertisingInterval;
466  clock_accuracy_t peerClockAccuracy;
467 };
469 /**
470  * Event generated when periodic advertising packet is received.
471  *
472  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onPeriodicAdvertisingReport().
473  */
475 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
477  /** Create periodic advertising report event.
478  *
479  * @param syncHandle Periodic advertising sync handle
480  * @param txPower TX power.
481  * @param rssi Received signal strength.
482  * @param dataStatus Status to indicate the completeness of the payload.
483  * @param payload Periodic advertisement payload.
484  */
486  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle,
487  advertising_power_t txPower,
488  rssi_t rssi,
489  advertising_data_status_t dataStatus,
490  const mbed::Span<const uint8_t> &payload
491  ) :
492  syncHandle(syncHandle),
493  txPower(txPower),
494  rssi(rssi),
495  dataStatus(dataStatus),
496  payload(payload)
497  {
498  }
500 #endif
502  /** Get periodic advertising sync handle. */
503  periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
504  {
505  return syncHandle;
506  }
508  /** Get TX power as reported by the advertising packet. */
509  advertising_power_t getTxPower() const
510  {
511  return txPower;
512  }
514  /** Get received signal strength. */
515  rssi_t getRssi() const
516  {
517  return rssi;
518  }
520  /** Get data completeness status. */
521  const advertising_data_status_t &getDataStatus() const
522  {
523  return dataStatus;
524  }
526  /** Get payload. */
528  {
529  return payload;
530  }
532 private:
533  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle;
534  advertising_power_t txPower;
535  rssi_t rssi;
536  advertising_data_status_t dataStatus;
538 };
540 /**
541  * Event generated when periodic advertising sync is lost.
542  *
543  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onPeriodicAdvertisingSyncLoss().
544  */
546 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
548  /** Create periodic advertising sync loss event.
549  *
550  * @param syncHandle Periodic advertising sync handle.
551  */
553  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle
554  ) :
555  syncHandle(syncHandle)
556  {
557  }
559 #endif
561  /** Get periodic sync handle. */
562  periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
563  {
564  return syncHandle;
565  }
567 private:
568  periodic_sync_handle_t syncHandle;
569 };
571 /**
572  * Event generated when scan times out.
573  *
574  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onScanTimeout().
575  */
576 struct ScanTimeoutEvent { };
578 /**
579  * Event produced when advertising start.
580  *
581  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onAdvertisingStart().
582  */
584 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
586  /** Create an advertising start event.
587  *
588  * @param advHandle Advertising set handle.
589  */
590  AdvertisingStartEvent(advertising_handle_t advHandle) :
591  advHandle(advHandle)
592  {
593  }
595 #endif
597  /** Get advertising handle. */
598  advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
599  {
600  return advHandle;
601  }
603 private:
604  advertising_handle_t advHandle;
605 };
607 /**
608  * Event produced when advertising ends.
609  *
610  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onAdvertisingEnd().
611  *
612  * @note The connection handle, connected flag and completed_event fields are
613  * valid if the flag legacy is not set to true.
614  */
616 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
618  /** Create an extended advertising end event.
619  *
620  * @param advHandle Advertising set handle.
621  * @param connection Connection handle.
622  * @param completed_events Number of events created during before advertising end.
623  * @param connected True if connection has been established.
624  */
626  advertising_handle_t advHandle,
627  connection_handle_t connection,
628  uint8_t completed_events,
629  bool connected
630  ) :
631  advHandle(advHandle),
632  connection(connection),
633  completed_events(completed_events),
634  connected(connected),
635  legacy(false)
636  {
637  }
639  /** Create a legacy advertising end event.
640  */
643  connection(),
644  completed_events(0),
645  connected(false),
646  legacy(true)
647  {
648  }
650 #endif
652  /** Get advertising handle. */
653  advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
654  {
655  return advHandle;
656  }
658  /** Get connection handle (valid only if connected successfully). */
660  {
661  return connection;
662  }
664  /** Get how many events advertising created. */
665  uint8_t getCompleted_events() const
666  {
667  return completed_events;
668  }
670  /** Has the advertising ended with a connection. */
671  bool isConnected() const
672  {
673  return connected;
674  }
676  /** Is the end of legacy advertising.
677  *
678  * If it is the return of getConnection() getCompleted_events() and isConnected()
679  * must be discarded
680  */
681  bool isLegacy() const
682  {
683  return legacy;
684  }
686 private:
687  advertising_handle_t advHandle;
688  connection_handle_t connection;
689  uint8_t completed_events;
690  bool connected;
691  bool legacy;
692 };
694 /**
695  * Event produced when a peer requests a scan response from the advertiser.
696  *
697  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onScanRequestReceived().
698  */
700 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
702  /** Create scan request event.
703  *
704  * @param advHandle Advertising handle.
705  * @param peerAddressType Peer address type.
706  * @param peerAddress Peer address.
707  */
709  advertising_handle_t advHandle,
710  const peer_address_type_t &peerAddressType,
711  const address_t &peerAddress
712  ) :
713  advHandle(advHandle),
714  peerAddressType(peerAddressType),
715  peerAddress(peerAddress)
716  {
717  }
719 #endif
721  /** Get advertising handle. */
722  advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
723  {
724  return advHandle;
725  }
727  /** Get peer address type. */
729  {
730  return peerAddressType;
731  }
733  /** Get peer address. */
734  const address_t &getPeerAddress() const
735  {
736  return peerAddress;
737  }
739 private:
740  advertising_handle_t advHandle;
741  peer_address_type_t peerAddressType;
742  const address_t &peerAddress;
743 };
745 /**
746  * Event produced when a disconnection is complete.
747  *
748  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onDisconnectionComplete().
749  */
751 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
754  connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
755  const disconnection_reason_t &reason
756  ) :
757  connectionHandle(connectionHandle), reason(reason)
758  {
759  }
761 #endif
763  /**
764  * Get the handle of the connection that has expired.
765  */
767  {
768  return connectionHandle;
769  }
771  /**
772  * Get the reason of the disconnection.
773  */
774  const disconnection_reason_t &getReason() const
775  {
776  return reason;
777  }
779 private:
780  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle;
781  ble::disconnection_reason_t reason;
782 };
784 /**
785  * Event received when a peer wants to change the connection parameters.
786  *
787  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onUpdateConnectionParametersRequest().
788  */
790 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
793  connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
794  const conn_interval_t &minConnectionInterval,
795  const conn_interval_t &maxConnectionInterval,
796  const slave_latency_t &slaveLatency,
797  const supervision_timeout_t &supervision_timeout
798  ) :
799  connectionHandle(connectionHandle),
800  minConnectionInterval(minConnectionInterval),
801  maxConnectionInterval(maxConnectionInterval),
802  slaveLatency(slaveLatency),
803  supervisionTimeout(supervision_timeout)
804  {
805  }
807 #endif
809  /**
810  * Get the connection handle.
811  */
813  {
814  return connectionHandle;
815  }
817  /**
818  * Get the minimum connection interval requested.
819  */
820  const conn_interval_t &getMinConnectionInterval() const
821  {
822  return minConnectionInterval;
823  }
825  /**
826  * Get the maximum connection interval requested.
827  */
828  const conn_interval_t &getMaxConnectionInterval() const
829  {
830  return maxConnectionInterval;
831  }
833  /**
834  * Get the slave latency requested.
835  */
836  const slave_latency_t &getSlaveLatency() const
837  {
838  return slaveLatency;
839  }
841  /**
842  * Get the supervision timeout requested.
843  */
844  const supervision_timeout_t &getSupervisionTimeout() const
845  {
846  return supervisionTimeout;
847  }
849 private:
850  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle;
851  ble::conn_interval_t minConnectionInterval;
852  ble::conn_interval_t maxConnectionInterval;
853  ble::slave_latency_t slaveLatency;
854  ble::supervision_timeout_t supervisionTimeout;
855 };
857 /**
858  * Event received when connection parameters have been updated.
859  *
860  * @see ble::Gap::EventHandler::onConnectionParametersUpdateComplete().
861  */
863 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
866  ble_error_t status,
867  connection_handle_t connectionHandle,
868  const conn_interval_t &connectionInterval,
869  const slave_latency_t &slaveLatency,
870  const supervision_timeout_t &supervisionTimeout
871  ) :
872  status(status),
873  connectionHandle(connectionHandle),
874  connectionInterval(connectionInterval),
875  slaveLatency(slaveLatency),
876  supervisionTimeout(supervisionTimeout)
877  {
878  }
880 #endif
882  /**
883  * Get the status of the operation. It is equal to BLE_ERROR_NONE in case of
884  * success.
885  */
887  {
888  return status;
889  }
891  /**
892  * Get the handle of the connection that has been updated.
893  */
895  {
896  return connectionHandle;
897  }
899  /**
900  * Get the new connection interval.
901  */
902  const conn_interval_t &getConnectionInterval() const
903  {
904  return connectionInterval;
905  }
907  /**
908  * Get the new slave latency.
909  */
910  const slave_latency_t &getSlaveLatency() const
911  {
912  return slaveLatency;
913  }
915  /**
916  * Get the new supervision timeout.
917  */
918  const supervision_timeout_t &getSupervisionTimeout() const
919  {
920  return supervisionTimeout;
921  }
923 private:
924  ble_error_t status;
925  ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle;
926  ble::conn_interval_t connectionInterval;
927  ble::slave_latency_t slaveLatency;
928  ble::supervision_timeout_t supervisionTimeout;
930 };
932 /**
933  * @}
934  * @}
935  */
937 } // namespace ble
939 #endif //BLE_GAP_EVENTS_H
const disconnection_reason_t & getReason() const
Get the reason of the disconnection.
Definition: Events.h:774
Event generated when a connection initiation ends (successfully or not).
Definition: Events.h:211
void setPeerAddress(const address_t &newPeerAddress)
Set peer address.
Definition: Events.h:166
uint16_t getMasterClockAccuracy() const
Get clock accuracy in parts per million.
Definition: Events.h:318
rssi_t getRssi() const
Get received signal strength.
Definition: Events.h:515
periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
Get periodic advertising sync handle.
Definition: Events.h:417
Event produced when advertising ends.
Definition: Events.h:615
const clock_accuracy_t & getPeerClockAccuracy() const
Get clock accuracy in parts per million.
Definition: Events.h:453
Event received when connection parameters have been updated.
Definition: Events.h:862
void setPeerAddressType(const peer_address_type_t &newPeerAddressType)
Set peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:175
ble_error_t getStatus() const
Get connection complete event status.
Definition: Events.h:258
Event generated when periodic advertising sync is lost.
Definition: Events.h:545
advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
Get advertising handle.
Definition: Events.h:653
void setAdvertisingData(const mbed::Span< const uint8_t > &newAdvertisingData)
Set new advertising payload.
Definition: Events.h:183
uintptr_t connection_handle_t
Opaque reference to a connection.
const peer_address_type_t & getPeerAddressType() const
Get peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:276
uint8_t getCompleted_events() const
Get how many events advertising created.
Definition: Events.h:665
const address_t & getPeerResolvablePrivateAddress() const
Get peer resolvable private address if privacy is used.
Definition: Events.h:294
Event produced when advertising start.
Definition: Events.h:583
advertising_power_t getTxPower() const
Get TX power.
Definition: Events.h:125
Event generated when an advertising packet is seen during passive scanning or a scan response is rece...
Definition: Events.h:40
connection_handle_t getConnectionHandle() const
Get the connection handle.
Definition: Events.h:812
const conn_interval_t & getMinConnectionInterval() const
Get the minimum connection interval requested.
Definition: Events.h:820
advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
Get advertising handle.
Definition: Events.h:598
bool isPeriodicIntervalPresent() const
Indicate if periodic interval is valid.
Definition: Events.h:137
const slave_latency_t & getSlaveLatency() const
Get the new slave latency.
Definition: Events.h:910
uint16_t getAdvertisingInterval() const
Get interval.
Definition: Events.h:447
const conn_interval_t & getMaxConnectionInterval() const
Get the maximum connection interval requested.
Definition: Events.h:828
rssi_t getRssi() const
Get received signal strength.
Definition: Events.h:131
const peer_address_type_t & getPeerAddressType() const
Get peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:95
const advertising_data_status_t & getDataStatus() const
Get data completeness status.
Definition: Events.h:521
connection_handle_t getConnectionHandle() const
Get the handle of the connection that has been updated.
Definition: Events.h:894
const address_t & getPeerAddress() const
Get peer address.
Definition: Events.h:734
const conn_interval_t & getConnectionInterval() const
Get the new connection interval.
Definition: Events.h:902
connection_role_t getOwnRole() const
Get own role.
Definition: Events.h:270
const supervision_timeout_t & getSupervisionTimeout() const
Get the new supervision timeout.
Definition: Events.h:918
const peer_address_type_t & getPeerAddressType() const
Get peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:429
connection_handle_t getConnectionHandle() const
Get connection handle (valid only when successful).
Definition: Events.h:264
ble_error_t getStatus() const
Get sync establishment status.
Definition: Events.h:411
const peer_address_type_t & getPeerAddressType() const
Get peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:728
ble_error_t getStatus() const
Get the status of the operation.
Definition: Events.h:886
advertising_sid_t getSID() const
Get advertising set identifier.
Definition: Events.h:119
static const advertising_handle_t LEGACY_ADVERTISING_HANDLE
Special advertising set handle used for the legacy advertising set.
MAC address data type.
void setPeerResolvablePrivateAddress(const address_t &address)
Set peer resolvable private address if privacy is used.
Definition: Events.h:349
advertising_handle_t getAdvHandle() const
Get advertising handle.
Definition: Events.h:722
const address_t & getDirectAddress() const
Get target address in directed advertising.
Definition: Events.h:154
Type that describes a bluetooth PHY(sical) transport.
const supervision_timeout_t & getSupervisionTimeout() const
Get the supervision timeout requested.
Definition: Events.h:844
const mbed::Span< const uint8_t > & getPayload() const
Get payload.
Definition: Events.h:160
void setLocalResolvablePrivateAddress(const address_t &address)
Set get local resolvable random address if privacy is used.
Definition: Events.h:343
bool isLegacy() const
Is the end of legacy advertising.
Definition: Events.h:681
Event generated when you first receive a periodic advertisement.
Definition: Events.h:373
const mbed::Span< const uint8_t > & getPayload() const
Get payload.
Definition: Events.h:527
periodic_interval_t getPeriodicInterval() const
Get interval.
Definition: Events.h:142
const phy_t & getSecondaryPhy() const
Get secondary PHY.
Definition: Events.h:113
void setPeerAddressType(const peer_address_type_t &address_type)
Set peer address type.
Definition: Events.h:331
const phy_t & getPeerPhy() const
Get PHY used.
Definition: Events.h:441
Type that describes a peer device address type.
Event generated when scan times out.
Definition: Events.h:576
Event produced when a disconnection is complete.
Definition: Events.h:750
const address_t & getPeerAddress() const
Get peer address.
Definition: Events.h:101
const peer_address_type_t & getDirectAddressType() const
Get target address type in directed advertising.
Definition: Events.h:148
void setStatus(ble_error_t new_status)
Set connection complete event status.
Definition: Events.h:325
advertising_power_t getTxPower() const
Get TX power as reported by the advertising packet.
Definition: Events.h:509
Event generated when periodic advertising packet is received.
Definition: Events.h:474
bool isConnected() const
Has the advertising ended with a connection.
Definition: Events.h:671
periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
Get periodic advertising sync handle.
Definition: Events.h:503
Event received when a peer wants to change the connection parameters.
Definition: Events.h:789
connection_handle_t getConnectionHandle() const
Get the handle of the connection that has expired.
Definition: Events.h:766
slave_latency_t getConnectionLatency() const
Get connection latency.
Definition: Events.h:306
const phy_t & getPrimaryPhy() const
Get primary PHY.
Definition: Events.h:107
periodic_sync_handle_t getSyncHandle() const
Get periodic sync handle.
Definition: Events.h:562
connection_handle_t getConnection() const
Get connection handle (valid only if connected successfully).
Definition: Events.h:659
const address_t & getPeerAddress() const
Get peer address.
Definition: Events.h:282
conn_interval_t getConnectionInterval() const
Get connection interval.
Definition: Events.h:300
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
const slave_latency_t & getSlaveLatency() const
Get the slave latency requested.
Definition: Events.h:836
const advertising_event_t & getType() const
Get event type.
Definition: Events.h:89
const address_t & getPeerAddress() const
Get peer address.
Definition: Events.h:435
Event produced when a peer requests a scan response from the advertiser.
Definition: Events.h:699
const address_t & getLocalResolvablePrivateAddress() const
Get get local resolvable random address if privacy is used.
Definition: Events.h:288
supervision_timeout_t getSupervisionTimeout() const
Get supervision timeout.
Definition: Events.h:312
void setPeerAddress(const address_t &address)
Set peer address.
Definition: Events.h:337
advertising_sid_t getSid() const
Get advertising set identifier.
Definition: Events.h:423
Error codes for the BLE API.
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