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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2019 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
17 #ifndef EVENT_H
18 #define EVENT_H
20 #include <utility>
21 #include "events/EventQueue.h"
22 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
24 namespace events {
25 /** \defgroup events-public-api Events
26  * \ingroup mbed-os-public
27  * @{
28  */
30 /** Event
31  *
32  * Representation of an event for fine-grain dispatch control
33  */
34 template <typename F>
35 class Event;
37 /**
38  * \defgroup events_Event Event<void()> class
39  * @{
40  */
42 /** Event
43  *
44  * Representation of an event for fine-grain dispatch control
45  */
46 template <typename... ArgTs>
47 class Event<void(ArgTs...)> {
48 public:
49  using duration = std::chrono::duration<int, std::milli>;
51  /** Create an event
52  *
53  * Constructs an event bound to the specified event queue. The specified
54  * callback acts as the target for the event and is executed in the
55  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop once posted.
56  *
57  * @param q Event queue to dispatch on
58  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
59  */
60  template <typename F>
61  Event(EventQueue *q, F f)
62  {
63  _event = static_cast<struct event *>(
64  equeue_alloc(&q->_equeue, sizeof(struct event) + sizeof(F)));
66  if (_event) {
67  _event->equeue = &q->_equeue;
68  _event->id = 0;
69  _event->delay = duration(0);
70  _event->period = duration(-1);
72  _event->post = &Event::event_post<F>;
73  _event->dtor = &Event::event_dtor<F>;
75  new (_event + 1) F(std::move(f));
77  _event->ref = 1;
78  }
79  }
81  /** Copy constructor for events
82  */
83  Event(const Event &e)
84  {
85  _event = 0;
86  if (e._event) {
87  _event = e._event;
88  _event->ref += 1;
89  }
90  }
92  /** Assignment operator for events
93  */
94  Event &operator=(const Event &that)
95  {
96  if (this != &that) {
97  this->~Event();
98  new (this) Event(that);
99  }
101  return *this;
102  }
104  /** Destructor for events
105  */
107  {
108  if (_event) {
109  _event->ref -= 1;
110  if (_event->ref == 0) {
111  _event->dtor(_event);
112  equeue_dealloc(_event->equeue, _event);
113  }
114  }
115  }
117  /** Configure the delay of an event
118  *
119  * @param d Millisecond delay before dispatching the event
120  */
121  void delay(duration d)
122  {
123  if (_event) {
124  _event->delay = d;
125  }
126  }
128  /** Configure the delay of an event
129  * @deprecated Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.
130  *
131  * @param d Millisecond delay before dispatching the event
132  */
133  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.0.0", "Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.")
134  void delay(int d)
135  {
136  delay(duration(d));
137  }
139  /** Configure the period of an event
140  *
141  * @param p Millisecond period for repeatedly dispatching an event
142  */
143  void period(duration p)
144  {
145  if (_event) {
146  _event->period = p;
147  }
148  }
150  /** Configure the period of an event
151  * @deprecated Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.
152  *
153  * @param p Millisecond period for repeatedly dispatching an event
154  */
155  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.0.0", "Pass a chrono duration, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `5s` rather than `5000`.")
156  void period(int p)
157  {
158  period(duration(p));
159  }
161  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue
162  *
163  * The event is posted to the underlying queue and is executed in the
164  * context of the event queue's dispatch loop.
165  *
166  * The post function is IRQ safe and can act as a mechanism for moving
167  * events out of IRQ contexts.
168  *
169  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
170  * @return A unique id that represents the posted event and can
171  * be passed to EventQueue::cancel, or an id of 0 if
172  * there is not enough memory to allocate the event.
173  */
174  int post(ArgTs... args) const
175  {
176  if (!_event) {
177  return 0;
178  }
180  _event->id = _event->post(_event, args...);
181  return _event->id;
182  }
184  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void
185  *
186  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
187  */
188  void call(ArgTs... args) const
189  {
190  MBED_UNUSED int id = post(args...);
191  MBED_ASSERT(id);
192  }
194  /** Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void
195  *
196  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
197  */
198  void operator()(ArgTs... args) const
199  {
200  return call(args...);
201  }
203  /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
204  *
205  * @param func Event to call passed as a void pointer
206  * @param args Arguments to pass to the event
207  */
208  static void thunk(void *func, ArgTs... args)
209  {
210  return static_cast<Event *>(func)->call(args...);
211  }
213  /** Cancels the most recently posted event
214  *
215  * Attempts to cancel the most recently posted event. It is safe to call
216  * cancel after an event has already been dispatched.
217  *
218  * The cancel function is IRQ safe.
219  *
220  * If called while the event queue's dispatch loop is active, the cancel
221  * function does not guarantee that the event will not execute after it
222  * returns, as the event may have already begun executing.
223  */
224  void cancel() const
225  {
226  if (_event) {
227  equeue_cancel(_event->equeue, _event->id);
228  }
229  }
231 private:
232  struct event {
233  unsigned ref;
234  equeue_t *equeue;
235  int id;
237  duration delay;
238  duration period;
240  int (*post)(struct event *, ArgTs... args);
241  void (*dtor)(struct event *);
243  // F follows
244  } *_event;
246  // Event attributes
247  template <typename F>
248  static int event_post(struct event *e, ArgTs... args)
249  {
250  typedef EventQueue::context<F, ArgTs...> C;
251  void *p = equeue_alloc(e->equeue, sizeof(C));
252  if (!p) {
253  return 0;
254  }
256  new (p) C(*(F *)(e + 1), args...);
257  equeue_event_delay(p, e->delay.count());
258  equeue_event_period(p, e->period.count());
259  equeue_event_dtor(p, &EventQueue::function_dtor<C>);
260  return equeue_post(e->equeue, &EventQueue::function_call<C>, p);
261  }
263  template <typename F>
264  static void event_dtor(struct event *e)
265  {
266  ((F *)(e + 1))->~F();
267  }
269 public:
270  /** Create an event
271  * @param q Event queue to dispatch on
272  * @param f Function to execute when the event is dispatched
273  * @param context_args Arguments to bind to the callback, these arguments are
274  * allocated on an IRQ-safe allocator from the event queue's
275  * memory pool. Must be type-compatible with bound_args, the
276  * arguments to the underlying callback.
277  */
278  template <typename F, typename... ContextArgTs>
279  Event(EventQueue *q, F f, ContextArgTs... context_args) :
280  Event(q, EventQueue::context<F, ContextArgTs...>(f, context_args...)) { }
282  /** Create an event
283  * @see Event::Event
284  */
285  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
286  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), B0 b0) :
287  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
289  /** Create an event
290  * @see Event::Event
291  */
292  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
293  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0) :
294  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
296  /** Create an event
297  * @see Event::Event
298  */
299  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
300  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0) :
301  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
303  /** Create an event
304  * @see Event::Event
305  */
306  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0>
307  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0) :
308  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0) { }
310  /** Create an event
311  * @see Event::Event
312  */
313  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
314  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1) :
315  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
317  /** Create an event
318  * @see Event::Event
319  */
320  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
321  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
322  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
324  /** Create an event
325  * @see Event::Event
326  */
327  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
328  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
329  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
331  /** Create an event
332  * @see Event::Event
333  */
334  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1>
335  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1) :
336  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1) { }
338  /** Create an event
339  * @see Event::Event
340  */
341  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
342  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
343  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
345  /** Create an event
346  * @see Event::Event
347  */
348  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
349  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
350  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
352  /** Create an event
353  * @see Event::Event
354  */
355  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
356  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
357  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
359  /** Create an event
360  * @see Event::Event
361  */
362  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2>
363  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2) :
364  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2) { }
366  /** Create an event
367  * @see Event::Event
368  */
369  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
370  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
371  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
373  /** Create an event
374  * @see Event::Event
375  */
376  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
377  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
378  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
380  /** Create an event
381  * @see Event::Event
382  */
383  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
384  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
385  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
387  /** Create an event
388  * @see Event::Event
389  */
390  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3>
391  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3) :
392  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3) { }
394  /** Create an event
395  * @see Event::Event
396  */
397  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
398  Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
399  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
401  /** Create an event
402  * @see Event::Event
403  */
404  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
405  Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
406  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
408  /** Create an event
409  * @see Event::Event
410  */
411  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
412  Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
413  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
415  /** Create an event
416  * @see Event::Event
417  */
418  template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4>
419  Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4) :
420  Event(q, mbed::callback(obj, method), b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) { }
421 };
423 /** @}*/
426 // Convenience functions declared here to avoid cyclic
427 // dependency between Event and EventQueue
428 template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
429 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(ArgTs...))
430 {
431  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func);
432 }
434 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
435 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...))
436 {
437  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
438 }
440 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
441 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const)
442 {
443  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
444 }
446 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
447 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) volatile)
448 {
449  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
450 }
452 template <typename T, typename R, typename... ArgTs>
453 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(ArgTs...) const volatile)
454 {
455  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method));
456 }
458 template <typename R, typename... ArgTs>
459 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(ArgTs...)> cb)
460 {
461  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb);
462 }
464 template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
465 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0)
466 {
467  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0);
468 }
470 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
471 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), C0 c0)
472 {
473  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
474 }
476 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
477 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0)
478 {
479  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
480 }
482 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
483 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0)
484 {
485  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
486 }
488 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
489 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0)
490 {
491  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0);
492 }
494 template <typename R, typename B0, typename C0, typename... ArgTs>
495 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0)
496 {
497  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0);
498 }
500 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
501 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1)
502 {
503  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1);
504 }
506 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
507 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1)
508 {
509  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
510 }
512 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
513 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1)
514 {
515  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
516 }
518 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
519 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1)
520 {
521  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
522 }
524 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
525 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1)
526 {
527  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1);
528 }
530 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename C0, typename C1, typename... ArgTs>
531 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1)
532 {
533  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1);
534 }
536 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
537 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
538 {
539  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2);
540 }
542 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
543 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
544 {
545  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
546 }
548 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
549 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
550 {
551  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
552 }
554 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
555 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
556 {
557  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
558 }
560 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
561 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
562 {
563  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2);
564 }
566 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename... ArgTs>
567 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2)
568 {
569  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2);
570 }
572 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
573 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
574 {
575  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2, c3);
576 }
578 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
579 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
580 {
581  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
582 }
584 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
585 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
586 {
587  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
588 }
590 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
591 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
592 {
593  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
594 }
596 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
597 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
598 {
599  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3);
600 }
602 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename... ArgTs>
603 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3)
604 {
605  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2, c3);
606 }
608 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
609 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(R(*func)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
610 {
611  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, func, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
612 }
614 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
615 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
616 {
617  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
618 }
620 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
621 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
622 {
623  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
624 }
626 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
627 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
628 {
629  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
630 }
632 template <typename T, typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
633 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
634 {
635  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, mbed::callback(obj, method), c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
636 }
638 template <typename R, typename B0, typename B1, typename B2, typename B3, typename B4, typename C0, typename C1, typename C2, typename C3, typename C4, typename... ArgTs>
639 Event<void(ArgTs...)> EventQueue::event(mbed::Callback<R(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...)> cb, C0 c0, C1 c1, C2 c2, C3 c3, C4 c4)
640 {
641  return Event<void(ArgTs...)>(this, cb, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4);
642 }
644 /** @}*/
645 }
646 #endif
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:335
int post(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue.
Definition: Event.h:174
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:384
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:377
void cancel() const
Cancels the most recently posted event.
Definition: Event.h:224
Definition: EventQueue.h:62
Definition: Event.h:35
Event & operator=(const Event &that)
Assignment operator for events.
Definition: Event.h:94
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:398
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:405
Event(const Event &e)
Copy constructor for events.
Definition: Event.h:83
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:370
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:314
void period(duration p)
Configure the period of an event.
Definition: Event.h:143
Callback< R(ArgTs...)> callback(R(*func)(ArgTs...)=nullptr) noexcept
Create a callback class with type inferred from the arguments.
Definition: Callback.h:678
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:307
static void thunk(void *func, ArgTs...args)
Static thunk for passing as C-style function.
Definition: Event.h:208
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:363
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:293
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:419
Event(EventQueue *q, F f)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:61
#define MBED_ASSERT(expr)
MBED_ASSERT Declare runtime assertions: results in runtime error if condition is false.
Definition: mbed_assert.h:66
void call(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void.
Definition: Event.h:188
Definition: equeue.h:61
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...), B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:286
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3, B4 b4)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:412
Event(EventQueue *q, T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...), B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:342
void delay(duration d)
Configure the delay of an event.
Definition: Event.h:121
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:328
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:321
Event(EventQueue *q, F f, ContextArgTs...context_args)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:279
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:356
void operator()(ArgTs...args) const
Posts an event onto the underlying event queue, returning void.
Definition: Event.h:198
Event(EventQueue *q, const T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, ArgTs...) const, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:349
Event(EventQueue *q, const volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, B1, B2, B3, ArgTs...) const volatile, B0 b0, B1 b1, B2 b2, B3 b3)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:391
Event< void(ArgTs...)> event(R(*func)(BoundArgTs..., ArgTs...), ContextArgTs...context_args)
Creates an event bound to the event queue.
Callback class based on template specialization.
Definition: Callback.h:53
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
Event(EventQueue *q, volatile T *obj, R(T::*method)(B0, ArgTs...) volatile, B0 b0)
Create an event.
Definition: Event.h:300
MBED_UNUSED Declare a function argument to be unused, suppressing compiler warnings.
MBED_DEPRECATED("message string") Mark a function declaration as deprecated, if it used then a warnin...
Destructor for events.
Definition: Event.h:106
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