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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2015-2019 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
20 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include "platform/mbed_critical.h"
22 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
23 #include "platform/Span.h"
24 #include "platform/mbed_atomic.h"
26 namespace mbed {
28 namespace internal {
29 /* Detect if CounterType of the Circular buffer is of unsigned type. */
30 template<typename T>
31 struct is_unsigned {
32  static const bool value = false;
33 };
34 template<>
35 struct is_unsigned<unsigned char> {
36  static const bool value = true;
37 };
38 template<>
39 struct is_unsigned<unsigned short> {
40  static const bool value = true;
41 };
42 template<>
43 struct is_unsigned<unsigned int> {
44  static const bool value = true;
45 };
46 template<>
47 struct is_unsigned<unsigned long> {
48  static const bool value = true;
49 };
50 template<>
51 struct is_unsigned<unsigned long long> {
52  static const bool value = true;
53 };
54 }
56 /** \addtogroup platform-public-api */
57 /** @{*/
58 /**
59  * \defgroup platform_CircularBuffer CircularBuffer functions
60  * @{
61  */
63 /** Templated Circular buffer class
64  *
65  * @note Synchronization level: Interrupt safe.
66  * @note CounterType must be unsigned and consistent with BufferSize.
67  */
68 template<typename T, uint32_t BufferSize, typename CounterType = uint32_t>
70 public:
71  CircularBuffer() : _head(0), _tail(0), _full(false)
72  {
75  "CounterType must be unsigned"
76  );
79  (sizeof(CounterType) >= sizeof(uint32_t)) ||
80  (BufferSize < (((uint64_t) 1) << (sizeof(CounterType) * 8))),
81  "Invalid BufferSize for the CounterType"
82  );
83  }
86  {
87  }
89  /** Push the transaction to the buffer. This overwrites the buffer if it's full.
90  *
91  * @param data Data to be pushed to the buffer.
92  */
93  void push(const T &data)
94  {
97  _buffer[_head] = data;
99  _head = incrementCounter(_head);
101  if (_full) {
102  _tail = _head;
103  } else if (_head == _tail) {
104  _full = true;
105  }
108  }
110  /** Push the transaction to the buffer. This overwrites the buffer if it's full.
111  *
112  * @param src Data to be pushed to the buffer.
113  * @param len Number of items to be pushed to the buffer.
114  */
115  void push(const T *src, CounterType len)
116  {
117  MBED_ASSERT(len > 0);
121  /* if we try to write more bytes than the buffer can hold we only bother writing the last bytes */
122  if (len > BufferSize) {
123  _tail = 0;
124  _head = 0;
125  _full = true;
126  std::copy(src + len - BufferSize, src + len, _buffer);
127  } else {
128  /* we need to adjust the tail at the end if we're filling the buffer of overflowing */
129  bool adjust_tail = ((BufferSize - non_critical_size()) <= len);
131  CounterType written = len;
133  /* on first pass we write as much as we can to the right of head */
134  if ((_head + written) > BufferSize) {
135  written = BufferSize - _head;
136  }
138  std::copy(src, src + written, _buffer + _head);
139  _head = incrementCounter(_head, written);
141  CounterType left_to_write = len - written;
143  /* we might need to continue to write from the start of the buffer */
144  if (left_to_write) {
145  std::copy(src + written, src + written + left_to_write, _buffer);
146  _head = left_to_write;
147  }
149  if (adjust_tail) {
150  _tail = _head;
151  _full = true;
152  }
153  }
156  }
158  /** Push the transaction to the buffer. This overwrites the buffer if it's full.
159  *
160  * @param src Data to be pushed to the buffer.
161  */
163  {
164  push(src.data(), src.size());
165  }
167  /** Pop from the buffer.
168  *
169  * @param data Container to store the data to be popped from the buffer.
170  * @return True if data popped.
171  */
172  bool pop(T &data)
173  {
174  bool data_popped = false;
178  if (!non_critical_empty()) {
179  data_popped = true;
181  data = _buffer[_tail];
182  _tail = incrementCounter(_tail);
183  _full = false;
184  }
188  return data_popped;
189  }
191  /**
192  * Pop multiple elements from the buffer.
193  *
194  * @param dest The array which will receive the elements.
195  * @param len The number of elements to pop.
196  *
197  * @return The number of elements popped.
198  */
199  CounterType pop(T *dest, CounterType len)
200  {
201  MBED_ASSERT(len > 0);
203  if (len == 0) {
204  return 0;
205  }
207  CounterType data_popped = 0;
211  if (!non_critical_empty()) {
212  /* make sure we only try to read as much as we have items present */
213  if (len > non_critical_size()) {
214  len = non_critical_size();
215  }
216  data_popped = len;
218  /* items may be split by overlap, take only the number we have to the right of tail */
219  if ((_tail + data_popped) > BufferSize) {
220  data_popped = BufferSize - _tail;
221  }
223  std::copy(_buffer + _tail, _buffer + _tail + data_popped, dest);
224  _tail = incrementCounter(_tail, data_popped);
226  /* if we looped over the end we may need to pop again */
227  CounterType left_to_pop = len - data_popped;
229  if (left_to_pop) {
230  std::copy(_buffer, _buffer + left_to_pop, dest + data_popped);
231  _tail = left_to_pop;
233  data_popped += left_to_pop;
234  }
236  _full = false;
237  }
241  return data_popped;
242  }
244  /**
245  * Pop multiple elements from the buffer.
246  *
247  * @param dest The span that contains the buffer that will be used to store the elements.
248  *
249  * @return The span with the size set to number of elements popped using the buffer passed in as the parameter.
250  */
252  {
253  CounterType popped = pop(dest.data(), dest.size());
254  return mbed::make_Span(dest.data(), popped);
255  }
257  /** Check if the buffer is empty.
258  *
259  * @return True if the buffer is empty, false if not.
260  */
261  bool empty() const
262  {
264  bool is_empty = non_critical_empty();
266  return is_empty;
267  }
269  /** Check if the buffer is full.
270  *
271  * @return True if the buffer is full, false if not
272  */
273  bool full() const
274  {
275  return core_util_atomic_load_bool(&_full);
276  }
278  /**
279  * Reset the buffer.
280  */
281  void reset()
282  {
284  _head = 0;
285  _tail = 0;
286  _full = false;
288  }
290  /**
291  * Get the number of elements currently stored in the circular_buffer.
292  */
293  CounterType size() const
294  {
296  CounterType elements = non_critical_size();
298  return elements;
299  }
301  /** Peek into circular buffer without popping.
302  *
303  * @param data Data to be peeked from the buffer.
304  * @return True if the buffer is not empty and data contains a transaction, false otherwise.
305  */
306  bool peek(T &data) const
307  {
308  bool data_updated = false;
310  if (!empty()) {
311  data = _buffer[_tail];
312  data_updated = true;
313  }
315  return data_updated;
316  }
318 private:
319  bool non_critical_empty() const
320  {
321  bool is_empty = (_head == _tail) && !_full;
322  return is_empty;
323  }
325  CounterType non_critical_size() const
326  {
327  CounterType elements;
328  if (!_full) {
329  if (_head < _tail) {
330  elements = BufferSize + _head - _tail;
331  } else {
332  elements = _head - _tail;
333  }
334  } else {
335  elements = BufferSize;
336  }
337  return elements;
338  }
340  /** Used to increment _tail or _head by a given value.
341  *
342  * @param val The value of the counter to be incremented.
343  * @param increment The amount to be added, the value after this incremented must not exceed BufferSize.
344  * @return The new value of the counter.
345  */
346  CounterType incrementCounter(CounterType val, CounterType increment = 1)
347  {
348  val += increment;
350  MBED_ASSERT(val <= BufferSize);
352  if (val == BufferSize) {
353  val = 0;
354  }
356  return val;
357  }
359 private:
360  T _buffer[BufferSize];
361  CounterType _head;
362  CounterType _tail;
363  bool _full;
364 };
366 /**@}*/
368 /**@}*/
370 }
372 #endif
bool full() const
Check if the buffer is full.
index_type size() const
Return the size of the sequence viewed.
Definition: Span.h:348
Templated Circular buffer class.
void push(const T *src, CounterType len)
Push the transaction to the buffer.
Span< T, Extent > make_Span(T *elements)
Generate a Span from a pointer to a C/C++ array.
Definition: Span.h:1034
void core_util_critical_section_exit(void)
Mark the end of a critical section.
mbed::Span< T > pop(mbed::Span< T > dest)
Pop multiple elements from the buffer.
void push(mbed::Span< const T > src)
Push the transaction to the buffer.
void push(const T &data)
Push the transaction to the buffer.
CounterType size() const
Get the number of elements currently stored in the circular_buffer.
MBED_FORCEINLINE bool core_util_atomic_load_bool(const volatile bool *valuePtr)
Atomic load.
Nonowning view to a sequence of contiguous elements.
Definition: Span.h:215
void core_util_critical_section_enter(void)
Mark the start of a critical section.
#define MBED_ASSERT(expr)
MBED_ASSERT Declare runtime assertions: results in runtime error if condition is false.
Definition: mbed_assert.h:65
bool pop(T &data)
Pop from the buffer.
CounterType pop(T *dest, CounterType len)
Pop multiple elements from the buffer.
pointer data() const
Return a pointer to the first element of the sequence or NULL if the Span is empty().
Definition: Span.h:426
bool peek(T &data) const
Peek into circular buffer without popping.
Definition: ATHandler.h:46
#define MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(expr, msg)
MBED_STATIC_ASSERT Declare compile-time assertions, results in compile-time error if condition is fal...
Definition: mbed_assert.h:98
bool empty() const
Check if the buffer is empty.
void reset()
Reset the buffer.
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