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EthInterface class hierarchy

The EthInterface provides a C++ API for connecting to the internet over Ethernet. By default, this class does not require any configuration. It is able to pick up the default Ethernet driver for the target and select correct network stack.


To statically initialize the driver, create an object without passing any parameters:

EthernetInterface eth;

Then, if the default configuration is enough, bring up the interface:

nsapi_error_t status = eth.connect();

Now, the interface is ready to be used for network sockets.

// Open a TCP socket
TCPSocket socket;

// Open a UDP socket
UDPSocket socket;


For EthernetInterface, there are two possible configurations:

  • Use DHCP for network addressing. This is the default.
  • Use statically configured IP addresses.

Refer to the API below for how to set the IP addresses by calling the set_network() function.

Troubleshooting information

Network interface connect failure causes:

  • NSAPI_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION indicates that the Ethernet link up has failed. Check that the Ethernet connection is working.
  • NSAPI_ERROR_DHCP_FAILURE indicates that acquiring the IP address has failed. Check that the IP address configuration service is working.

EthInterface class reference

Public Types
typedef mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_value_or_error_t result, SocketAddress *address)> hostbyname_cb_t
 Hostname translation callback (for use with gethostbyname_async()). More...
Public Member Functions
EthInterfaceethInterface () final
 Return pointer to an EthInterface. More...
virtual void set_as_default ()
 Set network interface as default one. More...
virtual const char * get_mac_address ()
 Get the local MAC address. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t get_ip_address (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the local IP address. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t get_ipv6_link_local_address (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the IPv6 link local address. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t get_netmask (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the local network mask. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t get_gateway (SocketAddress *address)
 Get the local gateway. More...
virtual char * get_interface_name (char *interface_name)
 Get the network interface name. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t set_network (const SocketAddress &ip_address, const SocketAddress &netmask, const SocketAddress &gateway)
 Configure this network interface to use a static IP address. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t set_dhcp (bool dhcp)
 Enable or disable DHCP on connecting the network. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t connect ()=0
 Connect to a network. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t disconnect ()=0
 Disconnect from the network. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname (const char *host, SocketAddress *address, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to an IP address with specific version using network interface name. More...
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, SocketAddress **res, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses with specific version using network interface name. More...
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t gethostbyname_async (const char *host, hostbyname_cb_t callback, nsapi_version_t version=NSAPI_UNSPEC, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to an IP address (asynchronous) using network interface name. More...
virtual nsapi_value_or_error_t getaddrinfo_async (const char *hostname, SocketAddress *hints, hostbyname_cb_t callback, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Translate a hostname to the multiple IP addresses (asynchronous) using network interface name. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t gethostbyname_async_cancel (int id)
 Cancel asynchronous hostname translation. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t add_dns_server (const SocketAddress &address, const char *interface_name)
 Add a domain name server to list of servers to query. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t get_dns_server (int index, SocketAddress *address, const char *interface_name=NULL)
 Get a domain name server from a list of servers to query. More...
virtual void attach (mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb)
 Register callback for status reporting. More...
void add_event_listener (mbed::Callback< void(nsapi_event_t, intptr_t)> status_cb)
 Add event listener for interface. More...
virtual nsapi_connection_status_t get_connection_status () const
 Get the connection status. More...
virtual nsapi_error_t set_blocking (bool blocking)
 Set asynchronous operation of connect() and disconnect() calls. More...
virtual WiFiInterfacewifiInterface ()
 Return pointer to a WiFiInterface. More...
virtual MeshInterfacemeshInterface ()
 Return pointer to a MeshInterface. More...
virtual EMACInterfaceemacInterface ()
 Return pointer to an EMACInterface. More...
virtual CellularInterfacecellularInterface ()
 Return pointer to a CellularInterface. More...
virtual void set_default_parameters ()
 defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY) More...
Static Public Member Functions
static EthInterfaceget_default_instance ()
 Get the default Ethernet interface. More...

EthInterface example

Here is an example of an HTTP client program. The program brings up Ethernet as the underlying network interface and uses it to perform an HTTP transaction over a TCPSocket:

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 Arm Limited and affiliates.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "mbed.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"

// Network interface
EthernetInterface net;

// Socket demo
int main()
    // Bring up the ethernet interface
    printf("Ethernet socket example\n");

    // Show the network address
    SocketAddress a;
    printf("IP address: %s\n", a.get_ip_address() ? a.get_ip_address() : "None");

    // Open a socket on the network interface, and create a TCP connection to mbed.org
    TCPSocket socket;

    net.gethostbyname("ifconfig.io", &a);
    // Send a simple http request
    char sbuffer[] = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: ifconfig.io\r\n\r\n";
    int scount = socket.send(sbuffer, sizeof sbuffer);
    printf("sent %d [%.*s]\n", scount, strstr(sbuffer, "\r\n") - sbuffer, sbuffer);

    // Recieve a simple http response and print out the response line
    char rbuffer[64];
    int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, sizeof rbuffer);
    printf("recv %d [%.*s]\n", rcount, strstr(rbuffer, "\r\n") - rbuffer, rbuffer);

    // Close the socket to return its memory and bring down the network interface

    // Bring down the ethernet interface

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