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1 /** \addtogroup hal */
2 /** @{*/
3 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
4  * Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
19 #ifndef MBED_CRC_HAL_API_H
20 #define MBED_CRC_HAL_API_H
22 #include <stdbool.h>
23 #include <stddef.h>
24 #include <stdint.h>
26 /** CRC Polynomial value
27  *
28  * Different polynomial values supported
29  */
30 typedef enum crc_polynomial {
31  POLY_7BIT_SD = 0x09, ///< x7+x3+1
32  POLY_8BIT_CCITT = 0x07, ///< x8+x2+x+1
33  POLY_16BIT_CCITT = 0x1021, ///< x16+x12+x5+1
34  POLY_16BIT_IBM = 0x8005, ///< x16+x15+x2+1
35  POLY_32BIT_ANSI = 0x04C11DB7 ///< x32+x26+x23+x22+x16+x12+x11+x10+x8+x7+x5+x4+x2+x+1
38 typedef struct crc_mbed_config {
39  /** CRC Polynomial. Example polynomial: x^8+x^5+x+1 -> width = 8, polynomial = 0010_0011 = 0x21 */
40  uint32_t polynomial;
41  /** CRC Bit Width */
42  uint32_t width;
43  /** Initial seed value for the computation. */
44  uint32_t initial_xor;
45  /** Final xor value for the computation. */
46  uint32_t final_xor;
47  /** Reflect bits on input. */
48  bool reflect_in;
49  /** Reflect bits in final result before returning. */
55 #ifdef __cplusplus
56 extern "C" {
57 #endif
59 /**
60  * \defgroup hal_crc Hardware CRC
61  *
62  * The Hardware CRC HAL API provides a low-level interface to the Hardware CRC
63  * module of a target platform.
64  *
65  * # Defined behaviour
66  *
67  * * Macro HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED() evaluates true if platform supports hardware
68  * CRC for the given polynomial/width - verified by test ::crc_is_supported_test.
69  * * Macro HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED() evaluates false if platform does not support hardware
70  * CRC for the given polynomial/width - verified by test ::crc_is_supported_test.
71  * * If CRC module does not support any of the following settings: initial_xor, final_xor
72  * reflect_in, reflect_out, then these operations must be handled by the driver
73  * - Verified by test ::crc_calc_single_test.
74  * * Platform which supports hardware CRC must be able to handle at least one of the predefined
75  * polynomial/width configurations that can be constructed in the MbedCRC class: POLY_8BIT_CCITT,
77  * - verified by test ::crc_is_supported_test, ::crc_calc_single_test.
78  * * Function hal_crc_compute_partial_start() configures CRC module with the given configuration
79  * - Verified by test ::crc_calc_single_test.
80  * * Calling hal_crc_compute_partial_start() without finalising the
81  * CRC calculation overrides the current configuration - Verified by test ::crc_reconfigure_test.
82  * * Function hal_crc_compute_partial() writes data to the CRC module - verified by test ::crc_calc_single_test.
83  * * Function hal_crc_compute_partial() can be call multiple times in succession in order to
84  * provide additional data to CRC module - verified by test ::crc_calc_multi_test.
85  * * Function hal_crc_compute_partial() does nothing if pointer to buffer is undefined or
86  * data length is equal to 0 - verified by test ::crc_compute_partial_invalid_param_test.
87  * * Function hal_crc_get_result() returns the checksum result from the CRC module
88  * - verified by tests ::crc_calc_single_test, ::crc_calc_multi_test, ::crc_reconfigure_test.
89  *
90  * # Undefined behaviour
91  *
92  * * Calling hal_crc_compute_partial_start() function with invalid (unsupported) polynomial.
93  * * Calling hal_crc_compute_partial() or hal_crc_get_result() functions before hal_crc_compute_partial_start().
94  * * Calling hal_crc_get_result() function multiple times.
95  *
96  * # Non-functional requirements
97  *
98  * * CRC configuration provides the following settings:
99  * * polynomial - CRC Polynomial,
100  * * width - CRC bit width,
101  * * initial_xor - seed value for the computation,
102  * * final_xor - final xor value for the computation,
103  * * reflect_in - reflect bits on input,
104  * * reflect_out - reflect bits in final result before returning.
105  *
106  * # Potential bugs
107  *
108  * # Macros
109  *
110  * Platform support for particular CRC polynomials is indicated by the
111  * macro HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED(polynomial, width), which must be defined
112  * in device.h, or a file included from there.
113  *
114  * The macro must evaluate to a constant boolean expression when given
115  * constant parameters.
116  *
117  * The current platform must support the given polynomial with all possible
118  * other config parameters if the macro evaluates to true. These are:
119  * reflect in, reflect out, initial xor and final xor. If any of these settings
120  * of these settings cannot be configured, the polynomial is not supported.
121  *
122  * Example:
123  *
124  * #define HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED(polynomial, width) \
125  * ((width) == 16 || ((width) == 32 && (polynomial) == POLY_32BIT_ANSI)
126  * @{
127  */
129 /**
130  * \defgroup hal_crc_tests crc hal tests
131  * The crc HAL tests ensure driver conformance to defined behaviour.
132  *
133  * To run the crc hal tests use the command:
134  *
135  * mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal-crc*
136  *
137  */
139 /** Initialize the hardware CRC module with the given polynomial
140  *
141  * After calling this function, the CRC HAL module is ready to receive data
142  * using the hal_crc_compute_partial() function. The CRC module on the board
143  * is configured internally with the specified configuration and is ready
144  * to receive data.
145  *
146  * The platform configures itself based on the default configuration
147  * parameters of the input polynomial.
148  *
149  * This function must be called before calling hal_crc_compute_partial().
150  *
151  * This function must be called with a valid polynomial supported by the
152  * platform. The polynomial must be checked for support using the
153  * HAL_CRC_IS_SUPPORTED() macro.
154  *
155  * Calling hal_crc_compute_partial_start() multiple times without finalizing the
156  * CRC calculation with hal_crc_get_result() overrides the current
157  * configuration and state, and the intermediate result of the computation is
158  * lost.
159  *
160  * This function is not thread safe. A CRC calculation must not be started from
161  * two different threads or contexts at the same time; calling this function
162  * from two different contexts may lead to configurations being overwritten and
163  * results being lost.
164  *
165  * \param config Contains CRC configuration parameters for initializing the
166  * hardware CRC module. For example, polynomial and initial seed
167  * values.
168  */
171 /** Writes data to the current CRC module.
172  *
173  * Writes input data buffer bytes to the CRC data register. The CRC module
174  * must interpret the data as an array of bytes.
175  *
176  * The final transformations are not applied to the data; the CRC module must
177  * retain the intermediate result so that additional calls to this function
178  * can be made, appending the additional data to the calculation.
179  *
180  * To obtain the final result of the CRC calculation, hal_crc_get_result() is
181  * called to apply the final transformations to the data.
182  *
183  * If the function is passed an undefined pointer, or the size of the buffer is
184  * specified to be 0, this function does nothing and returns.
185  *
186  * This function can be called multiple times in succession. This can be used
187  * to calculate the CRC result of streamed data.
188  *
189  * This function is not thread safe. There is only one instance of the CRC
190  * module active at a time. Calling this function from multiple contexts
191  * appends different data to the same, single instance of the module, which causes an
192  * erroneous value to be calculated.
193  *
194  * \param data Input data stream to be written into the CRC calculation
195  * \param size Size of the data stream in bytes
196  */
197 void hal_crc_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size);
199 /* Reads the checksum result from the CRC module.
200  *
201  * Reads the final checksum result for the final checksum value. The returned
202  * value is cast as an unsigned 32-bit integer. The actual size of the returned
203  * result depends on the polynomial used to configure the CRC module.
204  *
205  * Additional transformations that are used in the default configuration of the
206  * input polynomial are applied to the result before it is returned from this
207  * function. These transformations include: the final xor being appended to the
208  * calculation, and the result being reflected if required.
209  *
210  * Calling this function multiple times is undefined. The first call to this
211  * function returns the final result of the CRC calculation. The return
212  * value on successive calls is undefined because the contents of the register after
213  * accessing them is platform-specific.
214  *
215  * This function is not thread safe. There is only one instance of the CRC
216  * module active at a time. Calling this function from multiple contexts may
217  * return incorrect data or affect the current state of the module.
218  *
219  * \return The final CRC checksum after the reflections and final calculations
220  * have been applied.
221  */
222 uint32_t hal_crc_get_result(void);
224 /**@}*/
226 #ifdef __cplusplus
227 }
228 #endif
230 #endif // DEVICE_CRC
231 #endif // MBED_CRC_HAL_API_H
233 /**@}*/
Definition: crc_api.h:34
enum crc_polynomial crc_polynomial_t
CRC Polynomial value.
Definition: crc_api.h:31
uint32_t final_xor
Final xor value for the computation.
Definition: crc_api.h:46
void hal_crc_compute_partial_start(const crc_mbed_config_t *config)
Initialize the hardware CRC module with the given polynomial.
CRC Polynomial value.
Definition: crc_api.h:30
uint32_t width
CRC Bit Width.
Definition: crc_api.h:42
Definition: crc_api.h:33
Definition: crc_api.h:32
void hal_crc_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size)
Writes data to the current CRC module.
bool reflect_out
Reflect bits in final result before returning.
Definition: crc_api.h:50
uint32_t polynomial
CRC Polynomial.
Definition: crc_api.h:40
Definition: crc_api.h:35
bool reflect_in
Reflect bits on input.
Definition: crc_api.h:48
uint32_t initial_xor
Initial seed value for the computation.
Definition: crc_api.h:44
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