99 /** Wait until a Semaphore resource becomes available.
100 @param millisec absolute timeout time, referenced to Kernel::get_ms_count()
101 @return true if a resource was acquired, false otherwise.
102 @note the underlying RTOS may have a limit to the maximum wait time
103 due to internal 32-bit computations, but this is guaranteed to work if the
104 wait is <= 0x7fffffff milliseconds (~24 days). If the limit is exceeded,
105 the acquire attempt will time out earlier than specified.
107 @note You cannot call this function from ISR context.
108 @deprecated Pass a chrono time_point, not an integer millisecond count. For example use
109 `Kernel::Clock::now() + 5s` rather than `Kernel::get_ms_count() + 5000`.
110 */
111MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.0.0", "Pass a chrono time_point, not an integer millisecond count. For example use `Kernel::Clock::now() + 5s` rather than `Kernel::get_ms_count() + 5000`.")
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