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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2020 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
5  *
6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9  *
10  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11  *
12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16  * limitations under the License.
17  */
22 #include <cstdint>
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
25 #include "platform/mbed_chrono.h"
27 namespace ble {
29 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
31 /**
32  * Define a compile time range.
33  * @tparam Min left-bound
34  * @tparam Max right-bound
35  */
36 template<uint32_t Min, uint32_t Max, uint32_t Default = Min>
37 struct Range {
38  static const uint32_t MIN = Min;
39  static const uint32_t MAX = Max;
40  static const uint32_t DEFAULT = Default;
41 };
43 /**
44  * Deduce default range for C++ basic integer types.
45  *
46  *
47  * @tparam Rep The C++ integer type.
48  */
49 template<typename Rep>
50 struct DefaultRange;
52 /**
53  * DefaultRange specialization for uint8_t.
54  */
55 template<>
56 struct DefaultRange<uint8_t> {
57  typedef Range<0, 0xFF> type;
58 };
60 /**
61  * DefaultRange specialization for uint16_t.
62  */
63 template<>
64 struct DefaultRange<uint16_t > {
65  typedef Range<0, 0xFFFF> type;
66 };
68 /**
69  * DefaultRange specialization for uint32_t
70  */
71 template<>
72 struct DefaultRange<uint32_t> {
73  typedef Range<0, 0xFFFFFFFF> type;
74 };
76 /**
77  * Represent an integral compile time value that can be used in Duration.
78  *
79  * @tparam T Type of the integral value.
80  * @tparam V The integer value representing a never ending duration.
81  */
82 template<typename T, T V>
83 struct Value {
84  static const T VALUE = V;
85 };
87 #endif
89 /**
90  * Model BLE durations.
91  *
92  * @tparam Rep The representation type of the duration.
93  * @tparam TB The time base in micro seconds.
94  * @tparam Range Closed interval of the duration
95  * @tparam Forever The special value (if applicable) that represents a forever
96  * duration.
97  */
98 template<
99  typename Rep,
100  uint32_t TB,
101  typename Range = typename DefaultRange<Rep>::type,
102  typename Forever = void*
103 >
104 struct Duration {
105  /**
106  * Type of the actual representation.
107  */
108  typedef Rep representation_t;
110  /**
111  * Construct a default Duration.
112  *
113  * It is initialized with the minimum value acceptable.
114  */
115  Duration() : duration(Range::DEFAULT)
116  {
117  }
119  /**
120  * Construct a Duration from an integer value.
121  *
122  * @param v The value of the duration in TIME_BASE units.
123  */
124  explicit Duration(Rep v) : duration(clamp(v))
125  {
126  }
128  /**
129  * Construct a Duration from another Duration.
130  *
131  * @note The operation fail at compile time if there is a loss of precision.
132  *
133  * @tparam OtherRep The type used to represent the other Duration.
134  * @tparam OtherTB The time base in micro seconds of the other Duration.
135  * @tparam OtherRange The range of the other Duration.
136  * @tparam OtherF The forever value of the other type.
137  *
138  * @param other The Duration used to construct this object.
139  */
140  template<typename OtherRep, uint32_t OtherTB, typename OtherRange, typename OtherF>
142  duration(clamp(other.value() * (OtherTB / TB)))
143  {
144  static_assert(OtherTB >= TB && (OtherTB % TB) == 0, "Incompatible units");
145  }
147  /**
148  * Construct a new Duration from a Duration in milliseconds.
149  *
150  * @note The result of the conversion is rounded up.
151  *
152  * @tparam OtherRep The representation type used by other_ms.
153  * @tparam OtherRange The range used by other_ms.
154  * @tparam OtherF The forever value used by other_ms.
155  *
156  * @param other_ms The Duration in millisecond to convert.
157  */
158  template<typename OtherRep, typename OtherRange, typename OtherF>
159  explicit Duration(Duration<OtherRep, 1000, OtherRange, OtherF> other_ms, void* = nullptr) :
160  duration(clamp(((other_ms.value() * 1000) + TB - 1) / TB))
161  {
162  }
164  /**
165  * Return the duration in TB units.
166  *
167  * @return The duration in TB units.
168  */
169  Rep value() const
170  {
171  return duration;
172  }
174  /**
175  * Return the duration in milliseconds.
176  *
177  * @return The duration in milliseconds.
178  */
179  uint32_t valueInMs() const
180  {
181  return ((uint32_t)duration * TB) / 1000;
182  }
184  /**
185  * The time base.
186  */
187  static const uint32_t TIME_BASE = TB;
189  /**
190  * Left-bound of the duration range.
191  */
192  static const Rep MIN = Range::MIN;
194  /**
195  * Right bound of the duration range.
196  */
197  static const Rep MAX = Range::MAX;
199  /**
200  * Return the minimum duration.
201  *
202  * @return The minimum duration.
203  */
204  static Duration min()
205  {
206  return Duration(MIN);
207  }
209  /**
210  * Return the maximum duration.
211  *
212  * @return The maximum duration.
213  */
214  static Duration max()
215  {
216  return Duration(MAX);
217  }
219  /**
220  * Return a pointer to the value of the duration.
221  *
222  * @return a pointer to the value of the duration.
223  */
224  const Rep* storage() const
225  {
226  return &duration;
227  }
229  /**
230  * Return the Duration value meaning forever.
231  * @return the Duration value meaning forever.
232  */
233  static Duration forever()
234  {
235  return Duration(Forever::VALUE);
236  }
238 #if defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
239  /**
240  * Test if the forever value is being held
241  * @return True if the forever value is held False otherwise
242  */
243  bool isForever() const;
244 #else
245  // Overload when Forever isn't defined
246  template<typename DefaultForever = void*>
247  std::enable_if_t<
248  std::is_same<DefaultForever, Forever>::value,
249  bool
250  >
251  isForever() const
252  {
253  return false;
254  }
256  // Overload when Forever is defined
257  template<typename DefaultForever = void*>
258  std::enable_if_t<
259  !std::is_same<DefaultForever, Forever>::value,
260  bool
261  >
262  isForever() const
263  {
264  return duration == Forever::VALUE;
265  }
266 #endif
268  /**
269  * Convert the duration into an std::chrono one.
270  * @return The duration in the std::chrono format.
271  */
272  std::chrono::duration<Rep, typename std::ratio<TB, 1000000>::type>
273  valueChrono() const
274  {
275  MBED_ASSERT(!isForever());
277  return std::chrono::duration<Rep, typename std::ratio<TB, 1000000>::type>{duration};
278  }
280 private:
281  static Rep clamp(Rep in)
282  {
283  if (in < MIN) {
284  return MIN;
285  } else if (in > MAX) {
286  return MAX;
287  } else {
288  return in;
289  }
290  }
292  Rep duration;
293 };
295 /**
296  * Type that represents micro seconds.
297  */
300 /**
301  * Type that represents milliseconds.
302  */
305 /**
306  * Type that represents seconds.
307  */
310 /**
311  * Cast a duration to another.
312  *
313  * @tparam DurationOut Type of the Duration in output.
314  * @tparam RepIn The representation type of duration.
315  * @tparam TBIn The timebase of duration.
316  * @tparam RangeIn The range of duration.
317  * @tparam FIn The Forever value of duration.
318  * @param duration The duration to convert.
319  * @return The converted duration. It is rounded up if precision is lost.
320  *
321  * @related Duration
322  */
323 template<typename DurationOut, typename RepIn, uint32_t TBIn, typename RangeIn, typename FIn>
325 {
326  return DurationOut(((duration.value() * TBIn) + DurationOut::TIME_BASE - 1) / DurationOut::TIME_BASE);
327 }
329 /**
330  * Add two durations together and return the result in microseconds.
331  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
332  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
333  * @return The result of the addition of the two durations in microseconds.
334  *
335  * @related Duration
336  */
337 template<
338  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
339  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS>
340 microsecond_t operator+(
343 )
344 {
345  return microsecond_t((lhs.value() * lhs.TIME_BASE) + (rhs.value() * rhs.TIME_BASE));
346 }
348 /**
349  * Add two durations together.
350  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
351  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
352  * @return The addition of the two durations in input.
353  *
354  * @related Duration
355  */
356 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename F>
360 )
361 {
362  return Duration<Rep, TB, Range, F>(lhs.value() + rhs.value());
363 }
365 /**
366  * Multiply a duration and a positive integer.
367  *
368  * @param lhs The duration.
369  * @param rhs The integer.
370  *
371  * @return A duration that represents the multiplication of lhs with rhs.
372  *
373  * @related Duration
374  */
375 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename F>
377 {
378  return Duration<Rep, TB, Range, F>(lhs.value() * rhs);
379 }
381 /**
382  * Multiply a duration and a positive integer.
383  *
384  * @param lhs The integer.
385  * @param rhs The multiplication.
386  *
387  * @return A duration that represents the multiplication of lhs with rhs.
388  *
389  * @related Duration
390  */
391 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename F>
393 {
394  return Duration<Rep, TB, Range, F>(lhs * rhs.value());
395 }
397 /**
398  * Indicate if the duration lhs is less than the duration rhs.
399  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
400  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
401  * @return true if lhs is less than rhs and false otherwise.
402  *
403  * @related Duration
404  */
405 template<
406  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
407  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
408 >
409 bool operator<(Duration<RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS> lhs, Duration<RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS> rhs)
410 {
411  return lhs.value() * lhs.TIME_BASE < rhs.value() * rhs.TIME_BASE;
412 }
414 /**
415  * Indicate if the duration lhs is less than the duration rhs.
416  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
417  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
418  * @return true if lhs is less than rhs and false otherwise.
419  *
420  * @related Duration
421  */
422 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range, typename F>
423 bool operator<(Duration<Rep, Us, Range, F> lhs, Duration<Rep, Us, Range, F> rhs)
424 {
425  return lhs.value() < rhs.value();
426 }
428 /**
429  * Indicate if the duration lhs is less than or equal to the duration rhs.
430  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
431  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
432  * @return true if lhs is less than or equal to rhs and false otherwise.
433  *
434  * @related Duration
435  */
436 template<
437  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
438  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
439 >
443 )
444 {
445  return lhs.value() * lhs.TIME_BASE <= rhs.value() * rhs.TIME_BASE;
446 }
448 /**
449  * Indicate if the duration lhs is less than or equal to the duration rhs.
450  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
451  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
452  * @return true if lhs is less than or equal to rhs and false otherwise.
453  *
454  * @related Duration
455  */
456 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range>
457 bool operator<=(Duration<Rep, Us, Range> lhs, Duration<Rep, Us, Range> rhs)
458 {
459  return lhs.value() <= rhs.value();
460 }
462 /**
463  * Indicate if the duration lhs is equal to the duration rhs.
464  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
465  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
466  * @return true if lhs is equal to rhs and false otherwise.
467  *
468  * @related Duration
469  */
470 template<
471  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
472  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
473 >
477 )
478 {
479  return lhs.value() * lhs.TIME_BASE == rhs.value() * rhs.TIME_BASE;
480 }
482 /**
483  * Indicate if the duration lhs is equal to the duration rhs.
484  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
485  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
486  * @return true if lhs is equal to rhs and false otherwise.
487  *
488  * @related Duration
489  */
490 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range, typename F>
492 {
493  return lhs.value() == rhs.value();
494 }
496 /**
497  * Indicate if the duration lhs is not equal to the duration rhs.
498  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
499  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
500  * @return true if lhs is not equal to rhs and false otherwise.
501  *
502  * @related Duration
503  */
504 template<
505  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
506  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
507 >
511 )
512 {
513  return !(lhs == rhs);
514 }
516 /**
517  * Indicate if the duration lhs is not equal to the duration rhs.
518  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
519  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
520  * @return true if lhs is not equal to rhs and false otherwise.
521  *
522  * @related Duration
523  */
524 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range, typename F>
526 {
527  return !(lhs == rhs);
528 }
530 /**
531  * Indicate if the duration lhs greater or equal to the duration rhs.
532  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
533  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
534  * @return true if lhs is greater or equal to rhs and false otherwise.
535  *
536  * @related Duration
537  */
538 template<
539  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
540  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
541 >
545 )
546 {
547  return rhs <= lhs;
548 }
550 /**
551  * Indicate if the duration lhs greater or equal to the duration rhs.
552  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
553  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
554  * @return true if lhs is greater or equal to rhs and false otherwise.
555  *
556  * @related Duration
557  */
558 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range, typename F>
560 {
561  return rhs <= lhs;
562 }
564 /**
565  * Indicate if the duration lhs greater than the duration rhs.
566  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
567  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
568  * @return true if lhs is greater than rhs and false otherwise.
569  *
570  * @related Duration
571  */
572 template<
573  typename RepLHS, uint32_t TBLHS, typename RangeLHS, typename FLHS,
574  typename RepRHS, uint32_t TBRHS, typename RangeRHS, typename FRHS
575 >
579 )
580 {
581  return rhs < lhs;
582 }
584 /**
585  * Indicate if the duration lhs greater than the duration rhs.
586  * @param lhs Left hand side operand.
587  * @param rhs Right hand side operand.
588  * @return true if lhs is greater than rhs and false otherwise.
589  *
590  * @related Duration
591  */
592 template<typename Rep, uint32_t Us, typename Range, typename F>
594 {
595  return rhs < lhs;
596 }
598 /* ---------------------- Static variable initialization -------------------- */
600 #if !defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
602 template<uint32_t Min, uint32_t Max, uint32_t Default>
603 const uint32_t Range<Min, Max, Default>::MIN;
605 template<uint32_t Min, uint32_t Max, uint32_t Default>
606 const uint32_t Range<Min, Max, Default>::MAX;
608 template<uint32_t Min, uint32_t Max, uint32_t Default>
609 const uint32_t Range<Min, Max, Default>::DEFAULT;
611 template<typename T, T V>
612 const T Value<T, V>::VALUE;
614 #endif
616 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename Forever>
619 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename Forever>
622 template<typename Rep, uint32_t TB, typename Range, typename Forever>
625 }
Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > operator+(Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > lhs, Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > rhs)
Add two durations together.
Definition: Duration.h:357
DurationOut durationCast(Duration< RepIn, TBIn, RangeIn, FIn > duration)
Cast a duration to another.
Definition: Duration.h:324
static Duration forever()
Return the Duration value meaning forever.
Definition: Duration.h:233
bool operator>=(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs greater or equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:542
Duration< uint32_t, 1000 *millisecond_t::TIME_BASE > second_t
Type that represents seconds.
Definition: Duration.h:308
Rep value() const
Return the duration in TB units.
Definition: Duration.h:169
bool operator>(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs greater than the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:576
bool operator==(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs is equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:474
bool operator!=(Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > lhs, Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs is not equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:525
#define MAX(a, b)
Returns the maximum value between a and b.
Definition: lora_phy_ds.h:55
static Duration max()
Return the maximum duration.
Definition: Duration.h:214
uint32_t valueInMs() const
Return the duration in milliseconds.
Definition: Duration.h:179
Duration< uint32_t, 1000 *microsecond_t::TIME_BASE > millisecond_t
Type that represents milliseconds.
Definition: Duration.h:303
static const uint32_t TIME_BASE
The time base.
Definition: Duration.h:187
Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > operator*(Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > lhs, uint32_t rhs)
Multiply a duration and a positive integer.
Definition: Duration.h:376
bool operator==(Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > lhs, Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs is equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:491
Duration(Rep v)
Construct a Duration from an integer value.
Definition: Duration.h:124
Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > operator*(uint32_t lhs, Duration< Rep, TB, Range, F > rhs)
Multiply a duration and a positive integer.
Definition: Duration.h:392
#define MBED_ASSERT(expr)
MBED_ASSERT Declare runtime assertions: results in runtime error if condition is false.
Definition: mbed_assert.h:66
const Rep * storage() const
Return a pointer to the value of the duration.
Definition: Duration.h:224
Duration(Duration< OtherRep, OtherTB, OtherRange, OtherF > other)
Construct a Duration from another Duration.
Definition: Duration.h:141
bool operator<=(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs is less than or equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:440
microsecond_t operator+(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Add two durations together and return the result in microseconds.
Definition: Duration.h:340
bool operator!=(Duration< RepLHS, TBLHS, RangeLHS, FLHS > lhs, Duration< RepRHS, TBRHS, RangeRHS, FRHS > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs is not equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:508
Construct a default Duration.
Definition: Duration.h:115
Rep representation_t
Type of the actual representation.
Definition: Duration.h:108
static Duration min()
Return the minimum duration.
Definition: Duration.h:204
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
bool operator>=(Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > lhs, Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs greater or equal to the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:559
Duration< uint32_t, 1 > microsecond_t
Type that represents micro seconds.
Definition: Duration.h:298
bool operator>(Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > lhs, Duration< Rep, Us, Range, F > rhs)
Indicate if the duration lhs greater than the duration rhs.
Definition: Duration.h:593
Duration(Duration< OtherRep, 1000, OtherRange, OtherF > other_ms, void *=nullptr)
Construct a new Duration from a Duration in milliseconds.
Definition: Duration.h:159
Model BLE durations.
Definition: Duration.h:104
std::chrono::duration< Rep, typename std::ratio< TB, 1000000 >::type > valueChrono() const
Convert the duration into an std::chrono one.
Definition: Duration.h:273
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