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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2019 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 /** \addtogroup hal */
19 /** @{*/
21 #ifndef MBED_I2C_API_H
22 #define MBED_I2C_API_H
24 #include "device.h"
25 #include "pinmap.h"
26 #include "hal/buffer.h"
29 #include "hal/dma_api.h"
30 #endif
32 #include <stdbool.h>
34 #if DEVICE_I2C
36 /**
37  * \defgroup hal_i2c I2C hal
38  *
39  * The I2C hal provides a low level interface to the I2C interface of a target.
40  *
41  * # Defined behavior
42  * * The function ::i2c_init initializes the peripheral pins specified in the input parameters,
43  * initializes the peripheral in master mode if `is_slave` is false,
44  * initializes the peripheral in slave mode if `is_slave` is true and `supports_slave_mode` is true - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_init_free.
45  * * The function ::i2c_free resets the pins used to initialize the peripheral to their default state and
46  * disables the peripheral clock - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_init_free.
47  * * The function ::i2c_get_capabilities fills the contents of the `i2c_capabilities_t` parameter - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_get_capabilities.
48  * * The function ::i2c_frequency sets the frequency to use for the transfer, returns the actual frequency used and
49  * must leave all other configuration unchanged - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_frequency.
50  * * The function ::i2c_timeout sets the transmision timeout to use for the following blocking transfers.
51  * If the timeout is not set, the default timeout is used.
52  * The default timeout value is based on I2C frequency. It's computed as triple the amount of time it would take to send data over I2C - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_blocking_transmission_timeout.
53  * * The function ::i2c_write writes `length` number of symbols to the bus, returns the number of symbols sent to the bus,
54  * returns an error code if the transfer fails, generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if `stop` parameter is true,
55  * and handles transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware.
56  * The transfer times out and returns `I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT ` if the transfer takes longer than the configured timeout duration - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_blocking_write_read.
57  * * The function ::i2c_read reads `length` symbols from the bus, returns the number of symbols received from the bus,
58  * returns an error code if the transfer fails, generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if `stop` parameter is true
59  * and handles transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware.
60  * The transfer times out and returns `I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT ` if the transfer takes longer than the configured timeout duration - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_blocking_write_read.
61  * * The function ::i2c_start generates I2C START condition on the bus in master mode and does nothing if called when the peripheral is configured in slave mode.
62  * * The function ::i2c_stop generates I2C STOP condition on the bus in master mode and does nothing if called when the peripheral is configured in slave mode
63  * - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_blocking_write_read ::fpga_i2c_test_async_write_read.
64  * * The function ::i2c_slave_status indicates which mode the peripheral has been addressed in and returns not addressed when called in master mode.
65  * * The function ::i2c_slave_address sets the address of the peripheral to the `address` parameter and does nothing if called in master mode.
66  * * The function ::i2c_transfer_async returns immediately with a `bool` indicating whether the transfer was successfully scheduled.
67  * The callback given to `i2c_transfer_async` is invoked when the transfer finishes or an error occurs and
68  * must save the handler and context pointers inside the `obj` pointer. The context pointer is passed to the callback on transfer completion.
69  * The callback must be invoked on completion unless the transfer is aborted and
70  * may handle transfer collisions and loss of arbitration if the platform supports multimaster in hardware and enabled in API.
71  * `i2c_async_event_t` must be filled with the number of symbols sent to the bus during transfer - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_async_write_read.
72  * * The function ::i2c_abort_async aborts any ongoing async transfers - Verified by test ::fpga_i2c_test_async_abort.
73  *
74  * # Undefined behaviors
75  *
76  * * Use of a `null` pointer as an argument to any function.
77  * * Calling any `I2C` function before calling ::i2c_init or after calling ::i2c_free.
78  * * Initializing the `I2C` peripheral with invalid `SDA` and `SCL` pins.
79  * * Initializing the peripheral in slave mode if slave mode is not supported, indicated by ::i2c_get_capabilities.
80  * * Operating the peripheral in slave mode without first specifying an address using ::i2c_slave_address.
81  * * Setting an address using i2c_slave_address after initializing the peripheral in master mode.
82  * * Setting an address to an `I2C` reserved value.
83  * * Setting an address larger than the 7-bit supported maximum if 10-bit addressing is not supported.
84  * * Setting an address larger than the 10-bit supported maximum.
85  * * Setting a frequency outside the supported range given by ::i2c_get_capabilities.
86  * * Using the device in a multimaster configuration when `supports_multimaster_mode` is false.
87  * * Specifying an invalid address when calling any `read` or `write` functions.
88  * * Setting the length of the transfer or receive buffers to larger than the buffers are.
89  * * Passing an invalid pointer as `handler` to ::i2c_transfer_async.
90  * * Calling ::i2c_abort_async when no transfer is in progress.
91  *
92  * @{
93  */
95 /**
96  * \defgroup hal_i2c_tests I2C hal tests
97  * The I2C test validate proper implementation of the I2C hal.
98  *
99  * To run the I2C hal tests, use the command:
100  *
101  * mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-i2c
102  */
105 /**
106  * @defgroup hal_I2CEvents I2C Events Macros
107  *
108  * @{
109  */
110 #define I2C_EVENT_ERROR (1 << 1)
111 #define I2C_EVENT_ERROR_NO_SLAVE (1 << 2)
112 #define I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_COMPLETE (1 << 3)
113 #define I2C_EVENT_TRANSFER_EARLY_NACK (1 << 4)
114 #define I2C_EVENT_ARBITRATION_LOST (1 << 5)
115 #define I2C_EVENT_ALL (I2C_EVENT_ERROR | \
121 /**@}*/
123 typedef struct i2c i2c_t;
126 /** Structure describing the status of async transfer */
127 typedef struct i2c_async_event {
128  uint32_t sent_bytes;
129  uint32_t received_bytes;
130  int32_t error_status; // error description I2C_ERROR_XXX
131  bool error;
134 /** Asynchronous transfer callback.
135  *
136  * @param obj The I2C object
137  * @param event Pointer to the event holding async transfer status
138  * @param ctx The context pointer
139  *
140  * @note Callback is invoked when async transfer completes or when an error is detected.
141  */
142 typedef void (*i2c_async_handler_f)(i2c_t *obj, i2c_async_event_t *event, void *ctx);
143 #endif
145 /** I2C HAL structure */
146 struct i2c {
147  struct i2c_s i2c; /**< Target specific I2C structure */
149  struct buffer_s tx_buff; /**< Tx buffer */
150  struct buffer_s rx_buff; /**< Rx buffer */
151  i2c_async_handler_f handler;
152  void *ctx;
153 #endif
154 };
156 /** Transmission error codes */
157 enum {
158  I2C_ERROR_NO_SLAVE = -1,
159  I2C_ERROR_BUS_BUSY = -2,
160  I2C_ERROR_TIMEOUT = -3,
162 };
164 #ifdef __cplusplus
165 extern "C" {
166 #endif
168 typedef struct {
169  /**< Minimum frequency supported must be set by target device */
171  /**< Maximum frequency supported must be set by target device */
173  /**< If true, the device can handle I2C slave mode. */
175  /**< If true, supports 10-bit addressing. */
177  /**< If true, the device handle multimaster collisions and arbitration safely*/
179  /**< If true, supports configuring clock stretching. */
180  bool supports_clock_stretching;
183 /**
184  * \defgroup hal_GeneralI2C I2C Configuration Functions
185  *
186  * # Defined behavior
187  * * ::i2c_init initializes i2c_t control structure
188  * * ::i2c_init configures the pins used by I2C
189  * * ::i2c_free returns the pins owned by the I2C object to their reset state
190  * * ::i2c_frequency configure the I2C frequency
191  * * ::i2c_start sends START command
192  * * ::i2c_read reads `length` bytes from the I2C slave specified by `address` to the `data` buffer
193  * * ::i2c_read reads generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if `stop` parameter is non-zero
194  * * ::i2c_read reads returns the number of symbols received from the bus
195  * * ::i2c_write writes `length` bytes to the I2C slave specified by `address` from the `data` buffer
196  * * ::i2c_write generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if `stop` parameter is non-zero
197  * * ::i2c_write returns zero on success, error code otherwise
198  * * ::i2c_reset resets the I2C peripheral
199  * * ::i2c_byte_read reads and return one byte from the specfied I2C slave
200  * * ::i2c_byte_read uses `last` parameter to inform the slave that all bytes have been read
201  * * ::i2c_byte_write writes one byte to the specified I2C slave
202  * * ::i2c_byte_write returns 0 if NAK was received, 1 if ACK was received, 2 for timeout
203  * * ::i2c_slave_mode enables/disables I2S slave mode
204  * * ::i2c_slave_receive returns: 1 - read addresses, 2 - write to all slaves, 3 write addressed, 0 - the slave has not been addressed
205  * * ::i2c_slave_read reads `length` bytes from the I2C master to the `data` buffer
206  * * ::i2c_slave_read returns non-zero if a value is available, 0 otherwise
207  * * ::i2c_slave_write writes `length` bytes to the I2C master from the `data` buffer
208  * * ::i2c_slave_write returns non-zero if a value is available, 0 otherwise
209  * * ::i2c_slave_address configures I2C slave address
210  * * ::i2c_transfer_asynch starts I2C asynchronous transfer
211  * * ::i2c_transfer_asynch writes `tx_length` bytes to the I2C slave specified by `address` from the `tx` buffer
212  * * ::i2c_transfer_asynch reads `rx_length` bytes from the I2C slave specified by `address` to the `rx` buffer
213  * * ::i2c_transfer_asynch generates a stop condition on the bus at the end of the transfer if `stop` parameter is non-zero
214  * * The callback given to ::i2c_transfer_asynch is invoked when the transfer completes
215  * * ::i2c_transfer_asynch specifies the logical OR of events to be registered
216  * * The ::i2c_transfer_asynch function may use the `DMAUsage` hint to select the appropriate async algorithm
217  * * ::i2c_irq_handler_asynch returns event flags if a transfer termination condition was met, otherwise returns 0.
218  * * ::i2c_active returns non-zero if the I2C module is active or 0 if it is not
219  * * ::i2c_abort_asynch aborts an on-going async transfer
220  *
221  * # Undefined behavior
222  * * Calling ::i2c_init multiple times on the same `i2c_t`
223  * * Calling any function other than ::i2c_init on a non-initialized `i2c_t`
224  * * Initialising the `I2C` peripheral with invalid `SDA` and `SCL` pins.
225  * * Passing pins that cannot be on the same peripheral
226  * * Passing an invalid pointer as `obj` to any function
227  * * Use of a `null` pointer as an argument to any function.
228  * * Initialising the peripheral in slave mode if slave mode is not supported
229  * * Operating the peripheral in slave mode without first specifying and address using ::i2c_slave_address
230  * * Setting an address using i2c_slave_address after initialising the peripheral in master mode
231  * * Setting an address to an `I2C` reserved value
232  * * Specifying an invalid address when calling any `read` or `write` functions
233  * * Setting the length of the transfer or receive buffers to larger than the buffers are
234  * * Passing an invalid pointer as `handler`
235  * * Calling ::i2c_abort_async when no transfer is currently in progress
236  *
237  *
238  * @{
239  */
241 /**
242  * \defgroup hal_GeneralI2C_tests I2C hal tests
243  * The I2C HAL tests ensure driver conformance to defined behaviour.
244  *
245  * To run the I2C hal tests use the command:
246  *
247  * mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-i2c
248  *
249  */
252 /** Fills structure indicating supported features and frequencies on the current
253  * platform.
254  *
255  * @param[out] capabilities Capabilities structure filled with supported
256  * configurations.
257  */
258 void i2c_get_capabilities(i2c_capabilities_t *capabilities);
260 /** Initialize the I2C peripheral. It sets the default parameters for the I2C
261  * peripheral and configures its pins.
262  *
263  * @param obj The I2C object
264  * @param sda The sda pin
265  * @param scl The scl pin
266  * @param is_slave Choose whether the peripheral is initialized as master or
267  * slave.
268  */
269 void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl, bool is_slave);
271 /** Release the I2C object.
272  *
273  * @param obj The I2C object to deinitialize
274  */
275 void i2c_free(i2c_t *obj);
277 /** Configure the frequency in Hz at which the I2C peripheral should operate.
278  *
279  * @param obj The I2C object
280  * @param frequency Frequency in Hz
281  *
282  * @returns The actual frequency that the peripheral generates to
283  * allow a user to adjust its strategy in case the target cannot be
284  * reached.
285  */
286 uint32_t i2c_frequency(i2c_t *obj, uint32_t frequency);
288 /** Enable or disable clock stretching for the I2C peripheral.
289  *
290  * @param obj The I2C object
291  * @param enabled If 'true', enable clock stretching on the given I2C peripheral;
292  * otherwise, disable it.
293  */
294 void i2c_set_clock_stretching(i2c_t *obj, bool enabled);
296 /** Configure the timeout duration in microseconds for blocking transmission
297  *
298  * @param obj The I2C object
299  * @param timeout Transmission timeout in microseconds.
300  *
301  * @note If no timeout is set, the default timeout is used.
302  * Default timeout value is based on I2C frequency.
303  * Byte timeout is computed as triple amount of time it would take
304  * to send 10 bit over I2C and is expressed by the formula:
305  * byte_timeout = 3 * (1/frequency * 10 * 1000000)
306  */
307 void i2c_timeout(i2c_t *obj, uint32_t timeout);
309 /** Send START command
310  *
311  * @param obj The I2C object.
312  */
313 void i2c_start(i2c_t *obj);
315 /** Send STOP command
316  *
317  * @param obj The I2C object
318  */
319 void i2c_stop(i2c_t *obj);
321 /** Blocking sending data
322  *
323  * This function transmits data when the peripheral is configured as Master to
324  * the selected slave and when configured as Slave transmits data to the
325  * Master.
326  *
327  * This function is blocking; it returns when the transfer is complete or a
328  * timeout event is triggered. The number of bytes transmitted is returned by
329  * the function after the operation is completed. Transmit operation cannot be
330  * canceled or aborted.
331  *
332  * The data buffer must stay allocated during the duration of the transfer, and
333  * the contents must not be modified. The value of the specified `address` is
334  * ignored when configured in slave mode. In master mode, it contains the
335  * address of the target peripheral. This is a 7-bit value unless 10-bit
336  * addressing is configured, and the target supports it.
337  *
338  * When in master mode, the operation consists of:
339  * - Addressing the slave as a Master transmitter.
340  * - Transmitting data to the addressed slave.
341  * - Generating a STOP condition if the specified `stop` field is true.
342  *
343  * @param obj The I2C object
344  * @param address 7/10-bit address (last bit is 0)
345  * @param data The buffer for sending
346  * @param length Number of bytes to write
347  * @param stop If true, stop is generated after the transfer is done
348  *
349  * @note If the current platform supports multimaster operation, the peripheral
350  * performs arbitration automatically when detecting collisions and
351  * completes the transfer or returns I2C_ERROR_ARBITRATION_LOST
352  * when it loses arbitration.
353  *
354  * Additional time for arbitration or clock stretching should by count
355  * by setting appropriate timeout value.
356  *
357  * When no transmision timeout is set by the user, the default timeout value is
358  * used. It counts one additional byte for addressing stage:
359  * default_timeout = (length + 1) * byte_timeout.
360  *
361  * @return
362  * zero or nonzero - Number of written bytes
363  * negative - I2C_ERROR_XXX status
364  */
365 int32_t i2c_write(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address, const uint8_t *data,
366  uint32_t length, bool stop);
368 /** Blocking reading data
369  *
370  * This function receives data when the peripheral is configured as Master
371  * from the selected slave and when configured as Slave from the Master.
372  *
373  * This function is blocking; it returns when the transfer is complete or a
374  * timeout event is triggered. The number of bytes received is returned by
375  * the function after the operation is completed. Receive operation cannot be
376  * canceled or aborted.
377  *
378  * When in master mode, the operation consists of:
379  * - Addressing the slave as a Master receiver.
380  * - Receiving data from the addressed slave.
381  * - Generating a STOP condition if the specified `stop` field is true.
382  *
383  * @param obj The I2C object
384  * @param address 7/10-bit address (last bit is 1)
385  * @param data The buffer for receiving
386  * @param length Number of bytes to read
387  * @param stop If true, stop is generated after the transfer is done
388  *
389  * @note If the current platform supports multimaster operation, the peripheral
390  * performs arbitration automatically when detecting collisions and
391  * completes the transfer or returns I2C_ERROR_ARBITRATION_LOST
392  * when it loses arbitration.
393  *
394  * Additional time for arbitration or clock stretching should by count
395  * by setting appropriate timeout value.
396  *
397  * When no transmision timeout is set by the user, the default timeout value is
398  * used. It counts one additional byte for addressing stage:
399  * default_timeout = (length + 1) * byte_timeout.
400  *
401  * @return
402  * zero or nonzero - Number of written bytes
403  * negative - I2C_ERROR_XXX status
404  */
405 int32_t i2c_read(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length,
406  bool stop);
408 /** Get the pins that support I2C SDA
409  *
410  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support I2C SDA in
411  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
412  *
413  * @return PinMap array
414  */
415 const PinMap *i2c_master_sda_pinmap(void);
417 /** Get the pins that support I2C SCL
418  *
419  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support I2C SCL in
420  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
421  *
422  * @return PinMap array
423  */
424 const PinMap *i2c_master_scl_pinmap(void);
426 /** Get the pins that support I2C SDA
427  *
428  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support I2C SDA in
429  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
430  *
431  * @return PinMap array
432  */
433 const PinMap *i2c_slave_sda_pinmap(void);
435 /** Get the pins that support I2C SCL
436  *
437  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support I2C SCL in
438  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
439  *
440  * @return PinMap array
441  */
442 const PinMap *i2c_slave_scl_pinmap(void);
444 /**@}*/
448 /**
449  * \defgroup SynchI2C Synchronous I2C Hardware Abstraction Layer for slave
450  * @{
451  */
453 /** Slave status
454  *
455  * @note Default status is Idle.
456  */
457 typedef enum {
458  Idle = 0, // Slave has not been addressed.
459  ReadAddressed = 1, // Master has requested a read from this slave.
460  WriteGeneral = 2, // Master is writing to all slaves.
461  WriteAddressed = 3 // Master is writing to this slave.
464 /** Check to see if the I2C slave has been addressed.
465  *
466  * @param obj The I2C object
467  * @return The status - i2c_slave_status_t indicating what state the peripheral
468  * is configured in.
469  */
472 /** Configure I2C address.
473  *
474  * @note This function does nothing when configured in master mode.
475  *
476  * @param obj The I2C object
477  * @param address The address to be set - 7 bit or 10 bit
478  */
479 void i2c_slave_address(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address);
481 #endif
483 /**@}*/
487 /**
488  * \defgroup hal_AsynchI2C Asynchronous I2C Hardware Abstraction Layer
489  * @{
490  */
492 /** Start I2C asynchronous transfer
493  *
494  * @param obj The I2C object
495  * @param tx The transmit buffer
496  * @param tx_length The number of bytes to transmit
497  * @param rx The receive buffer
498  * @param rx_length The number of bytes to receive
499  * @param address The address to be set - 7 bit or 10 bit
500  * @param stop If true, stop is generated after the transfer is done
501  * @param handler The I2C IRQ handler to be set
502  * @param ctx The context pointer
503  * @return true if the transfer was successfully scheduled, false otherwise
504  */
505 bool i2c_transfer_async(i2c_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, uint32_t tx_length,
506  uint8_t *rx, uint32_t rx_length, uint16_t address,
507  bool stop, i2c_async_handler_f handler, void *ctx);
509 /** Abort asynchronous transfer
510  *
511  * This function does not perform any check - that should happen in upper
512  * layers.
513  *
514  * @param obj The I2C object
515  */
516 void i2c_abort_async(i2c_t *obj);
518 #endif
520 /**@}*/
522 #ifdef __cplusplus
523 }
524 #endif
526 #endif
528 #endif
530 /** @}*/
bool supports_slave_mode
If true, supports 10-bit addressing.
Definition: i2c_api.h:174
const PinMap * i2c_master_scl_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SCL.
bool supports_multi_master
If true, supports configuring clock stretching.
Definition: i2c_api.h:178
const PinMap * i2c_master_sda_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SDA.
Generic buffer structure.
Definition: buffer.h:27
bool supports_10bit_addressing
If true, the device handle multimaster collisions and arbitration safely.
Definition: i2c_api.h:176
I2C HAL structure.
Definition: i2c_api.h:146
void i2c_set_clock_stretching(i2c_t *obj, bool enabled)
Enable or disable clock stretching for the I2C peripheral.
uint32_t maximum_frequency
If true, the device can handle I2C slave mode.
Definition: i2c_api.h:172
void i2c_init(i2c_t *obj, PinName sda, PinName scl, bool is_slave)
Initialize the I2C peripheral.
bool i2c_transfer_async(i2c_t *obj, const uint8_t *tx, uint32_t tx_length, uint8_t *rx, uint32_t rx_length, uint16_t address, bool stop, i2c_async_handler_f handler, void *ctx)
Start I2C asynchronous transfer.
const PinMap * i2c_slave_sda_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SDA.
const PinMap * i2c_slave_scl_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SCL.
void i2c_get_capabilities(i2c_capabilities_t *capabilities)
Fills structure indicating supported features and frequencies on the current platform.
void i2c_slave_address(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address)
Configure I2C address.
void i2c_stop(i2c_t *obj)
Send STOP command.
void(* i2c_async_handler_f)(i2c_t *obj, i2c_async_event_t *event, void *ctx)
Asynchronous transfer callback.
Definition: i2c_api.h:142
Structure describing the status of async transfer.
Definition: i2c_api.h:127
uint32_t i2c_frequency(i2c_t *obj, uint32_t frequency)
Configure the frequency in Hz at which the I2C peripheral should operate.
Slave status.
Definition: i2c_api.h:457
void i2c_timeout(i2c_t *obj, uint32_t timeout)
Configure the timeout duration in microseconds for blocking transmission.
void i2c_abort_async(i2c_t *obj)
Abort asynchronous transfer.
struct i2c_async_event i2c_async_event_t
Structure describing the status of async transfer.
i2c_slave_status_t i2c_slave_status(i2c_t *obj)
Check to see if the I2C slave has been addressed.
Definition: pinmap.h:30
void i2c_free(i2c_t *obj)
Release the I2C object.
int32_t i2c_write(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool stop)
Blocking sending data.
int32_t i2c_read(i2c_t *obj, uint16_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool stop)
Blocking reading data.
void i2c_start(i2c_t *obj)
Send START command.
uint32_t minimum_frequency
< Minimum frequency supported must be set by target device
Definition: i2c_api.h:170
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