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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #warning ble/services/EddystoneService.h is deprecated. Please use the example in 'github.com/ARMmbed/ble-examples/tree/master/BLE_EddystoneService'.
22 #include "ble/BLE.h"
23 #include "CircularBuffer.h"
24 #include "Timer.h"
25 #include "Ticker.h"
26 #include "Timeout.h"
30 static const uint8_t BEACON_EDDYSTONE[] = {0xAA, 0xFE};
32 //Debug is disabled by default
33 #if 0
34 #define DBG(MSG, ...) printf("[EddyStone: DBG]" MSG " \t[%s,%d]\r\n", \
35  ## __VA_ARGS__, \
36  __FILE__, \
37  __LINE__);
38 #define WARN(MSG, ...) printf("[EddyStone: WARN]" MSG " \t[%s,%d]\r\n", \
39  ## __VA_ARGS__, \
40  __FILE__, \
41  __LINE__);
42 #define ERR(MSG, ...) printf("[EddyStone: ERR]" MSG " \t[%s,%d]\r\n", \
43  ## __VA_ARGS__, \
44  __FILE__, \
45  __LINE__);
46 #else // if 0
47 #define DBG(x, ...) //wait_us(10);
48 #define WARN(x, ...) //wait_us(10);
49 #define ERR(x, ...)
50 #endif // if 0
52 #if 0
53 #define INFO(x, ...) printf("[EddyStone: INFO]"x " \t[%s,%d]\r\n", \
54  ## __VA_ARGS__, \
55  __FILE__, \
56  __LINE__);
57 #else // if 0
58 #define INFO(x, ...)
59 #endif // if 0
61 /**
62 * @class Eddystone
63 * @brief Eddystone Configuration Service. Can be used to set URL, adjust power levels, and set flags.
64 * See https://github.com/google/eddystone
65 *
66 */
68 {
69 public:
70  enum FrameTypes {
71  NONE,
72  url,
73  uid,
74  tlm
75  };
77  static const int SERVICE_DATA_MAX = 31; // Maximum size of service data in ADV packets
79  // There are currently 3 subframes defined, URI, UID, and TLM
81  void (*frames[EDDYSTONE_MAX_FRAMETYPE])(uint8_t *, uint32_t);
82  static const int URI_DATA_MAX = 18;
83  typedef uint8_t UriData_t[URI_DATA_MAX];
86  // UID Frame Type subfields
87  static const int UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE = 10;
88  typedef uint8_t UIDNamespaceID_t[UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE];
89  static const int UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE = 6;
90  typedef uint8_t UIDInstanceID_t[UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE];
92  // Eddystone Frame Type ID
93  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_UID = 0x00;
94  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_URL = 0x10;
95  static const uint8_t FRAME_TYPE_TLM = 0x20;
97  static const uint8_t FRAME_SIZE_TLM = 14; // TLM frame is a constant 14Bytes
98  static const uint8_t FRAME_SIZE_UID = 20; // includes RFU bytes
100  /**
101  * Set Eddystone UID Frame information.
102  *
103  * @param[in] power TX Power in dB measured at 0 meters from the device. Range of -100 to +20 dB.
104  * @param[in] namespaceID 10B namespace ID
105  * @param[in] instanceID 6B instance ID
106  * @param[in] uidAdvPeriodIn Advertising period of UID frames.
107  * @param[in] RFU 2B of RFU, initialized to 0x0000 and not broadcast, included for future reference.
108  */
109  void setUIDFrameData(int8_t power,
110  UIDNamespaceID_t namespaceID,
111  UIDInstanceID_t instanceID,
112  float uidAdvPeriodIn,
113  uint16_t RFU = 0x0000) {
114  if (0.0f == uidAdvPeriodIn) {
115  uidIsSet = false;
116  return;
117  }
118  if (power > 20) {
119  power = 20;
120  }
121  if (power < -100) {
122  power = -100;
123  }
125  defaultUidPower = power;
126  memcpy(defaultUidNamespaceID, namespaceID, UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE);
127  memcpy(defaultUidInstanceID, instanceID, UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE);
128  uidRFU = (uint16_t)RFU; // this is probably bad form, but it doesn't really matter yet.
129  uidAdvPeriod = uidAdvPeriodIn;
130  uidIsSet = true; // set toggle to advertise UID frames
131  }
133  /*
134  * Construct UID frame from private variables
135  * @param[in/out] Data pointer to array to store constructed frame in
136  * @param[in] maxSize number of bytes left in array, effectively how much empty space is available to write to
137  * @return number of bytes used. negative number indicates error message.
138  */
139  unsigned constructUIDFrame(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t maxSize) {
140  unsigned index = 0;
142  Data[index++] = FRAME_TYPE_UID; // 1B Type
144  if (defaultUidPower > 20) {
145  defaultUidPower = 20; // enforce range of vaild values.
146  }
147  if (defaultUidPower < -100) {
148  defaultUidPower = -100;
149  }
150  Data[index++] = defaultUidPower; // 1B Power @ 0meter
152  DBG("UID NamespaceID = '0x");
153  for (size_t x = 0; x < UID_NAMESPACEID_SIZE; x++) { // 10B Namespace ID
154  Data[index++] = defaultUidNamespaceID[x];
155  DBG("%x,", defaultUidNamespaceID[x]);
156  }
157  DBG("'\r\n");
159  DBG("UID InstanceID = '0x");
160  for (size_t x = 0; x< UID_INSTANCEID_SIZE; x++) { // 6B Instance ID
161  Data[index++] = defaultUidInstanceID[x];
162  DBG("%x,", defaultUidInstanceID[x]);
163  }
164  DBG("'\r\n");
166  if (0 != uidRFU) { // 2B RFU, include if non-zero, otherwise ignore
167  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(uidRFU >> 0);
168  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(uidRFU >> 8);
169  }
170  DBG("construcUIDFrame %d, %d", maxSize, index);
171  return index;
172  }
174  /**
175  * Set Eddystone URL Frame information.
176  * @param[in] power TX Power in dB measured at 0 meters from the device.
177  * @param[in] urlIn URL to encode
178  * @param[in] urlAdvPeriodIn How long to advertise the URL frame (measured in # of adv periods)
179  * @return false on success, true on failure.
180  */
181  bool setURLFrameData(int8_t power, const char *urlIn, float urlAdvPeriodIn) {
182  if (0.0f == urlAdvPeriodIn) {
183  urlIsSet = false;
184  return false;
185  }
186  encodeURL(urlIn, defaultUriData, defaultUriDataLength); // encode URL to URL Formatting
187  if (defaultUriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX) {
188  return true; // error, URL is too big
189  }
190  defaultUrlPower = power;
191  urlAdvPeriod = urlAdvPeriodIn;
192  urlIsSet = true;
193  return false;
194  }
196  /**
197  * Set Eddystone URL Frame information.
198  * @param[in] power TX Power in dB measured at 0 meters from the device.
199  * @param[in] encodedUrlIn Encoded URL
200  * @param[in] encodedUrlInLength Length of the encoded URL
201  * @param[in] urlAdvPeriodIn How long to advertise the URL frame (measured in # of adv periods)
202  * @return false on success, true on failure.
203  */
204  bool setURLFrameEncodedData(int8_t power, const char *encodedUrlIn, uint8_t encodedUrlInLength, float urlAdvPeriodIn) {
205  if (0.0f == urlAdvPeriodIn) {
206  urlIsSet = false;
207  return false;
208  }
209  memcpy(defaultUriData, encodedUrlIn, encodedUrlInLength);
210  if (defaultUriDataLength > URI_DATA_MAX) {
211  return true; // error, URL is too big
212  }
213  defaultUrlPower = power;
214  defaultUriDataLength = encodedUrlInLength;
215  urlAdvPeriod = urlAdvPeriodIn;
216  urlIsSet = true;
217  return false;
218  }
220  /*
221  * Construct URL frame from private variables
222  * @param[in/out] Data pointer to array to store constructed frame in
223  * @param[in] maxSize number of bytes left in array, effectively how much emtpy space is available to write to
224  * @return number of bytes used. negative number indicates error message.
225  */
226  int constructURLFrame(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t maxSize) {
227  int index = 0;
228  Data[index++] = FRAME_TYPE_URL; // 1B Type
229  Data[index++] = defaultUrlPower; // 1B TX Power
230  for (int x = 0; x < defaultUriDataLength; x++) { // 18B of URL Prefix + encoded URL
231  Data[index++] = defaultUriData[x];
232  }
233  DBG("constructURLFrame: %d, %d", maxSize, index);
234  return index;
235  }
237  /*
238  * Set Eddystone TLM Frame information.
239  * @param[in] Version of the TLM beacon data format
240  * @param[in] advPeriod how often to advertise the TLM frame for (in minutes)
241  * @param batteryVoltage in milivolts
242  * @param beaconTemp in 8.8 floating point notation
243  *
244  */
245  void setTLMFrameData(uint8_t version = 0,
246  float advPeriod = 60.0f,
247  uint16_t batteryVoltage = 0,
248  uint16_t beaconTemp = 0x8000,
249  uint32_t pduCount = 0,
250  uint32_t timeSinceBoot = 0) {
251  if (0.0f == advPeriod) {
252  tlmIsSet = false;
253  return;
254  }
255  TlmVersion = version;
256  TlmBatteryVoltage = batteryVoltage;
257  TlmBeaconTemp = beaconTemp;
258  TlmPduCount = pduCount; // reset
259  TlmTimeSinceBoot = timeSinceBoot; // reset
260  TlmAdvPeriod = advPeriod;
261  tlmIsSet = true; // TLM Data has been enabled
262  }
264  /*
265  * Construct TLM frame from private variables
266  * @param[in/out] Data pointer to array to store constructed frame in
267  * @param[in] maxSize number of bytes left in array, effectively how much emtpy space is available to write to
268  * @return number of bytes used. negative number indicates error message.
269  */
270  int constructTLMFrame(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t maxSize) {
271  uint32_t now = timeSinceBootTimer.read_ms();
272  TlmTimeSinceBoot += (now - lastBootTimerRead) / 100;
273  lastBootTimerRead = now;
275  int index = 0;
276  Data[index++] = FRAME_TYPE_TLM; // Eddystone frame type = Telemetry
277  Data[index++] = TlmVersion; // TLM Version Number
278  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmBatteryVoltage >> 8); // Battery Voltage[0]
279  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmBatteryVoltage >> 0); // Battery Voltage[1]
280  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmBeaconTemp >> 8); // Beacon Temp[0]
281  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmBeaconTemp >> 0); // Beacon Temp[1]
282  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmPduCount >> 24); // PDU Count [0]
283  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmPduCount >> 16); // PDU Count [1]
284  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmPduCount >> 8); // PDU Count [2]
285  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmPduCount >> 0); // PDU Count [3]
286  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmTimeSinceBoot >> 24); // Time Since Boot [0]
287  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmTimeSinceBoot >> 16); // Time Since Boot [1]
288  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmTimeSinceBoot >> 8); // Time Since Boot [2]
289  Data[index++] = (uint8_t)(TlmTimeSinceBoot >> 0); // Time Since Boot [3]
290  DBG("constructURLFrame: %d, %d", maxSize, index);
291  return index;
292  }
294  /*
295  * Update the TLM frame battery voltage value
296  * @param[in] voltagemv Voltage to update the TLM field battery voltage with (in mV)
297  * @return nothing
298  */
299  void updateTlmBatteryVoltage(uint16_t voltagemv) {
300  TlmBatteryVoltage = voltagemv;
301  }
303  /*
304  * Update the TLM frame beacon temperature
305  * @param[in] temp Temperature of beacon (in 8.8fpn)
306  * @return nothing
307  */
308  void updateTlmBeaconTemp(uint16_t temp) {
309  TlmBeaconTemp = temp;
310  }
312  /*
313  * Update the TLM frame PDU Count field
314  * @param[in] pduCount Number of Advertisiting frames sent since powerup
315  * @return nothing
316  */
317  void updateTlmPduCount(uint32_t pduCount) {
318  TlmPduCount = pduCount;
319  }
321  /*
322  * Update the TLM frame Time since boot in 0.1s incriments
323  * @param[in] timeSinceBoot Time since boot in 0.1s incriments
324  * @return nothing
325  */
326  void updateTlmTimeSinceBoot(uint32_t timeSinceBoot) {
327  TlmTimeSinceBoot = timeSinceBoot;
328  }
330  /*
331  * Update advertising data
332  * @return true on success, false on failure
333  */
334  bool updateAdvPacket(uint8_t serviceData[], unsigned serviceDataLen) {
335  // Fields from the Service
336  DBG("Updating AdvFrame: %d", serviceDataLen);
338  ble.clearAdvertisingPayload();
340  ble.setAdvertisingInterval(100);
342  ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::COMPLETE_LIST_16BIT_SERVICE_IDS, BEACON_EDDYSTONE, sizeof(BEACON_EDDYSTONE));
343  ble.accumulateAdvertisingPayload(GapAdvertisingData::SERVICE_DATA, serviceData, serviceDataLen);
346  return true;
347  }
349  /*
350  * State machine for switching out frames.
351  * This function is called by the radioNotificationCallback when a frame needs to get swapped out.
352  * This function exists because of time constraints in the radioNotificationCallback, so it is effectively
353  * broken up into two functions.
354  */
355  void swapOutFrames(FrameTypes frameType) {
356  uint8_t serviceData[SERVICE_DATA_MAX];
357  unsigned serviceDataLen = 0;
358  //hard code in the eddystone UUID
359  serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[0];
360  serviceData[serviceDataLen++] = BEACON_EDDYSTONE[1];
362  // if certain frames are not enabled, then skip them. Worst case TLM is always enabled
363  switch (frameType) {
364  case tlm:
365  // TLM frame
366  if (tlmIsSet) {
367  DBG("Swapping in TLM Frame: version=%x, Batt=%d, Temp = %d, PDUCnt = %d, TimeSinceBoot=%d",
368  TlmVersion,
369  TlmBatteryVoltage,
370  TlmBeaconTemp,
371  TlmPduCount,
372  TlmTimeSinceBoot);
373  serviceDataLen += constructTLMFrame(serviceData + serviceDataLen, 20);
374  DBG("\t Swapping in TLM Frame: len=%d", serviceDataLen);
375  updateAdvPacket(serviceData, serviceDataLen);
376  }
377  break;
378  case url:
379  // URL Frame
380  if (urlIsSet) {
381  DBG("Swapping in URL Frame: Power: %d", defaultUrlPower);
382  serviceDataLen += constructURLFrame(serviceData + serviceDataLen, 20);
383  DBG("\t Swapping in URL Frame: len=%d ", serviceDataLen);
384  updateAdvPacket(serviceData, serviceDataLen);
385  //switchFlag = false;
386  }
387  break;
388  case uid:
389  // UID Frame
390  if (uidIsSet) {
391  DBG("Swapping in UID Frame: Power: %d", defaultUidPower);
392  serviceDataLen += constructUIDFrame(serviceData + serviceDataLen, 20);
393  DBG("\t Swapping in UID Frame: len=%d", serviceDataLen);
394  updateAdvPacket(serviceData, serviceDataLen);
395  //switchFlag = false;
396  }
397  break;
398  default:
399  ERR("You have not initialized a Frame yet, please initialize one before starting a beacon");
400  ERR("uidIsSet = %d, urlIsSet = %d, tlmIsSet = %d", uidIsSet, urlIsSet, tlmIsSet);
401  }
402  }
404  /*
405  * Callback to swap in URL frame
406  */
407  void urlCallback(void) {
408  DBG("urlCallback");
409  if (false == advLock) {
410  advLock = true;
411  DBG("advLock = url")
412  frameIndex = url;
413  swapOutFrames(frameIndex);
414  ble.startAdvertising();
415  } else {
416  // Someone else is broadcasting, toss it into the overflow buffer to retransmit when free
417  INFO("URI(%d) cannot complete, %d is currently broadcasting", url, frameIndex);
418  FrameTypes x = url;
419  overflow.push(x);
420  }
421  }
423  /*
424  * Callback to swap in UID frame
425  */
426  void uidCallback(void) {
427  DBG("uidCallback");
428  if (false == advLock) {
429  advLock = true;
430  DBG("advLock = uid")
431  frameIndex = uid;
432  swapOutFrames(frameIndex);
433  ble.startAdvertising();
434  } else {
435  // Someone else is broadcasting, toss it into the overflow buffer to retransmit when free
436  INFO("UID(%d) cannot complete, %d is currently broadcasting", uid, frameIndex);
437  FrameTypes x = uid; // have to do this to satisfy cont vs volatile keywords... sigh...
438  overflow.push(x);
439  }
440  }
442  /*
443  * Callback to swap in TLM frame
444  */
445  void tlmCallback(void) {
446  DBG("tlmCallback");
447  if (false == advLock) {
448  // OK to broadcast
449  advLock = true;
450  DBG("advLock = tlm")
451  frameIndex = tlm;
452  swapOutFrames(frameIndex);
453  ble.startAdvertising();
454  } else {
455  // Someone else is broadcasting, toss it into the overflow buffer to retransmit when free
456  INFO("TLM(%d) cannot complete, %d is currently broadcasting", tlm, frameIndex);
457  FrameTypes x = tlm;
458  overflow.push(x);
459  }
460  }
462  void stopAdvCallback(void) {
463  if (overflow.empty()) {
464  // if nothing left to transmit, stop
465  ble.stopAdvertising();
466  advLock = false; // unlock lock
467  } else {
468  // transmit other packets at current time index
469  FrameTypes x = NONE;
470  overflow.pop(x);
471  INFO("Re-Transmitting %d", x);
472  swapOutFrames(x);
473  }
474  }
476  /*
477  * Callback from onRadioNotification(), used to update the PDUCounter and process next state.
478  */
480  void radioNotificationCallback(bool radioActive) {
481  // Update PDUCount
482  TlmPduCount++;
483  // True just before an frame is sent, false just after a frame is sent
484  if (radioActive) {
485  // Do Nothing
486  } else {
487  // Packet has been sent, disable advertising
488  stopAdv.attach_us(this, &EddystoneService::stopAdvCallback, 1);
489  }
490  }
492  /*
493  * This function explicityly sets the parameters used by the Eddystone beacon.
494  * this function should be used in leu of the config service.
495  *
496  * @param bleIn ble object used to broadcast eddystone information
497  * @param beaconPeriodus is how often ble broadcasts are mde, in mili seconds
498  * @param txPowerLevel sets the broadcasting power level.
499  *
500  */
502  uint16_t beaconPeriodus = 100,
503  uint8_t txPowerIn = 0) :
504  ble(bleIn),
505  advPeriodus(beaconPeriodus),
506  txPower(txPowerIn),
507  advLock(false),
508  frameIndex(NONE) {
509  }
511  /*
512  * @breif this function starts eddystone advertising based on configured frames.
513  */
514  void start(void) {
515  // Initialize Frame transition, start with URL to pass eddystone validator app on first try
516  if (urlIsSet) {
517  frameIndex = url;
518  urlTicker.attach(this, &EddystoneService::urlCallback, (float) advPeriodus / 1000.0f);
519  DBG("attached urlCallback every %d seconds", urlAdvPeriod);
520  }
521  if (uidIsSet) {
522  frameIndex = uid;
523  uidTicker.attach(this, &EddystoneService::uidCallback, uidAdvPeriod);
524  DBG("attached uidCallback every %d seconds", uidAdvPeriod);
525  }
526  if (tlmIsSet) {
527  frameIndex = tlm;
528  // Make double sure the PDUCount and TimeSinceBoot fields are set to zero at reset
529  updateTlmPduCount(0);
530  updateTlmTimeSinceBoot(0);
531  lastBootTimerRead = 0;
532  timeSinceBootTimer.start();
533  tlmTicker.attach(this, &EddystoneService::tlmCallback, TlmAdvPeriod);
534  DBG("attached tlmCallback every %d seconds", TlmAdvPeriod);
535  }
536  if (NONE == frameIndex) {
537  MBED_ERROR(MBED_MAKE_ERROR(MBED_MODULE_BLE, MBED_ERROR_CODE_BLE_NO_FRAME_INITIALIZED), "No Frames were Initialized! Please initialize a frame before starting an eddystone beacon.");
538  }
539  //uidRFU = 0;
541  ble.setTxPower(txPower);
542  ble.gap().onRadioNotification(this, &EddystoneService::radioNotificationCallback);
543  }
545 private:
547  // Eddystone Variables
548  BLEDevice &ble;
549  uint16_t advPeriodus;
550  uint8_t txPower;
551  mbed::Timer timeSinceBootTimer;
552  volatile uint32_t lastBootTimerRead;
553  volatile bool advLock;
554  volatile FrameTypes frameIndex;
555  mbed::Timeout stopAdv;
558  // URI Frame Variables
559  uint8_t defaultUriDataLength;
560  UriData_t defaultUriData;
561  int8_t defaultUrlPower;
562  bool urlIsSet; // flag that enables / disable URI Frames
563  float urlAdvPeriod; // how long the url frame will be advertised for
564  mbed::Ticker urlTicker;
566  // UID Frame Variables
567  UIDNamespaceID_t defaultUidNamespaceID;
568  UIDInstanceID_t defaultUidInstanceID;
569  int8_t defaultUidPower;
570  uint16_t uidRFU;
571  bool uidIsSet; // flag that enables / disable UID Frames
572  float uidAdvPeriod; // how long the uid frame will be advertised for
573  mbed::Ticker uidTicker;
575  // TLM Frame Variables
576  uint8_t TlmVersion;
577  volatile uint16_t TlmBatteryVoltage;
578  volatile uint16_t TlmBeaconTemp;
579  volatile uint32_t TlmPduCount;
580  volatile uint32_t TlmTimeSinceBoot;
581  bool tlmIsSet; // flag that enables / disables TLM frames
582  float TlmAdvPeriod; // number of minutes between adv frames
583  mbed::Ticker tlmTicker;
585 public:
586  /*
587  * Encode a human-readable URI into the binary format defined by URIBeacon spec (https://github.com/google/uribeacon/tree/master/specification).
588  */
589  static void encodeURL(const char *uriDataIn, UriData_t uriDataOut, uint8_t &sizeofURIDataOut) {
590  DBG("Encode URL = %s", uriDataIn);
591  const char *prefixes[] = {
592  "http://www.",
593  "https://www.",
594  "http://",
595  "https://",
596  };
597  const size_t NUM_PREFIXES = sizeof(prefixes) / sizeof(char *);
598  const char *suffixes[] = {
599  ".com/",
600  ".org/",
601  ".edu/",
602  ".net/",
603  ".info/",
604  ".biz/",
605  ".gov/",
606  ".com",
607  ".org",
608  ".edu",
609  ".net",
610  ".info",
611  ".biz",
612  ".gov"
613  };
614  const size_t NUM_SUFFIXES = sizeof(suffixes) / sizeof(char *);
616  sizeofURIDataOut = 0;
617  memset(uriDataOut, 0, sizeof(UriData_t));
619  if ((uriDataIn == NULL) || (strlen(uriDataIn) == 0)) {
620  return;
621  }
623  /*
624  * handle prefix
625  */
626  for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PREFIXES; i++) {
627  size_t prefixLen = strlen(prefixes[i]);
628  if (strncmp(uriDataIn, prefixes[i], prefixLen) == 0) {
629  uriDataOut[sizeofURIDataOut++] = i;
630  uriDataIn += prefixLen;
631  break;
632  }
633  }
635  /*
636  * handle suffixes
637  */
638  while (*uriDataIn && (sizeofURIDataOut < URI_DATA_MAX)) {
639  /* check for suffix match */
640  unsigned i;
641  for (i = 0; i < NUM_SUFFIXES; i++) {
642  size_t suffixLen = strlen(suffixes[i]);
643  if (strncmp(uriDataIn, suffixes[i], suffixLen) == 0) {
644  uriDataOut[sizeofURIDataOut++] = i;
645  uriDataIn += suffixLen;
646  break; /* from the for loop for checking against suffixes */
647  }
648  }
649  /* This is the default case where we've got an ordinary character which doesn't match a suffix. */
650  INFO("Encoding URI: No Suffix Found");
651  if (i == NUM_SUFFIXES) {
652  uriDataOut[sizeofURIDataOut++] = *uriDataIn;
653  ++uriDataIn;
654  }
655  }
656  }
657 };
Templated Circular buffer class.
Abstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs.
Definition: BLE.h:139
Peripheral device is discoverable at any moment.
bool setURLFrameData(int8_t power, const char *urlIn, float urlAdvPeriodIn)
Set Eddystone URL Frame information.
void push(const T &data)
Push the transaction to the buffer.
#define MBED_MAKE_ERROR(module, error_code)
Call this Macro to generate a mbed_error_status_t value for a System error.
Definition: mbed_error.h:941
bool pop(T &data)
Pop the transaction from the buffer.
Peripheral device is LE only and does not support Bluetooth Enhanced DataRate.
Device is not connectable and not scannable.
void attach_us(Callback< void()> func, us_timestamp_t t)
Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in microseconds.
A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval.
Definition: Ticker.h:69
bool setURLFrameEncodedData(int8_t power, const char *encodedUrlIn, uint8_t encodedUrlInLength, float urlAdvPeriodIn)
Set Eddystone URL Frame information.
MBED_FORCEINLINE void attach(F &&func, float t)
Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifying the interval in seconds. ...
Definition: Ticker.h:91
Entry namespace for all BLE API definitions.
void setUIDFrameData(int8_t power, UIDNamespaceID_t namespaceID, UIDInstanceID_t instanceID, float uidAdvPeriodIn, uint16_t RFU=0x0000)
Set Eddystone UID Frame information.
bool empty() const
Check if the buffer is empty.
A Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future.
Definition: Timeout.h:60
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