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1 /*************************************************************************************************/
2 /*!
3  * \file
4  *
5  * \brief Link layer interface file.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
10  *
11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  *
15  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
16  *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21  * limitations under the License.
22  */
23 /*************************************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef LL_API_H
26 #define LL_API_H
28 #include "wsf_types.h"
29 #include "wsf_os.h"
30 #include "util/bda.h"
31 #include "cfg_mac_ble.h"
32 #include "ll_defs.h"
34 #ifdef __cplusplus
35 extern "C" {
36 #endif
38 /*! \brief Version number. */
39 #define LL_VER_NUM 1366
41 /**************************************************************************************************
42  Data Types
43 **************************************************************************************************/
45 /*! \brief The following status values are used in the LL API. */
46 typedef enum
47 {
48  LL_SUCCESS = 0x00,
118 } LlStatus_t;
120 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_INIT
121  * \{ */
123 /*! \brief LL runtime configuration parameters. */
124 typedef struct
125 {
126  /* Device */
127  uint16_t compId; /*!< Company ID (default to ARM Ltd. ID). */
128  uint16_t implRev; /*!< Implementation revision number. */
129  uint8_t btVer; /*!< Core specification implementation level (LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_4_2). */
130  uint32_t _align32; /*!< Unused. Align next field to word boundary. */
131  /* Advertiser */
132  uint8_t maxAdvSets; /*!< Maximum number of advertising sets. */
133  uint8_t maxAdvReports; /*!< Maximum number of pending legacy or extended advertising reports. */
134  uint16_t maxExtAdvDataLen; /*!< Maximum extended advertising data size. */
135  uint8_t defExtAdvDataFrag; /*!< Default extended advertising data fragmentation size. */
136  uint16_t auxDelayUsec; /*!< Auxiliary Offset delay above T_MAFS in microseconds. */
137  uint16_t auxPtrOffsetUsec; /*!< Delay of auxiliary packet in microseconds from the time specified by auxPtr. */
138  /* Scanner */
139  uint8_t maxScanReqRcvdEvt; /*!< Maximum scan request received events. */
140  uint16_t maxExtScanDataLen; /*!< Maximum extended scan data size. */
141  /* Connection */
142  uint8_t maxConn; /*!< Maximum number of connections. */
143  uint8_t numTxBufs; /*!< Default number of transmit buffers. */
144  uint8_t numRxBufs; /*!< Default number of receive buffers. */
145  uint16_t maxAclLen; /*!< Maximum ACL buffer size. */
146  int8_t defTxPwrLvl; /*!< Default Tx power level for connections. */
147  uint8_t ceJitterUsec; /*!< Allowable CE jitter on a slave (account for master's sleep clock resolution). */
148  /* ISO */
149  uint8_t numIsoTxBuf; /*!< Default number of ISO transmit buffers. */
150  uint8_t numIsoRxBuf; /*!< Default number of ISO receive buffers. */
151  uint16_t maxIsoSduLen; /*!< Maximum ISO SDU size between host and controller. */
152  uint16_t maxIsoPduLen; /*!< Maximum ISO Data PDU buffer size. */
153  /* CIS */
154  uint8_t maxCig; /*!< Maximum number of CIG. */
155  uint8_t maxCis; /*!< Maximum number of CIS, it is shared by the CIGs. */
156  uint16_t cisSubEvtSpaceDelay; /*!< Subevent spacing above T_MSS in microsecond. */
157  /* BIS */
158  uint8_t maxBig; /*!< Maximum number of BIG. */
159  uint8_t maxBis; /*!< Maximum number of BIS. */
160  /* DTM */
161  uint16_t dtmRxSyncMs; /*!< DTM Rx synchronization window in milliseconds. */
162  /* PHY */
163  bool_t phy2mSup; /*!< 2M PHY supported. */
164  bool_t phyCodedSup; /*!< Coded PHY supported. */
165  bool_t stableModIdxTxSup; /*!< Tx stable modulation index supported. */
166  bool_t stableModIdxRxSup; /*!< Rx stable modulation index supported. */
167 } LlRtCfg_t;
169 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_INIT */
171 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_DEVICE
172  * \{ */
174 /* The supported state bitmask indicates the LE states supported by the LL. */
175 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 0) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State supported. */
176 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 1) /*!< Scannable Advertising State supported. */
177 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 2) /*!< Connectable Advertising State supported. */
178 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 3) /*!< High Duty Cycle Directed Advertising State supported. */
179 #define LL_SUP_STATE_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 4) /*!< Passive Scanning State supported. */
180 #define LL_SUP_STATE_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 5) /*!< Active Scanning State supported. */
181 #define LL_SUP_STATE_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 6) /*!< Initiating State supported. Connection State in the Master Role supported is also supported. */
182 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 7) /*!< Connection State in the Slave Role supported. */
183 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV_AND_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 8) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State and Passive Scanning State combination supported. */
184 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV_AND_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 9) /*!< Scannable Advertising State and Passive Scanning State combination supported. */
185 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV_AND_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 10) /*!< Connectable Advertising State and Passive Scanning State combination supported. */
186 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV_AND_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 11) /*!< Directed Advertising State and Passive Scanning State combination supported. */
187 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV_AND_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 12) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State and Active Scanning State combination supported. */
188 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV_AND_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 13) /*!< Scannable Advertising State and Active Scanning State combination supported. */
189 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV_AND_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 14) /*!< Connectable Advertising State and Active Scanning State combination supported. */
190 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 15) /*!< Directed Advertising State and Active Scanning State combination supported. */
191 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 16) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State and Initiating State combination supported. */
192 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 17) /*!< Scannable Advertising State and Initiating State combination supported */
193 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 18) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State and Master Role combination supported. */
194 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 19) /*!< Scannable Advertising State and Master Role combination supported. */
195 #define LL_SUP_STATE_NON_CONN_ADV_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 20) /*!< Non-connectable Advertising State and Slave Role combination supported. */
196 #define LL_SUP_STATE_SCAN_ADV_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 21) /*!< Scannable Advertising State and Slave Role combination supported. */
197 #define LL_SUP_STATE_PASS_SCAN_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 22) /*!< Passive Scanning State and Initiating State combination supported. */
198 #define LL_SUP_STATE_ACT_SCAN_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 23) /*!< Active Scanning State and Initiating State combination supported. */
199 #define LL_SUP_STATE_PASS_SCAN_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 24) /*!< Passive Scanning State and Master Role combination supported. */
200 #define LL_SUP_STATE_ACT_SCAN_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 25) /*!< Active Scanning State and Master Role combination supported. */
201 #define LL_SUP_STATE_PASS_SCAN_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 26) /*!< Passive Scanning state and Slave Role combination supported. */
202 #define LL_SUP_STATE_ACT_SCAN_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 27) /*!< Active Scanning state and Slave Role combination supported. */
203 #define LL_SUP_STATE_INIT_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 28) /*!< Initiating State and Master Role combination supported. Master Role and Master Role combination is also supported. */
204 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 29) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising State. */
205 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV_AND_PASS_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 30) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Passive Scanning State combination supported. */
206 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV_AND_ACT_SCAN (UINT64_C(1) << 31) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Active Scanning State combination supported. */
207 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 32) /*!< Connectable Advertising State and Initiating State combination supported. */
208 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 33) /*!< High Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Initiating combination supported. */
209 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV_AND_INIT (UINT64_C(1) << 34) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Initiating combination supported. */
210 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 35) /*!< Connectable Advertising State and Master Role combination supported. */
211 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 36) /*!< High Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Master Role combination supported. */
212 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV_MST (UINT64_C(1) << 37) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Master Role combination supported. */
213 #define LL_SUP_STATE_CONN_ADV_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 38) /*!< Connectable Advertising State and Slave Role combination supported. */
214 #define LL_SUP_STATE_HI_DUTY_DIR_ADV_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 39) /*!< High Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Slave Role combination supported. */
215 #define LL_SUP_STATE_LO_DUTY_DIR_ADV_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 40) /*!< Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising and Slave Role combination supported. */
216 #define LL_SUP_STATE_INIT_SLV (UINT64_C(1) << 41) /*!< Initiating State and Slave Role combination. */
218 /*! The features bitmask indicates the LE features supported by the LL. */
220 /* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
221 #define LL_FEAT_ENCRYPTION (UINT64_C(1) << 0) /*!< Encryption supported. */
222 /* --- Core Spec 4.2 --- */
223 #define LL_FEAT_CONN_PARAM_REQ_PROC (UINT64_C(1) << 1) /*!< Connection Parameters Request Procedure supported. */
224 #define LL_FEAT_EXT_REJECT_IND (UINT64_C(1) << 2) /*!< Extended Reject Indication supported. */
225 #define LL_FEAT_SLV_INIT_FEAT_EXCH (UINT64_C(1) << 3) /*!< Slave-Initiated Features Exchange supported. */
226 #define LL_FEAT_LE_PING (UINT64_C(1) << 4) /*!< LE Ping supported. */
227 #define LL_FEAT_DATA_LEN_EXT (UINT64_C(1) << 5) /*!< Data Length Extension supported. */
228 #define LL_FEAT_PRIVACY (UINT64_C(1) << 6) /*!< LL Privacy supported. */
229 #define LL_FEAT_EXT_SCAN_FILT_POLICY (UINT64_C(1) << 7) /*!< Extended Scan Filter Policy supported. */
230 /* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
231 #define LL_FEAT_LE_2M_PHY (UINT64_C(1) << 8) /*!< LE 2M PHY supported. */
232 #define LL_FEAT_STABLE_MOD_IDX_TRANSMITTER (UINT64_C(1) << 9) /*!< Stable Modulation Index - Transmitter supported. */
233 #define LL_FEAT_STABLE_MOD_IDX_RECEIVER (UINT64_C(1) << 10) /*!< Stable Modulation Index - Receiver supported. */
234 #define LL_FEAT_LE_CODED_PHY (UINT64_C(1) << 11) /*!< LE Coded PHY supported. */
235 #define LL_FEAT_LE_EXT_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 12) /*!< LE Extended Advertising supported. */
236 #define LL_FEAT_LE_PER_ADV (UINT64_C(1) << 13) /*!< LE Periodic Advertising supported. */
237 #define LL_FEAT_CH_SEL_2 (UINT64_C(1) << 14) /*!< Channel Selection Algorithm #2 supported. */
238 #define LL_FEAT_LE_POWER_CLASS_1 (UINT64_C(1) << 15) /*!< LE Power Class 1 supported. */
239 #define LL_FEAT_MIN_NUM_USED_CHAN (UINT64_C(1) << 16) /*!< Minimum Number of Used Channels supported. */
240 /* --- Core Spec 5.1 --- */
241 #define LL_FEAT_CONN_CTE_REQ (UINT64_C(1) << 17) /*!< Connection CTE Request supported */
242 #define LL_FEAT_CONN_CTE_RSP (UINT64_C(1) << 18) /*!< Connection CTE Response supported */
243 #define LL_FEAT_CONNLESS_CTE_TRANS (UINT64_C(1) << 19) /*!< Connectionless CTE Transmitter supported */
244 #define LL_FEAT_CONNLESS_CTE_RECV (UINT64_C(1) << 20) /*!< Connectionless CTE Receiver supported */
245 #define LL_FEAT_ANTENNA_SWITCH_AOD (UINT64_C(1) << 21) /*!< Anetenna Switching during CTE Transmission (AoD) supported */
246 #define LL_FEAT_ANTENNA_SWITCH_AOA (UINT64_C(1) << 22) /*!< Anetenna Switching during CTE Reception (AoA) supported */
247 #define LL_FEAT_RECV_CTE (UINT64_C(1) << 23) /*!< Receive Constant Tone Extension supported */
248 #define LL_FEAT_PAST_SENDER (UINT64_C(1) << 24) /*!< Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer – Sender supported. */
249 #define LL_FEAT_PAST_RECIPIENT (UINT64_C(1) << 25) /*!< Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer – Recipient supported. */
250 #define LL_FEAT_SCA_UPDATE (UINT64_C(1) << 26) /*!< Sleep Clock Accuracy Updates supported. */
251 #define LL_FEAT_REMOTE_PUB_KEY_VALIDATION (UINT64_C(1) << 27) /*!< Remote Public Key Validation supported. */
252 /* --- Core Spec 5.2 --- */
253 #define LL_FEAT_CIS_MASTER_ROLE (UINT64_C(1) << 28) /*!< Connected Isochronous Stream Master Role supported. */
254 #define LL_FEAT_CIS_SLAVE_ROLE (UINT64_C(1) << 29) /*!< Connected Isochronous Stream Slave Role supported. */
255 #define LL_FEAT_ISO_BROADCASTER (UINT64_C(1) << 30) /*!< Isochronous Broadcaster Role supported. */
256 #define LL_FEAT_ISO_SYNC (UINT64_C(1) << 31) /*!< Isochronous Synchronizer Role supported. */
257 #define LL_FEAT_ISO_HOST_SUPPORT (UINT64_C(1) << 32) /*!< Host support for ISO Channels. */
258 #define LL_FEAT_POWER_CONTROL_REQUEST (UINT64_C(1) << 33) /*!< Power control requests supported. */
259 #define LL_FEAT_POWER_CHANGE_IND (UINT64_C(1) << 34) /*!< Power control power change indication supported. */
260 #define LL_FEAT_PATH_LOSS_MONITOR (UINT64_C(1) << 35) /*!< Path loss monitoring supported. */
262 #define LL_HOST_CONTROLLED_FEAT LL_FEAT_ISO_HOST_SUPPORT /*!< Feature bits controlled by the host. */
264 #define LL_FEAT_ALL_MASK (UINT64_C(0x0000000FFF01FFFF)) /*!< All feature mask, need to be updated when new features are added. */
266 /*! \brief This parameter identifies the device role. */
267 typedef enum
268 {
269  LL_ROLE_MASTER = 0, /*!< Role is master. */
270  LL_ROLE_SLAVE = 1 /*!< Role is slave. */
271 } LlRole_t;
273 /*! \brief Operational mode flags. */
274 enum
275 {
276  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_VER_LLCP_STARTUP = (1 << 0), /*!< Perform version exchange LLCP at connection establishment. */
277  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_SLV_REQ_IMMED_ACK = (1 << 1), /*!< MD bit set if data transmitted. */
278  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_BYPASS_CE_GUARD = (1 << 2), /*!< Bypass end of CE guard. */
279  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_MST_RETX_AFTER_RX_NACK = (1 << 3), /*!< Master retransmits after receiving NACK. */
280  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_MST_IGNORE_CP_RSP = (1 << 4), /*!< Master ignores LL_CONNECTION_PARAM_RSP. */
281  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_MST_UNCOND_CP_RSP = (1 << 5), /*!< Master unconditionally accepts LL_CONNECTION_PARAM_RSP. */
282  /*!< (LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_MST_IGNORE_CP_RSP must be cleared). */
283  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_LEN_LLCP_STARTUP = (1 << 6), /*!< Perform data length update LLCP at connection establishment. */
284  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_REQ_SYM_PHY = (1 << 7), /*!< Require symmetric PHYs for connection. */
285  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_FEAT_LLCP_STARTUP = (1 << 8), /*!< Perform feature exchange LLCP at connection establishment. */
286  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_SLV_DELAY_LLCP_STARTUP = (1 << 9), /*!< Slave delays LLCP startup procedures. */
287  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_SLV_LATENCY_WAKEUP = (1 << 10), /*!< Enable slave latency wake up upon data pending. */
288  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_SLV_AUX_SCAN_RSP_ADI = (1 << 11), /*!< Enable ADI field for aux scan. */
289  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_MST_CIS_NULL_PDU = (1 << 12), /*!< Enable CIS master sends additional NULL PDU for acknowledge scheme. */
290  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_SLV_AUX_IND_ADVA = (1 << 13), /*!< AdvA will be included in AUX_ADV_IND instead of ADV_EXT_IND. */
291  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_ADV_CHAN_RAND = (1 << 14), /*!< Enable advertising channel randomization. */
292  LL_OP_MODE_DISABLE_POWER_MONITOR = (1 << 15), /*!< Disable power monitoring. */
293  /* diagnostics only */
294  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_ADV_DLY = (1 << 16), /*!< Enable advertising delay. */
295  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_SCAN_BACKOFF = (1 << 17), /*!< Enable scan backoff. */
296  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_WW = (1 << 18), /*!< Enable window widening. */
297  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_SLV_LATENCY = (1 << 19), /*!< Enable slave latency. */
298  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_ENA_LLCP_TIMER = (1 << 20), /*!< Enable LLCP timer. */
299  LL_OP_MODE_FLAG_IGNORE_CRC_ERR_TS = (1 << 21) /*!< Ignore timestamp of RX packet with CRC error. */
300 };
302 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_DEVICE */
304 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_BROADCAST
305  * \{ */
307 /*! \brief The advertising type indicates the connectable and discoverable nature of the advertising packets transmitted by a device. */
308 enum
309 {
310  LL_ADV_CONN_UNDIRECT = 0, /*!< Connectable undirected advertising. Peer devices can scan and connect to this device. */
311  LL_ADV_CONN_DIRECT_HIGH_DUTY = 1, /*!< Connectable directed advertising, high duty cycle. Only a specified peer device can connect to this device. */
312  LL_ADV_SCAN_UNDIRECT = 2, /*!< Scannable undirected advertising. Peer devices can scan this device but cannot connect. */
313  LL_ADV_NONCONN_UNDIRECT = 3, /*!< Non-connectable undirected advertising. Peer devices cannot scan or connect to this device. */
314  LL_ADV_CONN_DIRECT_LOW_DUTY = 4 /*!< Connectable directed advertising, low duty cycle. Only a specified peer device can connect to this device. */
315 };
317 /*! \brief The address type indicates whether an address is public or random. */
318 enum
319 {
320  LL_ADDR_PUBLIC = 0, /*!< Public address. */
321  LL_ADDR_RANDOM = 1, /*!< Random address. */
322  LL_ADDR_PUBLIC_IDENTITY = 2, /*!< Public identity address. */
323  LL_ADDR_RANDOM_IDENTITY = 3, /*!< Random (static) identity address. */
324  LL_ADDR_RANDOM_UNRESOLVABLE = 0xFE, /*!< Un-resolvable random address. */
325  LL_ADDR_ANONYMOUS = 0xFF /*!< Anonymous advertiser. */
326 };
328 #define LL_ADDR_RANDOM_BIT LL_ADDR_RANDOM /*!< Address type random or public bit. */
329 #define LL_ADDR_IDENTITY_BIT LL_ADDR_PUBLIC_IDENTITY /*!< Address type identity bit. */
331 /*! \brief Advertising channel bit. */
332 enum
333 {
334  LL_ADV_CHAN_37_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Advertising channel 37. */
335  LL_ADV_CHAN_38_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< Advertising channel 38. */
336  LL_ADV_CHAN_39_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< Advertising channel 39. */
337  LL_ADV_CHAN_ALL = 0x7, /*!< All advertising channels. */
338 };
340 /*! \brief Advertising filter policy. */
341 enum
342 {
343  LL_ADV_FILTER_NONE = 0, /*!< Scan from any device. */
344  LL_ADV_FILTER_SCAN_WL_BIT = 1, /*!< Scan from White List only. */
345  LL_ADV_FILTER_CONN_WL_BIT = 2, /*!< Connect from While List only. */
346  LL_ADV_FILTER_WL_ONLY = 3 /*!< Scan and connect from While List only. */
347 };
349 /*! \brief Advertising event properties. */
350 enum
351 {
352  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_CONN_ADV_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Connectable advertising. */
353  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_SCAN_ADV_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< Scannable advertising. */
354  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_DIRECT_ADV_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< Directed advertising. */
355  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_HIGH_DUTY_ADV_BIT = (1 << 3), /*!< High Duty Cycle advertising. */
356  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_LEGACY_ADV_BIT = (1 << 4), /*!< Use legacy advertising PDUs. */
357  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_OMIT_AA_BIT = (1 << 5), /*!< Omit advertiser's address from all PDUs (anonymous advertising). */
358  LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_TX_PWR_BIT = (1 << 6) /*!< Include TxPower in the advertising PDU. */
359 };
361 #define LL_ADV_EVT_PROP_NON_CONN_NON_SCAN 0 /*!< Non-connectable and non-scannable advertising. */
363 /*! \brief Extended advertising parameters. */
364 typedef struct
365 {
366  uint16_t advEventProp; /*!< Advertising Event Properties. */
367  uint32_t priAdvInterMin; /*!< Primary Advertising Interval Minimum. */
368  uint32_t priAdvInterMax; /*!< Primary Advertising Interval Maximum. */
369  uint8_t priAdvChanMap; /*!< Primary Advertising Channel Map. */
370  uint8_t ownAddrType; /*!< Own Address Type. */
371  uint8_t peerAddrType; /*!< Peer Address Type. */
372  const uint8_t *pPeerAddr; /*!< Peer Address. */
373  uint8_t advFiltPolicy; /*!< Advertising Filter Policy. */
374  int8_t advTxPwr; /*!< Advertising Tx Power. */
375  uint8_t priAdvPhy; /*!< Primary Advertising PHY. */
376  uint8_t secAdvMaxSkip; /*!< Secondary Advertising Maximum Skip. */
377  uint8_t secAdvPhy; /*!< Secondary Advertising PHY. */
378  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
379  uint8_t scanReqNotifEna; /*!< Scan Request Notification Enable. */
382 /*! \brief Extended advertising enable parameters. */
383 typedef struct
384 {
385  uint8_t handle; /*!< Advertising handle. */
386  uint16_t duration; /*!< Duration. */
387  uint8_t numEvents; /*!< Maximum number of extended advertising events. */
390 /*! \brief Periodic advertising parameters. */
391 typedef struct
392 {
393  uint16_t perAdvInterMin; /*!< Periodic Advertising Interval Minimum. */
394  uint16_t perAdvInterMax; /*!< Periodic Advertising Interval Maximum. */
395  uint16_t perAdvProp; /*!< Periodic Advertising Properties. */
398 /*! \brief Advertising data operation. */
399 enum
400 {
401  LL_ADV_DATA_OP_FRAG_INTER = 0, /*!< Intermediate fragment. */
402  LL_ADV_DATA_OP_FRAG_FIRST = 1, /*!< First fragment. */
403  LL_ADV_DATA_OP_FRAG_LAST = 2, /*!< Last fragment. */
404  LL_ADV_DATA_OP_COMP = 3, /*!< Complete extended advertising data. */
405  LL_ADV_DATA_OP_UNCHANGED = 4 /*!< Unchanged data (just update the Advertising DID). */
406 };
408 /*! \brief Advertising data fragment preference. */
409 enum
410 {
411  LL_ADV_DATA_FRAG_ALLOW = 0, /*!< Controller may fragment all Host advertising data. */
412  LL_ADV_DATA_FRAG_DISALLOW = 1 /*!< Controller should not fragment nor minimize fragmentation of Host advertising data. */
413 };
415 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_BROADCAST */
417 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_OBSERVER
418  * \{ */
420 /*! \brief Type of scan. */
421 enum
422 {
423  LL_SCAN_PASSIVE = 0, /*!< Passive scanning. */
424  LL_SCAN_ACTIVE = 1 /*!< Active scanning. */
425 };
427 /*! \brief Init filter policy. */
428 enum
429 {
430  LL_INIT_FILTER_PEER = 0, /*!< Filter to only Peer addr and addr type. */
431  LL_INIT_FILTER_WL = 1, /*!< Filter to only whitelist. */
432  LL_INIT_FILTER_TOTAL /*!< Total number of filter policies. */
433 };
435 /*! \brief Scan filter policy. */
436 enum
437 {
438  LL_SCAN_FILTER_NONE = 0, /*!< Accept all advertising packets. */
439  LL_SCAN_FILTER_WL_BIT = 1, /*!< Accept from While List only. */
440  LL_SCAN_FILTER_RES_INIT_BIT = 2, /*!< Accept directed advertisements with RPAs. */
441  LL_SCAN_FILTER_WL_OR_RES_INIT = 3 /*!< Accept from White List or directed advertisements with RPAs. */
442 };
444 /*! \brief Periodic scan filter policy. */
445 enum
446 {
447  LL_PER_SCAN_FILTER_NONE = 0, /*!< Use advSID, advAddrType and advAddr to filter. */
448  LL_PER_SCAN_FILTER_PL_BIT = 1, /*!< Use the periodic advertiser list. */
449 };
451 /*! \brief Scan parameters. */
452 typedef struct
453 {
454  uint16_t scanInterval; /*!< Scan interval. */
455  uint16_t scanWindow; /*!< Scan window. */
456  uint8_t scanType; /*!< Scan type. */
457  uint8_t ownAddrType; /*!< Address type used by this device. */
458  uint8_t scanFiltPolicy; /*!< Scan filter policy. */
459 } LlScanParam_t;
461 /*! \brief Extended scan parameters. */
462 typedef struct
463 {
464  uint16_t scanInterval; /*!< Scan interval. */
465  uint16_t scanWindow; /*!< Scan window. */
466  uint8_t scanType; /*!< Scan type. */
469 /*! \brief Scan filter modes for duplicate report. */
470 enum
471 {
472  LL_SCAN_FILTER_DUP_DISABLE = 0x00, /*!< Duplicate filtering disabled. */
473  LL_SCAN_FILTER_DUP_ENABLE_ONCE = 0x01, /*!< Duplicate filtering enabled. */
474  LL_SCAN_FILTER_DUP_ENABLE_PERIODIC = 0x02 /*!< Duplicate filtering enabled, reset for each scan period. */
475 };
477 /*! \brief Advertising report event types. */
478 enum
479 {
480  LL_RPT_TYPE_ADV_IND = 0x00, /*!< Connectable undirected advertising (ADV_IND). */
481  LL_RPT_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND = 0x01, /*!< Connectable directed advertising (ADV_DIRECT_IND). */
482  LL_RPT_TYPE_ADV_SCAN_IND = 0x02, /*!< Scannable undirected advertising (ADV_SCAN_IND). */
483  LL_RPT_TYPE_ADV_NONCONN_IND = 0x03, /*!< Non connectable undirected advertising (ADV_NONCONN_IND). */
484  LL_RPT_TYPE_SCAN_RSP = 0x04 /*!< Scan Response (SCAN_RSP). */
485 };
487 /*! \brief Periodic advertising create sync options valid bits. */
490 /*! \brief Periodic advertising create sync command. */
491 typedef struct
492 {
493  uint8_t options; /*!< Options. */
494  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
495  uint8_t advAddrType; /*!< Advertiser Address Type. */
496  uint8_t *pAdvAddr; /*!< Advertiser Address. */
497  uint16_t skip; /*!< Skip. */
498  uint16_t syncTimeOut; /*!< Synchronization Timeout. */
501 /*! \brief Device in periodic advertiser list */
502 typedef struct
503 {
504  uint8_t advAddrType; /*!< Advertiser Address Type. */
505  uint8_t *pAdvAddr; /*!< Advertiser Address. */
506  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
509 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_OBSERVER */
511 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_CONN
512  * \{ */
514 /*! \brief Master clock accuracy. */
515 enum
516 {
517  LL_MCA_500_PPM = 0x00, /*!< 500 ppm */
518  LL_MCA_250_PPM = 0x01, /*!< 250 ppm */
519  LL_MCA_150_PPM = 0x02, /*!< 150 ppm */
520  LL_MCA_100_PPM = 0x03, /*!< 100 ppm */
521  LL_MCA_75_PPM = 0x04, /*!< 75 ppm */
522  LL_MCA_50_PPM = 0x05, /*!< 50 ppm */
523  LL_MCA_30_PPM = 0x06, /*!< 30 ppm */
524  LL_MCA_20_PPM = 0x07 /*!< 20 ppm */
525 };
527 /*! \brief PHYS specification. */
528 enum
529 {
530  LL_PHYS_NONE = 0, /*!< No selected PHY. */
531  LL_PHYS_LE_1M_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< LE 1M PHY. */
532  LL_PHYS_LE_2M_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< LE 2M PHY. */
533  LL_PHYS_LE_CODED_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< LE Coded PHY. */
534 };
536 /*! \brief All PHYs preference. */
537 enum
538 {
539  LL_ALL_PHY_ALL_PREFERENCES = 0, /*!< All PHY preferences. */
540  LL_ALL_PHY_TX_PREFERENCE_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Set if no Tx PHY preference. */
541  LL_ALL_PHY_RX_PREFERENCE_BIT = (1 << 1) /*!< Set if no Rx PHY preference. */
542 };
544 /*! \brief PHY options. */
545 enum
546 {
547  LL_PHY_OPTIONS_NONE = 0, /*!< No preferences. */
548  LL_PHY_OPTIONS_S2_PREFERRED = 1, /*!< S=2 coding preferred when transmitting on LE Coded PHY. */
549  LL_PHY_OPTIONS_S8_PREFERRED = 2, /*!< S=8 coding preferred when transmitting on LE Coded PHY. */
550 };
552 /*! \brief PHY types. */
553 typedef enum
554 {
555  LL_PHY_NONE = 0, /*!< PHY not selected. */
556  LL_PHY_LE_1M = 1, /*!< LE 1M PHY. */
557  LL_PHY_LE_2M = 2, /*!< LE 2M PHY. */
558  LL_PHY_LE_CODED = 3, /*!< LE Coded PHY. */
559 } LlPhy_t;
561 /*! \brief Power Control managed PHYs. */
562 enum
563 {
564  LL_PC_PHY_1M = 1,
565  LL_PC_PHY_2M = 2,
566  LL_PC_PHY_CODED_S8 = 3,
567  LL_PC_PHY_CODED_S2 = 4,
571 };
573 /*! \brief Power control PHY bits. */
574 enum
575 {
576  LL_PC_1M_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< LE 1M PHY bit. */
577  LL_PC_2M_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< LE 2M PHY bit. */
578  LL_PC_CODED_S8_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< LE Coded S8 PHY bit. */
579  LL_PC_CODED_S2_BIT = (1 << 3), /*!< LE Coded S2 PHY bit. */
583 };
585 /*! \brief PCL path loss monitoring unused high threshold value. */
588 /*! \brief Privacy modes. */
589 enum
590 {
591  LL_PRIV_MODE_NETWORK = 0, /*!< Network privacy mode. */
592  LL_PRIV_MODE_DEVICE = 1, /*!< Device privacy mode. */
593 };
595 /*! \brief Initiating parameters (\a LlExtCreateConn()). */
596 typedef struct
597 {
598  uint16_t scanInterval; /*!< Scan interval. */
599  uint16_t scanWindow; /*!< Scan window. */
600  uint8_t filterPolicy; /*!< Scan filter policy. */
601  uint8_t ownAddrType; /*!< Address type used by this device. */
602  uint8_t peerAddrType; /*!< Address type used for peer device. */
603  const uint8_t *pPeerAddr; /*!< Address of peer device. */
604 } LlInitParam_t;
606 /*! \brief Initiating parameters (\a LlExtCreateConn()). */
607 typedef struct
608 {
609  uint8_t filterPolicy; /*!< Scan filter policy. */
610  uint8_t ownAddrType; /*!< Address type used by this device. */
611  uint8_t peerAddrType; /*!< Address type used for peer device. */
612  const uint8_t *pPeerAddr; /*!< Address of peer device. */
613  uint8_t initPhys; /*!< Initiating PHYs. */
616 /*! \brief Initiating scan parameters (\a LlExtCreateConn()). */
617 typedef struct
618 {
619  uint16_t scanInterval; /*!< Scan interval. */
620  uint16_t scanWindow; /*!< Scan window. */
623 /*! \brief Connection specification (\a LlCreateConn(), \a LlConnUpdate() and \a LlExtCreateConn()). */
624 typedef struct
625 {
626  uint16_t connIntervalMin; /*!< Minimum connection interval. */
627  uint16_t connIntervalMax; /*!< Maximum connection interval. */
628  uint16_t connLatency; /*!< Connection latency. */
629  uint16_t supTimeout; /*!< Supervision timeout. */
630  uint16_t minCeLen; /*!< Minimum CE length. */
631  uint16_t maxCeLen; /*!< Maximum CE length. */
632 } LlConnSpec_t;
634 /*! \brief Channel selection algorithm methods. */
635 enum
636 {
637  LL_CH_SEL_1 = 0, /*!< Channel selection #1. */
638  LL_CH_SEL_2 = 1 /*!< Channel selection #2. */
639 };
641 /*! \brief Tx power level type. */
642 enum
643 {
644  LL_TX_PWR_LVL_TYPE_CURRENT = 0x00, /*!< Current transmit power level. */
645  LL_TX_PWR_LVL_TYPE_MAX = 0x01 /*!< Maximum transmit power level. */
646 };
648 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_CONN */
650 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_ISO
651  * \{ */
653 /*! \brief Packing scheme. */
654 typedef enum
655 {
656  LL_PACKING_SEQUENTIAL = 0, /*!< Sequential. */
657  LL_PACKING_INTERLEAVED = 1 /*!< Interleaved. */
658 } LlPacking_t;
660 /*! \brief CIS parameters. */
661 typedef struct
662 {
663  uint8_t cisId; /*!< Used to identify a connected isochronous stream. */
664  uint16_t sduSizeMToS; /*!< Maximum size of a data SDU from the master to the slave. */
665  uint16_t sduSizeSToM; /*!< Maximum size of a data SDU from the slave to the master. */
666  uint8_t phyMToS; /*!< PHY to be used for transmission from master to slave. */
667  uint8_t phySToM; /*!< PHY to be used for transmission from master to slave. */
668  uint8_t rteMToS; /*!< Maximum number of times every PDU should be retransmitted from the master to slave. */
669  uint8_t rteSToM; /*!< Maximum number of times every PDU should be retransmitted from the slave to master. */
672 /*! \brief CIG parameters. */
673 typedef struct
674 {
675  uint8_t cigId; /*!< Used to identify the connected isochronous group. */
676  uint32_t sduIntervalMToS; /*!< The time interval between the start of consecutive SDUs from the master Host. */
677  uint32_t sduIntervalSToM; /*!< The time interval between the start of consecutive SDUs from the slave Host. */
678  uint8_t sca; /*!< Sleep clock accuracy. */
679  uint8_t packing; /*!< Packing scheme. */
680  LlFraming_t framing:8; /*!< Indicates the format of CIS Data PDUs. */
681  uint16_t transLatMToS; /*!< Maximum time in microseconds between the transmissions of a Data PDU from the Link Layer of the master to the reception of the same Data PDU in the Link Layer of the slave. */
682  uint16_t transLatSToM; /*!< Maximum time in microseconds between the transmissions of a Data PDU from the Link Layer of the slave to the reception of the same Data PDU in the Link Layer of the master. */
683  uint8_t numCis; /*!< Number of CIS to set. */
684  LlCisCisParams_t *pCisParam; /*!< CIS parameters. */
687 /*! \brief CIG test CIS parameters. */
688 typedef struct
689 {
690  uint8_t cisId; /*!< CIS identifier. */
691  uint8_t nse; /*!< Maximum number of subevent in each interval on CIS. */
692  uint16_t sduSizeMToS; /*!< Maximum size of a data SDU from the master to the slave. */
693  uint16_t sduSizeSToM; /*!< Maximum size of a data SDU from the slave to the master. */
694  uint16_t pduSizeMToS; /*!< Maximum size of payload from master to slave. */
695  uint16_t pduSizeSToM; /*!< Maximum size of payload from slave to master. */
696  uint8_t phyMToS; /*!< Master to slave PHY. */
697  uint8_t phySToM; /*!< Slave to master PHY. */
698  uint8_t bnMToS; /*!< Master to slave burst number. */
699  uint8_t bnSToM; /*!< Slave to master burst number. */
702 /*! \brief CIG test CIG parameters. */
703 typedef struct
704 {
705  uint8_t cigId; /*!< CIG identifier. */
706  uint32_t sduIntervalMToS; /*!< The time interval between the start of consecutive SDUs from the master Host. */
707  uint32_t sduIntervalSToM; /*!< The time interval between the start of consecutive SDUs from the slave Host. */
708  uint8_t ftMToS; /*!< The flush timeout in multiples of ISO_Interval for each payload sent from the master to slave. */
709  uint8_t ftSToM; /*!< The flush timeout in multiples of ISO_Interval for each payload sent from the slave to master. */
710  uint16_t isoInterval; /*!< The time duration of the isochronous PDU interval. */
711  uint8_t sca; /*!< Sleep clock accuracy. */
712  uint8_t packing; /*!< Packing scheme. */
713  LlFraming_t framing:8; /*!< Indicates the format of CIS Data PDUs. */
714  uint8_t numCis; /*!< Number of CIS. */
715  LlCisCigCisParamsTest_t *pCisParam; /*!< CIS parameters. */
718 /*! \brief Create CIS parameters. */
719 typedef struct
720 {
721  uint16_t *pCisHandle; /*!< Pointer to the connected isochronous handle array. */
722  uint16_t *pAclHandle; /*!< Pointer to the asynchronous connection link handle array. */
725 /*! \brief ISO data path direction. */
726 typedef enum
727 {
728  LL_ISO_DATA_DIR_INPUT = 0x00, /*!< Input data path. */
729  LL_ISO_DATA_DIR_OUTPUT = 0x01 /*!< Output data path. */
732 /*! \brief ISO data path. */
733 typedef enum
734 {
735  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_HCI = 0x00,
736  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_VS = 0x01, /*!< Vendor Specific. */
738  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_TOTAL, /*!< Total number of data path methods. */
740  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_DISABLED = 0xFF, /*!< Data path is disabled. */
743 /*! \brief ISO data path direction bit. */
744 enum
745 {
746  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_INPUT_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Data path input bit. */
747  LL_ISO_DATA_PATH_OUTPUT_BIT = (1 << 1) /*!< Data path output bit. */
748 };
750 /*! \brief LE setup ISO Data Path command. */
751 typedef struct
752 {
753  uint16_t handle; /*!< Handle of CIS or BIS. */
754  LlIsoDataPathDir_t dpDir:8; /*!< Data path direction. */
755  uint8_t dpId; /*!< Data path ID. */
756  uint8_t codecFormat; /*!< Codec Format. */
757  uint16_t codecCompId; /*!< Codec Company ID. */
758  uint16_t codecId; /*!< Codec ID. */
759  uint32_t ctrDly; /*!< Codec ID. */
760  uint8_t codecConfigLen; /*!< Codec configuration length. */
761  uint8_t *pCodecConfig; /*!< Codec configuration. */
764 /*! \brief BIG Create BIG message. */
765 typedef struct
766 {
767  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< Used to identify the BIG. */
768  uint8_t advHandle; /*!< Used to identify the periodic advertising train. */
769  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Total number of BISes in the BIG. */
770  uint32_t sduInterUsec; /*!< Interval, in microseconds, of BIG SDUs. */
771  uint16_t maxSdu; /*!< Maximum size of an SDU. */
772  uint16_t mtlMs; /*!< Maximum time in milliseconds. */
773  uint8_t rtn; /*!< Retransmitted number. */
774  uint8_t phys; /*!< Transmitter PHYs of packets. */
775  uint8_t packing; /*!< Sequential or Interleaved packing. */
776  LlFraming_t framing:8; /*!< Unframed or Framed. */
777  uint8_t encrypt; /*!< Unencrypted or Encrypted. */
778  uint8_t bcstCode[LL_BC_LEN];/*!< Session key used to encrypt and decrypt BIS payloads. */
779 } LlCreateBig_t;
781 /*! \brief BIG Create BIG Test message. */
782 typedef struct
783 {
784  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< Used to identify the BIG. */
785  uint8_t advHandle; /*!< Used to identify the periodic advertising train. */
786  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Total number of BISes in the BIG. */
787  uint32_t sduInterUsec; /*!< Interval in microseconds of BIG SDUs. */
788  uint16_t isoInter; /*!< Duration of an isochronous interval for BIG PDUs in 1.25ms unit. */
789  uint8_t nse; /*!< Total number of subevents in each interval of each BIS in the BIG. */
790  uint16_t maxSdu; /*!< Maximum size of a SDU. */
791  uint16_t maxPdu; /*!< Maximum size of payload. */
792  uint8_t phys; /*!< Transmitter PHYs of packets. */
793  uint8_t packing; /*!< Sequential or Interleaved packing. */
794  LlFraming_t framing:8; /*!< Unframed or Framed. */
795  uint8_t bn; /*!< Number of new payloads in each interval for each BIS. */
796  uint8_t irc; /*!< Number of times the scheduled payload(s) are transmitted in a given event. */
797  uint8_t pto; /*!< Offset used for pre-transmissions. */
798  uint8_t encrypt; /*!< Unencrypted or Encrypted. */
799  uint8_t bcstCode[LL_BC_LEN];/*!< Code used to derive the session key. */
802 /*! \brief BIG Create Sync message. */
803 typedef struct
804 {
805  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< Used to identify the BIG. */
806  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Periodic advertising train handle. */
807  uint8_t encrypt; /*!< Unencrypted or Encrypted. */
808  uint8_t bcstCode[LL_BC_LEN];/*!< Session key code for encrypt and decrypt BIS payloads. */
809  uint8_t mse; /*!< Maximum number of subevents. */
810  uint16_t bigSyncTimeout; /*!< Synchronization timeout for the BIS, in the units of 10ms. */
811  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Total number of BISes in the BIG. */
812  uint8_t bis[LL_MAX_BIS]; /*!< List of indices of BISes. */
815 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_ISO */
817 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_ENCRYPT
818  * \{ */
820 /*! \brief Nonce mode. */
821 enum
822 {
823  LL_NONCE_MODE_PKT_CNTR = 0x00, /*!< Packet counter nonce mode (default). */
824  LL_NONCE_MODE_EVT_CNTR = 0x01 /*!< Connection event counter mode. */
825 };
827 /*! \brief Encryption mode data structure used in LlGetEncMode() and LlSetEncMode(). */
828 typedef struct
829 {
830  bool_t enaAuth; /*!< Enable authentication. */
831  bool_t nonceMode; /*!< Nonce mode. */
832 } LlEncMode_t;
834 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_ENCRYPT */
836 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_TEST
837  * \{ */
839 /*! \brief Test packet payload type. */
840 enum
841 {
842  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_PRBS9 = 0x00, /*!< Pseudo-Random bit sequence 9. */
843  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_0F = 0x01, /*!< 00001111'b packet payload type. */
844  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_55 = 0x02, /*!< 01010101'b packet payload type. */
845  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_PRBS15 = 0x03, /*!< Pseudo-Random bit sequence 15. */
846  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_FF = 0x04, /*!< 11111111'b packet payload type. */
847  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_00 = 0x05, /*!< 00000000'b packet payload type. */
848  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_F0 = 0x06, /*!< 11110000'b packet payload type. */
849  LL_TEST_PKT_TYPE_AA = 0x07 /*!< 10101010'b packet payload type. */
850 };
852 /*! \brief Test PHY type. */
853 enum
854 {
855  LL_TEST_PHY_LE_1M = 0x01, /*!< LE 1M PHY. */
856  LL_TEST_PHY_LE_2M = 0x02, /*!< LE 2M PHY. */
857  LL_TEST_PHY_LE_CODED = 0x03, /*!< LE Coded PHY (data coding unspecified). */
858  LL_TEST_PHY_LE_CODED_S8 = 0x03, /*!< LE Coded PHY with S=8 data coding. */
859  LL_TEST_PHY_LE_CODED_S2 = 0x04 /*!< LE Coded PHY with S=2 data coding. */
860 };
862 /*! \brief Test modulation index. */
863 enum
864 {
865  LL_TEST_MOD_IDX_STANDARD = 0x00, /*!< Standard modulation index. */
866  LL_TEST_MOD_IDX_STABLE = 0x01 /*!< Stable modulation index. */
867 };
869 /*! \brief Test report data. */
870 typedef struct
871 {
872  uint16_t numTx; /*!< Total transmit packet count. */
873  uint16_t numRxSuccess; /*!< Successfully received packet count. */
874  uint16_t numRxCrcError; /*!< CRC failed packet count. */
875  uint16_t numRxTimeout; /*!< Receive timeout count. */
878 /*! \brief ISO test packet payload type. */
879 typedef enum
880 {
881  LL_ISO_PLD_TYPE_ZERO_LEN = 0x00, /*!< Zero length payload. */
882  LL_ISO_PLD_TYPE_VAR_LEN = 0x01, /*!< Variable length payload. */
883  LL_ISO_PLD_TYPE_MAX_LEN = 0x02 /*!< Maximum length payload. */
886 /*! \brief ISO test counter data. */
887 typedef struct
888 {
889  uint32_t numSuccess; /*!< Received good packet count. */
890  uint32_t numMissed; /*!< Received missed packet count. */
891  uint32_t numFailed; /*!< Received failed packet count. */
894 /*! \brief ISO link quality statistics. */
895 typedef struct
896 {
897  uint32_t txUnAckPkt; /*!< Unacked packets. */
898  uint32_t txFlushedPkt; /*!< Flushed packets. */
899  uint32_t txLastSubEventPkt; /*!< The CIS slave transmit CIS Data PDU on it's last subevent. */
900  uint32_t retransmitPkt; /*!< Retransmitted packets. */
901  uint32_t crcErrPkt; /*!< CRC error packets. */
902  uint32_t rxUnreceivedPkt; /*!< Packets unreceived by flush point. */
903  uint32_t duplicatePkt; /*!< Retransmitted CIS data PDUs. */
907 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_TEST */
909 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_EVENT
910  * \{ */
912 /*! \brief Link control callback interface events */
913 enum
914 {
915  LL_ERROR_IND, /*!< Unrecoverable LL or radio error occurred (vendor specific). */
916  /* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
917  LL_RESET_CNF, /*!< Reset complete. */
918  LL_ADV_REPORT_IND, /*!< Advertising report. */
919  LL_ADV_ENABLE_CNF, /*!< Advertising enable/disable complete. */
920  LL_SCAN_ENABLE_CNF, /*!< Scan enable/disable complete. */
921  LL_CONN_IND, /*!< Connection complete. */
922  LL_DISCONNECT_IND, /*!< Disconnect complete. */
923  LL_CONN_UPDATE_IND, /*!< Connection update complete. */
924  LL_CREATE_CONN_CANCEL_CNF, /*!< Create connection cancel status. */
925  LL_READ_REMOTE_VER_INFO_CNF, /*!< Read remote version information complete. */
926  LL_READ_REMOTE_FEAT_CNF, /*!< Read remote features complete. */
927  LL_ENC_CHANGE_IND, /*!< Encryption change. */
928  LL_ENC_KEY_REFRESH_IND, /*!< Key refresh. */
929  LL_LTK_REQ_IND, /*!< LTK request. */
930  LL_LTK_REQ_NEG_REPLY_CNF, /*!< LTK request negative reply status. */
931  LL_LTK_REQ_REPLY_CNF, /*!< LTK request reply status. */
932  /* --- Core Spec 4.2 --- */
933  LL_REM_CONN_PARAM_IND, /*!< Remote connection parameter change. */
934  LL_AUTH_PAYLOAD_TIMEOUT_IND, /*!< Authentication payload timeout expired. */
935  LL_DATA_LEN_CHANGE_IND, /*!< Data length changed. */
936  LL_READ_LOCAL_P256_PUB_KEY_CMPL_IND, /*!< Read local P-256 public key complete. */
937  LL_GENERATE_DHKEY_CMPL_IND, /*!< Generate Diffie-Hellman key complete. */
938  LL_SCAN_REPORT_IND, /*!< Legacy scan report (vendor specific). */
939  /* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
940  LL_PHY_UPDATE_IND, /*!< LE PHY update complete. */
941  LL_EXT_ADV_REPORT_IND, /*!< Extended advertising report. */
942  LL_EXT_SCAN_ENABLE_CNF, /*!< Extended scan enable/disable complete. */
943  LL_SCAN_TIMEOUT_IND, /*!< Scan timeout. */
944  LL_SCAN_REQ_RCVD_IND, /*!< Scan request received. */
945  LL_EXT_ADV_ENABLE_CNF, /*!< Extended advertising enable/disable complete. */
946  LL_ADV_SET_TERM_IND, /*!< Advertising set terminated complete. */
947  LL_PER_ADV_ENABLE_CNF, /*!< Periodic advertising enable/disable complete. */
948  LL_PER_ADV_SYNC_ESTD_IND, /*!< Periodic scanning synchronization established. */
949  LL_PER_ADV_SYNC_LOST_IND, /*!< Periodic scanning synchronization lost. */
950  LL_PER_ADV_REPORT_IND, /*!< Periodic scanning report. */
951  LL_CH_SEL_ALGO_IND, /*!< Channel selection algorithm. */
952  /* --- Core Spec 5.1 --- */
953  LL_CONNLESS_IQ_REPORT_IND, /*!< LE connectionless IQ report received. */
954  LL_CONN_IQ_REPORT_IND, /*!< LE connection IQ report received. */
955  LL_CTE_REQ_FAILED_IND, /*!< LE CTE request failed received. */
956  LL_PER_SYNC_TRSF_RCVD_IND, /*!< LE periodic advertising sync transfer received. */
957  /* --- Core Spec 5.2 --- */
958  LL_CIS_EST_IND, /*!< CIS established event. */
959  LL_CIS_REQ_IND, /*!< CIS request event. */
960  LL_CREATE_BIG_CNF, /*!< Create BIG complete. */
961  LL_TERM_BIG_IND, /*!< Terminate BIG complete. */
962  LL_BIG_TERM_SYNC_CNF, /*!< BIG Terminate Sync complete. */
963  LL_BIG_SYNC_EST_IND, /*!< BIG sync established event. */
964  LL_BIG_SYNC_LOST_IND, /*!< BIG sync lost event. */
965  LL_REQ_PEER_SCA_IND, /*!< Request peer SCA complete. */
966  LL_TX_POWER_REPORTING_IND, /*!< LL txPower change report received. */
967  LL_PATH_LOSS_REPORTING_IND, /*!< Path loss reporting event. */
968  LL_ISO_EVT_CMPL_IND, /*!< ISO Event complete event. */
969  LL_BIG_INFO_ADV_REPORT_IND /*!< BIG Info advertising report event. */
970 };
972 /*! \brief Advertising report indication */
973 typedef struct
974 {
975  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
976  uint8_t *pData; /*!< Data buffer. */
977  uint8_t len; /*!< Data buffer length. */
978  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI. */
979  uint8_t eventType; /*!< Event type. */
980  uint8_t addrType; /*!< Address type. */
981  bdAddr_t addr; /*!< Address. */
982  /* --- direct fields --- */
983  uint8_t directAddrType; /*!< Direct address type. */
984  bdAddr_t directAddr; /*!< Direct address. */
987 /*! \brief Connect indication */
988 typedef struct
989 {
990  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
991  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
992  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
993  uint8_t role; /*!< Role of this device. */
994  uint8_t addrType; /*!< Address type. */
995  bdAddr_t peerAddr; /*!< Peer address. */
996  uint16_t connInterval; /*!< Connection interval. */
997  uint16_t connLatency; /*!< Connection latency. */
998  uint16_t supTimeout; /*!< Supervision timeout. */
999  uint8_t clockAccuracy; /*!< Clock accuracy. */
1000  /* --- enhanced fields --- */
1001  bdAddr_t localRpa; /*!< Local resolvable private address. */
1002  bdAddr_t peerRpa; /*!< Peer resolvable private address. */
1003 } LlConnInd_t;
1005 /*! \brief Disconnect indication */
1006 typedef struct
1007 {
1008  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1009  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1010  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1011  uint8_t reason; /*!< Reason code. */
1014 /*! \brief Connect update indication */
1015 typedef struct
1016 {
1017  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1018  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1019  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1020  uint16_t connInterval; /*!< Connection interval. */
1021  uint16_t connLatency; /*!< Connection latency. */
1022  uint16_t supTimeout; /*!< Supervision timeout. */
1025 /*! \brief Connection parameter change indication */
1026 typedef struct
1027 {
1028  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1029  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1030  uint16_t connIntervalMin;/*!< Minimum connection interval. */
1031  uint16_t connIntervalMax;/*!< Maximum connection interval. */
1032  uint16_t connLatency; /*!< Connection latency. */
1033  uint16_t supTimeout; /*!< Supervision timeout. */
1036 /*! \brief Create connection cancel confirm */
1037 typedef struct
1038 {
1039  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1040  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1043 /*! \brief Read remote version information confirm */
1044 typedef struct
1045 {
1046  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1047  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1048  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1049  uint8_t version; /*!< Bluetooth specification version. */
1050  uint16_t mfrName; /*!< Manufacturer ID. */
1051  uint16_t subversion; /*!< Subversion. */
1054 #define LL_FEAT_LEN 8 /*!< Length of features byte array */
1056 /*! \brief Read remote feature confirm */
1057 typedef struct
1058 {
1059  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1060  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1061  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1062  uint8_t features[LL_FEAT_LEN]; /*!< Features. */
1065 /*! \brief Encryption change indication */
1066 typedef struct
1067 {
1068  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1069  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1070  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1071  bool_t enabled; /*!< Encryption enabled. */
1074 /*! \brief Key refresh indication */
1075 typedef struct
1076 {
1077  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1078  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1079  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1082 /*! \brief LTK request indication */
1083 typedef struct
1084 {
1085  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1086  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1087  uint8_t randNum[LL_RAND_LEN]; /*!< Random number. */
1088  uint16_t encDiversifier; /*!< Encryption diversifier. */
1089 } LlLtkReqInd_t;
1091 /*! \brief LTK request reply confirm */
1092 typedef struct
1093 {
1094  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1095  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1096  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1099 /*! \brief LTK request negative reply */
1100 typedef struct
1101 {
1102  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1103  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1104  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1107 /*! \brief Authentication payload timeout expired indication */
1108 typedef struct
1109 {
1110  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1111  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1114 /*! \brief Data length change */
1115 typedef struct
1116 {
1117  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1118  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1119  uint16_t maxTxLen; /*!< Maximum transmit length. */
1120  uint16_t maxTxTime; /*!< Maximum transmit time in microseconds. */
1121  uint16_t maxRxLen; /*!< Maximum receive length. */
1122  uint16_t maxRxTime; /*!< Maximum receive time in microseconds. */
1125 /*! \brief Read local P-256 key pair complete */
1126 typedef struct
1127 {
1128  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1129  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1130  uint8_t pubKey_x[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN]; /*!< Public key x-coordinate. */
1131  uint8_t pubKey_y[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN]; /*!< Public key y-coordinate. */
1134 /*! \brief Generate Diffie-Hellman key complete */
1135 typedef struct
1136 {
1137  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1138  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1139  uint8_t dhKey[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN]; /*!< Diffie-Hellman key. */
1142 /*! \brief PHY update complete. */
1143 typedef struct
1144 {
1145  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1146  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1147  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1148  uint8_t txPhy; /*!< Transceiver PHY. */
1149  uint8_t rxPhy; /*!< Receiver PHY. */
1152 /*! \brief HW error */
1153 typedef struct
1154 {
1155  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1156  uint8_t code; /*!< Code. */
1157 } LlHwErrorInd_t;
1159 /*! \brief Scan report */
1160 typedef struct
1161 {
1162  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1163  uint8_t peerAddrType; /*!< Peer address type. */
1164  uint64_t peerAddr; /*!< Peer address. */
1165  uint64_t peerRpa; /*!< Peer RPA. */
1168 /*! \brief Extended advertising enable */
1169 typedef struct
1170 {
1171  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1172  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1173  uint8_t handle; /*!< Advertising handle. */
1176 /*! \brief Periodic advertising enable */
1177 typedef struct
1178 {
1179  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1180  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1181  uint8_t handle; /*!< Advertising handle. */
1184 /*! \brief Extended advertising report event types. */
1185 enum
1186 {
1187  LL_RPT_EVT_CONN_ADV_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Connectable advertising event bit. */
1188  LL_RPT_EVT_SCAN_ADV_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< Scannable advertising event bit. */
1189  LL_RPT_EVT_DIRECT_ADV_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< Directed advertising event bit. */
1190  LL_RPT_EVT_SCAN_RSP_BIT = (1 << 3), /*!< Scan response event bit. */
1191  LL_RPT_EVT_LEGACY_ADV_BIT = (1 << 4), /*!< Legacy advertising PDU event bit. */
1192 };
1194 /*! \brief Extended advertising report data status. */
1195 enum
1196 {
1197  LL_RPT_DATA_CMPL = 0x00, /*!< Data complete. */
1198  LL_RPT_DATA_INC_MORE = 0x01, /*!< Data incomplete, more date to come. */
1199  LL_RPT_DATA_INC_TRUNC = 0x02 /*!< Data incomplete, data truncated, no more date to come. */
1200 };
1202 /*! \brief Special SID values. */
1203 enum
1204 {
1205  LL_SID_NO_ADI = 0xFF /*!< No ADI field in the PDU. */
1206 };
1208 /*! \brief Extended advertising report */
1209 typedef struct
1210 {
1211  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1212  uint16_t eventType; /*!< Event type. */
1213  uint8_t addrType; /*!< Address type. */
1214  bdAddr_t addr; /*!< Address. */
1215  uint8_t priPhy; /*!< Primary PHY. */
1216  uint8_t secPhy; /*!< Secondary PHY. */
1217  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
1218  int8_t txPwr; /*!< Tx Power. */
1219  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI. */
1220  int16_t perAdvInter; /*!< Periodic advertising interval. */
1221  uint8_t directAddrType; /*!< Direct address type. */
1222  bdAddr_t directAddr; /*!< Direct address. */
1223  uint16_t len; /*!< Data buffer length. */
1224  const uint8_t *pData; /*!< Data buffer. */
1227 /*! \brief Extended scan enable confirm */
1228 typedef struct
1229 {
1230  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1231  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1234 /*! \brief Advertising set terminated */
1235 typedef struct
1236 {
1237  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1238  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1239  uint8_t advHandle; /*!< Advertising handle. */
1240  uint16_t connHandle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1241  uint8_t numCmplAdvEvt; /*!< Number of completed advertising events. */
1244 /*! \brief Scan request received */
1245 typedef struct
1246 {
1247  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1248  uint8_t handle; /*!< Advertising handle. */
1249  uint8_t scanAddrType; /*!< Scanner address type. */
1250  bdAddr_t scanAddr; /*!< Scanner address. */
1253 /*! \brief Used channel selection indication */
1254 typedef struct
1255 {
1256  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1257  uint16_t handle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1258  uint8_t usedChSel; /*!< Used channel selection. */
1259 } LlChSelInd_t;
1261 /*! \brief LE periodic advertising synchronization established */
1262 typedef struct
1263 {
1264  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1265  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1266  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Sync handle. */
1267  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
1268  uint8_t addrType; /*!< Advertiser address type. */
1269  bdAddr_t addr; /*!< Advertiser address. */
1270  uint8_t advPhy; /*!< Advertiser PHY. */
1271  uint16_t perAdvInterval; /*!< Periodic advertising interval. */
1272  uint8_t advClkAccuracy; /*!< Advertiser clock accuracy. */
1275 /*! \brief LE periodic advertising report */
1276 typedef struct
1277 {
1278  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1279  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Sync handle. */
1280  int8_t txPwr; /*!< Tx Power. */
1281  int8_t rssi; /*!< RSSI. */
1282  uint8_t unused; /*!< Future use. */
1283  uint8_t dataStatus; /*!< Data status. */
1284  uint16_t len; /*!< Data buffer length. */
1285  const uint8_t *pData; /*!< Data buffer. */
1288 /*! \brief LE periodic advertising sync lost */
1289 typedef struct
1290 {
1291  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1292  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Sync handle. */
1295 /*! \brief LE periodic advertising sync transfer received */
1296 typedef struct
1297 {
1298  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1299  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1300  uint16_t connHandle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1301  uint16_t serviceData; /*!< Service data. */
1302  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Sync handle. */
1303  uint8_t advSID; /*!< Advertising SID. */
1304  uint8_t addrType; /*!< Advertiser address type. */
1305  bdAddr_t addr; /*!< Advertiser address. */
1306  uint8_t advPhy; /*!< Advertiser PHY. */
1307  uint16_t perAdvInterval; /*!< Periodic advertising interval. */
1308  uint8_t advClkAccuracy; /*!< Advertiser clock accuracy. */
1311 /*! \brief CIS established event */
1312 typedef struct
1313 {
1314  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1315  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1316  uint16_t cisHandle; /*!< CIS handle. */
1317  uint32_t cigSyncDelayUsec; /*!< CIG synchronization delay in usec. */
1318  uint32_t cisSyncDelayUsec; /*!< CIS synchronization delay in usec. */
1319  uint32_t transLatUsecMToS; /*!< The maximum time, in microseconds, for transmission of SDUs of all CISes from master to slave. */
1320  uint32_t transLatUsecSToM; /*!< The maximum time, in microseconds, for transmission of SDUs of all CISes from slave to master. */
1321  uint8_t phyMToS; /*!< Master to slave PHY. */
1322  uint8_t phySToM; /*!< Slave to master PHY. */
1323  uint8_t nse; /*!< Number of subevents. */
1324  uint8_t bnMToS; /*!< Burst number master to slave. */
1325  uint8_t bnSToM; /*!< Burst number slave to master. */
1326  uint8_t ftMToS; /*!< Flush timeout master to slave. */
1327  uint8_t ftSToM; /*!< Flush timeout slave to master. */
1328  uint16_t maxPduMToS; /*!< Max pdu master to slave. */
1329  uint16_t maxPduSToM; /*!< Max pdu slave to master. */
1330  uint16_t isoInterval; /*!< Time between two consecutive ISO anchor points. */
1331 } LlCisEstInd_t;
1333 /*! \brief CIS request event */
1334 typedef struct
1335 {
1336  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1337  uint16_t aclHandle; /*!< ACL handle. */
1338  uint16_t cisHandle; /*!< ACL handle. */
1339  uint8_t cigId; /*!< CIG identifier. */
1340  uint8_t cisId; /*!< CIS identifier. */
1341 } LlCisReqInd_t;
1343 /*! \brief Create BIG complete event */
1344 typedef struct
1345 {
1346  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1347  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1348  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< BIG handle. */
1349  uint32_t syncDelayUsec; /*!< Synchronization delay in microseconds. */
1350  uint32_t transLatUsec; /*!< Transport latency, in microseconds. */
1351  uint8_t phy; /*!< Transmit PHY. */
1352  uint8_t nse; /*!< Number of Sub-Events in each BIS event in the BIG. */
1353  uint8_t bn; /*!< Number of new payloads in each BIS event. */
1354  uint8_t pto; /*!< Offset used for pre-transmissions. */
1355  uint8_t irc; /*!< Number of times a payload is transmitted in a BIS event. */
1356  uint16_t maxPdu; /*!< Maximum size of the payload. */
1357  uint16_t isoInterval; /*!< Time between two consecutive ISO anchor points. */
1358  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Number of BIS. */
1359  uint16_t bisHandle[LL_MAX_BIS]; /*!< Connection handles of the BIS's. */
1362 /*! \brief Terminate BIG complete event */
1363 typedef struct
1364 {
1365  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1366  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< BIG handle. */
1367  uint8_t reason; /*!< Terminate reason. */
1370 /*! \brief BIG Terminate complete event */
1371 typedef struct
1372 {
1373  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1374  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1375  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< BIG handle. */
1378 /*! \brief Create BIG complete (Sync Established) event */
1379 typedef struct
1380 {
1381  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1382  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1383  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< BIG handle. */
1384  uint32_t transLatUsec; /*!< The maximum time, in microseconds, for transmission of SDUs of all BISes. */
1385  uint8_t nse; /*!< Number of Sub-Events in each BIS event in the BIG. */
1386  uint8_t bn; /*!< Number of new payloads in each BIS event. */
1387  uint8_t pto; /*!< Offset used for pre-transmissions. */
1388  uint8_t irc; /*!< Number of times a payload is transmitted in a BIS event. */
1389  uint16_t maxPdu; /*!< Maximum size of the payload. */
1390  uint16_t isoInterval; /*!< Time between two consecutive ISO anchor points. */
1391  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Number of BIS. */
1392  uint16_t bisHandle[LL_MAX_BIS]; /*!< Connection handles of the BIS's. */
1395 /*! \brief BIG sync lost event */
1396 typedef struct
1397 {
1398  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1399  uint8_t bigHandle; /*!< BIG handle. */
1400  uint8_t reason; /*!< Sync lost reason. */
1403 /*! \brief LE request peer SCA complete */
1404 typedef struct
1405 {
1406  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1407  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1408  uint16_t connHandle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1409  uint8_t peerSca; /*!< Peer SCA. */
1410 } LlPeerScaCnf_t;
1412 /*! \brief LE power reporting indication. */
1413 typedef struct
1414 {
1415  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1416  uint8_t status; /*!< Status. */
1417  uint16_t connHandle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1418  uint8_t reason; /*!< Report reason. */
1419  uint8_t phy; /*!< PHY. */
1420  int8_t txPower; /*!< txPower. */
1421  uint8_t txPowerLimits; /*!< Transmit power level limit flags. */
1422  int8_t delta; /*!< Change from previous txPower. */
1425 /*! \brief VS ISO Event complete event */
1426 typedef struct
1427 {
1428  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1429  uint8_t handle; /*!< ISO handle. */
1430  uint32_t evtCtr; /*!< Event counter. */
1433 /*! \brief BIG Info Advertising Report event */
1434 typedef struct
1435 {
1436  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1437  uint16_t syncHandle; /*!< Sync handle identifying the periodic advertising train. */
1438  uint8_t numBis; /*!< Number of BIS. */
1439  uint8_t nse; /*!< Number of Sub-Events in each BIS event in the BIG. */
1440  uint16_t isoInterv; /*!< ISO interval. */
1441  uint8_t bn; /*!< Number of new payloads in each BIS event. */
1442  uint8_t pto; /*!< Offset used for pre-transmissions. */
1443  uint8_t irc; /*!< Number of times a payload is transmitted in a BIS event. */
1444  uint16_t maxPdu; /*!< Maximum size of the PDU. */
1445  uint32_t sduInterv; /*!< SDU interval. */
1446  uint16_t maxSdu; /*!< Maximum size of the SDU. */
1447  LlPhy_t phy; /*!< Transmit PHY. */
1448  LlFraming_t framing; /*!< Framing mode. */
1449  bool_t encrypt; /*!< Encryption enabled. */
1452 /*! \brief LE Path loss reporting event. */
1453 typedef struct
1454 {
1455  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1456  uint16_t connHandle; /*!< Connection handle. */
1457  uint8_t curPathLoss; /*!< Current path loss. */
1458  uint8_t zoneEntered; /*!< Zone entered. */
1461 /*! \brief Union of all event types */
1462 typedef union
1463 {
1464  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< Event header. */
1465  LlHwErrorInd_t hwErrorInd; /*!< Unrecoverable LL or radio error occurred. */
1466  /* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
1467  LlAdvReportInd_t advReportInd; /*!< LE advertising report. */
1468  LlConnInd_t connInd; /*!< LE connection complete. */
1469  LlDisconnectInd_t disconnectInd; /*!< LE disconnect complete. */
1470  LlConnUpdateInd_t connUpdateInd; /*!< LE connection update complete. */
1471  LlCreateConnCancelCnf_t createConnCancelCnf; /*!< LE create connection cancel status. */
1472  LlReadRemoteVerInfoCnf_t readRemoteVerInfoCnf; /*!< Read remote version information complete. */
1473  LlReadRemoteFeatCnf_t readRemoteFeatCnf; /*!< LE read remote features complete. */
1474  LlEncChangeInd_t encChangeInd; /*!< Encryption change. */
1475  LlEncKeyRefreshInd_t keyRefreshInd; /*!< Key refresh. */
1476  LlLtkReqInd_t ltkReqInd; /*!< LE LTK request. */
1477  LlLtkReqNegReplyCnf_t ltkReqNegReplyCnf; /*!< LTK request negative reply status. */
1478  LlLtkReqReplyCnf_t ltkReqReplyCnf; /*!< LTK request reply status. */
1479  /* --- Core Spec 4.2 --- */
1480  LlRemConnParamInd_t remConnParamInd; /*!< LE remote connection parameter request. */
1481  LlAuthPayloadTimeoutInd_t authPayloadTimeoutInd; /*!< Authentication payload timeout. */
1482  LlDataLenChangeInd_t dataLenChangeInd; /*!< Data length changed. */
1483  LlReadLocalP256PubKeyInd_t readLocalP256PubKeyInd; /*!< Read local P-256 public key complete. */
1484  LlGenerateDhKeyInd_t generateDhKeyInd; /*!< Generate Diffie-Hellman key complete. */
1485  LlScanReportInd_t scanReportInd; /*!< Scan report. */
1486  /* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
1487  LlPhyUpdateInd_t phyUpdateInd; /*!< PHY update complete. */
1488  LlExtAdvReportInd_t extAdvReportInd; /*!< LE extended advertising report. */
1489  LlExtScanEnableCnf_t extScanEnableCnf; /*!< LE extended scan enable completed. */
1490  LlScanReqRcvdInd_t scanReqRcvdInd; /*!< LE scan request received. */
1491  LlExtAdvEnableCnf_t extAdvEnableCnf; /*!< LE extended advertising enable complete. */
1492  LlAdvSetTermInd_t advSetTermInd; /*!< LE advertising set terminated. */
1493  LlChSelInd_t usedChSelInd; /*!< Used channel selection. */
1494  LlPerAdvEnableCnf_t perAdvEnableCnf; /*!< LE periodic advertising enable complete. */
1495  LlPerAdvSyncEstdCnf_t perAdvSyncEstdCnf; /*!< LE periodic advertising sync established. */
1496  LlPerAdvReportInd_t perAdvReportInd; /*!< LE periodic advertising report. */
1497  LlPerAdvSyncLostInd_t perAdvSyncLostInd; /*!< LE periodic advertising sync lost. */
1498  /* --- Core Spec 5.1 --- */
1499  LlPerSyncTrsfRcvdInd_t perASyncTrsfRcvdInd; /*!< LE periodic advertising sync transfer received. */
1500  /* --- Core Spec 5.2 --- */
1501  LlCisEstInd_t cisEstInd; /*!< LE CIS established. */
1502  LlCisReqInd_t cisReqInd; /*!< LE CIS request. */
1503  LlCreateBigCnf_t createBigCnf; /*!< LE create BIG complete. */
1504  LlTerminateBigInd_t termBigInd; /*!< LE terminate BIG complete. */
1505  LlBigTermSyncCnf_t bigTermSyncCnf; /*!< LE BIG terminate sync. */
1506  LlBigSyncEstInd_t bigSyncEstInd; /*!< LE BIG sync established. */
1507  LlBigSyncLostInd_t bigSyncLostInd; /*!< LE BIG sync lost. */
1508  LlPeerScaCnf_t peerScaCnf; /*!< LE request peer SCA complete. */
1509  LlPowerReportInd_t powerRptInd; /*!< LE transmit power reporting indication. */
1510  LlIsoEventCmplInd_t isoEvtCmplInd; /*!< VS ISO Event complete. */
1511  LlBigInfoAdvRptInd_t bigInfoInd; /*!< LE Big Info indication. */
1512  LlPathLossThresholdEvt_t pathLossEvt; /*!< LE Path loss threshold reporting event. */
1513 } LlEvt_t;
1515 /*! \brief Event callback */
1516 typedef bool_t (*llEvtCback_t)(LlEvt_t *pEvent);
1518 /*! \brief ACL callback */
1519 typedef void (*llAclCback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint8_t numBufs);
1521 /*! \brief ISO callback */
1522 typedef void (*llIsoCback_t)(uint8_t numHandles, uint16_t *pHandle, uint16_t *pNumPkts);
1524 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_EVENT */
1526 /**************************************************************************************************
1527  Function Declarations
1528 **************************************************************************************************/
1530 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_INIT
1531  * \{ */
1533 /*************************************************************************************************/
1534 /*!
1535  * \brief Get default runtime configuration values.
1536  *
1537  * \param pCfg Pointer to runtime configuration parameters.
1538  *
1539  * This function returns default value for the LL subsystem's runtime configurations.
1540  */
1541 /*************************************************************************************************/
1542 void LlGetDefaultRunTimeCfg(LlRtCfg_t *pCfg);
1544 /*************************************************************************************************/
1545 /*!
1546  * \brief Initialize runtime configuration.
1547  *
1548  * \param pCfg Pointer to runtime configuration parameters (data must be static).
1549  *
1550  * This function initializes the LL subsystem's runtime configuration.
1551  *
1552  * \note This routine must be called only once before any other initialization routines.
1553  */
1554 /*************************************************************************************************/
1555 void LlInitRunTimeCfg(const LlRtCfg_t *pCfg);
1557 /*************************************************************************************************/
1558 /*!
1559  * \brief Initialize memory for connections.
1560  *
1561  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
1562  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
1563  *
1564  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
1565  *
1566  * This function allocates memory for connections.
1567  *
1568  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
1569  * other initialization routines.
1570  */
1571 /*************************************************************************************************/
1572 uint16_t LlInitConnMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
1574 /*************************************************************************************************/
1575 /*!
1576  * \brief Initialize memory for extended advertising.
1577  *
1578  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
1579  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
1580  *
1581  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
1582  *
1583  * This function allocates memory for extended advertising.
1584  *
1585  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
1586  * other initialization routines.
1587  */
1588 /*************************************************************************************************/
1589 uint16_t LlInitExtAdvMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
1591 /*************************************************************************************************/
1592 /*!
1593  * \brief Initialize memory for extended scanning.
1594  *
1595  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
1596  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
1597  *
1598  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
1599  *
1600  * This function allocates memory for extended scanning.
1601  *
1602  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
1603  * other initialization routines.
1604  */
1605 /*************************************************************************************************/
1606 uint16_t LlInitExtScanMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
1608 /*************************************************************************************************/
1609 /*!
1610  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an advertising slave.
1611  *
1612  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising slave.
1613  */
1614 /*************************************************************************************************/
1615 void LlAdvSlaveInit(void);
1617 /*************************************************************************************************/
1618 /*!
1619  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended advertising slave.
1620  *
1621  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an extended advertising slave.
1622  */
1623 /*************************************************************************************************/
1624 void LlExtAdvSlaveInit(void);
1626 /*************************************************************************************************/
1627 /*!
1628  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable slave.
1629  *
1630  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and connectable slave.
1631  */
1632 /*************************************************************************************************/
1633 void LlConnSlaveInit(void);
1635 /*************************************************************************************************/
1636 /*!
1637  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave.
1638  *
1639  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and encryptable
1640  * connectable slave.
1641  */
1642 /*************************************************************************************************/
1643 void LlEncConnSlaveInit(void);
1645 /*************************************************************************************************/
1646 /*!
1647  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a scanning master.
1648  *
1649  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a scanning master.
1650  */
1651 /*************************************************************************************************/
1652 void LlScanMasterInit(void);
1654 /*************************************************************************************************/
1655 /*!
1656  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for extended scanning master.
1657  *
1658  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an extended scanning master.
1659  */
1660 /*************************************************************************************************/
1661 void LlExtScanMasterInit(void);
1663 /*************************************************************************************************/
1664 /*!
1665  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an initiating master.
1666  *
1667  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an initiating master.
1668  */
1669 /*************************************************************************************************/
1670 void LlInitMasterInit(void);
1672 /*************************************************************************************************/
1673 /*!
1674  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an extended initiating master.
1675  *
1676  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an initiating master.
1677  */
1678 /*************************************************************************************************/
1679 void LlExtInitMasterInit(void);
1681 /*************************************************************************************************/
1682 /*!
1683  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable master.
1684  *
1685  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a scanning and initiating master.
1686  */
1687 /*************************************************************************************************/
1688 void LlConnMasterInit(void);
1690 /*************************************************************************************************/
1691 /*!
1692  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave.
1693  *
1694  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as an advertising and encryptable
1695  * connectable slave.
1696  */
1697 /*************************************************************************************************/
1698 void LlEncConnMasterInit(void);
1700 /*************************************************************************************************/
1701 /*!
1702  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation with privacy.
1703  *
1704  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use with privacy.
1705  */
1706 /*************************************************************************************************/
1707 void LlPrivInit(void);
1709 /*************************************************************************************************/
1710 /*!
1711  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections.
1712  *
1713  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for secure connections.
1714  */
1715 /*************************************************************************************************/
1716 void LlScInit(void);
1718 /*************************************************************************************************/
1719 /*!
1720  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (slave).
1721  *
1722  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for slave PHY features.
1723  */
1724 /*************************************************************************************************/
1725 void LlPhySlaveInit(void);
1727 /*************************************************************************************************/
1728 /*!
1729  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for PHY features (master).
1730  *
1731  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for master PHY features.
1732  */
1733 /*************************************************************************************************/
1734 void LlPhyMasterInit(void);
1736 /*************************************************************************************************/
1737 /*!
1738  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections.
1739  *
1740  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for secure connections.
1741  */
1742 /*************************************************************************************************/
1743 void LlChannelSelection2Init(void);
1745 /*************************************************************************************************/
1746 /*!
1747  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for test modes.
1748  *
1749  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for test modes.
1750  */
1751 /*************************************************************************************************/
1752 void LlTestInit(void);
1754 /*************************************************************************************************/
1755 /*!
1756  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem with task handler.
1757  *
1758  * \param handlerId WSF handler ID.
1759  *
1760  * This function initializes the LL subsystem. It is called once upon system initialization.
1761  * It must be called before any other function in the LL API is called.
1762  */
1763 /*************************************************************************************************/
1764 void LlHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
1766 /*************************************************************************************************/
1767 /*!
1768  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for power control.
1769  *
1770  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for power control.
1771  */
1772 /*************************************************************************************************/
1773 void LlPowerControlInit(void);
1775 /*************************************************************************************************/
1776 /*!
1777  * \brief LL message dispatch handler.
1778  *
1779  * \param event WSF event.
1780  * \param pMsg WSF message.
1781  */
1782 /*************************************************************************************************/
1783 void LlHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
1785 /*************************************************************************************************/
1786 /*!
1787  * \brief Reset LL subsystem.
1788  *
1789  * Reset the LL subsystem. All active connections are closed and all radio procedures such as
1790  * scanning or advertising are terminated.
1791  */
1792 /*************************************************************************************************/
1793 void LlReset(void);
1795 /*************************************************************************************************/
1796 /*!
1797  * \brief Register LL event handler.
1798  *
1799  * \param evtCback Client callback function.
1800  *
1801  * This function is called by a client to register for LL events.
1802  */
1803 /*************************************************************************************************/
1804 void LlEvtRegister(llEvtCback_t evtCback);
1806 /*************************************************************************************************/
1807 /*!
1808  * \brief Register ACL handler.
1809  *
1810  * \param sendCompCback Client ACL send complete callback function.
1811  * \param recvPendCback Client ACL receive pending callback function.
1812  *
1813  * This function is called by a client to register for ACL data.
1814  */
1815 /*************************************************************************************************/
1816 void LlAclRegister(llAclCback_t sendCompCback, llAclCback_t recvPendCback);
1818 /*************************************************************************************************/
1819 /*!
1820  * \brief Register ISO handler.
1821  *
1822  * \param sendIsoCompCback Client ISO send complete callback function.
1823  * \param recvIsoPendCback Client ISO receive pending callback function.
1824  *
1825  * This function is called by a client to register for ISO data.
1826  */
1827 /*************************************************************************************************/
1828 void LlIsoRegister(llIsoCback_t sendIsoCompCback, llIsoCback_t recvIsoPendCback);
1830 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_INIT */
1832 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_DEVICE
1833  * \{ */
1835 /*************************************************************************************************/
1836 /*!
1837  * \brief Set Bluetooth device address
1838  *
1839  * \param pAddr Bluetooth device address.
1840  *
1841  * Set the BD address to be used by LL.
1842  */
1843 /*************************************************************************************************/
1844 void LlSetBdAddr(const uint8_t *pAddr);
1846 /*************************************************************************************************/
1847 /*!
1848  * \brief Get Bluetooth device address
1849  *
1850  * \param pAddr Bluetooth device address.
1851  *
1852  * Get the BD address currently used by LL or all zeros if address is not set.
1853  */
1854 /*************************************************************************************************/
1855 void LlGetBdAddr(uint8_t *pAddr);
1857 /*************************************************************************************************/
1858 /*!
1859  * \brief Set random device address.
1860  *
1861  * \param pAddr Random Bluetooth device address.
1862  *
1863  * \return Status.
1864  *
1865  * Set the random address to be used by LL.
1866  */
1867 /*************************************************************************************************/
1868 uint8_t LlSetRandAddr(const uint8_t *pAddr);
1870 /*************************************************************************************************/
1871 /*!
1872  * \brief Get random device address.
1873  *
1874  * \param pAddr Random Bluetooth device address.
1875  *
1876  * \return Status error code.
1877  *
1878  * Get the random address currently used by LL or all zeros if address is not set.
1879  */
1880 /*************************************************************************************************/
1881 uint8_t LlGetRandAddr(uint8_t *pAddr);
1883 /*************************************************************************************************/
1884 /*!
1885  * \brief Get versions
1886  *
1887  * \param pCompId Company ID.
1888  * \param pBtVer Bluetooth version.
1889  * \param pImplRev Implementation revision.
1890  */
1891 /*************************************************************************************************/
1892 void LlGetVersion(uint16_t *pCompId, uint8_t *pBtVer, uint16_t *pImplRev);
1894 /*************************************************************************************************/
1895 /*!
1896  * \brief Get supported states.
1897  *
1898  * \param pStates Supported states bitmask.
1899  *
1900  * Return the states supported by the LL.
1901  */
1902 /*************************************************************************************************/
1903 void LlGetSupStates(uint8_t *pStates);
1905 /*************************************************************************************************/
1906 /*!
1907  * \brief Get features.
1908  *
1909  * \param pFeatures Supported features bitmask.
1910  *
1911  * Return the LE features supported by the LL.
1912  */
1913 /*************************************************************************************************/
1914 void LlGetFeatures(uint8_t *pFeatures);
1916 /*************************************************************************************************/
1917 /*!
1918  * \brief Set features.
1919  *
1920  * \param pFeatures Supported features bitmask.
1921  *
1922  * \return Status error code.
1923  *
1924  * \note This function must only be called when controller is not connected to another
1925  * device.
1926  *
1927  * Set the LE features supported by the LL.
1928  */
1929 /*************************************************************************************************/
1930 uint8_t LlSetFeatures(const uint8_t *pFeatures);
1932 /*************************************************************************************************/
1933 /*!
1934  * \brief Set host feature.
1935  *
1936  * \param bitNum Bit position in the FeatureSet.
1937  * \param bitVal Enable or disable feature.
1938  *
1939  * \return Status error code.
1940  *
1941  * Set or clear a bit in the feature controlled by the Host in the Link Layer FeatureSet
1942  * stored in the Controller.
1943  */
1944 /*************************************************************************************************/
1945 uint8_t LlSetHostFeatures(uint8_t bitNum, bool_t bitVal);
1947 /*************************************************************************************************/
1948 /*!
1949  * \brief Get random number.
1950  *
1951  * \param pRandNum Buffer to store 8 bytes random data.
1952  *
1953  * \return Status error code.
1954  *
1955  * Request the LL to generate a random number.
1956  */
1957 /*************************************************************************************************/
1958 uint8_t LlGetRandNum(uint8_t *pRandNum);
1960 /*************************************************************************************************/
1961 /*!
1962  * \brief Get white list size.
1963  *
1964  * \return Total number of white list entries.
1965  *
1966  * Read the white list capacity supported by the LL.
1967  */
1968 /*************************************************************************************************/
1969 uint8_t LlGetWhitelistSize(void);
1971 /*************************************************************************************************/
1972 /*!
1973  * \brief Clear all white list entries.
1974  *
1975  * \return Status error code.
1976  *
1977  * Clear all white list entries stored in the LL.
1978  *
1979  * \note This function must only be called when advertising or scan is disabled
1980  * and not initiating.
1981  */
1982 /*************************************************************************************************/
1983 uint8_t LlClearWhitelist(void);
1985 /*************************************************************************************************/
1986 /*!
1987  * \brief Add device to the white list.
1988  *
1989  * \param addrType Address type.
1990  * \param pAddr Bluetooth device address.
1991  *
1992  * \return Status error code.
1993  *
1994  * Adds the given address to the white list stored in the LL.
1995  *
1996  * \note This function must only be called when advertising or scan is disabled
1997  * and not initiating.
1998  */
1999 /*************************************************************************************************/
2000 uint8_t LlAddDeviceToWhitelist(uint8_t addrType, bdAddr_t pAddr);
2002 /*************************************************************************************************/
2003 /*!
2004  * \brief Remove device from the white list.
2005  *
2006  * \param addrType Address type.
2007  * \param pAddr Bluetooth device address.
2008  *
2009  * \return Status error code.
2010  *
2011  * Removes the given address from the white list stored in the LL.
2012  *
2013  * \note This function must only be called when advertising or scan is disabled
2014  * and not initiating.
2015  */
2016 /*************************************************************************************************/
2017 uint8_t LlRemoveDeviceFromWhitelist(uint8_t addrType, bdAddr_t pAddr);
2019 /*************************************************************************************************/
2020 /*!
2021  * \brief Add device to resolving list.
2022  *
2023  * \param peerAddrType Peer identity address type.
2024  * \param pPeerIdentityAddr Peer identity address.
2025  * \param pPeerIrk Peer IRK.
2026  * \param pLocalIrk Local IRK.
2027  *
2028  * \return Status error code.
2029  *
2030  * Add device to resolving list.
2031  */
2032 /*************************************************************************************************/
2033 uint8_t LlAddDeviceToResolvingList(uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerIdentityAddr, const uint8_t *pPeerIrk, const uint8_t *pLocalIrk);
2035 /*************************************************************************************************/
2036 /*!
2037  * \brief Remove device from resolving list.
2038  *
2039  * \param peerAddrType Peer identity address type.
2040  * \param pPeerIdentityAddr Peer identity address.
2041  *
2042  * \return Status error code.
2043  *
2044  * Remove device from resolving list.
2045  */
2046 /*************************************************************************************************/
2047 uint8_t LlRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList(uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerIdentityAddr);
2049 /*************************************************************************************************/
2050 /*!
2051  * \brief Clear resolving list.
2052  *
2053  * \return Status error code.
2054  *
2055  * Clear resolving list.
2056  */
2057 /*************************************************************************************************/
2058 uint8_t LlClearResolvingList(void);
2060 /*************************************************************************************************/
2061 /*!
2062  * \brief Read resolving list size.
2063  *
2064  * \param pSize Storage for resolving list size.
2065  *
2066  * \return Status error code.
2067  *
2068  * Read number of address translation entries that can be stored in the resolving list.
2069  */
2070 /*************************************************************************************************/
2071 uint8_t LlReadResolvingListSize(uint8_t *pSize);
2073 /*************************************************************************************************/
2074 /*!
2075  * \brief Read peer resolvable address.
2076  *
2077  * \param addrType Peer identity address type.
2078  * \param pIdentityAddr Peer identity address.
2079  * \param pRpa Storage for peer resolvable private address
2080  *
2081  * \return Status error code.
2082  *
2083  * Get the peer resolvable private address that is currently being used for the peer identity
2084  * address.
2085  */
2086 /*************************************************************************************************/
2087 uint8_t LlReadPeerResolvableAddr(uint8_t addrType, const uint8_t *pIdentityAddr, uint8_t *pRpa);
2089 /*************************************************************************************************/
2090 /*!
2091  * \brief Read local resolvable address.
2092  *
2093  * \param addrType Peer identity address type.
2094  * \param pIdentityAddr Peer identity address.
2095  * \param pRpa Storage for peer resolvable private address
2096  *
2097  * \return Status error code.
2098  *
2099  * Get the local resolvable private address that is currently being used for the peer identity
2100  * address.
2101  */
2102 /*************************************************************************************************/
2103 uint8_t LlReadLocalResolvableAddr(uint8_t addrType, const uint8_t *pIdentityAddr, uint8_t *pRpa);
2105 /*************************************************************************************************/
2106 /*!
2107  * \brief Enable or disable address resolution.
2108  *
2109  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable address resolution or FALSE to disable address
2110  * resolution.
2111  *
2112  * \return Status error code.
2113  *
2114  * Enable or disable address resolution so that received local or peer resolvable private
2115  * addresses are resolved.
2116  */
2117 /*************************************************************************************************/
2118 uint8_t LlSetAddrResolutionEnable(uint8_t enable);
2120 /*************************************************************************************************/
2121 /*!
2122  * \brief Set resolvable private address timeout.
2123  *
2124  * \param rpaTimeout Timeout measured in seconds.
2125  *
2126  * \return Status error code.
2127  *
2128  * Set the time period between automatic generation of new resolvable private addresses.
2129  */
2130 /*************************************************************************************************/
2131 uint8_t LlSetResolvablePrivateAddrTimeout(uint16_t rpaTimeout);
2133 /*************************************************************************************************/
2134 /*!
2135  * \brief Set privacy mode.
2136  *
2137  * \param peerAddrType Peer identity address type.
2138  * \param pPeerIdentityAddr Peer identity address.
2139  * \param privMode Privacy mode.
2140  *
2141  * \return Status error code.
2142  *
2143  * Allow the host to specify the privacy mode to be used for a given entry on the resolving list.
2144  */
2145 /*************************************************************************************************/
2146 uint8_t LlSetPrivacyMode(uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerIdentityAddr, uint8_t privMode);
2148 /*************************************************************************************************/
2149 /*!
2150  * \brief Generate a P-256 public/private key pair.
2151  *
2152  * \return Status error code.
2153  *
2154  * Generate a P-256 public/private key pair. If another ECC operation (P-256 key pair or Diffie-
2155  * Hellman key generation) is ongoing, an error will be returned.
2156  */
2157 /*************************************************************************************************/
2158 uint8_t LlGenerateP256KeyPair(void);
2160 /*************************************************************************************************/
2161 /*!
2162  * \brief Generate a Diffie-Hellman key.
2163  *
2164  * \param pubKey_x Remote public key x-coordinate.
2165  * \param pubKey_y Remote public key y-coordinate.
2166  *
2167  * \return Status error code.
2168  *
2169  * Generate a Diffie-Hellman key from a remote public key and the local private key. If another
2170  * ECC operation (P-256 key pair or Diffie-Hellman key generation) is ongoing, an error will be
2171  * returned.
2172  */
2173 /*************************************************************************************************/
2174 uint8_t LlGenerateDhKey(const uint8_t pubKey_x[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t pubKey_y[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN]);
2176 /*************************************************************************************************/
2177 /*!
2178  * \brief Generate a Diffie-Hellman key.
2179  *
2180  * \param pubKey_x Remote public key x-coordinate.
2181  * \param pubKey_y Remote public key y-coordinate.
2182  * \param keyType debug enable
2183  *
2184  * \return Status error code.
2185  *
2186  * Generate a Diffie-Hellman key from a remote public key and the local private key. If another
2187  * ECC operation (P-256 key pair or Diffie-Hellman key generation) is ongoing, an error will be
2188  * returned. If keyType == 1, debug keys will be used in place for the keys.
2189  */
2190 /*************************************************************************************************/
2191 uint8_t LlGenerateDhKeyV2(uint8_t pubKey_x[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t pubKey_y[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN], uint8_t keyType);
2193 /*************************************************************************************************/
2194 /*!
2195  * \brief Set P-256 private key for debug purposes.
2196  *
2197  * \param privKey Private key, or all zeros to clear set private key.
2198  *
2199  * \return Status error code.
2200  *
2201  * Set P-256 private key or clear set private key. The private key will be used for generate key
2202  * pairs and Diffie-Hellman keys until cleared.
2203  */
2204 /*************************************************************************************************/
2205 uint8_t LlSetP256PrivateKey(const uint8_t privKey[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN]);
2207 /*************************************************************************************************/
2208 /*!
2209  * \brief Set validate public key mode.
2210  *
2211  * \param validateMode ALT1 or ALT2.
2212  *
2213  * \return Status error code.
2214  *
2215  */
2216 /*************************************************************************************************/
2217 uint8_t LlSetValidatePublicKeyMode(uint8_t validateMode);
2219 /*************************************************************************************************/
2220 /*!
2221  * \brief Set channel class.
2222  *
2223  * \param pChanMap Channel map (0=bad, 1=usable).
2224  *
2225  * \return Status error code.
2226  *
2227  * Set the channel class. At least 2 bits must be set.
2228  */
2229 /*************************************************************************************************/
2230 uint8_t LlSetChannelClass(const uint8_t *pChanMap);
2232 /*************************************************************************************************/
2233 /*!
2234  * \brief Set operational mode flags.
2235  *
2236  * \param flags Flags.
2237  * \param enable TRUE to set flags or FALSE to clear flags.
2238  *
2239  * \return Status error code.
2240  *
2241  * Set mode flags governing LL operations.
2242  */
2243 /*************************************************************************************************/
2244 uint8_t LlSetOpFlags(uint32_t flags, bool_t enable);
2246 /*************************************************************************************************/
2247 /*!
2248  * \brief Set the default Ext adv TX PHY options.
2249  *
2250  * \param phyOptions PHY options.
2251  *
2252  * Set the default TX PHY options for extended adv slave primary and secondary channel.
2253  */
2254 /*************************************************************************************************/
2255 void LlSetDefaultExtAdvTxPhyOptions(const uint8_t phyOptions);
2257 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_DEVICE */
2259 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_BROADCAST
2260  * \{ */
2262 /*************************************************************************************************/
2263 /*!
2264  * \brief Set advertising transmit power.
2265  *
2266  * \param advTxPwr Advertising transmit power level.
2267  *
2268  * Set the advertising transmit power.
2269  */
2270 /*************************************************************************************************/
2271 void LlSetAdvTxPower(int8_t advTxPwr);
2273 /*************************************************************************************************/
2274 /*!
2275  * \brief Get advertising transmit power.
2276  *
2277  * \param pAdvTxPwr Advertising transmit power level.
2278  *
2279  * \return Status error code.
2280  *
2281  * Return the advertising transmit power.
2282  */
2283 /*************************************************************************************************/
2284 uint8_t LlGetAdvTxPower(int8_t *pAdvTxPwr);
2286 /*************************************************************************************************/
2287 /*!
2288  * \brief Set advertising parameter.
2289  *
2290  * \param advIntervalMin Minimum advertising interval.
2291  * \param advIntervalMax Maximum advertising interval.
2292  * \param advType Advertising type.
2293  * \param ownAddrType Address type used by this device.
2294  * \param peerAddrType Address type of peer device. Only used for directed advertising.
2295  * \param pPeerAddr Address of peer device. Only used for directed advertising.
2296  * \param advChanMap Advertising channel map.
2297  * \param advFiltPolicy Advertising filter policy.
2298  *
2299  * \return Status error code.
2300  *
2301  * Set advertising parameters.
2302  *
2303  * \note This function must only be called when advertising is disabled.
2304  */
2305 /*************************************************************************************************/
2306 uint8_t LlSetAdvParam(uint16_t advIntervalMin, uint16_t advIntervalMax, uint8_t advType,
2307  uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerAddr,
2308  uint8_t advChanMap, uint8_t advFiltPolicy);
2310 /*************************************************************************************************/
2311 /*!
2312  * \brief Set advertising data.
2313  *
2314  * \param len Data buffer length.
2315  * \param pData Advertising data buffer.
2316  *
2317  * \return Status error code.
2318  *
2319  * Set advertising data data.
2320  */
2321 /*************************************************************************************************/
2322 uint8_t LlSetAdvData(uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData);
2324 /*************************************************************************************************/
2325 /*!
2326  * \brief Set scan response data.
2327  *
2328  * \param len Data buffer length.
2329  * \param pData Scan response data buffer.
2330  *
2331  * \return Status error code.
2332  *
2333  * Set scan response data.
2334  */
2335 /*************************************************************************************************/
2336 uint8_t LlSetScanRespData(uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData);
2338 /*************************************************************************************************/
2339 /*!
2340  * \brief Advertising enable.
2341  *
2342  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable advertising, FALSE to disable advertising.
2344  * Enable or disable advertising.
2345  */
2346 /*************************************************************************************************/
2347 void LlAdvEnable(uint8_t enable);
2349 /*************************************************************************************************/
2350 /*!
2351  * \brief Set advertising set random device address.
2352  *
2353  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2354  * \param pAddr Random Bluetooth device address.
2355  *
2356  * \return Status error code.
2357  *
2358  * Set the random address to be used by a advertising set.
2359  */
2360 /*************************************************************************************************/
2361 uint8_t LlSetAdvSetRandAddr(uint8_t handle, const uint8_t *pAddr);
2363 /*************************************************************************************************/
2364 /*!
2365  * \brief Get periodic channel map.
2366  *
2367  * \param handle Periodic advertiser/scanner handle.
2368  * \param isAdv TRUE for periodic advertiser, FALSE for periodic scanner.
2369  *
2370  * \return 64-bit formatted channel mask.
2371  *
2372  * Get the 64-bit channel mask of the channel map
2373  */
2374 /*************************************************************************************************/
2375 uint64_t LlGetPeriodicChanMap(uint16_t handle, bool_t isAdv);
2377 /*************************************************************************************************/
2378 /*!
2379  * \brief Get advertising set random device address.
2380  *
2381  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2382  * \param pAddr Random Bluetooth device address.
2383  *
2384  * \return Status error code.
2385  *
2386  * Get the random address to be used by a advertising set.
2387  */
2388 /*************************************************************************************************/
2389 uint8_t LlGetAdvSetRandAddr(uint8_t handle, uint8_t *pAddr);
2391 /*************************************************************************************************/
2392 /*!
2393  * \brief Set extended advertising parameters.
2394  *
2395  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2396  * \param pExtAdvParam Extended advertising parameters.
2397  *
2398  * \return Status error code.
2399  *
2400  * Set extended advertising parameters.
2401  *
2402  * \note This function must only be called when advertising for this set is disabled.
2403  */
2404 /*************************************************************************************************/
2405 uint8_t LlSetExtAdvParam(uint8_t handle, LlExtAdvParam_t *pExtAdvParam);
2407 /*************************************************************************************************/
2408 /*!
2409  * \brief Get extended advertising TX power level.
2410  *
2411  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2412  * \param pLevel Transmit power level.
2413  *
2414  * \return Status error code.
2415  *
2416  * Get the TX power of an advertising set.
2417  */
2418 /*************************************************************************************************/
2419 uint8_t LlGetExtAdvTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, int8_t *pLevel);
2421 /*************************************************************************************************/
2422 /*!
2423  * \brief Set extended advertising data.
2424  *
2425  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2426  * \param op Operation.
2427  * \param fragPref Fragment preference.
2428  * \param len Data buffer length.
2429  * \param pData Advertising data buffer.
2430  *
2431  * \return Status error code.
2432  *
2433  * Set extended advertising data data.
2434  */
2435 /*************************************************************************************************/
2436 uint8_t LlSetExtAdvData(uint8_t handle, uint8_t op, uint8_t fragPref, uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData);
2438 /*************************************************************************************************/
2439 /*!
2440  * \brief Set extended scan response data.
2441  *
2442  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2443  * \param op Operation.
2444  * \param fragPref Fragment preference.
2445  * \param len Data buffer length.
2446  * \param pData Scan response data buffer.
2447  *
2448  * \return Status error code.
2449  *
2450  * Set extended scan response data.
2451  */
2452 /*************************************************************************************************/
2453 uint8_t LlSetExtScanRespData(uint8_t handle, uint8_t op, uint8_t fragPref, uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData);
2455 /*************************************************************************************************/
2456 /*!
2457  * \brief Extended advertising enable.
2458  *
2459  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable advertising, FALSE to disable advertising.
2460  * \param numAdvSets Number of elements in enaParam[].
2461  * \param enaParam Enable parameter table.
2462  *
2463  * Enable or disable extended advertising.
2464  */
2465 /*************************************************************************************************/
2466 void LlExtAdvEnable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t numAdvSets, LlExtAdvEnableParam_t enaParam[]);
2468 /*************************************************************************************************/
2469 /*!
2470  * \brief Read maximum advertising data length.
2471  *
2472  * \param pLen Return buffer for Maximum data length.
2473  *
2474  * \return Status error code.
2475  *
2476  * Read maximum advertising data length.
2477  */
2478 /*************************************************************************************************/
2479 uint8_t LlReadMaxAdvDataLen(uint16_t *pLen);
2481 /*************************************************************************************************/
2482 /*!
2483  * \brief Read number of supported advertising sets.
2484  *
2485  * \param pNumSets Return buffer for number of advertising sets.
2486  *
2487  * \return Status error code.
2488  *
2489  * Read number of supported advertising sets.
2490  */
2491 /*************************************************************************************************/
2492 uint8_t LlReadNumSupAdvSets(uint8_t *pNumSets);
2494 /*************************************************************************************************/
2495 /*!
2496  * \brief Remove advertising set.
2497  *
2498  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2499  *
2500  * \return Status error code.
2501  *
2502  * Removes the an advertising set from the LL.
2503  */
2504 /*************************************************************************************************/
2505 uint8_t LlRemoveAdvSet(uint8_t handle);
2507 /*************************************************************************************************/
2508 /*!
2509  * \brief Clear advertising sets.
2510  *
2511  * \return Status error code.
2512  *
2513  * Remove all existing advertising sets from the LL.
2514  */
2515 /*************************************************************************************************/
2516 uint8_t LlClearAdvSets(void);
2518 /*************************************************************************************************/
2519 /*!
2520  * \brief Set periodic advertising parameters.
2521  *
2522  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2523  * \param pPerAdvParam Periodic advertising parameters.
2524  *
2525  * \return Status error code.
2526  *
2527  * Set periodic advertising parameters.
2528  *
2529  * \note This function must only be called when advertising handle exists.
2530  */
2531 /*************************************************************************************************/
2532 uint8_t LlSetPeriodicAdvParam(uint8_t handle, LlPerAdvParam_t *pPerAdvParam);
2534 /*************************************************************************************************/
2535 /*!
2536  * \brief Set periodic advertising data.
2537  *
2538  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2539  * \param op Operation.
2540  * \param len Data buffer length.
2541  * \param pData Advertising data buffer.
2542  *
2543  * \return Status error code.
2544  *
2545  * Set periodic advertising data.
2546  */
2547 /*************************************************************************************************/
2548 uint8_t LlSetPeriodicAdvData(uint8_t handle, uint8_t op, uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData);
2550 /*************************************************************************************************/
2551 /*!
2552  * \brief Set periodic advertising enable.
2553  *
2554  * \param enable TRUE to enable advertising, FALSE to disable advertising.
2555  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2556  *
2557  * \return Status error code.
2558  *
2559  * Enable or disable periodic advertising.
2560  */
2561 /*************************************************************************************************/
2562 void LlSetPeriodicAdvEnable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t handle);
2564 /*************************************************************************************************/
2565 /*!
2566  * \brief Set auxiliary packet offset delay.
2567  *
2568  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2569  * \param delayUsec Additional time in microseconds. "0" to disable.
2570  *
2571  * \return Status error code.
2572  *
2573  * Additional delay given to auxiliary packets specified by AuxPtr. Offset values are
2574  * limited by the advertising interval.
2575  */
2576 /*************************************************************************************************/
2577 uint8_t LlSetAuxOffsetDelay(uint8_t handle, uint32_t delayUsec);
2579 /*************************************************************************************************/
2580 /*!
2581  * \brief Set extended advertising data fragmentation length.
2582  *
2583  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2584  * \param fragLen Fragmentation length.
2585  *
2586  * \return Status error code.
2587  *
2588  * Fragmentation size for Advertising Data and Scan Response Data when selected by the host.
2589  */
2590 /*************************************************************************************************/
2591 uint8_t LlSetExtAdvDataFragLen(uint8_t handle, uint8_t fragLen);
2593 /*************************************************************************************************/
2594 /*!
2595  * \brief Set extended advertising transmit PHY options.
2596  *
2597  * \param handle Advertising handle.
2598  * \param priPhyOpts Primary advertising channel PHY options.
2599  * \param secPhyOpts Secondary advertising channel PHY options.
2600  *
2601  * \return Status error code.
2602  *
2603  * PHY options for extended advertising transmissions. New values are applied dynamically.
2604  */
2605 /*************************************************************************************************/
2606 uint8_t LlSetExtAdvTxPhyOptions(uint8_t handle, uint8_t priPhyOpts, uint8_t secPhyOpts);
2608 /*************************************************************************************************/
2609 /*!
2610  * \brief Read supported transmit power.
2611  *
2612  * \param pMinTxPwr Return buffer for minimum transmit power.
2613  * \param pMaxTxPwr Return buffer for maximum transmit power.
2614  *
2615  * Read the minimum and maximum transmit powers supported by the LL.
2616  */
2617 /*************************************************************************************************/
2618 void LlReadSupTxPower(int8_t *pMinTxPwr, int8_t *pMaxTxPwr);
2620 /*************************************************************************************************/
2621 /*!
2622  * \brief Read RF path compensation.
2623  *
2624  * \param pTxPathComp Return buffer for RF transmit path compensation value.
2625  * \param pRxPathComp Return buffer for RF receive path compensation value.
2626  *
2627  * Read the RF Path Compensation Values parameter used in the Tx Power Level and RSSI calculation.
2628  */
2629 /*************************************************************************************************/
2630 void LlReadRfPathComp(int16_t *pTxPathComp, int16_t *pRxPathComp);
2632 /*************************************************************************************************/
2633 /*!
2634  * \brief Write RF path compensation.
2635  *
2636  * \param txPathComp RF transmit path compensation value.
2637  * \param rxPathComp RF receive path compensation value.
2638  *
2639  * \return Status error code.
2640  *
2641  * Indicate the RF path gain or loss between the RF transceiver and the antenna contributed by
2642  * intermediate components.
2643  */
2644 /*************************************************************************************************/
2645 uint8_t LlWriteRfPathComp(int16_t txPathComp, int16_t rxPathComp);
2647 /*************************************************************************************************/
2648 /*!
2649  * \brief Scan report enable.
2650  *
2651  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable scan reports, FALSE to disable scan reports.
2652  *
2653  * Enable or disable reports about the scanners from which an advertiser receives scan requests.
2654  */
2655 /*************************************************************************************************/
2656 void LlScanReportEnable(uint8_t enable);
2658 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_BROADCAST */
2660 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_OBSERVER
2661  * \{ */
2663 /*************************************************************************************************/
2664 /*!
2665  * \brief Set scan channel map.
2666  *
2667  * \param chanMap Scan channel map.
2668  *
2669  * \return Status error code.
2670  *
2671  * Set scan channel map.
2672  *
2673  * \note This function must only be called when scanning is disabled.
2674  */
2675 /*************************************************************************************************/
2676 uint8_t LlSetSetScanChanMap(uint8_t chanMap);
2678 /*************************************************************************************************/
2679 /*!
2680  * \brief Set scan parameters.
2681  *
2682  * \param pParam Scan parameters.
2683  *
2684  * \return Status error code.
2685  *
2686  * Set scan parameters.
2687  *
2688  * \note This function must only be called when scanning is disabled.
2689  */
2690 /*************************************************************************************************/
2691 uint8_t LlSetScanParam(const LlScanParam_t *pParam);
2693 /*************************************************************************************************/
2694 /*!
2695  * \brief Scan enable.
2696  *
2697  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable scanning, FALSE to disable scanning.
2698  * \param filterDup Set to TRUE to filter duplicates.
2699  *
2700  * Enable or disable scanning. This function is only used when operating in master role.
2701  */
2702 /*************************************************************************************************/
2703 void LlScanEnable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filterDup);
2705 /*************************************************************************************************/
2706 /*!
2707  * \brief Set extended scanning parameters.
2708  *
2709  * \param ownAddrType Address type used by this device.
2710  * \param scanFiltPolicy Scan filter policy.
2711  * \param scanPhys Scanning PHYs bitmask.
2712  * \param param Scanning parameter table indexed by PHY.
2713  *
2714  * \return Status error code.
2715  *
2716  * Set the extended scan parameters to be used on the primary advertising channel.
2717  */
2718 /*************************************************************************************************/
2719 uint8_t LlSetExtScanParam(uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t scanFiltPolicy, uint8_t scanPhys, const LlExtScanParam_t param[]);
2721 /*************************************************************************************************/
2722 /*!
2723  * \brief Extended scan enable.
2724  *
2725  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable scanning, FALSE to disable scanning.
2726  * \param filterDup Set to TRUE to filter duplicates.
2727  * \param duration Duration.
2728  * \param period Period.
2729  *
2730  * Enable or disable extended scanning.
2731  */
2732 /*************************************************************************************************/
2733 void LlExtScanEnable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filterDup, uint16_t duration, uint16_t period);
2735 /*************************************************************************************************/
2736 /*!
2737  * \brief Create synchronization of periodic advertising.
2738  *
2739  * \param pParam Create sync parameters.
2740  *
2741  * \return Status error code.
2742  *
2743  * Create synchronization of periodic advertising.
2744  */
2745 /*************************************************************************************************/
2746 uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvCreateSync(const LlPerAdvCreateSyncCmd_t *pParam);
2748 /*************************************************************************************************/
2749 /*!
2750  * \brief Cancel pending synchronization of periodic advertising.
2751  *
2752  * \return Status error code.
2753  *
2754  * Cancel pending synchronization of periodic advertising.
2755  */
2756 /*************************************************************************************************/
2757 uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvCreateSyncCancel(void);
2759 /*************************************************************************************************/
2760 /*!
2761  * \brief Stop synchronization of periodic advertising.
2762  *
2763  * \param syncHandle Sync handle.
2764  *
2765  * \return Status error code.
2766  *
2767  * Stop synchronization of periodic advertising.
2768  */
2769 /*************************************************************************************************/
2770 uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvTerminateSync(uint16_t syncHandle);
2772 /*************************************************************************************************/
2773 /*!
2774  * \brief Add device to periodic advertiser list.
2775  *
2776  * \param pParam Add to periodic list parameters.
2777  *
2778  * \return Status error code.
2779  *
2780  * Add device to periodic advertiser list.
2781  */
2782 /*************************************************************************************************/
2783 uint8_t LlAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvList(const LlDevicePerAdvList_t *pParam);
2785 /*************************************************************************************************/
2786 /*!
2787  * \brief Remove device from periodic advertiser list command.
2788  *
2789  * \param pParam Remove from periodic list parameters.
2790  *
2791  * \return Status error code.
2792  *
2793  *
2794  */
2795 /*************************************************************************************************/
2798 /*************************************************************************************************/
2799 /*!
2800  * \brief Clear all devices in periodic advertiser list command.
2801  *
2802  * \return Status error code.
2803  *
2804  * Clear all devices in periodic advertiser list command.
2805  */
2806 /*************************************************************************************************/
2807 uint8_t LlClearPeriodicAdvList(void);
2809 /*************************************************************************************************/
2810 /*!
2811  * \brief Read total number of devices in periodic advertiser list command.
2812  *
2813  * \param pListSize Return size value of periodic advertiser list
2814  *
2815  * \return Status error code.
2816  *
2817  * Read total number of devices in periodic advertiser list command.
2818  */
2819 /*************************************************************************************************/
2820 uint8_t LlReadPeriodicAdvListSize(uint8_t *pListSize);
2822 /*************************************************************************************************/
2823 /*!
2824  * \brief Enable or disable reports for the periodic advertising sync.
2825  *
2826  * \param syncHandle Periodic sync handle.
2827  * \param enable 1 to enable reports, 0 to disable reports.
2828  *
2829  * \return Status error code.
2830  *
2831  * Enable or disable reports for the periodic advertising sync.
2832  */
2833 /*************************************************************************************************/
2834 uint8_t LlSetPeriodicAdvRcvEnable(uint16_t syncHandle, uint8_t enable);
2836 /*************************************************************************************************/
2837 /*!
2838  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for PAST(Periodic advertising sync transfer).
2839  *
2840  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for PAST(Periodic advertising sync transfer).
2841  */
2842 /*************************************************************************************************/
2843 void LlPastInit(void);
2845 /*************************************************************************************************/
2846 /*!
2847  * \brief Send sync info about periodic advertising to a connected device.
2848  *
2849  * \param connHandle Connection handle.
2850  * \param serviceData Service data provided by the host.
2851  * \param syncHandle Periodic sync handle.
2852  *
2853  * \return Status error code.
2854  *
2855  * Send sync info about periodic advertising to a connected device.
2856  */
2857 /*************************************************************************************************/
2858 uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvSyncTransfer(uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t serviceData, uint16_t syncHandle);
2860 /*************************************************************************************************/
2861 /*!
2862  * \brief Send sync info about periodic adv in an advertising set to a connected device.
2863  *
2864  * \param connHandle Connection handle.
2865  * \param serviceData Service data provided by the host.
2866  * \param advHandle Handle to identify an advertising set.
2867  *
2868  * \return Status error code.
2869  *
2870  * Send sync info about periodic adv in an advertising set to a connected device.
2871  */
2872 /*************************************************************************************************/
2873 uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvSetInfoTransfer(uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t serviceData, uint8_t advHandle);
2875 /*************************************************************************************************/
2876 /*!
2877  * \brief Set periodic advertising sync transfer parameters.
2878  *
2879  * \param connHandle Connection handle.
2880  * \param mode Periodic sync advertising sync transfer mode.
2881  * \param skip The number of periodic advertising packets that can be skipped after a successful receive.
2882  * \param syncTimeout Synchronization timeout for the periodic advertising.
2883  * \param cteType Constant tone extension type(Used in AoD/AoA).
2884  *
2885  * \return Status error code.
2886  *
2887  * Set periodic advertising sync transfer parameters.
2888  */
2889 /*************************************************************************************************/
2890 uint8_t LlSetPeriodicAdvSyncTransParams(uint16_t connHandle, uint8_t mode, uint16_t skip, uint16_t syncTimeout, uint8_t cteType);
2892 /*************************************************************************************************/
2893 /*!
2894  * \brief Set default periodic advertising sync transfer parameters.
2895  *
2896  * \param mode Periodic sync advertising sync transfer mode.
2897  * \param skip The number of periodic advertising packets that can be skipped after a successful receive.
2898  * \param syncTimeout Synchronization timeout for the periodic advertising.
2899  * \param cteType Constant tone extension type(Used in AoD/AoA).
2900  *
2901  * \return Status error code.
2902  *
2903  * Set default periodic advertising sync transfer parameters.
2904  */
2905 /*************************************************************************************************/
2906 uint8_t LlSetDefaultPeriodicAdvSyncTransParams(uint8_t mode, uint16_t skip, uint16_t syncTimeout, uint8_t cteType);
2908 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_OBSERVER */
2910 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_CONN
2911  * \{ */
2913 /*************************************************************************************************/
2914 /*!
2915  * \brief Disconnect a connection.
2916  *
2917  * \param handle Connection handle.
2918  * \param reason Disconnect reason.
2919  *
2920  * \return Status error code.
2921  *
2922  * Disconnect a connection.
2923  */
2924 /*************************************************************************************************/
2925 uint8_t LlDisconnect(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason);
2927 /*************************************************************************************************/
2928 /*!
2929  * \brief Set connection's operational mode flags.
2930  *
2931  * \param handle Connection handle.
2932  * \param flags Flags.
2933  * \param enable TRUE to set flags or FALSE to clear flags.
2934  *
2935  * \return Status error code.
2936  *
2937  * Set connection's operational mode flags governing LL operations.
2938  */
2939 /*************************************************************************************************/
2940 uint8_t LlSetConnOpFlags(uint16_t handle, uint32_t flags, bool_t enable);
2942 /*************************************************************************************************/
2943 /*!
2944  * \brief Read remote features.
2945  *
2946  * \param handle Connection handle.
2947  *
2948  * \return Status error code.
2949  *
2950  * Read the link layer features of the remote device.
2951  */
2952 /*************************************************************************************************/
2953 uint8_t LlReadRemoteFeat(uint16_t handle);
2955 /*************************************************************************************************/
2956 /*!
2957  * \brief Read remote version information.
2958  *
2959  * \param handle Connection handle.
2960  *
2961  * \return Status error code.
2962  *
2963  * Read the version information of the remote device.
2964  */
2965 /*************************************************************************************************/
2966 uint8_t LlReadRemoteVerInfo(uint16_t handle);
2968 /*************************************************************************************************/
2969 /*!
2970  * \brief Get RSSI of a connection.
2971  *
2972  * \param handle Connection handle.
2973  * \param pRssi RSSI value.
2974  *
2975  * \return Status error code.
2976  *
2977  * Get the current RSSI of a connection.
2978  */
2979 /*************************************************************************************************/
2980 uint8_t LlGetRssi(uint16_t handle, int8_t *pRssi);
2982 /*************************************************************************************************/
2983 /*!
2984  * \brief Get connection's TX power level.
2985  *
2986  * \param handle Connection handle.
2987  * \param type Power level type.
2988  * \param pLevel Transmit power level.
2989  *
2990  * \return Status error code.
2991  *
2992  * Get the TX power of a connection.
2993  */
2994 /*************************************************************************************************/
2995 uint8_t LlGetTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, uint8_t type, int8_t *pLevel);
2997 /*************************************************************************************************/
2998 /*!
2999  * \brief Get connection's enhanced TX power level and max txPower.
3000  *
3001  * \param handle Connection handle.
3002  * \param phy PHY.
3003  * \param pCurPwr Transmit power level.
3004  * \param pMaxPwr Max power level.
3005  *
3006  * \return Status error code.
3007  */
3008 /*************************************************************************************************/
3009 uint8_t LlGetEnhTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, uint8_t phy, int8_t *pCurPwr, int8_t *pMaxPwr);
3011 /*************************************************************************************************/
3012 /*!
3013  * \brief Set connection's TX power level (all PHYs).
3014  *
3015  * \param handle Connection handle.
3016  * \param level Transmit power level.
3017  *
3018  * \return Status error code.
3019  */
3020 /*************************************************************************************************/
3021 uint8_t LlSetAllPhyTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, int8_t level);
3023 /*************************************************************************************************/
3024 /*!
3025  * \brief Set connection's TX power level for a PHY.
3026  *
3027  * \param handle Connection handle.
3028  * \param level Transmit power level.
3029  * \param phy PHY txPower to change.
3030  *
3031  * \return Status error code.
3032  */
3033 /*************************************************************************************************/
3034 uint8_t LlSetPhyTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, int8_t level, uint8_t phy);
3036 /*************************************************************************************************/
3037 /*!
3038  * \brief Update connection parameters.
3039  *
3040  * \param handle Connection handle.
3041  * \param pConnSpec New connection specification.
3042  *
3043  * \return Status error code.
3044  *
3045  * Update the connection parameters of a connection.
3046  */
3047 /*************************************************************************************************/
3048 uint8_t LlConnUpdate(uint16_t handle, const LlConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
3050 /*************************************************************************************************/
3051 /*!
3052  * \brief Remote connection parameter request reply.
3053  *
3054  * \param handle Connection handle.
3055  * \param pConnSpec New connection specification.
3056  *
3057  * \return Status error code.
3058  *
3059  * Reply to a connection parameter request.
3060  */
3061 /*************************************************************************************************/
3062 uint8_t LlRemoteConnParamReqReply(uint16_t handle, const LlConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
3064 /*************************************************************************************************/
3065 /*!
3066  * \brief Remote connection parameter request negative reply.
3067  *
3068  * \param handle Connection handle.
3069  * \param reason Reason code.
3070  *
3071  * \return Status error code.
3072  *
3073  * Negative reply to a connection parameter request.
3074  */
3075 /*************************************************************************************************/
3076 uint8_t LlRemoteConnParamReqNegReply(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason);
3078 /*************************************************************************************************/
3079 /*!
3080  * \brief Set connection's channel map.
3081  *
3082  * \param handle Connection handle.
3083  * \param pChanMap Channel map.
3084  *
3085  * \return Status error code.
3086  *
3087  * Set the channel map of a connection.
3088  */
3089 /*************************************************************************************************/
3090 uint8_t LlSetChannelMap(uint16_t handle, const uint8_t *pChanMap);
3092 /*************************************************************************************************/
3093 /*!
3094  * \brief Get connection's channel map.
3095  *
3096  * \param handle Connection handle.
3097  * \param pChanMap Channel map.
3098  *
3099  * \return Status error code.
3100  *
3101  * Get the current channel map of a connection.
3102  */
3103 /*************************************************************************************************/
3104 uint8_t LlGetChannelMap(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pChanMap);
3106 /*************************************************************************************************/
3107 /*!
3108  * \brief Set data length.
3109  *
3110  * \param handle Connection handle.
3111  * \param txLen Maximum number of payload bytes for a Data PDU
3112  * \param txTime Maximum microseconds for a Data PDU
3113  *
3114  * \return Status error code.
3115  *
3116  * Preferred maximum microseconds that the local Controller should use to transmit a
3117  * single Link Layer Data Channel PDU.
3118  */
3119 /*************************************************************************************************/
3120 uint8_t LlSetDataLen(uint16_t handle, uint16_t txLen, uint16_t txTime);
3122 /*************************************************************************************************/
3123 /*!
3124  * \brief Read default data length.
3125  *
3126  * \param pMaxTxLen Maximum number of payload bytes for a Data PDU
3127  * \param pMaxTxTime Maximum microseconds for a Data PDU
3128  *
3129  * Suggested length and microseconds that the local Controller should use to transmit a
3130  * single Link Layer Data Channel PDU.
3131  */
3132 /*************************************************************************************************/
3133 void LlReadDefaultDataLen(uint16_t *pMaxTxLen, uint16_t *pMaxTxTime);
3135 /*************************************************************************************************/
3136 /*!
3137  * \brief Write default data length.
3138  *
3139  * \param maxTxLen Maximum number of payload bytes for a Data PDU
3140  * \param maxTxTime Maximum microseconds for a Data PDU
3141  *
3142  * \return Status error code.
3143  *
3144  * Suggested length and microseconds that the local Controller should use to transmit a
3145  * single Link Layer Data Channel PDU.
3146  */
3147 /*************************************************************************************************/
3148 uint8_t LlWriteDefaultDataLen(uint16_t maxTxLen, uint16_t maxTxTime);
3150 /*************************************************************************************************/
3151 /*!
3152  * \brief Read maximum data length.
3153  *
3154  * \param pMaxTxLen Maximum number of payload bytes for a Tx Data PDU
3155  * \param pMaxTxTime Maximum microseconds for a Tx Data PDU
3156  * \param pMaxRxLen Maximum number of payload bytes for a Rx Data PDU
3157  * \param pMaxRxTime Maximum microseconds for a Rx Data PDU
3158  *
3159  * Read the Controller's maximum supported payload octets and packet duration times for
3160  * transmission and reception.
3161  */
3162 /*************************************************************************************************/
3163 void LlReadMaximumDataLen(uint16_t *pMaxTxLen, uint16_t *pMaxTxTime, uint16_t *pMaxRxLen, uint16_t *pMaxRxTime);
3165 /*************************************************************************************************/
3166 /*!
3167  * \brief Read current transmitter PHY and receive PHY.
3168  *
3169  * \param handle Connection handle.
3170  * \param pTxPhy Storage for transmitter PHY.
3171  * \param pRxPhy Storage for receiver PHY.
3172  *
3173  * \return Status error code.
3174  *
3175  * Read current transmitter PHY and receive PHY.
3176  */
3177 /*************************************************************************************************/
3178 uint8_t LlReadPhy(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pTxPhy, uint8_t *pRxPhy);
3180 /*************************************************************************************************/
3181 /*!
3182  * \brief Set default PHYs.
3183  *
3184  * \param allPhys All PHYs preferences.
3185  * \param txPhys Preferred transmitter PHYs.
3186  * \param rxPhys Preferred receiver PHYs.
3187  *
3188  * \return Status error code.
3189  *
3190  * Specify the preferred values for the transmitter PHY and receiver PHY to be used for all
3191  * subsequent connections over the LE transport.
3192  */
3193 /*************************************************************************************************/
3194 uint8_t LlSetDefaultPhy(uint8_t allPhys, uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys);
3196 /*************************************************************************************************/
3197 /*!
3198  * \brief Validate if specified PHYs are supported by LL.
3199  *
3200  * \param txPhys Preferred transmitter PHYs.
3201  * \param rxPhys Preferred receiver PHYs.
3202  *
3203  * \return TRUE if all specified PHYs are supported.
3204  */
3205 /*************************************************************************************************/
3206 bool_t llValidatePhySupport(uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys);
3208 /*************************************************************************************************/
3209 /*!
3210  * \brief Set PHY for a connection.
3211  *
3212  * \param handle Connection handle.
3213  * \param allPhys All PHYs preferences.
3214  * \param txPhys Preferred transmitter PHYs.
3215  * \param rxPhys Preferred receiver PHYs.
3216  * \param phyOptions PHY options.
3217  *
3218  * \return Status error code.
3219  *
3220  * Set PHY preferences for a given connection. The controller might not be able to make the
3221  * change (e.g., because the peer does not support the requested PHY) or may decide that the
3222  * current PHY is preferable.
3223  */
3224 /*************************************************************************************************/
3225 uint8_t LlSetPhy(uint16_t handle, uint8_t allPhys, uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys, uint16_t phyOptions);
3227 /*************************************************************************************************/
3228 /*!
3229  * \brief Set local minimum number of used channels.
3230  *
3231  * \param phys Bitmask for the PHYs.
3232  * \param pwrThres Power threshold.
3233  * \param minUsedCh Minimum number of used channels.
3234  *
3235  * \return Status error code.
3236  *
3237  * Set local minimum number of used channels.
3238  */
3239 /*************************************************************************************************/
3240 uint8_t LlSetLocalMinUsedChan(uint8_t phys, int8_t pwrThres, uint8_t minUsedCh);
3242 /*************************************************************************************************/
3243 /*!
3244  * \brief Get peer minimum number of used channels.
3245  *
3246  * \param handle Connection handle.
3247  * \param pPeerMinUsedChan Storage for the peer minimum number of used channels.
3248  *
3249  * \return Status error code.
3250  *
3251  * Get peer minimum number of used channels.
3252  */
3253 /*************************************************************************************************/
3254 uint8_t LlGetPeerMinUsedChan(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pPeerMinUsedChan);
3256 /*************************************************************************************************/
3257 /*!
3258  * \brief Used to read the sleep clock accuracy of the peer device.
3259  *
3260  * \param handle Handle of the ACL.
3261  *
3262  * \return Status error code.
3263  */
3264 /*************************************************************************************************/
3265 uint8_t LlRequestPeerSca(uint16_t handle);
3267 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_CONN */
3269 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_CENTRAL
3270  * \{ */
3272 /*************************************************************************************************/
3273 /*!
3274  * \brief Create connection.
3275  *
3276  * \param pInitParam Initiating parameters.
3277  * \param pConnSpec Connection specification.
3278  *
3279  * \return Status error code.
3280  *
3281  * Create a connection to the specified peer address with the specified connection parameters.
3282  * This function is only when operating in master role.
3283  */
3284 /*************************************************************************************************/
3285 uint8_t LlCreateConn(const LlInitParam_t *pInitParam, const LlConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
3287 /*************************************************************************************************/
3288 /*!
3289  * \brief Extended create connection.
3290  *
3291  * \param pInitParam Initiating parameters.
3292  * \param scanParam Scan parameters table indexed by PHY.
3293  * \param connSpec Connection specification table indexed by PHY.
3294  *
3295  * \return Status error code.
3296  *
3297  * Create a connection to the specified peer address with the specified connection parameters.
3298  * This function is only when operating in master role.
3299  */
3300 /*************************************************************************************************/
3301 uint8_t LlExtCreateConn(const LlExtInitParam_t *pInitParam, const LlExtInitScanParam_t scanParam[], const LlConnSpec_t connSpec[]);
3303 /*************************************************************************************************/
3304 /*!
3305  * \brief Cancel a create connection operation.
3306  *
3307  * Cancel a connection before it is established. This function is only used when operating
3308  * in master role.
3309  */
3310 /*************************************************************************************************/
3311 void LlCreateConnCancel(void);
3313 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_CENTRAL */
3315 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_ENCRYPT
3316  * \{ */
3318 /*************************************************************************************************/
3319 /*!
3320  * \brief Encrypt data.
3321  *
3322  * \param pKey Encryption key.
3323  * \param pData 16 bytes of plain text data.
3324  *
3325  * \return Status error code.
3326  *
3327  * Request the LL to encryption a block of data in place.
3328  */
3329 /*************************************************************************************************/
3330 uint8_t LlEncrypt(uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pData);
3332 /*************************************************************************************************/
3333 /*!
3334  * \brief Start encryption.
3335  *
3336  * \param handle Connection handle.
3337  * \param pRand Pointer to the random number.
3338  * \param diversifier Diversifier value.
3339  * \param pKey Pointer to the encryption key.
3340  *
3341  * \return Status error code.
3342  *
3343  * Start or restart link layer encryption on a connection. This function is only used when
3344  * operating in master role.
3345  */
3346 /*************************************************************************************************/
3347 uint8_t LlStartEncryption(uint16_t handle, const uint8_t *pRand, uint16_t diversifier, const uint8_t *pKey);
3349 /*************************************************************************************************/
3350 /*!
3351  * \brief Reply to a LTK request.
3352  *
3353  * \param handle Connection handle.
3354  * \param pKey Pointer to new key.
3355  *
3356  * \return Status error code.
3357  *
3358  * Provide the requested LTK encryption key. This function is only used when operating in
3359  * slave mode.
3360  */
3361 /*************************************************************************************************/
3362 uint8_t LlLtkReqReply(uint16_t handle, const uint8_t *pKey);
3364 /*************************************************************************************************/
3365 /*!
3366  * \brief Negative reply to a LTK request.
3367  *
3368  * \param handle Connection handle.
3369  *
3370  * \return Status error code.
3371  *
3372  * Requested LTK encryption key not available. This function is only used when operating in
3373  * slave mode.
3374  */
3375 /*************************************************************************************************/
3376 uint8_t LlLtkReqNegReply(uint16_t handle);
3378 /*************************************************************************************************/
3379 /*!
3380  * \brief Read authenticated payload timeout value.
3381  *
3382  * \param handle Connection handle.
3383  * \param pTimeout Pointer to timeout value.
3384  *
3385  * \return Status error code.
3386  *
3387  * Read authenticated payload timeout value for the given handle.
3388  */
3389 /*************************************************************************************************/
3390 uint8_t LlReadAuthPayloadTimeout(uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pTimeout);
3392 /*************************************************************************************************/
3393 /*!
3394  * \brief Write authenticated payload timeout value.
3395  *
3396  * \param handle Connection handle.
3397  * \param timeout New timeout value.
3398  *
3399  * \return Status error code.
3400  *
3401  * Write new authenticated payload timeout value for the given handle.
3402  */
3403 /*************************************************************************************************/
3404 uint8_t LlWriteAuthPayloadTimeout(uint16_t handle, uint16_t timeout);
3406 /*************************************************************************************************/
3407 /*!
3408  * \brief Get encryption mode used in a connection.
3409  *
3410  * \param handle Connection handle.
3411  * \param pMode Storage for encryption mode.
3412  *
3413  * \return Status error code.
3414  *
3415  * Get the encryption mode used by a connection.
3416  */
3417 /*************************************************************************************************/
3418 uint8_t LlGetEncMode(uint16_t handle, LlEncMode_t *pMode);
3420 /*************************************************************************************************/
3421 /*!
3422  * \brief Set encryption mode used in a connection.
3423  *
3424  * \param handle Connection handle.
3425  * \param pMode New encryption mode.
3426  *
3427  * \return Status error code.
3428  *
3429  * Set the encryption mode used by a connection. Must be called before encryption is started or
3430  * when encryption is paused.
3431  */
3432 /*************************************************************************************************/
3433 uint8_t LlSetEncMode(uint16_t handle, const LlEncMode_t *pMode);
3435 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_ENCRYPT */
3437 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_DATA
3438  * \{ */
3440 /*************************************************************************************************/
3441 /*!
3442  * \brief Get the maximum ACL buffers size.
3443  *
3444  * \return Maximum buffers size in bytes.
3445  */
3446 /*************************************************************************************************/
3447 uint16_t LlGetAclMaxSize(void);
3449 /*************************************************************************************************/
3450 /*!
3451  * \brief Get the number of buffers in the LL ACL transmit queue.
3452  *
3453  * \return Number of buffers.
3454  */
3455 /*************************************************************************************************/
3456 uint8_t LlGetAclTxBufs(void);
3458 /*************************************************************************************************/
3459 /*!
3460  * \brief Get the number of buffers in the LL ACL receive queue.
3461  *
3462  * \return Number of buffers.
3463  */
3464 /*************************************************************************************************/
3465 uint8_t LlGetAclRxBufs(void);
3467 /*************************************************************************************************/
3468 /*!
3469  * \brief Get the maximum ISO buffers size between host and controller.
3470  *
3471  * \return Maximum buffers size in bytes.
3472  */
3473 /*************************************************************************************************/
3474 uint16_t LlGetIsoMaxBufSize(void);
3476 /*************************************************************************************************/
3477 /*!
3478  * \brief Get the number of buffers in the LL ISO transmit queue.
3479  *
3480  * \return Number of buffers.
3481  */
3482 /*************************************************************************************************/
3483 uint8_t LlGetIsoTxBufs(void);
3485 /*************************************************************************************************/
3486 /*!
3487  * \brief Get the number of buffers in the LL ISO receive queue.
3488  *
3489  * \return Number of buffers.
3490  */
3491 /*************************************************************************************************/
3492 uint8_t LlGetIsoRxBufs(void);
3494 /*************************************************************************************************/
3495 /*!
3496  * \brief Read ISO link Quality stats.
3497  *
3498  * \param handle connection handle.
3499  * \param pStats link quality statistics.
3500  *
3501  * \return Status error code.
3502  */
3503 /*************************************************************************************************/
3504 uint8_t LlReadIsoLinkQual(uint16_t handle, LlIsoLinkQual_t * pStats);
3506 /*************************************************************************************************/
3507 /*!
3508  * \brief Send an ACL data packet.
3509  *
3510  * \param pData Data buffer
3511  *
3512  * Send an ACL data packet. pData points to an ACL buffer formatted according to [1]; the host
3513  * must set the connection handle, flags, and length fields in the buffer.
3514  */
3515 /*************************************************************************************************/
3516 void LlSendAclData(uint8_t *pData);
3518 /*************************************************************************************************/
3519 /*!
3520  * \brief Receive an ACL data packet
3521  *
3522  * \return Data buffer.
3523  *
3524  * Receive an ACL data packet. If no ACL buffers are available this function returns NULL.
3525  *
3526  * \note The host must deallocate the buffer by calling WsfMsgFree() and call LlRecvBufCmpl() to
3527  * update LL accounting.
3528  */
3529 /*************************************************************************************************/
3530 uint8_t *LlRecvAclData(void);
3532 /*************************************************************************************************/
3533 /*!
3534  * \brief Indicate that received ACL data buffer has been deallocated
3535  *
3536  * \param numBufs Number of completed packets.
3537  *
3538  * Indicate that received ACL data buffer has been deallocated.
3539  */
3540 /*************************************************************************************************/
3541 void LlRecvAclDataComplete(uint8_t numBufs);
3543 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_DATA */
3545 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_TEST
3546  * \{ */
3548 /*************************************************************************************************/
3549 /*!
3550  * \brief Enter transmit test mode.
3551  *
3552  * \param rfChan RF channel number, i.e. "rfChan = (F - 2402) / 2)".
3553  * \param len Length of test data.
3554  * \param pktType Test packet payload type.
3555  * \param numPkt Auto terminate after number of packets, 0 for infinite.
3556  *
3557  * \return Status error code.
3558  *
3559  * Start the transmit test mode on the given channel.
3560  */
3561 /*************************************************************************************************/
3562 uint8_t LlTxTest(uint8_t rfChan, uint8_t len, uint8_t pktType, uint16_t numPkt);
3564 /*************************************************************************************************/
3565 /*!
3566  * \brief Enter receive test mode.
3567  *
3568  * \param rfChan RF channel number, i.e. "rfChan = (F - 2402) / 2)".
3569  * \param numPkt Auto terminate after number of successful packets, 0 for infinite.
3570  *
3571  * \return Status error code.
3572  *
3573  * Start the receive test mode on the given channel.
3574  */
3575 /*************************************************************************************************/
3576 uint8_t LlRxTest(uint8_t rfChan, uint16_t numPkt);
3578 /*************************************************************************************************/
3579 /*!
3580  * \brief Enter enhanced transmit test mode.
3581  *
3582  * \param rfChan RF channel number, i.e. "rfChan = (F - 2402) / 2)".
3583  * \param len Length of test data.
3584  * \param pktType Test packet payload type.
3585  * \param phy Transmitter PHY.
3586  * \param numPkt Auto terminate after number of packets, 0 for infinite.
3587  *
3588  * \return Status error code.
3589  *
3590  * Start the transmit test mode on the given channel.
3591  */
3592 /*************************************************************************************************/
3593 uint8_t LlEnhancedTxTest(uint8_t rfChan, uint8_t len, uint8_t pktType, uint8_t phy, uint16_t numPkt);
3595 /*************************************************************************************************/
3596 /*!
3597  * \brief Enter enhanced receive test mode.
3598  *
3599  * \param rfChan RF channel number, i.e. "rfChan = (F - 2402) / 2)".
3600  * \param phy Receiver PHY.
3601  * \param modIdx Modulation index.
3602  * \param numPkt Auto terminate after number of successful packets, 0 for infinite.
3603  *
3604  * \return Status error code.
3605  *
3606  * Start the receive test mode on the given channel.
3607  */
3608 /*************************************************************************************************/
3609 uint8_t LlEnhancedRxTest(uint8_t rfChan, uint8_t phy, uint8_t modIdx, uint16_t numPkt);
3611 /*************************************************************************************************/
3612 /*!
3613  * \brief End test mode.
3614  *
3615  * \param pRpt Report return buffer.
3616  *
3617  * \return Status error code.
3618  *
3619  * End test mode and return the report.
3620  */
3621 /*************************************************************************************************/
3622 uint8_t LlEndTest(LlTestReport_t *pRpt);
3624 /*************************************************************************************************/
3625 /*!
3626  * \brief Set pattern of errors for Tx test mode.
3627  *
3628  * \param pattern Error pattern (1s = no error; 0s = CRC failure).
3629  *
3630  * \return Status error code.
3631  *
3632  * Set pattern of errors for Tx test mode.
3633  *
3634  * \note The error pattern must be set after the Tx test is started.
3635  */
3636 /*************************************************************************************************/
3637 uint8_t LlSetTxTestErrorPattern(uint32_t pattern);
3639 /*************************************************************************************************/
3640 /*!
3641  * \brief Modify the sleep clock accuracy.
3642  *
3643  * \param action Increase or decrease the sleep clock accuracy.
3644  *
3645  * \return Status error code.
3646  */
3647 /*************************************************************************************************/
3648 uint8_t LlModifySleepClockAccuracy(uint8_t action);
3650 /*************************************************************************************************/
3651 /*!
3652  * \brief Enable ISO Tx test.
3653  *
3654  * \param handle CIS or BIS handle.
3655  * \param pldType Payload type.
3656  *
3657  * \return Status error code.
3658  */
3659 /*************************************************************************************************/
3660 uint8_t LlIsoTxTest(uint16_t handle, uint8_t pldType);
3662 /*************************************************************************************************/
3663 /*!
3664  * \brief Enable ISO Rx test.
3665  *
3666  * \param handle CIS or BIS handle.
3667  * \param pldType Payload type.
3668  *
3669  * \return Status error code.
3670  */
3671 /*************************************************************************************************/
3672 uint8_t LlIsoRxTest(uint16_t handle, uint8_t pldType);
3674 /*************************************************************************************************/
3675 /*!
3676  * \brief ISO read test counters.
3677  *
3678  * \param handle CIS or BIS handle.
3679  * \param pCtr Test Counter.
3680  *
3681  * \return Status error code.
3682  */
3683 /*************************************************************************************************/
3684 uint8_t LlIsoReadTestCounter(uint16_t handle, LlIsoTestCtrs_t *pCtr);
3686 /*************************************************************************************************/
3687 /*!
3688  * \brief Terminate ISO Tx or Rx test.
3689  *
3690  * \param handle CIS or BIS handle.
3691  * \param pCtr Test counters.
3692  *
3693  * \return Status error code.
3694  */
3695 /*************************************************************************************************/
3696 uint8_t LlIsoTestEnd(uint16_t handle, LlIsoTestCtrs_t *pCtr);
3698 /*************************************************************************************************/
3699 /*!
3700  * \brief Set transmit power change reporting enable.
3701  *
3702  * \param handle Connection handle.
3703  * \param enableLocal Enable local reporting.
3704  * \param enableRemote Enable remote reporting.
3705  *
3706  * \return Status error code.
3707  */
3708 /*************************************************************************************************/
3709 uint8_t LlSetTxPowerReporting(uint16_t handle, uint8_t enableLocal, uint8_t enableRemote);
3711 /*************************************************************************************************/
3712 /*!
3713  * \brief Set enable state for power monitoring.
3714  *
3715  * \param handle Handle identifier for connection.
3716  * \param enable Enable status for power monitor.
3717  *
3718  * \return Status error code.
3719  *
3720  * \note Path loss must be disabled.
3721  */
3722 /*************************************************************************************************/
3723 uint8_t LlSetPowerMonitorEnable(uint16_t handle, bool_t enable);
3725 /*************************************************************************************************/
3726 /*!
3727  * \brief Set path loss monitoring parameters.
3728  *
3729  * \param handle Handle identifier for connection.
3730  * \param highThresh High extreme threshold.
3731  * \param highHyst High extreme hysteresis.
3732  * \param lowThresh Low extreme threshold.
3733  * \param lowHyst Low extreme hysteresis.
3734  * \param minTime Minimum time spent to trigger event generation.
3735  *
3736  * \return Status error code.
3737  */
3738 /*************************************************************************************************/
3739 uint8_t LlSetPathLossReportingParams(uint16_t handle, uint8_t highThresh, uint8_t highHyst, uint8_t lowThresh, uint8_t lowHyst, uint16_t minTime);
3741 /*************************************************************************************************/
3742 /*!
3743  * \brief Set path loss enable.
3744  *
3745  * \param handle Connection handle.
3746  * \param enable Enable flag.
3747  *
3748  * \return Status error code.
3749  */
3750 /*************************************************************************************************/
3751 uint8_t LlSetPathLossReportingEnable(uint16_t handle, uint8_t enable);
3753 /*************************************************************************************************/
3754 /*!
3755  * \brief Request change to or read peer txPower
3756  *
3757  * \param handle Connection handle.
3758  * \param delta Requested change.
3759  * \param phy Phy this change requests the change on.
3760  *
3761  * \return Status error code.
3762  */
3763 /*************************************************************************************************/
3764 uint8_t LlPowerCtrlReq(uint16_t handle, int8_t delta, uint8_t phy);
3766 /*************************************************************************************************/
3767 /*!
3768  * \brief ISO event complete enable.
3769  *
3770  * \param enable Set to TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable.
3771  *
3772  * Enable or disable reports about the scanners from which an advertiser receives scan requests.
3773  */
3774 /*************************************************************************************************/
3775 void LlIsoEventCompleteEnable(uint8_t enable);
3777 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_TEST */
3779 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_DIAG
3780  * \{ */
3782 /*************************************************************************************************/
3783 /*!
3784  * \brief Get advertising set context size.
3785  *
3786  * \param pMaxAdvSets Buffer to return the maximum number of advertising sets.
3787  * \param pAdvSetCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the advertising set context.
3788  *
3789  * Return the advertising set context sizes.
3790  */
3791 /*************************************************************************************************/
3792 void LlGetAdvSetContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxAdvSets, uint16_t *pAdvSetCtxSize);
3794 /*************************************************************************************************/
3795 /*!
3796  * \brief Get connection context size.
3797  *
3798  * \param pMaxConn Buffer to return the maximum number of connections.
3799  * \param pConnCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the connection context.
3800  *
3801  * Return the connection context sizes.
3802  */
3803 /*************************************************************************************************/
3804 void LlGetConnContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxConn, uint16_t *pConnCtxSize);
3806 /*************************************************************************************************/
3807 /*!
3808  * \brief Get extended scan context size.
3809  *
3810  * \param pMaxExtScan Buffer to return the maximum number of extended scanners.
3811  * \param pExtScanCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the extended scanner context.
3812  *
3813  * Return the advertising set context sizes.
3814  */
3815 /*************************************************************************************************/
3816 void LlGetExtScanContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxExtScan, uint16_t *pExtScanCtxSize);
3818 /*************************************************************************************************/
3819 /*!
3820  * \brief Get extended initiator context size.
3821  *
3822  * \param pMaxExtInit Buffer to return the maximum number of extended initiators.
3823  * \param pExtInitCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the extended initiator context.
3824  *
3825  * Return the advertising set context sizes.
3826  */
3827 /*************************************************************************************************/
3828 void LlGetExtInitContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxExtInit, uint16_t *pExtInitCtxSize);
3830 /*************************************************************************************************/
3831 /*!
3832  * \brief Get periodic scan context size.
3833  *
3834  * \param pMaxPerScan Buffer to return the maximum number of periodic scanners.
3835  * \param pPerScanCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the periodic scanner context.
3836  *
3837  * Return the advertising set context sizes.
3838  */
3839 /*************************************************************************************************/
3840 void LlGetPerScanContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxPerScan, uint16_t *pPerScanCtxSize);
3842 /*************************************************************************************************/
3843 /*!
3844  * \brief Get CIG context size.
3845  *
3846  * \param pMaxCig Buffer to return the maximum number of CIG.
3847  * \param pCigCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the CIG context.
3848  *
3849  * Return the connection context sizes.
3850  */
3851 /*************************************************************************************************/
3852 void LlGetCigContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxCig, uint16_t *pCigCtxSize);
3854 /*************************************************************************************************/
3855 /*!
3856  * \brief Get CIS context size.
3857  *
3858  * \param pMaxCis Buffer to return the maximum number of CIS.
3859  * \param pCisCtxSize Buffer to return the size in bytes of the CIS context.
3860  *
3861  * Return the connection context sizes.
3862  */
3863 /*************************************************************************************************/
3864 void LlGetCisContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxCis, uint16_t *pCisCtxSize);
3866 /*************************************************************************************************/
3867 /*!
3868  * \brief Get the LL handler watermark level.
3869  *
3870  * \return Watermark level in microseconds.
3871  */
3872 /*************************************************************************************************/
3873 uint16_t LlStatsGetHandlerWatermarkUsec(void);
3875 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_DIAG */
3877 /*! \addtogroup LL_API_CIS
3878  * \{ */
3880 /*************************************************************************************************/
3881 /*!
3882  * \brief Used by a master host to set the parameters of all connected isochronous streams
3883  * associated with a connected isochronous group in the controller.
3884  *
3885  * \param pCigParam CIG parameters.
3886  * \param pCisHandles Return buffer for the connected isochronous handles.
3887  *
3888  * \return Status error code.
3889  */
3890 /*************************************************************************************************/
3891 uint8_t LlSetCigParams(LlCisCigParams_t *pCigParam, uint16_t *pCisHandles);
3893 /*************************************************************************************************/
3894 /*!
3895  * \brief Used by a master Host to set the parameters of all connected isochronous streams
3896  * associated with a connected isochronous group in the controller for testing purpose.
3897  *
3898  * \param pSetCigParamTest CIG test parameters.
3899  * \param pCisHandles Return buffer for the connected isochronous handles.
3900  *
3901  * \return Status error code.
3902  */
3903 /*************************************************************************************************/
3904 uint8_t LlSetCigParamsTest(LlCisCigParamsTest_t *pSetCigParamTest, uint16_t *pCisHandles);
3906 /*************************************************************************************************/
3907 /*!
3908  * \brief Used by the master host to establish one or more connected isochronous streams.
3909  *
3910  * \param numCis Number of connected isochronous streams.
3911  * \param pCreateCisParam Parameters for create connected isochronous stream.
3912  *
3913  * \return Status error code.
3914  */
3915 /*************************************************************************************************/
3916 uint8_t LlCreateCis(uint8_t numCis, LlCisCreateCisParams_t *pCreateCisParam);
3918 /*************************************************************************************************/
3919 /*!
3920  * \brief Removes all the connected isochronous streams which have previously been set up.
3921  *
3922  * \param cigId Identifier of the connected isochronous group.
3923  *
3924  * \return Status error code.
3925  */
3926 /*************************************************************************************************/
3927 uint8_t LlRemoveCig(uint8_t cigId);
3929 /*************************************************************************************************/
3930 /*!
3931  * \brief Used by the slave host to inform the controller to accept the request for the
3932  * connected isochronous stream.
3933  *
3934  * \param cisHandle Handle of the connected isochronous stream.
3935  *
3936  * \return Status error code.
3937  */
3938 /*************************************************************************************************/
3939 uint8_t LlAcceptCisReq(uint16_t cisHandle);
3941 /*************************************************************************************************/
3942 /*!
3943  * \brief Used by the slave host to inform the controller to reject the request for the
3944  * connected isochronous stream.
3945  *
3946  * \param cisHandle Handle of the connected isochronous stream.
3947  * \param reason Indicate the reason for rejecting the request.
3948  *
3949  * \return Status error code.
3950  */
3951 /*************************************************************************************************/
3952 uint8_t LlRejectCisReq(uint16_t cisHandle, uint8_t reason);
3954 /*************************************************************************************************/
3955 /*!
3956  * \brief Used by a broadcaster host to command is used to create one or more BISes of a BIG
3957  * in the controller.
3958  *
3959  * \param pCreateBig Create BIG parameters.
3960  *
3961  * \return Status error code.
3962  */
3963 /*************************************************************************************************/
3964 uint8_t LlCreateBig(LlCreateBig_t *pCreateBig);
3966 /*************************************************************************************************/
3967 /*!
3968  * \brief Used by a broadcaster host to command is used to create one or more BISes of a BIG
3969  * in the ISO test mode.
3970  *
3971  * \param pCreateBigTest Create BIG Test parameters.
3972  *
3973  * \return Status error code.
3974  */
3975 /*************************************************************************************************/
3976 uint8_t LlCreateBigTest(LlCreateBigTest_t *pCreateBigTest);
3978 /*************************************************************************************************/
3979 /*!
3980  * \brief Used to terminate the transmission of all BISes of a BIG, or to cancel the process
3981  * of creating a BIG using the HCI_LE_Create_BIG command from the Isochronous Broadcaster.
3982  *
3983  * \param bigHandle Used to identify the BIG.
3984  * \param reason Termination reason.
3985  *
3986  * \return Status error code.
3987  */
3988 /*************************************************************************************************/
3989 uint8_t LlTerminateBig(uint8_t bigHandle, uint8_t reason);
3991 /*************************************************************************************************/
3992 /*!
3993  * \brief Used to synchronize and receive PDUs from one or more BISes within a BIG.
3994  *
3995  * \param pCreateSync BIG Create Sync parameters.
3996  *
3997  * \return Status error code.
3998  */
3999 /*************************************************************************************************/
4000 uint8_t LlBigCreateSync(LlBigCreateSync_t *pCreateSync);
4002 /*************************************************************************************************/
4003 /*!
4004  * \brief Used to stop synchronization with the BIG or to cancel the process of synchronizing
4005  * to BISes invoked by the HCI_LE_BIG_Create_Sync command
4006  *
4007  * \param bigHandle Used to identify the BIG.
4008  */
4009 /*************************************************************************************************/
4010 void LlBigTerminateSync(uint8_t bigHandle);
4012 /*************************************************************************************************/
4013 /*!
4014  * \brief Read the Time_Stamp and Time_Offset of a transmitted ISO_SDU identified by the
4015  * Packet_Sequence_Number on a CIS or BIS identified by the Connection_Handle.
4016  *
4017  * \param handle BIS or CIS handle.
4018  * \param pPktSn Packet sequence number.
4019  * \param pTs Timestamp.
4020  * \param pTimeOffs Time offset.
4021  *
4022  * \return Status error code.
4023  */
4024 /*************************************************************************************************/
4025 uint8_t LlReadIsoTxSync(uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pPktSn, uint32_t *pTs, uint32_t *pTimeOffs);
4027 /*************************************************************************************************/
4028 /*!
4029  * \brief Used to identify and enable the isochronous data path between the host and the
4030  * controller for each connected isochronous or broadcast isochronous stream.
4031  *
4032  * \param pSetupDataPath Parameters for setup ISO data path.
4033  *
4034  * \return Status error code.
4035  */
4036 /*************************************************************************************************/
4037 uint8_t LlSetupIsoDataPath(LlIsoSetupDataPath_t *pSetupDataPath);
4039 /*************************************************************************************************/
4040 /*!
4041  * \brief Used to remove the isochronous data path associated with the
4042  * connected isochronous or broadcast isochronous stream.
4043  *
4044  * \param handle Handle for CIS or BIS.
4045  * \param dpDir Direction of data path to remove.
4046  *
4047  * \return Status error code.
4048  */
4049 /*************************************************************************************************/
4050 uint8_t LlRemoveIsoDataPath(uint16_t handle, uint8_t dpDir);
4052 /*************************************************************************************************/
4053 /*!
4054  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for slave connected isochronous stream.
4055  *
4056  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a slave connected isochronous stream.
4057  */
4058 /*************************************************************************************************/
4059 void LlCisSlaveInit(void);
4061 /*************************************************************************************************/
4062 /*!
4063  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for master connected isochronous stream.
4064  *
4065  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a master connected isochronous stream.
4066  */
4067 /*************************************************************************************************/
4068 void LlCisMasterInit(void);
4070 /*************************************************************************************************/
4071 /*!
4072  * \brief Initialize memory for CIS.
4073  *
4074  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
4075  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
4076  *
4077  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
4078  *
4079  * This function allocates memory for CIS.
4080  *
4081  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
4082  * other initialization routines.
4083  */
4084 /*************************************************************************************************/
4085 uint16_t LlInitCisMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
4087 /*************************************************************************************************/
4088 /*!
4089  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for slave broadcast isochronous stream.
4090  *
4091  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a slave broadcast isochronous stream.
4092  */
4093 /*************************************************************************************************/
4094 void LlBisSlaveInit(void);
4096 /*************************************************************************************************/
4097 /*!
4098  * \brief Initialize LL subsystem for operation for master broadcast isochronous stream.
4099  *
4100  * This function initializes the LL subsystem for use as a master broadcast isochronous stream.
4101  */
4102 /*************************************************************************************************/
4103 void LlBisMasterInit(void);
4105 /*************************************************************************************************/
4106 /*!
4107  * \brief Initialize memory for BIS.
4108  *
4109  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
4110  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
4111  *
4112  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
4113  *
4114  * This function allocates memory for BIS.
4115  *
4116  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
4117  * other initialization routines.
4118  */
4119 /*************************************************************************************************/
4120 uint16_t LlInitBisMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
4122 /*************************************************************************************************/
4123 /*!
4124  * \brief Initialize memory for ISO.
4125  *
4126  * \param pFreeMem Pointer to free memory.
4127  * \param freeMemSize Size of pFreeMem.
4128  *
4129  * \return Amount of free memory consumed.
4130  *
4131  * This function allocates memory for CIS.
4132  *
4133  * \note This routine must be called after LlInitRunTimeCfg() but only once before any
4134  * other initialization routines.
4135  */
4136 /*************************************************************************************************/
4137 uint16_t LlInitIsoMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize);
4139 /*************************************************************************************************/
4140 /*!
4141  * \brief Initialize LL for use with an audio codec.
4142  *
4143  * Assign codec functions for direct LL audio streaming.
4144  */
4145 /*************************************************************************************************/
4146 void LlInitCodec(void);
4148 /*************************************************************************************************/
4149 /*!
4150  * \brief Send an ISO data packet.
4151  *
4152  * \param pData Data buffer
4153  *
4154  * Send an ISO data packet. pData points to an ISO buffer formatted according to [1]; the host
4155  * must set the connection handle, flags, and length fields in the buffer.
4156  */
4157 /*************************************************************************************************/
4158 void LlSendIsoData(uint8_t *pData);
4160 /*************************************************************************************************/
4161 /*!
4162  * \brief Receive an ISO data packet
4163  *
4164  * \return Data buffer.
4165  *
4166  * Receive an ISO data packet. If no ISO buffers are available this function returns NULL.
4167  *
4168  * \note The host must deallocate the buffer by calling WsfMsgFree() and call LlRecvBufCmpl() to
4169  * update LL accounting.
4170  */
4171 /*************************************************************************************************/
4172 uint8_t *LlRecvIsoData(void);
4174 /*************************************************************************************************/
4175 /*!
4176  * \brief Indicate that received ISO data buffer has been deallocated
4177  *
4178  * \param numBufs Number of completed packets.
4179  *
4180  * Indicate that received ISO data buffer has been deallocated.
4181  */
4182 /*************************************************************************************************/
4183 void LlRecvIsoDataComplete(uint8_t numBufs);
4185 /*! \} */ /* LL_API_CIS */
4187 #ifdef __cplusplus
4188 };
4189 #endif
4191 #endif /* LL_API_H */
LlReadRemoteFeatCnf_t readRemoteFeatCnf
Definition: ll_api.h:1473
uint32_t cisSyncDelayUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:1318
uint32_t sduIntervalMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:676
uint8_t LlGetAdvTxPower(int8_t *pAdvTxPwr)
Get advertising transmit power.
void LlExtScanEnable(uint8_t enable, uint8_t filterDup, uint16_t duration, uint16_t period)
Extended scan enable.
uint16_t supTimeout
Definition: ll_api.h:998
uint16_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1086
uint16_t serviceData
Definition: ll_api.h:1301
uint8_t LlSetChannelMap(uint16_t handle, const uint8_t *pChanMap)
Set connection&#39;s channel map.
uint8_t LlSetResolvablePrivateAddrTimeout(uint16_t rpaTimeout)
Set resolvable private address timeout.
BIG Info Advertising Report event.
Definition: ll_api.h:1434
uint8_t numBis
Definition: ll_api.h:811
void LlConnMasterInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a connectable master.
uint8_t LlAddDeviceToWhitelist(uint8_t addrType, bdAddr_t pAddr)
Add device to the white list.
uint8_t peerAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:611
uint16_t perAdvInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:1307
uint16_t syncHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1266
uint8_t LlSetOpFlags(uint32_t flags, bool_t enable)
Set operational mode flags.
uint8_t status
Definition: ll_api.h:1374
LlBigSyncEstInd_t bigSyncEstInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1506
uint8_t LlSetPathLossReportingEnable(uint16_t handle, uint8_t enable)
Set path loss enable.
uint8_t LlIsoRxTest(uint16_t handle, uint8_t pldType)
Enable ISO Rx test.
uint8_t * pData
Definition: ll_api.h:976
uint8_t LlRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList(uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerIdentityAddr)
Remove device from resolving list.
uint8_t LlAddDeviceToPeriodicAdvList(const LlDevicePerAdvList_t *pParam)
Add device to periodic advertiser list.
BIG Create BIG message.
Definition: ll_api.h:765
uint8_t * pAdvAddr
Definition: ll_api.h:496
uint8_t numBis
Definition: ll_api.h:769
uint8_t bigHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:767
ISO test counter data.
Definition: ll_api.h:887
uint8_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1248
uint8_t btVer
Definition: ll_api.h:129
uint16_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1096
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1059
bool_t stableModIdxTxSup
Definition: ll_api.h:165
uint8_t ceJitterUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:147
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1117
uint8_t txPowerLimits
Definition: ll_api.h:1421
uint8_t LlSetConnOpFlags(uint16_t handle, uint32_t flags, bool_t enable)
Set connection&#39;s operational mode flags.
void LlEncConnSlaveInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a encryptable connectable slave.
uint16_t sduSizeSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:665
void LlEvtRegister(llEvtCback_t evtCback)
Register LL event handler.
void LlTestInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for test modes.
Extended advertising enable.
Definition: ll_api.h:1169
CIG test CIG parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:703
ISO PDU type.
Definition: ll_defs.h:432
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1017
uint8_t LlSetExtScanParam(uint8_t ownAddrType, uint8_t scanFiltPolicy, uint8_t scanPhys, const LlExtScanParam_t param[])
Set extended scanning parameters.
int16_t perAdvInter
Definition: ll_api.h:1220
void LlGetExtInitContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxExtInit, uint16_t *pExtInitCtxSize)
Get extended initiator context size.
uint16_t codecId
Definition: ll_api.h:758
uint8_t clockAccuracy
Definition: ll_api.h:999
Initiating parameters (LlExtCreateConn()).
Definition: ll_api.h:607
uint8_t rtn
Definition: ll_api.h:773
Create connection cancel confirm.
Definition: ll_api.h:1037
bool_t nonceMode
Definition: ll_api.h:831
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1406
uint16_t * pCisHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:721
uint8_t ownAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:457
uint8_t bigHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:784
uint8_t ownAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:370
uint8_t LlClearPeriodicAdvList(void)
Clear all devices in periodic advertiser list command.
uint16_t minCeLen
Definition: ll_api.h:630
uint8_t peerAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:371
uint8_t cigId
Definition: ll_api.h:1339
uint8_t peerAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:602
uint16_t supTimeout
Definition: ll_api.h:1033
LlPathLossThresholdEvt_t pathLossEvt
Definition: ll_api.h:1512
uint8_t dataStatus
Definition: ll_api.h:1283
uint8_t LlReadResolvingListSize(uint8_t *pSize)
Read resolving list size.
uint8_t codecFormat
Definition: ll_api.h:756
uint8_t LlGetEnhTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, uint8_t phy, int8_t *pCurPwr, int8_t *pMaxPwr)
Get connection&#39;s enhanced TX power level and max txPower.
LlEncKeyRefreshInd_t keyRefreshInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1475
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1230
uint8_t LlReadMaxAdvDataLen(uint16_t *pLen)
Read maximum advertising data length.
uint8_t advSID
Definition: ll_api.h:378
uint8_t numCis
Definition: ll_api.h:683
Advertising set terminated.
Definition: ll_api.h:1235
uint8_t secAdvMaxSkip
Definition: ll_api.h:376
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1264
uint8_t LlRemoveDeviceFromPeriodicAdvList(const LlDevicePerAdvList_t *pParam)
Remove device from periodic advertiser list command.
uint16_t scanWindow
Definition: ll_api.h:599
uint8_t priAdvChanMap
Definition: ll_api.h:369
uint8_t LlStartEncryption(uint16_t handle, const uint8_t *pRand, uint16_t diversifier, const uint8_t *pKey)
Start encryption.
uint8_t LlGetAclTxBufs(void)
Get the number of buffers in the LL ACL transmit queue.
uint16_t maxRxLen
Definition: ll_api.h:1121
uint16_t LlInitExtAdvMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize)
Initialize memory for extended advertising.
Encryption mode data structure used in LlGetEncMode() and LlSetEncMode().
Definition: ll_api.h:828
uint8_t LlCreateBig(LlCreateBig_t *pCreateBig)
Used by a broadcaster host to command is used to create one or more BISes of a BIG in the controller...
void LlIsoEventCompleteEnable(uint8_t enable)
ISO event complete enable.
uint8_t advAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:504
uint8_t LlSetPrivacyMode(uint8_t peerAddrType, const uint8_t *pPeerIdentityAddr, uint8_t privMode)
Set privacy mode.
void(* llAclCback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint8_t numBufs)
ACL callback.
Definition: ll_api.h:1519
void LlIsoRegister(llIsoCback_t sendIsoCompCback, llIsoCback_t recvIsoPendCback)
Register ISO handler.
uint8_t LlSetPathLossReportingParams(uint16_t handle, uint8_t highThresh, uint8_t highHyst, uint8_t lowThresh, uint8_t lowHyst, uint16_t minTime)
Set path loss monitoring parameters.
uint16_t * pAclHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:722
uint8_t advHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:768
uint8_t LlSetExtAdvTxPhyOptions(uint8_t handle, uint8_t priPhyOpts, uint8_t secPhyOpts)
Set extended advertising transmit PHY options.
uint16_t connIntervalMax
Definition: ll_api.h:627
uint16_t aclHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1337
uint16_t maxPdu
Definition: ll_api.h:1356
LlReadRemoteVerInfoCnf_t readRemoteVerInfoCnf
Definition: ll_api.h:1472
uint16_t connHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1408
void LlGetAdvSetContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxAdvSets, uint16_t *pAdvSetCtxSize)
Get advertising set context size.
LlEncChangeInd_t encChangeInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1474
uint8_t numCmplAdvEvt
Definition: ll_api.h:1241
uint16_t codecCompId
Definition: ll_api.h:757
uint16_t maxSdu
Definition: ll_api.h:790
uint8_t LlRxTest(uint8_t rfChan, uint16_t numPkt)
Enter receive test mode.
uint16_t maxPduMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:1328
uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvCreateSync(const LlPerAdvCreateSyncCmd_t *pParam)
Create synchronization of periodic advertising.
void LlInitCodec(void)
Initialize LL for use with an audio codec.
#define LL_RAND_LEN
Definition: ll_defs.h:309
uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvCreateSyncCancel(void)
Cancel pending synchronization of periodic advertising.
uint8_t LlEndTest(LlTestReport_t *pRpt)
End test mode.
LlBigInfoAdvRptInd_t bigInfoInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1511
uint8_t * pAdvAddr
Definition: ll_api.h:505
LlRemConnParamInd_t remConnParamInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1480
uint16_t implRev
Definition: ll_api.h:128
uint16_t perAdvProp
Definition: ll_api.h:395
uint8_t filterPolicy
Definition: ll_api.h:609
uint16_t connIntervalMax
Definition: ll_api.h:1031
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1381
Scan report.
Definition: ll_api.h:1160
uint32_t sduIntervalMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:706
uint8_t LlSetAdvData(uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData)
Set advertising data.
LlCisReqInd_t cisReqInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1502
uint16_t numTx
Definition: ll_api.h:872
uint8_t numIsoTxBuf
Definition: ll_api.h:149
uint32_t ctrDly
Definition: ll_api.h:759
Create BIG complete event.
Definition: ll_api.h:1344
This parameter identifies the device role.
Definition: ll_api.h:267
uint8_t ownAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:601
void LlGetConnContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxConn, uint16_t *pConnCtxSize)
Get connection context size.
uint16_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1147
uint8_t LlRemoveIsoDataPath(uint16_t handle, uint8_t dpDir)
Used to remove the isochronous data path associated with the connected isochronous or broadcast isoch...
uint16_t sduSizeMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:692
void LlGetCigContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxCig, uint16_t *pCigCtxSize)
Get CIG context size.
Authentication payload timeout expired indication.
Definition: ll_api.h:1108
uint8_t advClkAccuracy
Definition: ll_api.h:1308
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1211
uint8_t directAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:1221
uint32_t numSuccess
Definition: ll_api.h:889
void LlReadMaximumDataLen(uint16_t *pMaxTxLen, uint16_t *pMaxTxTime, uint16_t *pMaxRxLen, uint16_t *pMaxRxTime)
Read maximum data length.
uint16_t wsfEventMask_t
Event handler event mask data type.
Definition: wsf_os.h:83
uint8_t LlReadPhy(uint16_t handle, uint8_t *pTxPhy, uint8_t *pRxPhy)
Read current transmitter PHY and receive PHY.
uint32_t numFailed
Definition: ll_api.h:891
uint16_t transLatSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:682
uint16_t syncHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1279
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1436
Initiating scan parameters (LlExtCreateConn()).
Definition: ll_api.h:617
uint8_t LlIsoTxTest(uint16_t handle, uint8_t pldType)
Enable ISO Tx test.
uint16_t pduSizeSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:695
int8_t defTxPwrLvl
Definition: ll_api.h:146
uint8_t LlSetScanRespData(uint8_t len, const uint8_t *pData)
Set scan response data.
Initiating parameters (LlExtCreateConn()).
Definition: ll_api.h:596
uint16_t connInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:1020
Encryption change indication.
Definition: ll_api.h:1066
uint8_t * pCodecConfig
Definition: ll_api.h:761
uint8_t bn
Definition: ll_api.h:795
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1291
uint8_t LlEncrypt(uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pData)
Encrypt data.
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1314
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1415
void LlSetAdvTxPower(int8_t advTxPwr)
Set advertising transmit power.
LlAuthPayloadTimeoutInd_t authPayloadTimeoutInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1481
uint8_t nse
Definition: ll_api.h:789
void LlSendIsoData(uint8_t *pData)
Send an ISO data packet.
Read local P-256 key pair complete.
Definition: ll_api.h:1126
uint8_t ftSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:1327
uint16_t connIntervalMin
Definition: ll_api.h:1030
uint8_t role
Definition: ll_api.h:993
uint8_t LlSetDefaultPhy(uint8_t allPhys, uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys)
Set default PHYs.
LlFraming_t framing
Definition: ll_api.h:1448
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1298
bool_t llValidatePhySupport(uint8_t txPhys, uint8_t rxPhys)
Validate if specified PHYs are supported by LL.
uint16_t compId
Definition: ll_api.h:127
CIS established event.
Definition: ll_api.h:1312
uint32_t sduInterv
Definition: ll_api.h:1445
uint8_t pto
Definition: ll_api.h:1354
CIS request event.
Definition: ll_api.h:1334
Used channel selection indication.
Definition: ll_api.h:1254
BIG Create Sync message.
Definition: ll_api.h:803
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1028
Connect indication.
Definition: ll_api.h:988
void LlAclRegister(llAclCback_t sendCompCback, llAclCback_t recvPendCback)
Register ACL handler.
LlLtkReqInd_t ltkReqInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1476
uint8_t status
Definition: ll_api.h:1095
uint32_t sduInterUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:770
uint8_t ftMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:1326
uint16_t LlGetAclMaxSize(void)
Get the maximum ACL buffers size.
uint8_t LlGenerateDhKey(const uint8_t pubKey_x[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN], const uint8_t pubKey_y[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN])
Generate a Diffie-Hellman key.
bool_t enabled
Definition: ll_api.h:1071
uint8_t * LlRecvAclData(void)
Receive an ACL data packet.
uint8_t bigHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1375
uint16_t supTimeout
Definition: ll_api.h:629
uint16_t maxExtScanDataLen
Definition: ll_api.h:140
uint16_t syncHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1437
void LlPowerControlInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation for power control.
uint8_t LlRemoveCig(uint8_t cigId)
Removes all the connected isochronous streams which have previously been set up.
void LlGetSupStates(uint8_t *pStates)
Get supported states.
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1398
uint8_t LlSetAllPhyTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, int8_t level)
Set connection&#39;s TX power level (all PHYs).
Create BIG complete (Sync Established) event.
Definition: ll_api.h:1379
LlConnUpdateInd_t connUpdateInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1470
Read remote feature confirm.
Definition: ll_api.h:1057
void LlGetFeatures(uint8_t *pFeatures)
Get features.
uint8_t directAddrType
Definition: ll_api.h:983
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1346
uint8_t phyMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:1321
uint16_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1029
void LlRecvAclDataComplete(uint8_t numBufs)
Indicate that received ACL data buffer has been deallocated.
uint8_t LlGetWhitelistSize(void)
Get white list size.
void LlExtInitMasterInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation as an extended initiating master.
LTK request negative reply.
Definition: ll_api.h:1100
uint8_t codecConfigLen
Definition: ll_api.h:760
uint16_t numRxSuccess
Definition: ll_api.h:873
uint8_t addrType
Definition: ll_api.h:1213
PHY types.
Definition: ll_api.h:553
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1137
uint8_t status
Definition: ll_api.h:1018
uint8_t LlSetValidatePublicKeyMode(uint8_t validateMode)
Set validate public key mode.
uint32_t sduInterUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:787
uint8_t maxCig
Definition: ll_api.h:154
bdAddr_t peerRpa
Definition: ll_api.h:1002
uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvSetInfoTransfer(uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t serviceData, uint8_t advHandle)
Send sync info about periodic adv in an advertising set to a connected device.
uint16_t connLatency
Definition: ll_api.h:1032
uint16_t LlInitIsoMem(uint8_t *pFreeMem, uint32_t freeMemSize)
Initialize memory for ISO.
uint8_t pto
Definition: ll_api.h:797
uint8_t LlSetP256PrivateKey(const uint8_t privKey[LL_ECC_KEY_LEN])
Set P-256 private key for debug purposes.
uint8_t LlSetAddrResolutionEnable(uint8_t enable)
Enable or disable address resolution.
void LlReadSupTxPower(int8_t *pMinTxPwr, int8_t *pMaxTxPwr)
Read supported transmit power.
const uint8_t * pPeerAddr
Definition: ll_api.h:612
LlDisconnectInd_t disconnectInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1469
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1145
uint8_t initPhys
Definition: ll_api.h:613
LlCisCisParams_t * pCisParam
Definition: ll_api.h:684
uint16_t maxIsoSduLen
Definition: ll_api.h:151
uint16_t pduSizeMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:694
BLE MAC system configuration.
void LlGetCisContextSize(uint8_t *pMaxCis, uint16_t *pCisCtxSize)
Get CIS context size.
uint8_t cisId
Definition: ll_api.h:663
void LlSetBdAddr(const uint8_t *pAddr)
Set Bluetooth device address.
uint64_t peerAddr
Definition: ll_api.h:1164
const uint8_t * pData
Definition: ll_api.h:1285
LlPerSyncTrsfRcvdInd_t perASyncTrsfRcvdInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1499
uint8_t LlCreateBigTest(LlCreateBigTest_t *pCreateBigTest)
Used by a broadcaster host to command is used to create one or more BISes of a BIG in the ISO test mo...
uint8_t LlRemoteConnParamReqReply(uint16_t handle, const LlConnSpec_t *pConnSpec)
Remote connection parameter request reply.
uint8_t LlSetLocalMinUsedChan(uint8_t phys, int8_t pwrThres, uint8_t minUsedCh)
Set local minimum number of used channels.
LlIsoEventCmplInd_t isoEvtCmplInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1510
#define LL_MAX_BIS
Definition: cfg_mac_ble.h:87
uint16_t scanInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:598
const uint8_t * pPeerAddr
Definition: ll_api.h:372
uint8_t bigHandle
Definition: ll_api.h:1383
uint8_t phySToM
Definition: ll_api.h:1322
int8_t advTxPwr
Definition: ll_api.h:374
uint8_t maxCis
Definition: ll_api.h:155
Scan parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:452
uint16_t scanWindow
Definition: ll_api.h:465
uint16_t advEventProp
Definition: ll_api.h:366
void LlPastInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for PAST(Periodic advertising sync transfer).
uint8_t LlSetHostFeatures(uint8_t bitNum, bool_t bitVal)
Set host feature.
void LlChannelSelection2Init(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for secure connections.
CIG test CIS parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:688
uint8_t maxScanReqRcvdEvt
Definition: ll_api.h:139
uint16_t maxRxTime
Definition: ll_api.h:1122
uint16_t connLatency
Definition: ll_api.h:997
LL runtime configuration parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:124
void LlScanMasterInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation as a scanning master.
uint8_t maxAdvSets
Definition: ll_api.h:132
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1428
uint16_t maxIsoPduLen
Definition: ll_api.h:152
uint8_t LlDisconnect(uint16_t handle, uint8_t reason)
Disconnect a connection.
uint8_t LlSetDataLen(uint16_t handle, uint16_t txLen, uint16_t txTime)
Set data length.
uint8_t LlTerminateBig(uint8_t bigHandle, uint8_t reason)
Used to terminate the transmission of all BISes of a BIG, or to cancel the process of creating a BIG ...
uint16_t scanInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:454
uint8_t LlRemoveDeviceFromWhitelist(uint8_t addrType, bdAddr_t pAddr)
Remove device from the white list.
uint16_t connIntervalMin
Definition: ll_api.h:626
uint16_t numRxTimeout
Definition: ll_api.h:875
uint8_t LlReadIsoLinkQual(uint16_t handle, LlIsoLinkQual_t *pStats)
Read ISO link Quality stats.
uint8_t LlClearWhitelist(void)
Clear all white list entries.
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1102
uint8_t encrypt
Definition: ll_api.h:807
uint8_t LlReadAuthPayloadTimeout(uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pTimeout)
Read authenticated payload timeout value.
uint8_t packing
Definition: ll_api.h:679
uint8_t LlPeriodicAdvSyncTransfer(uint16_t connHandle, uint16_t serviceData, uint16_t syncHandle)
Send sync info about periodic advertising to a connected device.
LlLtkReqNegReplyCnf_t ltkReqNegReplyCnf
Definition: ll_api.h:1477
LlCisEstInd_t cisEstInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1501
LlPowerReportInd_t powerRptInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1509
uint8_t numBis
Definition: ll_api.h:1358
uint16_t maxPduSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:1329
Advertising report indication.
Definition: ll_api.h:973
uint8_t LlSetPeriodicAdvParam(uint8_t handle, LlPerAdvParam_t *pPerAdvParam)
Set periodic advertising parameters.
uint16_t syncTimeOut
Definition: ll_api.h:498
LlPeerScaCnf_t peerScaCnf
Definition: ll_api.h:1508
uint16_t maxCeLen
Definition: ll_api.h:631
uint8_t LlReadRemoteVerInfo(uint16_t handle)
Read remote version information.
uint8_t scanReqNotifEna
Definition: ll_api.h:379
void LlPrivInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation with privacy.
CIG parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:673
uint8_t maxBis
Definition: ll_api.h:159
uint32_t sduIntervalSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:707
uint16_t isoInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:710
uint32_t transLatUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:1384
uint16_t handle
Definition: ll_api.h:1257
uint8_t LlSetupIsoDataPath(LlIsoSetupDataPath_t *pSetupDataPath)
Used to identify and enable the isochronous data path between the host and the controller for each co...
LlPerAdvSyncLostInd_t perAdvSyncLostInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1497
uint8_t LlSetPhyTxPowerLevel(uint16_t handle, int8_t level, uint8_t phy)
Set connection&#39;s TX power level for a PHY.
uint8_t LlCreateConn(const LlInitParam_t *pInitParam, const LlConnSpec_t *pConnSpec)
Create connection.
PHY update complete.
Definition: ll_api.h:1143
LlHwErrorInd_t hwErrorInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1465
uint32_t transLatUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:1350
bool_t stableModIdxRxSup
Definition: ll_api.h:166
uint8_t bnMToS
Definition: ll_api.h:1324
Periodic advertising parameters.
Definition: ll_api.h:391
uint32_t syncDelayUsec
Definition: ll_api.h:1349
BIG Create BIG Test message.
Definition: ll_api.h:782
uint8_t rteSToM
Definition: ll_api.h:669
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Definition: ll_api.h:1278
uint8_t irc
Definition: ll_api.h:1355
const uint8_t * pData
Definition: ll_api.h:1224
uint8_t LlAcceptCisReq(uint16_t cisHandle)
Used by the slave host to inform the controller to accept the request for the connected isochronous s...
uint8_t numRxBufs
Definition: ll_api.h:144
LlReadLocalP256PubKeyInd_t readLocalP256PubKeyInd
Definition: ll_api.h:1483
uint8_t LlGetIsoRxBufs(void)
Get the number of buffers in the LL ISO receive queue.
void LlCisSlaveInit(void)
Initialize LL subsystem for operation for slave connected isochronous stream.
uint16_t scanInterval
Definition: ll_api.h:619
uint8_t LlRemoveAdvSet(uint8_t handle)
Remove advertising set.
LlPerAdvEnableCnf_t perAdvEnableCnf