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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited and affiliates.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef TEST_UTILS_H
19 #define TEST_UTILS_H
21 #include <list>
23 // test function prototypes
24 typedef void (*TF1)(PinName p0);
25 typedef void (*TF2)(PinName p0, PinName p1);
26 typedef void (*TF3)(PinName p0, PinName p1, PinName p2);
27 typedef void (*TF4)(PinName p0, PinName p1, PinName p2, PinName p3);
28 typedef void (*TF5)(PinName p0, PinName p1, PinName p2, PinName p3, PinName p4);
30 template<typename PortType, typename FunctionType, FunctionType f>
33 };
35 template<typename PortType, TF1 f>
36 struct FunctionCaller<PortType, TF1, f> {
37  void operator()(PortType &port)
38  {
39  f(port.pins[0]);
40  }
41 };
43 template<typename PortType, TF2 f>
44 struct FunctionCaller<PortType, TF2, f> {
45  void operator()(PortType &port)
46  {
47  f(port.pins[0], port.pins[1]);
48  }
49 };
51 template<typename PortType, TF3 f>
52 struct FunctionCaller<PortType, TF3, f> {
53  void operator()(PortType &port)
54  {
55  f(port.pins[0], port.pins[1], port.pins[2]);
56  }
57 };
59 template<typename PortType, TF4 f>
60 struct FunctionCaller<PortType, TF4, f> {
61  void operator()(PortType &port)
62  {
63  f(port.pins[0], port.pins[1], port.pins[2], port.pins[3]);
64  }
65 };
67 template<typename PortType, TF5 f>
68 struct FunctionCaller<PortType, TF5, f> {
69  void operator()(PortType &port)
70  {
71  f(port.pins[0], port.pins[1], port.pins[2], port.pins[3], port.pins[4]);
72  }
73 };
75 template <typename PortType>
76 bool peripheral_comparator(const PortType &port1, const PortType &port2)
77 {
78  return port1.peripheral == port2.peripheral;
79 }
81 template <typename PortType>
82 bool peripheral_less(const PortType &port1, const PortType &port2)
83 {
84  return port1.peripheral < port2.peripheral;
85 }
87 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType>
88 static bool find_port_pins(PortType &port)
89 {
90  return pinmap_find_peripheral_pins(FormFactorType::pins(), FormFactorType::restricted_pins(),
91  port.peripheral, PortType::PinMap::maps, port.ppins, PortType::pin_count);
92 }
94 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType>
95 void find_ports(std::list<PortType> &matched_ports, std::list<PortType> &not_matched_ports)
96 {
97  // Loop through every pin type
98  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < PortType::pin_count; i++) {
99  const PinMap *map = PortType::PinMap::maps[i];
100  const char *pin_type = PortType::PinMap::pin_type_names[i];
102  // Loop through each pin of a given type
103  for (; map->pin != NC; map++) {
104  PortType port;
105  // Set pin being tested
106  port.pins[i] = map->pin;
107  port.peripheral = map->peripheral;
108  // Only form factor pins can be tested
109  if (!pinmap_list_has_pin(FormFactorType::pins(), port.pins[i])) {
110  continue;
111  }
112  // Don't test restricted pins
113  if (pinmap_list_has_pin(FormFactorType::restricted_pins(), port.pins[i])) {
114  utest_printf("Skipping %s pin %s (%i)\r\n", pin_type,
115  FormFactorType::pin_to_string(port.pins[i]), port.pins[i]);
116  continue;
117  }
118  // skipp pin searching if single pin port type
119  if (PortType::pin_count > 1) {
120  find_port_pins<PortType, FormFactorType>(port);
121  }
122  if (port.empty()) {
123  not_matched_ports.push_back(port);
124  } else {
125  matched_ports.push_back(port);
126  }
127  }
128  }
129 }
132 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType, typename FunctionType, FunctionType f>
133 void test_all_ports(std::list<PortType> &matched_ports, std::list<PortType> &not_matched_ports)
134 {
135  typedef typename std::list<PortType>::iterator Iter;
136  utest_printf("***Testing %s on all form factor ports***\n", PortType::PinMap::name);
137  const PinList *ff_pins = FormFactorType::pins();
140  if (matched_ports.empty() && not_matched_ports.empty()) {
141  utest_printf("Could not find pins for %s testing \n", PortType::PinMap::name);
142  return;
143  }
145  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ff_pins->count; i++) {
146  for (Iter it = matched_ports.begin(); it != matched_ports.end(); ++it) {
147  PortType &port = *it;
148  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < PortType::pin_count; j++) {
149  if (ff_pins->pins[i] == port.pins[j]) {
150  utest_printf("%3s - %s pin tested on port: %s...", FormFactorType::pin_to_string(ff_pins->pins[i]),
151  PortType::PinMap::pin_type_names[j], port.str());
152  if (port.status == PortType::StatusNotTested) {
153  call(port);
154  port.status = PortType::StatusPass;
155  }
156  utest_printf("%s\n", port.status == PortType::StatusPass ? "succeeded" : "failed");
157  goto end_port_iteration;
158  }
159  }
160  }
161  for (Iter it = not_matched_ports.begin(); it != not_matched_ports.end(); ++it) {
162  PortType &port = *it;
163  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < PortType::pin_count; j++) {
164  if (ff_pins->pins[i] == port.pins[j]) {
165  utest_printf("%3s - Could not find pins to test %s pin %s (%d)\n",
166  FormFactorType::pin_to_string(ff_pins->pins[i]),
167  PortType::PinMap::pin_type_names[j],
168  FormFactorType::pin_to_string(ff_pins->pins[i]),
169  ff_pins->pins[i]);
170  goto end_port_iteration;
171  }
172  }
173  }
174 end_port_iteration:
175  ;
176  }
177 }
179 template<typename PortType, typename FunctionType, FunctionType f>
180 void test_peripheral(PortType &port)
181 {
182  if (port.empty()) {
183  utest_printf("%d - Could not find pins to test peripheral\n", port.peripheral);
184  } else {
185  utest_printf("%d - peripheral tested on port: %s...", port.peripheral, port.str());
186  if (port.status == PortType::StatusNotTested) {
188  call(port); // run test
189  port.status = PortType::StatusPass;
190  }
191  utest_printf("%s\n", port.status == PortType::StatusPass ? "succeeded" : "failed");
192  }
193 }
195 template<typename PortType, typename FunctionType, FunctionType f>
196 void test_all_peripherals(std::list<PortType> &matched_ports, std::list<PortType> &not_matched_ports)
197 {
198  typedef typename std::list<PortType>::iterator Iter;
199  utest_printf("***Testing all %s peripherals***\n", PortType::PinMap::name);
201  if (matched_ports.empty() && not_matched_ports.empty()) {
202  utest_printf("Could not find pins for %s testing \n", PortType::PinMap::name);
203  return;
204  }
206  matched_ports.sort(peripheral_less<PortType>);
207  not_matched_ports.sort(peripheral_less<PortType>);
209  for (Iter m_it = matched_ports.begin(), nm_it = not_matched_ports.begin();
210  m_it != matched_ports.end() || nm_it != not_matched_ports.end();) {
211  if (m_it != matched_ports.end() && nm_it != not_matched_ports.end()) {
212  if ((*m_it).peripheral < (*nm_it).peripheral) {
213  test_peripheral<PortType, FunctionType, f>(*m_it);
214  ++m_it;
215  } else {
216  test_peripheral<PortType, FunctionType, f>(*nm_it);
217  ++nm_it;
218  }
219  } else if (m_it != matched_ports.end()) {
220  test_peripheral<PortType, FunctionType, f>(*m_it);
221  ++m_it;
222  } else if (nm_it != not_matched_ports.end()) {
223  test_peripheral<PortType, FunctionType, f>(*nm_it);
224  ++nm_it;
225  }
226  }
227 }
229 /**
230  * Test function for all pinouts of all peripherals of a given type
231  *
232  * This template function takes in three template parameters:
233  * - PortType - The type of peripheral to test
234  * - FormFactorType - The form factor to test on
235  * - f - The test function to run.
236  *
237  * This function calls the test function multiple times with
238  * the appropriate combinations of pins.
239  */
240 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType f>
241 void all_ports()
242 {
243  std::list<PortType> matched_ports, not_matched_ports;
244  find_ports<PortType, FormFactorType>(matched_ports, not_matched_ports);
245  matched_ports.unique();
246  not_matched_ports.unique();
247  test_all_ports<PortType, FormFactorType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType, f>(matched_ports, not_matched_ports);
248 }
250 /**
251  * Test function for one pinout of all peripherals of a given type
252  *
253  * This template function takes in three template parameters:
254  * - PortType - The type of peripheral to test
255  * - FormFactorType - The form factor to test on
256  * - f - The test function to run.
257  *
258  * This function calls the test function once for each peripheral
259  * of the given type.
260  */
261 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType f>
262 void all_peripherals()
263 {
264  std::list<PortType> matched_ports, not_matched_ports;
265  find_ports<PortType, FormFactorType>(matched_ports, not_matched_ports);
267  matched_ports.sort(peripheral_less<PortType>);
268  not_matched_ports.sort(peripheral_less<PortType>);
269  matched_ports.unique(peripheral_comparator<PortType>);
270  not_matched_ports.unique(peripheral_comparator<PortType>);
272  test_all_peripherals<PortType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType, f>(matched_ports, not_matched_ports);
273 }
275 /**
276  * Test function for one pinout of one peripheral of a given type
277  *
278  * This template function takes in three template parameters:
279  * - PortType - The type of peripheral to test
280  * - FormFactorType - The form factor to test on
281  * - f - The test function to run.
282  *
283  * This function calls the test function once for one peripheral
284  * of the given type.
285  */
286 template<typename PortType, typename FormFactorType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType f>
287 void one_peripheral()
288 {
289  std::list<PortType> matched_ports, not_matched_ports;
290  find_ports<PortType, FormFactorType>(matched_ports, not_matched_ports);
292  utest_printf("***Testing one %s pin configuration***\n", PortType::PinMap::name);
293  if (matched_ports.empty()) {
294  utest_printf("Could not find pins for %s testing \n", PortType::PinMap::name);
295  } else {
296  test_peripheral<PortType, typename PortType::TestFunctionType, f>(matched_ports.front());
297  }
298 }
300 template <uint32_t N, typename PinMapType, typename FormFactorType, typename TestFunctionType>
301 class Port;
303 template <uint32_t N, typename PinMapType, typename FormFactorType, typename TestFunctionType>
307 template <uint32_t N, typename PinMapType, typename FormFactorType, typename FunctionType>
308 class Port {
309 public:
310  int peripheral;
311  PinName pins[N];
312  PinName *ppins[N];
314  static const uint32_t pin_count = N;
315  typedef PinMapType PinMap;
316  typedef FunctionType TestFunctionType;
318  enum Status { StatusPass, StatusFail, StatusNotTested };
319  Status status;
321  Port(): peripheral(NC), status(StatusNotTested)
322  {
323  init_pins();
324  }
326  Port(const Port &port)
327  {
328  init_pins();
329  copy_from(port);
330  }
332  void init_pins()
333  {
334  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
335  pins[i] = NC;
336  ppins[i] = &pins[i];
337  }
338  }
340  void copy_from(const Port &port)
341  {
342  peripheral = port.peripheral;
343  status = port.status;
344  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
345  pins[i] = port.pins[i];
346  }
347  }
349  bool empty()
350  {
351  if (peripheral == NC) {
352  return true;
353  }
354  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
355  if (pins[i] == NC) {
356  return true;
357  }
358  }
359  return false;
360  }
362  const char *str()
363  {
364  static char port_str[128];
365  char pin_str[32];
366  sprintf(port_str, "peripheral=(%d) ", peripheral);
367  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
368  sprintf(pin_str, "%s=(%s) ", PinMap::pin_type_names[i], FormFactorType::pin_to_string(pins[i]));
369  strcat(port_str, pin_str);
370  }
371  return port_str;
372  }
375 };
377 template <uint32_t N, typename PinMapType, typename FormFactorType, typename FunctionType>
380 template <uint32_t N, typename PinMapType, typename FormFactorType, typename FunctionType>
382 {
383  if (port1.peripheral != port2.peripheral) {
384  return false;
385  }
386  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
387  if (port1.pins[i] != port2.pins[i]) {
388  return false;
389  }
390  }
391  return true;
392 }
394 /**
395  * This is a convenience class for use with the above templates
396  *
397  * This class can be passed as a template parameter to all_ports,
398  * all_peripherals or one_peripheral to choose test pins from
399  * the default form factor.
400  */
402 public:
403  static const PinList *pins()
404  {
405  return pinmap_ff_default_pins();
406  }
408  static const PinList *restricted_pins()
409  {
410  return pinmap_restricted_pins();
411  }
413  static const char *pin_to_string(PinName pin)
414  {
415  return pinmap_ff_default_pin_to_string(pin);
416  }
417 };
419 /*
420  * Peripheral port declarations are given below
421  *
422  * Each Port type represents a set of pins used by a peripheral.
423  * The Port typedef is used as a template parameter to the functions
424  * all_ports, all_peripherals and one_peripheral to select the peripheral
425  * pin set to use for testing.
426  */
428 #if DEVICE_SPI
429 #include "spi_api.h"
430 struct SPIMaps {
431  static const PinMap *maps[];
432  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
433  static const char *const name;
434 };
435 const PinMap *SPIMaps::maps[] = { spi_master_mosi_pinmap(), spi_master_miso_pinmap(), spi_master_clk_pinmap(), spi_master_cs_pinmap() };
436 const char *const SPIMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "MOSI", "MISO", "SCLK", "SSEL" };
437 const char *const SPIMaps::name = "SPI";
440 struct SPINoCSMaps {
441  static const PinMap *maps[];
442  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
443  static const char *const name;
444 };
445 const PinMap *SPINoCSMaps::maps[] = { spi_master_mosi_pinmap(), spi_master_miso_pinmap(), spi_master_clk_pinmap()};
446 const char *const SPINoCSMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "MOSI", "MISO", "SCLK" };
447 const char *const SPINoCSMaps::name = "SPI";
450 struct SPISlaveMaps {
451  static const PinMap *maps[];
452  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
453  static const char *const name;
454 };
455 const PinMap *SPISlaveMaps::maps[] = { spi_slave_mosi_pinmap(), spi_slave_miso_pinmap(), spi_slave_clk_pinmap(), spi_slave_cs_pinmap() };
456 const char *const SPISlaveMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "MOSI", "MISO", "SCLK", "SSEL" };
457 const char *const SPISlaveMaps::name = "SPISlave";
459 #endif
461 #if DEVICE_I2C
462 #include "i2c_api.h"
463 struct I2CMaps {
464  static const PinMap *maps[];
465  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
466  static const char *const name;
467 };
468 const PinMap *I2CMaps::maps[] = { i2c_master_sda_pinmap(), i2c_master_scl_pinmap() };
469 const char *const I2CMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "SDA", "SCL" };
470 const char *const I2CMaps::name = "I2C";
472 #endif
475 #include "pwmout_api.h"
476 struct PWMMaps {
477  static const PinMap *maps[];
478  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
479  static const char *const name;
480 };
481 const PinMap *PWMMaps::maps[] = { pwmout_pinmap() };
482 const char *const PWMMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "PWM_OUT" };
483 const char *const PWMMaps::name = "PWM";
485 #endif
488 #include "analogin_api.h"
489 struct AnaloginMaps {
490  static const PinMap *maps[];
491  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
492  static const char *const name;
493 };
494 const PinMap *AnaloginMaps::maps[] = { analogin_pinmap() };
495 const char *const AnaloginMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "ADC_IN" };
496 const char *const AnaloginMaps::name = "ADC";
498 #endif
501 #include "analogout_api.h"
503  static const PinMap *maps[];
504  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
505  static const char *const name;
506 };
507 const PinMap *AnalogoutMaps::maps[] = { analogout_pinmap() };
508 const char *const AnalogoutMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "DAC_OUT" };
509 const char *const AnalogoutMaps::name = "DAC";
511 #endif
514 struct UARTMaps {
515  static const PinMap *maps[];
516  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
517  static const char *const name;
518 };
519 const PinMap *UARTMaps::maps[] = { serial_tx_pinmap(), serial_rx_pinmap(), serial_cts_pinmap(), serial_rts_pinmap() };
520 const char *const UARTMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "TX", "RX", "CLS", "RTS" };
521 const char *const UARTMaps::name = "UART";
524 struct UARTNoFCMaps {
525  static const PinMap *maps[];
526  static const char *const pin_type_names[];
527  static const char *const name;
528 };
529 const PinMap *UARTNoFCMaps::maps[] = { serial_tx_pinmap(), serial_rx_pinmap() };
530 const char *const UARTNoFCMaps::pin_type_names[] = { "TX", "RX" };
531 const char *const UARTNoFCMaps::name = "UART-no-FC";
533 #endif
535 #endif
const PinMap * serial_tx_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial TX.
const PinMap * i2c_master_scl_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SCL.
This is a convenience class for use with the above templates.
Definition: test_utils.h:401
const PinMap * i2c_master_sda_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support I2C SDA.
const PinMap * spi_slave_mosi_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MOSI.
Definition: pinmap.h:36
bool pinmap_find_peripheral_pins(const PinList *whitelist, const PinList *blacklist, int per, const PinMap *const *maps, PinName **pins, uint32_t count)
Find a combination of pins suitable for use given the constraints.
const PinMap * spi_slave_clk_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CLK.
const PinMap * spi_slave_miso_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MISO.
const PinMap * serial_cts_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial CTS.
const PinMap * spi_master_clk_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CLK.
bool pinmap_list_has_pin(const PinList *list, PinName pin)
Check if the pin is in the list.
const PinMap * pwmout_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support PWM.
const PinMap * serial_rts_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial RTS.
const PinMap * spi_master_cs_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CS.
const PinMap * serial_rx_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support Serial RX.
const PinMap * spi_master_mosi_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MOSI.
void operator==(const SafeBool< T > &lhs, const SafeBool< U > &rhs)
Avoid conversion to bool between different classes.
Definition: SafeBool.h:130
Definition: pinmap.h:30
const PinList * pinmap_restricted_pins(void)
Get the pin list of pins to avoid during testing.
const PinMap * analogout_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support analogout.
const PinMap * spi_slave_cs_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CS.
const PinMap * analogin_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support analogin.
const PinMap * spi_master_miso_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MISO.
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