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2 /** \addtogroup hal */
3 /** @{*/
4 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
5  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
6  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7  *
8  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11  *
12  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13  *
14  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18  * limitations under the License.
19  */
20 #ifndef MBED_SPI_API_H
21 #define MBED_SPI_API_H
23 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include <stdbool.h>
26 #include "PeripheralNames.h"
27 #include "PinNames.h"
29 #include "pinmap.h"
31 #include "hal/dma_api.h"
32 #include "hal/buffer.h"
36 #ifdef __cplusplus
37 extern "C" {
38 #endif
40 /**
41  * \defgroup hal_spi Serial Peripheral Interface
42  * ## Behaviours
43  * ### Defined Behaviours
44  *
45  * - `spi_get_module()` returns the `SPIName` unique identifier to the peripheral associated to this SPI channel - Verified by ::spi_test_get_module()
46  * - `spi_get_capabilities()` fills the given `spi_capabilities_t` instance - Verified by ::spi_test_get_capabilities()
47  * - `spi_get_capabilities()` should consider the `ssel` pin when evaluation the `support_slave_mode` capability
48  * If the given `ssel` pin cannot be managed by hardware in slave mode, `support_slave_mode` should be false - Verified by ::spi_test_get_capabilities() and ::fpga_spi_test_capabilities_ssel()
49  * - At least a symbol width of 8bit must be supported - Verified by ::spi_test_get_capabilities()
50  * - The supported frequency range must include the range [0.2..2] MHz - Verified by ::spi_test_get_capabilities()
51  * - The shortest part of the duty cycle must not be shorter than 50% of the expected period - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_freq()
52  * - `spi_init()` initializes the pins leaving the configuration registers unchanged - Not testable.
53  * - `spi_init()` if `is_slave` is false:
54  * - if `ssel` is `NC` the hal implementation ignores this pin - Verified by ::spi_test_init_free(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_init_free() and ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
55  * - if `ssel` is not `NC` then the hal implementation owns the pin and its management - Verified by ::spi_test_init_free(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_init_free() and ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
56  * - When managed by the hal implementation, `ssel` is always considered active low - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
57  * - When managed by the hal implementation, ssel must be asserted for the whole duration of the spi transmission - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
58  * - When managed by the hal implementation, the delay from the chip select assert to the first clock edge must be at least half spi clock period - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
59  * - When managed by the hal implementation, the delay from the last clock edge to the chip select de-assert to must be at least half spi clock period - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
60  * - If hardware can not handle all ssel related requirements, then device capabilities should indicate that ssel cannot be managed by hardware - Not testable
61  * - When the hardware supports the half-duplex (3-wire) mode, if `miso` (exclusive) or `mosi` is missing in any function that expects pins, the bus is assumed to be half-duplex - Verified by ::spi_test_init_free(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
62  * - `spi_free()` resets the pins to their default state - Verified by ::spi_test_init_free(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_init_free() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_init_free()
63  * - `spi_free()` disables the peripheral clock - Not testable
64  * - `spi_format()` sets:
65  * - the number of bits per symbol - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
66  * - the mode :
67  * 0. Clock idle state is *low*, data are sampled when the clock becomes *active* (polarity = 0, phase = 0) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
68  * 1. Clock idle state is *low*, data are sampled when the clock becomes *inactive* (polarity = 0, phase = 1) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
69  * 2. Clock idle state is *high*, data are sampled when the clock becomes *active* (polarity = 1, phase = 0) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
70  * 3. Clock idle state is *high*, data are sampled when the clock becomes *inactive* (polarity = 1, phase = 1) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
71  * - the bit ordering (lsb/msb first) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
72  * - `spi_format()` updates the configuration of the peripheral except the baud rate generator - Verified by ::spi_test_set_format(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
73  * - `spi_frequency()` sets the frequency to use during the transfer - Verified by ::spi_test_set_frequency(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
74  * - `spi_frequency()` returns the actual frequency that will be used - Verified by ::spi_test_set_frequency() and ::fpga_spi_master_test_freq()
75  * - `spi_frequency()` updates the baud rate generator leaving other configurations unchanged - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common()
76  * - `spi_transfer()` :
77  * - writes `tx_len` symbols to the bus - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
78  * - reads `rx_len` symbols from the bus - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
79  * - if `rx` is NULL then inputs are discarded - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
80  * - if `tx` is NULL then `fill_symbol` is used instead - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
81  * - returns the number of symbol clocked on the bus during this transfer - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_fill_sym(), ::spi_test_transfer_master(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
82  * - expects symbols types to be the closest stdint type bigger or equal to its size following the platform's endianness.
83  * e.g.:
84  * - 7bits => uint8_t - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
85  * - 15bits => uint16_t - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
86  * - 16bits => uint16_t - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
87  * - 17bits => uint32_t - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
88  * - In Full-duplex mode :
89  * - if `rx_len` > `tx_len` then it sends `(rx_len-tx_len)` additional `fill_symbol` to the bus - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
90  * - In Half-duplex mode :
91  * - as master, `spi_transfer()` sends `tx_len` symbols and then reads `rx_len` symbols - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
92  * - as slave, `spi_transfer()` receives `rx_len` symbols and then sends `tx_len` symbols - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
93  * - `spi_transter_async()` schedules a transfer to be process the same way `spi_transfer()` would have but asynchronously with the following exceptions: - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
94  * - in async mode only transfers of the same size are allowed (tx size must be equal to rx size)
95  * - async mode only supports full-duplex mode
96  * - `spi_transter_async()` returns immediately with a boolean indicating whether the transfer was successfully scheduled or not - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
97  * - The callback given to `spi_transfer_async()` is invoked when the transfer completes (with a success or an error) - Verified by ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
98  * - `spi_transfer_async()` saves the handler and the `ctx` pointer - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
99  * - The `ctx` is passed to the callback on transfer completion - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
100  * - Unless if the transfer is aborted, the callback is invoked on completion. The completion maybe when all symbols have been transmitted
101  * or when in slave mode the master de-asserts the chip select - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
102  * - The `spi_transfer_async()` function may use the `DMAUsage` hint to select the appropriate async algorithm - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async()
103  * - The `spi_async_event_t` must be filled with the number of symbol clocked on the bus during this transfer and a boolean value indicated if an error has occurred - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async(), ::fpga_spi_master_test_common() and ::fpga_spi_slave_test_common()
104  * - `spi_transfer_async_abort()` aborts an on-going async transfer - Verified by ::spi_test_transfer_master_async_abort()
105  *
106  * ### Undefined Behaviours
107  * - Calling `spi_init()` multiple times on the same `spi_t` without `spi_free()`'ing it first.
108  * - Calling any method other than `spi_init()` on a non-initialized or freed `spi_t`.
109  * - Passing both `miso` and `mosi` as `NC` to `spi_get_module` or `spi_init`.
110  * - Passing `miso` or `mosi` as `NC` on target that does not support half-duplex mode.
111  * - Passing `mclk` as `NC` to `spi_get_module` or `spi_init`.
112  * - Passing an invalid pointer as `cap` to `spi_get_capabilities`.
113  * - Passing pins that cannot be on the same peripheral.
114  * - Passing an invalid pointer as `obj` to any method.
115  * - Giving a `ssel` pin to `spi_init()` when using in master mode.
116  * SS must be managed by hardware in slave mode and must **NOT** be managed by hardware in master mode.
117  * - Setting a frequency outside of the range given by `spi_get_capabilities()`.
118  * - Setting a frequency in slave mode.
119  * - Setting `bits` in `spi_format` to a value out of the range given by `spi_get_capabilities()`.
120  * - Passing an invalid pointer as `fill_symbol` to `spi_transfer` and `spi_transfer_async` while they would be required by the transfer (`rx_len != tx_len` or `tx==NULL`).
121  * - Passing an invalid pointer as `handler` to `spi_transfer_async`.
122  * - Calling `spi_transfer_async_abort()` while no async transfer is being processed (no transfer or a synchronous transfer).
123  * - In half-duplex mode, any mechanism (if any is present) to detect or prevent collision is implementation defined.
124  * - Initiating any transfer after `spi_init()` but before both the frequency and format have been set with `spi_frequency()` and `spi_format()`
125  */
127 /**
128  * \defgroup hal_spi_tests spi hal tests
129  * The SPI tests to check the implementation against the defined behavior.
130  *
131  * To run the spi hal tests use the command:
132  *
133  * mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n tests-mbed_hal-spi, tests-mbed_hal_fpga_ci_test_shield-spi*
134  *
135  */
137 typedef struct spi_s spi_t;
139 /**
140  * Describes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals
141  */
142 typedef struct {
143  /** Minimum frequency supported must be set by target device and it will be assessed during
144  * testing.
145  */
147  /** Maximum frequency supported must be set by target device and it will be assessed during
148  * testing.
149  */
151  /** Each bit represents the corresponding word length. lsb => 1bit, msb => 32bit. */
152  uint32_t word_length;
153  uint16_t slave_delay_between_symbols_ns; /**< specifies required number of ns between transmission of successive symbols in slave mode. */
154  uint8_t clk_modes; /**< specifies supported modes from spi_mode_t. Each bit represents the corresponding mode. */
155  uint8_t bit_order; /**< specifies supported bit order from spi_bit_ordering_t. Each bit represents the corresponding bit order. */
156  bool support_slave_mode; /**< If true, the device can handle SPI slave mode using hardware management on the specified ssel pin. */
157  bool half_duplex; /**< If true, the device also supports SPI transmissions using only 3 wires. */
158  bool hw_cs_handle; /**< If true, in SPI master mode Chip Select can be handled by hardware. */
159  bool async_mode; /**< If true, in async mode is supported. */
163 /**
164  * SPI modes.
165  */
166 typedef enum _spi_mode_t {
171 } spi_mode_t;
173 /**
174  * SPI bit ordering.
175  */
176 typedef enum _spi_bit_ordering_t {
181 /**
182  * Event data reported to interrupt's callback.
183  */
184 typedef struct _spi_async_event_t {
185  uint32_t transfered;
186  bool error;
189 /**
190  * Interrupt callback signature.
191  */
192 typedef void (*spi_async_handler_f)(spi_t *obj, void *ctx, spi_async_event_t *event);
194 /**
195  * Returns a variant of the SPIName enum uniquely identifying a SPI peripheral of the device.
196  */
197 SPIName spi_get_module(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName mclk);
199 /**
200  * Fills the given spi_capabilities_t structure with the capabilities of the given peripheral.
201  */
202 void spi_get_capabilities(SPIName name, PinName ssel, bool slave, spi_capabilities_t *cap);
204 /**
205  * Initialized a spi peripheral.
206  *
207  * @param obj SPI peripheral.
208  * @param is_slave True if the peripheral is used as a slave.
209  * @param mosi Master Out Slave In pin.
210  * @param miso Master In Slave Out pin.
211  * @param mclk Clock pin.
212  * @param ssel Slave Select pin.
213  */
214 void spi_init(spi_t *obj, bool is_slave, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName mclk, PinName ssel);
215 /**
216  * Configure the format to be used by the SPI peripheral.
217  *
218  * @param obj SPI peripheral.
219  * @param bits Number of bits per symbol.
220  * @param mode SPI mode to use.
221  * @param bit_ordering SPI bit ordering.
222  */
223 void spi_format(spi_t *obj, uint8_t bits, spi_mode_t mode, spi_bit_ordering_t bit_ordering);
224 /**
225  * Set the frequency target.
226  * This function tries to acheive the closest frequency possible prefering a value lower than the target.
227  *
228  * @param obj SPI peripheral.
229  * @param hz Target frequency in herz.
230  */
231 uint32_t spi_frequency(spi_t *obj, uint32_t hz);
232 /**
233  * Transfer data blocking until the end of the operation.
234  *
235  * @param obj SPI periheral.
236  * @param tx Buffer so send.
237  * @param tx_len Number of symbol in tx.
238  * @param rx Buffer to store received symbols.
239  * @param rx_len Number of symbol to store in rx.
240  * @param fill_symbol Symbol to send if tx_len is less than rx_len.
241  */
242 uint32_t spi_transfer(spi_t *obj, const void *tx, uint32_t tx_len, void *rx, uint32_t rx_len, const void *fill_symbol);
244 /** Get the pins that support SPI MOSI
245  *
246  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI MOSI in
247  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
248  *
249  * @return PinMap array
250  */
251 const PinMap *spi_master_mosi_pinmap(void);
253 /** Get the pins that support SPI MISO
254  *
255  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI MISO in
256  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
257  *
258  * @return PinMap array
259  */
260 const PinMap *spi_master_miso_pinmap(void);
262 /** Get the pins that support SPI CLK
263  *
264  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI CLK in
265  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
266  *
267  * @return PinMap array
268  */
269 const PinMap *spi_master_clk_pinmap(void);
271 /** Get the pins that support SPI CS
272  *
273  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI CS in
274  * master mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
275  *
276  * @return PinMap array
277  */
278 const PinMap *spi_master_cs_pinmap(void);
280 /** Get the pins that support SPI MOSI
281  *
282  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI MOSI in
283  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
284  *
285  * @return PinMap array
286  */
287 const PinMap *spi_slave_mosi_pinmap(void);
289 /** Get the pins that support SPI MISO
290  *
291  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI MISO in
292  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
293  *
294  * @return PinMap array
295  */
296 const PinMap *spi_slave_miso_pinmap(void);
298 /** Get the pins that support SPI CLK
299  *
300  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI CLK in
301  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
302  *
303  * @return PinMap array
304  */
305 const PinMap *spi_slave_clk_pinmap(void);
307 /** Get the pins that support SPI CS
308  *
309  * Return a PinMap array of pins that support SPI CS in
310  * slave mode. The array is terminated with {NC, NC, 0}.
311  *
312  * @return PinMap array
313  */
314 const PinMap *spi_slave_cs_pinmap(void);
317 /**
318  * \defgroup AsynchSPI Asynchronous SPI Hardware Abstraction Layer
319  * @{
320  */
322 /**
323  * Transfer data returning immediately.
324  *
325  * @param obj SPI periheral.
326  * @param tx Buffer so send.
327  * @param tx_len Number of symbol in tx.
328  * @param rx Buffer to store received symbols.
329  * @param rx_len Number of symbol to store in rx.
330  * @param fill_symbol Symbol to send if tx_len is less than rx_len.
331  * @param handler Callback to invoke at the end of the operation.
332  * @param ctx Argument passed to the callback.
333  * @param hint Hint to help determine the DMA allocation strategy.
334  */
335 bool spi_transfer_async(spi_t *obj, const void *tx, uint32_t tx_len, void *rx, uint32_t rx_len, const void *fill_symbol, spi_async_handler_f handler, void *ctx, DMAUsage hint);
336 /**
337  * Abort the current asynchronous operation.
338  */
339 void spi_transfer_async_abort(spi_t *obj);
340 #endif // DEVICE_SPI_ASYNCH
342 /**@}*/
344 void spi_free(spi_t *obj);
346 #ifdef __cplusplus
347 }
348 #endif // __cplusplus
350 #endif // SPI_DEVICE
352 #endif // MBED_SPI_API_H
354 /** @}*/
void spi_init(spi_t *obj, bool is_slave, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName mclk, PinName ssel)
Initialized a spi peripheral.
bool hw_cs_handle
If true, in SPI master mode Chip Select can be handled by hardware.
Definition: spi_api.h:158
MBED_NORETURN void error(const char *format,...) MBED_PRINTF(1
To generate a fatal compile-time error, you can use the pre-processor error directive.
const PinMap * spi_slave_mosi_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MOSI.
bool support_slave_mode
If true, the device can handle SPI slave mode using hardware management on the specified ssel pin...
Definition: spi_api.h:156
const PinMap * spi_slave_clk_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CLK.
struct _spi_async_event_t spi_async_event_t
Event data reported to interrupt&#39;s callback.
uint32_t minimum_frequency
Minimum frequency supported must be set by target device and it will be assessed during testing...
Definition: spi_api.h:146
SPI bit ordering.
Definition: spi_api.h:176
void(* spi_async_handler_f)(spi_t *obj, void *ctx, spi_async_event_t *event)
Interrupt callback signature.
Definition: spi_api.h:192
const PinMap * spi_slave_miso_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MISO.
Event data reported to interrupt&#39;s callback.
Definition: spi_api.h:184
uint32_t maximum_frequency
Maximum frequency supported must be set by target device and it will be assessed during testing...
Definition: spi_api.h:150
uint8_t clk_modes
specifies supported modes from spi_mode_t.
Definition: spi_api.h:154
const PinMap * spi_master_clk_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CLK.
void spi_transfer_async_abort(spi_t *obj)
Abort the current asynchronous operation.
uint8_t bit_order
specifies supported bit order from spi_bit_ordering_t.
Definition: spi_api.h:155
SPIName spi_get_module(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName mclk)
Returns a variant of the SPIName enum uniquely identifying a SPI peripheral of the device...
void spi_get_capabilities(SPIName name, PinName ssel, bool slave, spi_capabilities_t *cap)
Fills the given spi_capabilities_t structure with the capabilities of the given peripheral.
Describes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals.
Definition: spi_api.h:142
bool async_mode
If true, in async mode is supported.
Definition: spi_api.h:159
enum _spi_mode_t spi_mode_t
SPI modes.
uint32_t spi_frequency(spi_t *obj, uint32_t hz)
Set the frequency target.
enum _spi_bit_ordering_t spi_bit_ordering_t
SPI bit ordering.
uint16_t slave_delay_between_symbols_ns
specifies required number of ns between transmission of successive symbols in slave mode...
Definition: spi_api.h:153
bool spi_transfer_async(spi_t *obj, const void *tx, uint32_t tx_len, void *rx, uint32_t rx_len, const void *fill_symbol, spi_async_handler_f handler, void *ctx, DMAUsage hint)
Transfer data returning immediately.
void spi_format(spi_t *obj, uint8_t bits, spi_mode_t mode, spi_bit_ordering_t bit_ordering)
Configure the format to be used by the SPI peripheral.
const PinMap * spi_master_cs_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CS.
const PinMap * spi_master_mosi_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MOSI.
Definition: pinmap.h:30
uint32_t spi_transfer(spi_t *obj, const void *tx, uint32_t tx_len, void *rx, uint32_t rx_len, const void *fill_symbol)
Transfer data blocking until the end of the operation.
bool half_duplex
If true, the device also supports SPI transmissions using only 3 wires.
Definition: spi_api.h:157
const PinMap * spi_slave_cs_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI CS.
SPI modes.
Definition: spi_api.h:166
uint32_t word_length
Each bit represents the corresponding word length.
Definition: spi_api.h:152
const PinMap * spi_master_miso_pinmap(void)
Get the pins that support SPI MISO.
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