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1 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
2  * Copyright (c) 2018-2018 ARM Limited
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <stddef.h>
23 #include <stdint.h>
25 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
27 namespace mbed {
29 /** \addtogroup platform */
30 /** @{*/
31 /**
32  * \defgroup platform_Span Span class
33  * @{
34  */
36 // Internal details of Span
37 // It is used construct Span from Span of convertible types (non const -> const)
38 namespace span_detail {
40 // If From type is convertible to To type, then the compilation constant value is
41 // true; otherwise, it is false.
42 template<typename From, typename To>
44  struct true_type {
45  char x[512];
46  };
47  struct false_type { };
49  static const From &generator();
50  static true_type sink(const To &);
51  static false_type sink(...);
53 public:
54  static const bool value = sizeof(true_type) == sizeof(sink(generator()));
55 };
57 }
59 #if defined(DOXYGEN_ONLY)
60 /**
61  * Special value for the Extent parameter of Span.
62  * If the type uses this value, then the size of the array is stored in the object
63  * at runtime.
64  *
65  * @relates Span
66  */
67 const ptrdiff_t SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT = -1;
68 #else
70 #endif
72 /**
73  * Nonowning view to a sequence of contiguous elements.
74  *
75  * Spans encapsulate a pointer to a sequence of contiguous elements and its size
76  * into a single object. Span can replace the traditional pair of pointer and
77  * size arguments passed as array definitions in function calls.
78  *
79  * @par Operations
80  *
81  * Span objects can be copied and assigned like regular value types with the help
82  * of the copy constructor or the copy assignment (=) operator.
83  *
84  * You can retrieve elements of the object with the subscript ([]) operator. You can access the
85  * pointer to the first element of the sequence viewed with data().
86  * The function size() returns the number of elements in the sequence, and
87  * empty() informs whether there is any element in the sequence.
88  *
89  * You can slice Span from the beginning of the sequence (first()), from the end
90  * of the sequence (last()) or from an arbitrary point of the sequence (subspan()).
91  *
92  * @par Size encoding
93  *
94  * The size of the sequence can be encoded in the type itself or in the value of
95  * the instance with the help of the template parameter Extent:
96  *
97  * - Span<uint8_t, 6>: Span over a sequence of 6 elements.
98  * - Span<uint8_t>: Span over an arbitrary long sequence.
99  *
100  * When the size is encoded in the type itself, it is guaranteed that the Span
101  * view is a valid sequence (not empty() and not NULL) - unless Extent equals 0.
102  * The type system also prevents automatic conversion from Span of different
103  * sizes. Finally, the Span object is internally represented as a single pointer.
104  *
105  * When the size of the sequence viewed is encoded in the Span value, Span
106  * instances can view an empty sequence. The function empty() helps client code
107  * decide whether Span is viewing valid content or not.
108  *
109  * @par Example
110  *
111  * - Encoding fixed size array: Array values in parameter decays automatically
112  * to pointer, which leaves room for subtitle bugs:
113  *
114  * @code
115  typedef uint8_t mac_address_t[6];
116  void process_mac(mac_address_t);
118  // compile just fine
119  uint8_t *invalid_value = NULL;
120  process_mac(invalid_value);
123  // correct way
124  typedef Span<uint8_t, 6> mac_address_t;
125  void process_mac(mac_address_t);
127  // compilation error
128  uint8_t *invalid_value = NULL;
129  process_mac(invalid_value);
131  // compilation ok
132  uint8_t valid_value[6];
133  process_mac(valid_value);
134  * @endcode
135  *
136  * - Arbitrary buffer: When dealing with multiple buffers, it becomes painful to
137  * keep track of every buffer size and pointer.
138  *
139  * @code
140  const uint8_t options_tag[OPTIONS_TAG_SIZE];
142  struct parsed_value_t {
143  uint8_t *header;
144  uint8_t *options;
145  uint8_t *payload;
146  size_t payload_size;
147  }
149  parsed_value_t parse(uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
150  {
151  parsed_value_t parsed_value { 0 };
153  if (buffer != NULL && buffer_size <= MINIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {
154  return parsed_value;
155  }
157  parsed_value.header = buffer;
158  parsed_value.header_size = BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE;
160  if (memcmp(buffer + HEADER_OPTIONS_INDEX, options_tag, sizeof(options_tag)) == 0) {
161  options = buffer + BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE;
162  payload = buffer + BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE + OPTIONS_SIZE;
163  payload_size = buffer_size - BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE + OPTIONS_SIZE;
164  } else {
165  payload = buffer + BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE;
166  payload_size = buffer_size - BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE;
167  }
169  return parsed_value;
170  }
173  //with Span
174  struct parsed_value_t {
175  Span<uint8_t> header;
176  Span<uint8_t> options;
177  Span<uint8_t> payload;
178  }
180  parsed_value_t parse(const Span<uint8_t> &buffer)
181  {
182  parsed_value_t parsed_value;
184  if (buffer.size() <= MINIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {
185  return parsed_value;
186  }
188  parsed_value.header = buffer.first(BUFFER_HEADER_SIZE);
190  if (buffer.subspan<HEADER_OPTIONS_INDEX, sizeof(options_tag)>() == option_tag) {
191  options = buffer.supspan(parsed_value.header.size(), OPTIONS_SIZE);
192  }
194  payload = buffer.subspan(parsed_value.header.size() + parsed_value.options.size());
196  return parsed_value;
197  }
198  * @endcode
199  *
200  * @note You can create Span instances with the help of the function template
201  * make_Span() and make_const_Span().
202  *
203  * @note Span<T, Extent> objects can be implicitly converted to Span<T> objects
204  * where required.
205  *
206  * @tparam ElementType type of objects the Span views.
207  *
208  * @tparam Extent The size of the contiguous sequence viewed. The default value
209  * SPAN_DYNAMIC_SIZE is special because it allows construction of Span objects of
210  * any size (set at runtime).
211  */
212 template<typename ElementType, ptrdiff_t Extent = SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT>
213 struct Span {
215  /**
216  * Type of the element contained
217  */
218  typedef ElementType element_type;
220  /**
221  * Type of the index.
222  */
223  typedef ptrdiff_t index_type;
225  /**
226  * Pointer to an ElementType
227  */
228  typedef element_type *pointer;
230  /**
231  * Reference to an ElementType
232  */
233  typedef element_type &reference;
235  /**
236  * Size of the Extent; -1 if dynamic.
237  */
238  static const index_type extent = Extent;
240  MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(Extent >= 0, "Invalid extent for a Span");
242  /**
243  * Construct an empty Span.
244  *
245  * @post a call to size() returns 0, and data() returns NULL.
246  *
247  * @note This function is not accessible if Extent != SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT or
248  * Extent != 0 .
249  */
250  Span() :
251  _data(NULL)
252  {
254  Extent == 0,
255  "Cannot default construct a static-extent Span (unless Extent is 0)"
256  );
257  }
259  /**
260  * Construct a Span from a pointer to a buffer and its size.
261  *
262  * @param ptr Pointer to the beginning of the data viewed.
263  *
264  * @param count Number of elements viewed.
265  *
266  * @pre [ptr, ptr + count) must be be a valid range.
267  * @pre count must be equal to Extent.
268  *
269  * @post a call to size() returns Extent, and data() returns @p ptr.
270  */
271  Span(pointer ptr, index_type count) :
272  _data(ptr)
273  {
274  MBED_ASSERT(count == Extent);
275  MBED_ASSERT(Extent == 0 || ptr != NULL);
276  }
278  /**
279  * Construct a Span from the range [first, last).
280  *
281  * @param first Pointer to the beginning of the data viewed.
282  * @param last End of the range (element after the last element).
283  *
284  * @pre [first, last) must be be a valid range.
285  * @pre first <= last.
286  * @pre last - first must be equal to Extent.
287  *
288  * @post a call to size() returns Extent, and data() returns @p first.
289  */
290  Span(pointer first, pointer last) :
291  _data(first)
292  {
293  MBED_ASSERT(first <= last);
294  MBED_ASSERT((last - first) == Extent);
295  MBED_ASSERT(Extent == 0 || first != NULL);
296  }
298  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
299  // *INDENT-OFF*
300  /**
301  * Construct a Span from the reference to an array.
302  *
303  * @param elements Reference to the array viewed.
304  *
305  * @post a call to size() returns Extent, and data() returns a
306  * pointer to elements.
307  */
308  Span(element_type (&elements)[Extent]):
309  _data(elements) { }
311  /**
312  * Construct a Span object from another Span of the same size.
313  *
314  * @param other The Span object used to construct this.
315  *
316  * @note For Span with a positive extent, this function is not accessible.
317  *
318  * @note OtherElementType(*)[] must be convertible to ElementType(*)[].
319  */
320  template<typename OtherElementType>
322  _data(other.data())
323  {
325  (span_detail::is_convertible<OtherElementType (*)[1], ElementType (*)[1]>::value),
326  "OtherElementType(*)[] should be convertible to ElementType (*)[]"
327  );
328  }
329  // *INDENT-ON*
331  /**
332  * Return the size of the sequence viewed.
333  *
334  * @return The size of the sequence viewed.
335  */
336  index_type size() const
337  {
338  return Extent;
339  }
341  /**
342  * Return if the sequence is empty or not.
343  *
344  * @return true if the sequence is empty and false otherwise.
345  */
346  bool empty() const
347  {
348  return size() == 0;
349  }
351  /**
352  * Returns a reference to the element at position @p index.
353  *
354  * @param index Index of the element to access.
355  *
356  * @return A reference to the element at the index specified in input.
357  *
358  * @pre 0 <= index < Extent.
359  */
360  reference operator[](index_type index) const
361  {
362 #ifdef MBED_DEBUG
363  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= index && index < Extent);
364 #endif
365  return _data[index];
366  }
368  /**
369  * Return a pointer to the first element of the sequence or NULL if the Span
370  * is empty().
371  *
372  * @return The pointer to the first element of the Span.
373  */
374  pointer data() const
375  {
376  return _data;
377  }
379  /**
380  * Create a new Span over the first @p Count elements of the existing view.
381  *
382  * @tparam Count The number of element viewed by the new Span
383  *
384  * @return A new Span over the first @p Count elements.
385  *
386  * @pre Count >= 0 && Count <= size().
387  */
388  template<ptrdiff_t Count>
390  {
392  (0 <= Count) && (Count <= Extent),
393  "Invalid subspan extent"
394  );
395  return Span<element_type, Count>(_data, Count);
396  }
398  /**
399  * Create a new Span over the last @p Count elements of the existing view.
400  *
401  * @tparam Count The number of element viewed by the new Span.
402  *
403  * @return A new Span over the last @p Count elements.
404  *
405  * @pre Count >= 0 && Count <= size().
406  */
407  template<ptrdiff_t Count>
409  {
411  (0 <= Count) && (Count <= Extent),
412  "Invalid subspan extent"
413  );
414  return Span<element_type, Count>(_data + (Extent - Count), Count);
415  }
417  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
418  // *INDENT-OFF*
419  /**
420  * Create a subspan that is a view of other Count elements; the view starts at
421  * element Offset.
422  *
423  * @tparam Offset The offset of the first element viewed by the subspan.
424  *
425  * @tparam Count The number of elements present in the subspan. If Count
426  * is equal to SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT, then a Span starting at offset and
427  * containing the rest of the elements is returned.
428  *
429  * @return A subspan of this starting at Offset and Count long.
430  */
431  template<std::ptrdiff_t Offset, std::ptrdiff_t Count>
432  Span<element_type, Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? Extent - Offset : Count>
433  subspan() const
434  {
436  0 <= Offset && Offset <= Extent,
437  "Invalid subspan offset"
438  );
440  (Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) ||
441  (0 <= Count && (Count + Offset) <= Extent),
442  "Invalid subspan count"
443  );
444  return Span<element_type, Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? Extent - Offset : Count>(
445  _data + Offset,
446  Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? Extent - Offset : Count
447  );
448  }
449  // *INDENT-ON*
451  /**
452  * Create a new Span over the first @p count elements of the existing view.
453  *
454  * @param count The number of element viewed by the new Span.
455  *
456  * @return A new Span over the first @p count elements.
457  */
459  {
460  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= count && count <= Extent);
461  return Span<element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT>(_data, count);
462  }
464  /**
465  * Create a new Span over the last @p count elements of the existing view.
466  *
467  * @param count The number of elements viewed by the new Span.
468  *
469  * @return A new Span over the last @p count elements.
470  */
472  {
473  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= count && count <= Extent);
475  _data + (Extent - count),
476  count
477  );
478  }
480  /**
481  * Create a subspan that is a view of other count elements; the view starts at
482  * element offset.
483  *
484  * @param offset The offset of the first element viewed by the subspan.
485  *
486  * @param count The number of elements present in the subspan. If Count
487  * is equal to SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT, then a span starting at offset and
488  * containing the rest of the elements is returned.
489  *
490  * @return
491  */
493  index_type offset, index_type count = SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT
494  ) const
495  {
496  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= offset && offset <= Extent);
498  (count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) ||
499  (0 <= count && (count + offset) <= Extent)
500  );
502  _data + offset,
503  count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? Extent - offset : count
504  );
505  }
507 private:
508  pointer _data;
509 };
511 /**
512  * Span specialization that handle dynamic size.
513  */
514 template<typename ElementType>
515 struct Span<ElementType, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT> {
516  /**
517  * Type of the element contained.
518  */
519  typedef ElementType element_type;
521  /**
522  * Type of the index.
523  */
524  typedef ptrdiff_t index_type;
526  /**
527  * Pointer to an ElementType.
528  */
529  typedef element_type *pointer;
531  /**
532  * Reference to an ElementType.
533  */
534  typedef element_type &reference;
536  /**
537  * Size of the Extent; -1 if dynamic.
538  */
539  static const index_type extent = SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT;
541  /**
542  * Construct an empty Span.
543  *
544  * @post a call to size() returns 0, and data() returns NULL.
545  *
546  * @note This function is not accessible if Extent != SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT or
547  * Extent != 0 .
548  */
549  Span() :
550  _data(NULL), _size(0) { }
552  /**
553  * Construct a Span from a pointer to a buffer and its size.
554  *
555  * @param ptr Pointer to the beginning of the data viewed.
556  *
557  * @param count Number of elements viewed.
558  *
559  * @pre [ptr, ptr + count) must be be a valid range.
560  * @pre count must be equal to extent.
561  *
562  * @post a call to size() returns count, and data() returns @p ptr.
563  */
564  Span(pointer ptr, index_type count) :
565  _data(ptr), _size(count)
566  {
567  MBED_ASSERT(count >= 0);
568  MBED_ASSERT(ptr != NULL || count == 0);
569  }
571  /**
572  * Construct a Span from the range [first, last).
573  *
574  * @param first Pointer to the beginning of the data viewed.
575  * @param last End of the range (element after the last element).
576  *
577  * @pre [first, last) must be be a valid range.
578  * @pre first <= last.
579  *
580  * @post a call to size() returns the result of (last - first), and
581  * data() returns @p first.
582  */
583  Span(pointer first, pointer last) :
584  _data(first), _size(last - first)
585  {
586  MBED_ASSERT(first <= last);
587  MBED_ASSERT(first != NULL || (last - first) == 0);
588  }
590  // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
591  // *INDENT-OFF*
592  /**
593  * Construct a Span from the reference to an array.
594  *
595  * @param elements Reference to the array viewed.
596  *
597  * @tparam Count Number of elements of T presents in the array.
598  *
599  * @post a call to size() returns Count, and data() returns a
600  * pointer to elements.
601  */
602  template<size_t Count>
603  Span(element_type (&elements)[Count]):
604  _data(elements), _size(Count) { }
606  /**
607  * Construct a Span object from another Span.
608  *
609  * @param other The Span object used to construct this.
610  *
611  * @note For Span with a positive extent, this function is not accessible.
612  *
613  * @note OtherElementType(*)[] must be convertible to ElementType(*)[].
614  */
615  template<typename OtherElementType, ptrdiff_t OtherExtent>
617  _data(other.data()), _size(other.size())
618  {
620  (span_detail::is_convertible<OtherElementType (*)[1], ElementType (*)[1]>::value),
621  "OtherElementType(*)[] should be convertible to ElementType (*)[]"
622  );
623  }
624  // *INDENT-ON*
626  /**
627  * Return the size of the array viewed.
628  *
629  * @return The number of elements present in the array viewed.
630  */
631  index_type size() const
632  {
633  return _size;
634  }
636  /**
637  * Return if the sequence viewed is empty or not.
638  *
639  * @return true if the sequence is empty and false otherwise.
640  */
641  bool empty() const
642  {
643  return size() == 0;
644  }
646  /**
647  * Access to an element of the sequence.
648  *
649  * @param index Element index to access.
650  *
651  * @return A reference to the element at the index specified in input.
652  *
653  * @pre index is less than size().
654  */
655  reference operator[](index_type index) const
656  {
657 #ifdef MBED_DEBUG
658  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= index && index < _size);
659 #endif
660  return _data[index];
661  }
663  /**
664  * Get the raw pointer to the sequence viewed.
665  *
666  * @return The raw pointer to the first element viewed.
667  */
668  pointer data() const
669  {
670  return _data;
671  }
673  /**
674  * Create a new Span over the first @p Count elements of the existing view.
675  *
676  * @tparam Count The number of elements viewed by the new Span.
677  *
678  * @return A new Span over the first @p Count elements.
679  *
680  * @pre Count >= 0 && Count <= size().
681  */
682  template<ptrdiff_t Count>
684  {
685  MBED_ASSERT((Count >= 0) && (Count <= _size));
686  return Span<element_type, Count>(_data, Count);
687  }
689  /**
690  * Create a new Span over the last @p Count elements of the existing view.
691  *
692  * @tparam Count The number of elements viewed by the new Span.
693  *
694  * @return A new Span over the last @p Count elements.
695  *
696  * @pre Count >= 0 && Count <= size().
697  */
698  template<ptrdiff_t Count>
700  {
701  MBED_ASSERT((0 <= Count) && (Count <= _size));
702  return Span<element_type, Count>(_data + (_size - Count), Count);
703  }
705  /**
706  * Create a subspan that is a view other Count elements; the view starts at
707  * element Offset.
708  *
709  * @tparam Offset The offset of the first element viewed by the subspan.
710  *
711  * @tparam Count The number of elements present in the subspan. If Count
712  * is equal to SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT, then a Span starting at offset and
713  * containing the rest of the elements is returned.
714  *
715  * @return A subspan of this starting at Offset and Count long.
716  */
717  template<std::ptrdiff_t Offset, std::ptrdiff_t Count>
719  subspan() const
720  {
721  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= Offset && Offset <= _size);
723  (Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) ||
724  (0 <= Count && (Count + Offset) <= _size)
725  );
727  _data + Offset,
728  Count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? _size - Offset : Count
729  );
730  }
732  /**
733  * Create a new Span over the first @p count elements of the existing view.
734  *
735  * @param count The number of elements viewed by the new Span.
736  *
737  * @return A new Span over the first @p count elements.
738  */
740  {
741  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= count && count <= _size);
742  return Span<element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT>(_data, count);
743  }
745  /**
746  * Create a new Span over the last @p count elements of the existing view.
747  *
748  * @param count The number of elements viewed by the new Span.
749  *
750  * @return A new Span over the last @p count elements.
751  */
753  {
754  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= count && count <= _size);
756  _data + (_size - count),
757  count
758  );
759  }
761  /**
762  * Create a subspan that is a view of other count elements; the view starts at
763  * element offset.
764  *
765  * @param offset The offset of the first element viewed by the subspan.
766  *
767  * @param count The number of elements present in the subspan. If Count
768  * is equal to SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT, then a Span starting at offset and
769  * containing the rest of the elements is returned.
770  *
771  * @return A subspan of this starting at offset and count long.
772  */
774  index_type offset, index_type count = SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT
775  ) const
776  {
777  MBED_ASSERT(0 <= offset && offset <= _size);
779  (count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) ||
780  (0 <= count && (count + offset) <= _size)
781  );
783  _data + offset,
784  count == SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT ? _size - offset : count
785  );
786  }
788 private:
789  pointer _data;
790  index_type _size;
791 };
793 /**
794  * Equality operator between two Span objects.
795  *
796  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
797  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
798  *
799  * @return True if Spans in input have the same size and the same content and
800  * false otherwise.
801  *
802  * @relates Span
803  */
804 template<typename T, typename U, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
806 {
807  if (lhs.size() != rhs.size()) {
808  return false;
809  }
811  if (lhs.data() == rhs.data()) {
812  return true;
813  }
815  return std::equal(lhs.data(), lhs.data() + lhs.size(), rhs.data());
816 }
818 // AStyle ignore, not handling correctly below
819 // *INDENT-OFF*
820 /**
821  * Equality operation between a Span and a reference to a C++ array.
822  *
823  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
824  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
825  *
826  * @return True if elements in input have the same size and the same content and
827  * false otherwise.
828  */
829 template<typename T, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
830 bool operator==(const Span<T, LhsExtent> &lhs, T (&rhs)[RhsExtent])
831 {
832  return lhs == Span<T>(rhs);
833 }
835 /**
836  * Equality operation between a Span and a reference to a C++ array.
837  *
838  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
839  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
840  *
841  * @return True if elements in input have the same size and the same content
842  * and false otherwise.
843  */
844 template<typename T, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
845 bool operator==(T (&lhs)[LhsExtent], const Span<T, RhsExtent> &rhs)
846 {
847  return Span<T>(lhs) == rhs;
848 }
850 /**
851  * Not equal operator
852  *
853  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
854  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
855  *
856  * @return True if arrays in input do not have the same size or the same content
857  * and false otherwise.
858  *
859  * @relates Span
860  */
861 template<typename T, typename U, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
863 {
864  return !(lhs == rhs);
865 }
867 /**
868  * Not Equal operation between a Span and a reference to a C++ array.
869  *
870  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
871  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
872  *
873  * @return True if elements in input have the same size and the same content
874  * and false otherwise.
875  */
876 template<typename T, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
877 bool operator!=(const Span<T, LhsExtent> &lhs, T (&rhs)[RhsExtent])
878 {
879  return !(lhs == Span<T, RhsExtent>(rhs));
880 }
882 /**
883  * Not Equal operation between a Span and a reference to a C++ array.
884  *
885  * @param lhs Left side of the binary operation.
886  * @param rhs Right side of the binary operation.
887  *
888  * @return True if elements in input have the same size and the same content
889  * and false otherwise.
890  */
891 template<typename T, ptrdiff_t LhsExtent, ptrdiff_t RhsExtent>
892 bool operator!=(T (&lhs)[LhsExtent], const Span<T, RhsExtent> &rhs)
893 {
894  return !(Span<T, LhsExtent>(lhs) == rhs);
895 }
897 /**
898  * Generate a Span from a reference to a C/C++ array.
899  *
900  * @tparam T Type of elements held in elements.
901  * @tparam Extent Number of items held in elements.
902  *
903  * @param elements The reference to the array viewed.
904  *
905  * @return The Span to elements.
906  *
907  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
908  * created 'inline'.
909  *
910  * @relates Span
911  */
912 template<typename T, size_t Size>
913 Span<T, Size> make_Span(T (&elements)[Size])
914 {
915  return Span<T, Size>(elements);
916 }
918 /**
919  * Generate a Span from a pointer to a C/C++ array.
920  *
921  * @tparam Extent Number of items held in elements.
922  * @tparam T Type of elements held in elements.
923  *
924  * @param elements The reference to the array viewed.
925  *
926  * @return The Span to elements.
927  *
928  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
929  * created 'inline'.
930  */
931 template<ptrdiff_t Extent, typename T>
933 {
934  return Span<T, Extent>(elements, Extent);
935 }
937 /**
938  * Generate a Span from a C/C++ pointer and the size of the array.
939  *
940  * @tparam T Type of elements held in array_ptr.
941  *
942  * @param array_ptr The pointer to the array viewed.
943  * @param array_size The number of T elements in the array.
944  *
945  * @return The Span to array_ptr with a size of array_size.
946  *
947  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
948  * created 'inline'.
949  *
950  * @relates Span
951  */
952 template<typename T>
953 Span<T> make_Span(T *array_ptr, ptrdiff_t array_size)
954 {
955  return Span<T>(array_ptr, array_size);
956 }
958 /**
959  * Generate a Span to a const content from a reference to a C/C++ array.
960  *
961  * @tparam T Type of elements held in elements.
962  * @tparam Extent Number of items held in elements.
963  *
964  * @param elements The array viewed.
965  * @return The Span to elements.
966  *
967  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
968  * created 'inline'.
969  */
970 template<typename T, size_t Extent>
971 Span<const T, Extent> make_const_Span(const T (&elements)[Extent])
972 {
973  return Span<const T, Extent>(elements);
974 }
975 // *INDENT-ON*
976 /**
977  * Generate a Span to a const content from a pointer to a C/C++ array.
978  *
979  * @tparam Extent Number of items held in elements.
980  * @tparam T Type of elements held in elements.
981  *
982  * @param elements The reference to the array viewed.
983  *
984  * @return The Span to elements.
985  *
986  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
987  * created 'inline'.
988  *
989  * @relates Span
990  */
991 template<size_t Extent, typename T>
993 {
994  return Span<const T, Extent>(elements, Extent);
995 }
997 /**
998  * Generate a Span to a const content from a C/C++ pointer and the size of the
999  * array.
1000  *
1001  * @tparam T Type of elements held in array_ptr.
1002  *
1003  * @param array_ptr The pointer to the array to viewed.
1004  * @param array_size The number of T elements in the array.
1005  *
1006  * @return The Span to array_ptr with a size of array_size.
1007  *
1008  * @note This helper avoids the typing of template parameter when Span is
1009  * created 'inline'.
1010  *
1011  * @relates Span
1012  */
1013 template<typename T>
1014 Span<const T> make_const_Span(T *array_ptr, size_t array_size)
1015 {
1016  return Span<const T>(array_ptr, array_size);
1017 }
1019 /**@}*/
1021 /**@}*/
1023 } // namespace mbed
1025 #endif /* MBED_PLATFORM_SPAN_H_ */
Span< element_type, Count > last() const
Create a new Span over the last Count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:699
ElementType element_type
Type of the element contained.
Definition: Span.h:519
index_type size() const
Return the size of the sequence viewed.
Definition: Span.h:336
index_type size() const
Return the size of the array viewed.
Definition: Span.h:631
Construct an empty Span.
Definition: Span.h:549
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > first(index_type count) const
Create a new Span over the first count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:739
pointer data() const
Get the raw pointer to the sequence viewed.
Definition: Span.h:668
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > last(index_type count) const
Create a new Span over the last count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:471
bool operator==(const Span< T, LhsExtent > &lhs, const Span< U, RhsExtent > &rhs)
Equality operator between two Span objects.
Definition: Span.h:805
Span< T, Size > make_Span(T(&elements)[Size])
Generate a Span from a reference to a C/C++ array.
Definition: Span.h:913
Span< T, Extent > make_Span(T *elements)
Generate a Span from a pointer to a C/C++ array.
Definition: Span.h:932
Span< const T, Extent > make_const_Span(const T *elements)
Generate a Span to a const content from a pointer to a C/C++ array.
Definition: Span.h:992
Span< element_type, Count > first() const
Create a new Span over the first Count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:683
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > subspan(index_type offset, index_type count=SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) const
Create a subspan that is a view of other count elements; the view starts at element offset...
Definition: Span.h:492
Span< element_type, Count==SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT?Extent-Offset:Count > subspan() const
Create a subspan that is a view of other Count elements; the view starts at element Offset...
Definition: Span.h:433
ptrdiff_t index_type
Type of the index.
Definition: Span.h:524
Span< element_type, Count > first() const
Create a new Span over the first Count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:389
bool operator!=(const Span< T, LhsExtent > &lhs, const Span< U, RhsExtent > &rhs)
Not equal operator.
Definition: Span.h:862
reference operator[](index_type index) const
Access to an element of the sequence.
Definition: Span.h:655
element_type & reference
Reference to an ElementType.
Definition: Span.h:534
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > last(index_type count) const
Create a new Span over the last count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:752
Span(pointer ptr, index_type count)
Construct a Span from a pointer to a buffer and its size.
Definition: Span.h:271
Construct an empty Span.
Definition: Span.h:250
element_type * pointer
Pointer to an ElementType.
Definition: Span.h:529
ptrdiff_t index_type
Type of the index.
Definition: Span.h:223
element_type & reference
Reference to an ElementType.
Definition: Span.h:233
Span< element_type, Count > subspan() const
Create a subspan that is a view other Count elements; the view starts at element Offset.
Definition: Span.h:719
Span(pointer first, pointer last)
Construct a Span from the range [first, last).
Definition: Span.h:583
Span< const T, Extent > make_const_Span(const T(&elements)[Extent])
Generate a Span to a const content from a reference to a C/C++ array.
Definition: Span.h:971
element_type * pointer
Pointer to an ElementType.
Definition: Span.h:228
ElementType element_type
Type of the element contained.
Definition: Span.h:218
Span(pointer first, pointer last)
Construct a Span from the range [first, last).
Definition: Span.h:290
Span< element_type, Count > last() const
Create a new Span over the last Count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:408
Nonowning view to a sequence of contiguous elements.
Definition: Span.h:213
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > first(index_type count) const
Create a new Span over the first count elements of the existing view.
Definition: Span.h:458
Span(const Span< OtherElementType, OtherExtent > &other)
Construct a Span object from another Span.
Definition: Span.h:616
void operator!=(const SafeBool< T > &lhs, const SafeBool< U > &rhs)
Avoid conversion to bool between different classes.
Definition: SafeBool.h:142
#define MBED_ASSERT(expr)
MBED_ASSERT Declare runtime assertions: results in runtime error if condition is false.
Definition: mbed_assert.h:65
Span< element_type, SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT > subspan(index_type offset, index_type count=SPAN_DYNAMIC_EXTENT) const
Create a subspan that is a view of other count elements; the view starts at element offset...
Definition: Span.h:773
void operator==(const SafeBool< T > &lhs, const SafeBool< U > &rhs)
Avoid conversion to bool between different classes.
Definition: SafeBool.h:130
bool empty() const
Return if the sequence viewed is empty or not.
Definition: Span.h:641
Span(pointer ptr, index_type count)
Construct a Span from a pointer to a buffer and its size.
Definition: Span.h:564
bool empty() const
Return if the sequence is empty or not.
Definition: Span.h:346
Span< T > make_Span(T *array_ptr, ptrdiff_t array_size)
Generate a Span from a C/C++ pointer and the size of the array.
Definition: Span.h:953
Span< const T > make_const_Span(T *array_ptr, size_t array_size)
Generate a Span to a const content from a C/C++ pointer and the size of the array.
Definition: Span.h:1014
pointer data() const
Return a pointer to the first element of the sequence or NULL if the Span is empty().
Definition: Span.h:374
Construct a Span from the reference to an array.
Definition: Span.h:308
Construct a Span from the reference to an array.
Definition: Span.h:603
reference operator[](index_type index) const
Returns a reference to the element at position index.
Definition: Span.h:360
#define MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(expr, msg)
MBED_STATIC_ASSERT Declare compile-time assertions, results in compile-time error if condition is fal...
Definition: mbed_assert.h:110
Span(const Span< OtherElementType, Extent > &other)
Construct a Span object from another Span of the same size.
Definition: Span.h:321
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