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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
5  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 /**
21  * \brief Struct br_information Border router dynamic information.
22  */
23 typedef struct ws_br_info {
24  /** Address prefix given to devices in network set to 0 if not available*/
25  uint8_t ipv6_prefix[8];
26  /** IID of Border router */
27  uint8_t ipv6_iid[8];
28  /** Border router dodag id */
29  uint8_t rpl_dodag_id[16];
30  /** Border router instance identifier defined in RPL */
31  uint8_t instance_id;
32  /** RPL version number */
33  uint8_t version;
34  /** Timestamp of the the device. Can be used as version number*/
35  uint64_t host_timestamp;
36  /** Amount of devices in the network. */
37  uint16_t device_count;
38  /** Gateway Local Address */
39  uint8_t gateway_addr[16];
40 } ws_br_info_t;
42 /**
43  * \brief Struct br_route_info is parent child relation structure.
44  */
45 typedef struct ws_br_route_info {
46  /** IID of target device
47  * Public IPv6 address can be formed by combining prefix + IID*/
48  uint8_t target[8];
49  /** IID of parent*/
50  uint8_t parent[8];
53 /**
54  * \brief Struct ws_br_radius_timing_t is RADIUS timing configuration structure.
55  */
56 typedef struct ws_br_radius_timing {
57  /** RADIUS retry trickle timer Imin; in 100ms units; range 1-1200; default 20 (2 seconds) */
59  /** RADIUS retry trickle timer Imax; in 100ms units; range 1-1200; default 30 (3 seconds) */
61  /** RADIUS retry trickle count; default 3 */
65 /** Wi-SUN Border Router class
66  *
67  * Class can be used to start, stop and configure Wi-SUN Border Router.
68  */
70 public:
72  /** Create WisunBorderRouter
73  *
74  * */
77  /**
78  * \brief Start Wi-SUN Border Router
79  *
80  * Starts Wi-SUN Border Router and routing between the mesh and backbone interfaces. Network interfaces
81  * must be initialized and connected before calling the start. Backbone interface can be either Ethernet
82  * (EMAC) or Cellular.
83  *
84  * \param mesh_if Wi-SUN mesh network interface
85  * \param backbone_if Backbone network interface
86  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
87  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
88  * */
89  mesh_error_t start(WisunInterface *mesh_if, NetworkInterface *backbone_if);
91  /**
92  * \brief Start Wi-SUN Border Router
93  *
94  * Starts Wi-SUN Border Router and routing between the mesh and backbone interfaces. Network interfaces
95  * must be initialized and connected before calling the start. Backbone interface can be either Ethernet
96  * (EMAC) or Cellular.
97  *
98  * \param mesh_if Wi-SUN mesh network interface
99  * \param backbone_if Backbone network interface
100  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
101  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
102  * */
103  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.10.0", "Using NetworkInterface type for mesh_if is deprecated, use WisunInterface instead")
104  mesh_error_t start(NetworkInterface *mesh_if, NetworkInterface *backbone_if);
106  /**
107  * \brief Start Wi-SUN Border Router
108  *
109  * Starts Wi-SUN Border Router and routing between the mesh and backbone interfaces. Mesh network interface
110  * must be initialized and connected before calling the start. Backbone OnboardNetworkStack::Interface must
111  * be brought up before calling the start. Backbone interface can be either Ethernet (EMAC) or Cellular (PPP).
112  *
113  * \param mesh_if Wi-SUN mesh network interface
114  * \param backbone_if Backbone OnboardNetworkStack::Interface interface
115  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
116  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
117  * */
118  mesh_error_t start(WisunInterface *mesh_if, OnboardNetworkStack::Interface *backbone_if);
120  /**
121  * \brief Start Wi-SUN Border Router
122  *
123  * Starts Wi-SUN Border Router and routing between the mesh and backbone interfaces. Mesh network interface
124  * must be initialized and connected before calling the start. Backbone OnboardNetworkStack::Interface must
125  * be brought up before calling the start. Backbone interface can be either Ethernet (EMAC) or Cellular (PPP).
126  *
127  * \param mesh_if Wi-SUN mesh network interface
128  * \param backbone_if Backbone OnboardNetworkStack::Interface interface
129  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
130  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
131  * */
132  MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-6.10.0", "Using NetworkInterface type for mesh_if is deprecated, use WisunInterface instead")
133  mesh_error_t start(NetworkInterface *mesh_if, OnboardNetworkStack::Interface *backbone_if);
135  /**
136  * \brief Stop Wi-SUN Border Router
137  *
138  * Stops Wi-SUN Border Router.
139  *
140  * */
141  void stop();
143  /**
144  * \brief Set Wi-SUN RPL DIO trickle parameters.
145  *
146  * Function stores new parameters to Border Router and uses them when mesh interface connect() is called
147  * next time. If device is already connected to the Wi-SUN network then device will restart Wi-SUN network after
148  * changing the RPL DIO trickle parameters. Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this
149  * function.
150  *
151  * \param dio_interval_min DIO trickle timer Imin parameter. Use 0x00 to use leave parameter unchanged.
152  * \param dio_interval_doublings DIO trickle timer Imax parameter as doublings of Imin. Use 0x00 to use leave parameter unchanged.
153  * \param dio_redundancy_constant DIO trickle timer redundancy constant. Use 0xff to use leave parameter unchanged.
154  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
155  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
156  * */
157  mesh_error_t set_rpl_parameters(uint8_t dio_interval_min, uint8_t dio_interval_doublings, uint8_t dio_redundancy_constant);
159  /**
160  * \brief Get Wi-SUN RPL DIO trickle parameters.
161  *
162  * Function reads DIO trickle timer Imin, DIO trickle timer Imax and DIO trickle timer redundancy
163  * constant from Border Router. Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this function.
164  *
165  * \param dio_interval_min DIO trickle timer Imin parameter.
166  * \param dio_interval_doublings DIO trickle timer Imax parameter as doublings of Imin.
167  * \param dio_redundancy_constant DIO trickle timer redundancy constant.
168  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
169  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
170  * */
171  mesh_error_t get_rpl_parameters(uint8_t *dio_interval_min, uint8_t *dio_interval_doublings, uint8_t *dio_redundancy_constant);
173  /**
174  * \brief Validate Wi-SUN RPL DIO trickle parameters.
175  *
176  * Function validates DIO trickle timer Imin, DIO trickle timer Imax and DIO trickle timer redundancy
177  * constant. Function can be used to test that values that will be used on set function are valid.
178  * Mesh interface must be initialized before the calling this function.
179  *
180  * \param dio_interval_min DIO trickle timer Imin parameter.
181  * \param dio_interval_doublings DIO trickle timer Imax parameter as doublings of Imin.
182  * \param dio_redundancy_constant DIO trickle timer redundancy constant.
183  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
184  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
185  * */
186  mesh_error_t validate_rpl_parameters(uint8_t dio_interval_min, uint8_t dio_interval_doublings, uint8_t dio_redundancy_constant);
188  /**
189  * \brief Set Wi-SUN PAN configuration parameters.
190  *
191  * Function stores new parameters to Border Router and uses them when mesh interface connect() is called
192  * next time. If device is already connected to the Wi-SUN network then device will restart Wi-SUN network after
193  * changing the PAN configuration parameters. Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this
194  * function.
195  *
196  * \param pan_id PAN ID. 0xffff will generate the PAN ID on the mesh interface connect() call if not already generated.
197  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
198  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
199  * */
200  mesh_error_t set_pan_configuration(uint16_t pan_id);
202  /**
203  * \brief Get Wi-SUN PAN configuration parameters.
204  *
205  * Function reads PAN ID from Border Router. Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this function.
206  *
207  * \param pan_id PAN ID.
208  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
209  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
210  * */
211  mesh_error_t get_pan_configuration(uint16_t *pan_id);
213  /**
214  * \brief Validate Wi-SUN PAN configuration parameters.
215  *
216  * Function validates PAN ID. Function can be used to test that values that will be used on set function are valid.
217  * Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this function.
218  *
219  * \param pan_id PAN ID.
220  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
221  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
222  * */
223  mesh_error_t validate_pan_configuration(uint16_t pan_id);
225  /**
226  * \brief Get Wi-SUN Border Router information.
227  *
228  * Function reads RPL information from Border Router.
229  * Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this function.
230  *
231  * \param info_ptr Structure given to stack where information will be stored
232  *
233  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
234  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
235  * */
236  mesh_error_t info_get(ws_br_info_t *info_ptr);
238  /**
239  * \brief Get Wi-SUN neighbor table information.
240  *
241  * Function reads Routing Table information from Border Router.
242  * Table is Parent child relation using the Global address IID of the devices.
243  * To get the full IPv6 address of the device, IPv6 = Global Prefix + IID.
244  * Mesh interface must be initialized before calling this function.
245  *
246  * \param table_ptr Application allocated memory block where routing table is written.
247  * \param table_len Length of the table allocated by application given as amount of entries.
248  *
249  * \returns 0 - x on success indicates number of entries written to the table_ptr.
250  * \return <0 in case of errors.
251  * */
252  int routing_table_get(ws_br_route_info_t *table_ptr, uint16_t table_len);
254  /**
255  * \brief Set Wi-SUN RADIUS server IPv6 address.
256  *
257  * Function sets external RADIUS server IPv6 address to Border Router. Setting the address enables
258  * external RADIUS server interface on Border Router. To disable external RADIUS server interface,
259  * call the function with address set to NULL. The RADIUS shared secret must be set before address
260  * is set using set_radius_shared_secret() call.
261  *
262  * \param address Pointer to IPv6 address string or NULL to disable RADIUS. Address string format is e.g. 2001:1234::1 and it is NUL terminated.
263  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
264  * \return MESH_ERROR_UNKNOWN in case of failure.
265  * */
266  mesh_error_t set_radius_server_ipv6_address(const char *address);
268  /**
269  * \brief Get Wi-SUN RADIUS server IPv6 address.
270  *
271  * Function gets external RADIUS server IPv6 address from Border Router.
272  *
273  * \param address Pointer to buffer where to write IPv6 address string. Must have space at least for 39 characters and NUL terminator.
274  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
275  * \return error value in case of failure, e.g. if address has not been set to Border Router.
276  * */
277  mesh_error_t get_radius_server_ipv6_address(char *address);
279  /**
280  * \brief Set Wi-SUN RADIUS shared secret.
281  *
282  * Function sets RADIUS shared secret to Border Router. Shared secret may be an ASCII string. Check
283  * the format and length constraints for the shared secret from the documentation of RADIUS server you
284  * are connecting to.
285  *
286  * \param shared_secret_len The length of the shared secret in bytes.
287  * \param shared_secret Pointer to shared secret. Can be 8-bit ASCII string or byte array. Is not NUL terminated.
288  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
289  * \return error value in case of failure.
290  * */
291  mesh_error_t set_radius_shared_secret(uint16_t shared_secret_len, const uint8_t *shared_secret);
293  /**
294  * \brief Get Wi-SUN RADIUS shared secret.
295  *
296  * Function gets RADIUS shared secret from Border Router.
297  *
298  * \param shared_secret_len On function call, is the size of the shared secret write buffer in bytes, on return is the shared secret length in bytes.
299  * \param shared_secret Pointer to buffer where to write shared secret or NULL. At maximum, bytes set by the length parameter are written. If NULL only buffer length is returned.
300  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
301  * \return error value in case of failure.
302  * */
303  mesh_error_t get_radius_shared_secret(uint16_t *shared_secret_len, uint8_t *shared_secret);
305  /**
306  * \brief Set Wi-SUN RADIUS timing parameters.
307  *
308  * Function sets RADIUS timing parameters to Border Router. For RADIUS retry trickle timer default
309  * settings are that the first retry is done between 1 to 3 seconds after the initial attempt and
310  * all retries are done in maximum in 9 seconds.
311  *
312  * \param timing Timing parameters.
313  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
314  * \return error value in case of failure.
315  * */
316  mesh_error_t set_radius_timing(ws_br_radius_timing_t *timing);
318  /**
319  * \brief Get Wi-SUN RADIUS timing parameters.
320  *
321  * Function gets RADIUS timing parameters from Border Router.
322  *
323  * \param timing Timing parameters.
324  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
325  * \return error value in case of failure.
326  * */
327  mesh_error_t get_radius_timing(ws_br_radius_timing_t *timing);
329  /**
330  * \brief Validate Wi-SUN RADIUS timing parameters.
331  *
332  * Function validates RADIUS timing parameters on Border Router.
333  *
334  * \param timing Timing parameters.
335  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
336  * \return error value in case of failure.
337  * */
338  mesh_error_t validate_radius_timing(ws_br_radius_timing_t *timing);
340  /**
341  * \brief Set DNS query result to Nanostack cache.
342  *
343  * Function sets DNS query result to Nanostack cache to get distributed to the devices in the Wi-SUN network.
344  * Function must be called for a running Wi-SUN Border Router instance.
345  *
346  * \param address resolved address of domain_name.
347  * \param domain_name name of the domain. Must be non-NULL.
348  * \return MESH_ERROR_NONE on success.
349  * \return error value in case of failure.
350  * */
351  mesh_error_t set_dns_query_result(SocketAddress *address, char *domain_name);
353 private:
354  mesh_error_t configure();
355  mesh_error_t apply_configuration(int8_t mesh_if_id);
356  mesh_error_t set_bbr_radius_address(void);
357  mesh_error_t set_bbr_radius_shared_secret(void);
358  mesh_error_t set_bbr_radius_timing(void);
359  char _radius_ipv6_addr[40];
360  ws_br_radius_timing_t _radius_timing = {
361  .radius_retry_imin = 0,
362  .radius_retry_imax = 0,
363  .radius_retry_count = 0
364  };
365  char *_shared_secret = NULL;
366  uint16_t _shared_secret_len = 0;
367  int8_t _mesh_if_id = -1;
368  bool _radius_ipv6_addr_set = false;
369  bool _configured = false;
370  bool _radius_timing_set = false;
371 };
373 #endif
uint8_t radius_retry_count
RADIUS retry trickle count; default 3.
Wi-SUN Border Router class.
uint16_t radius_retry_imax
RADIUS retry trickle timer Imax; in 100ms units; range 1-1200; default 30 (3 seconds) ...
uint16_t radius_retry_imin
RADIUS retry trickle timer Imin; in 100ms units; range 1-1200; default 20 (2 seconds) ...
Wi-SUN mesh network interface class.
uint8_t version
RPL version number.
Representation of a stack&#39;s view of an interface.
Struct br_information Border router dynamic information.
uint8_t rpl_dodag_id[16]
Border router dodag id.
uint64_t host_timestamp
Timestamp of the the device.
uint8_t instance_id
Border router instance identifier defined in RPL.
Struct ws_br_radius_timing_t is RADIUS timing configuration structure.
uint8_t gateway_addr[16]
Gateway Local Address.
uint16_t device_count
Amount of devices in the network.
SocketAddress class.
Definition: SocketAddress.h:37
Common interface that is shared between network devices.
Struct br_route_info is parent child relation structure.
uint8_t ipv6_iid[8]
IID of Border router.
uint8_t ipv6_prefix[8]
Address prefix given to devices in network set to 0 if not available.
MBED_DEPRECATED("message string") Mark a function declaration as deprecated, if it used then a warnin...
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