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Migration guide

If you haven't already read the Mbed CLI 2 introduction, then start there.

The background color indicates:

  • Green: New Functionality introduced in Mbed CLI 2 (mbed-tools)
  • Orange: Functionality modified in Mbed CLI 2 (mbed-tools) compared to Mbed CLI 1 (mbed-cli)
  • Red: Functionality deprecated in Mbed CLI 2 (mbed-tools)


Windows, macOS and Linux installers may be made available at later point of time.


Device management

The subcommand mbed-cli device-management (device management) is deprecated. Refer to your cloud provider's documentation on how to cloud-manage your devices.

Repository management

Support for Mercurial and the subcommand mbed-cli publish (publish program or library) is deprecated. Hosted repositories on "mbed.org" are not supported from Mbed CLI 2. Version control with git can be used as an alternative. Hosting for git repositories is available on GitHub.

The subcommand mbed-cli cache (repository cache management) is deprecated. No replacement is supported.

The subcommand mbed-cli releases (show release tags) is deprecated. We recommend using standard git commands instead, for example git tag -l to list all tagged releases.

The subcommand mbed-cli update (update to branch, tag, revision or latest) is not implemented. Use standard git commands instead. From your application directory: to check out a branch of Mbed OS, git -C mbed-os checkout branchname; to checkout the Mbed OS 6.8.0 release, git -C mbed-os checkout mbed-os-6.8.0; to check out Mbed OS revision 3e24a7ea9602, git -C mbed-os checkout 3e24a7ea9602; to checkout the latest released version of Mbed OS git -C mbed-os checkout latest.

The subcommand mbed-cli export (generate an IDE project) is deprecated. Use CMake generators instead. While CMake supports many generators, including many not supported by Mbed CLI 1, not all of Mbed CLI 1's exporters have replacements available yet. The available project generators are listed below.

If you'd like to help us prioritize which CMake project generators to work on first, please give your thumbs up to the following issues you care most about, or raise a merge request to CMake:

Library management

The subcommands mbed-cli add (add library from URL) and mbed-cli remove (remove library) are deprecated. Instead, use git clone or mbed-tools import to clone a library. Then, manually create a reponame.lib file that contains a single line in the form https://github.com/ARMmbed/reponame#branch-or-tag to fetch a specific branch or tag. If you want to fetch the default branch, you don't need to add #branch-or-tag-name.

The subcommand mbed-cli new --library (force creation of an Mbed library) is deprecated. Create a new Mbed library by creating a new folder and adding it to git version control. Then, create a reponame.lib in the application you wish to use the new library from, as described above (in the mbed-cli add paragraph).

The subcommand mbed-cli ls (view dependency tree) is deprecated. The subcommand mbed-tools deploy will now display all dependencies.

Tool configuration

The subcommand mbed-cli config (tool configuration) is deprecated. There is no need to configure an Mbed-specific compiler path in Mbed CLI 2; the compiler path is determined in a standard way by CMake instead. Other configuration options, like target, toolchain, protocol, depth and cache, are not supported in Mbed CLI 2.

The subcommand mbed-cli toolchain (set or get default toolchain) is deprecated. Pass the desired toolchain on the command line when compiling with mbed-tools compile --toolchain GCC_ARM, to, for example, select GCC_ARM as the toolchain.

The subcommand mbed-cli target (set or get default target) is deprecated. Pass the desired target on the command line when compiling with mbed-tools compile --mbed-target DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A, to, for example, select DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A as the Mbed target.

Creating an Mbed program

The subcommand mbed-tools new creates a new Mbed program by default and supports only one command-line-option --create-only (create a program without fetching mbed-os). The following command-line options, previously supported in Mbed CLI 1, are deprecated:

  • --scm: We now always use git.
  • --program: There is no need to specify this. mbed-tools new always creates a program by creating a top-level application CMakeLists.txt that invokes add_executable().
  • --library: There is no need to specify this. mbed-tools new always creates a program. If you wish to create a library, you can edit the autogenerated top-level application CMakeLists.txt to replace add_executable() with add_library() and removing the call to mbed_set_post_build() for the CMake library target.
  • --mbedlib: Importing Mbed 2 is no longer supported.
  • --depth: This is no longer needed, as Mbed CLI 2 automatically uses the shallowest clone or fetch possible.
  • --protocol: This is now determined from the URL instead.
  • --offline: This is not needed, as there is no longer any Mbed-specific git cache.
  • --no-requirements: Mbed CLI 2 never automatically installs requirements.

Importing an Mbed program

The subcommand `mbed-tools import` clones an Mbed project and library dependencies. The following command-line-options supported in Mbed CLI 1 are deprecated:
  • --depth: The new CLI opportunistically imports the most shallow repository possible. Running git clone --depth <depth> <repo_url> | cd <repo_name> && mbed-tools deploy will create an Mbed project with the required depth.
  • --protocol: To select the protocol, use a URL with the desired protocol. For instance, you may import projects or libraries over SSH (Secure Shell) as follows mbed-tools import git@github.com:ARMmbed/<some_driver>, or with https mbed-tools import https://github.com/ARMmbed/<some_driver>. Alternatively, if you would prefer to always use SSH, even when your library or its dependencies specify https in their .lib files, you can add the following into your .gitconfig to force git to use SSH instead of https when fetching from GitHub.
[url "ssh://git@github.com/"]
  insteadOf = https://github.com/
  • --offline: The new tool doesn't maintain a git cache so we don't have the option to use locally cached repositories.
  • --no-requirements
  • --insecure

Configuring an Mbed program

The subcommand mbed-tools configure generates an Mbed OS config CMake file named mbed_config.cmake in the path cmake_build/<TARGET_NAME>/<PROFILE>/<TOOLCHAIN>/.

Compiling an Mbed program

The subcommand mbed-tools compile can be used to compile the program. The command-line-option mbed compile --source is deprecated. To control which libraries and directories you want to build either modify your application's CMakeLists.txt to add/exclude or use cmake --build cmake_build --target <library_name> --target <other_library_name> to add any number of targets to your build.

The command-line-option mbed compile --library is deprecated. Use standard CMake add_library() instead.

The command-line-option mbed compile -DMACRO_NAME is deprecated. Use mbed-tools configure -m <TARGET_NAME> -t <TOOLCHAIN> followed by cmake -S . -B cmake_build/<TARGET_NAME>/<PROFILE>/<TOOLCHAIN> -GNinja -DMACRO_NAME and cmake --build cmake_build or use target_compile_definitions() in your application's CMakeLists.txt the add the define.

The command-line-option mbed compile -m detect to automatically build for the single target connected to your computer is deprecated. Run mbed-tools detect to see which targets are connected to your computer and then run mbed-tools compile -m <TARGET_NAME> -t <TOOLCHAIN> to build for the target you which to build for.

The command-line-option mbed compile --build will be supported at later point of time. Although we don't currently have the option to explicitly state the application's build path, we have a ticket open to track the issue #184.

Testing an Mbed program

The subcommand mbed test will be supported at later point of time. Keep apprised of progress by following the issue to support mbed test on GitHub

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