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1 /* Copyright (c) 2017-2018 ARM Limited
2  *
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 #ifndef SPM_INTERNAL_H
19 #define SPM_INTERNAL_H
21 #include <stdbool.h>
22 #include "cmsis_os2.h"
23 #include "cmsis.h"
24 #include "psa_defs.h"
25 #include "spm_messages.h"
26 #include "spm_panic.h"
27 #include "handles_manager.h"
28 #include "cmsis_compiler.h"
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif
34 #define SPM_COMPLETION_SEM_MAX_COUNT (1UL) /* Maximum number of available tokens for a completion semaphore. */
35 #define SPM_COMPLETION_SEM_INITIAL_COUNT (0UL) /* Initial number of available tokens for a completion semaphore. */
37 #define PSA_MMIO_PERM_READ_ONLY (0x000000001)
38 #define PSA_MMIO_PERM_READ_WRITE (0x000000003)
41 #define PSA_RESERVED_ERROR_MAX (INT32_MIN + 127)
45 #define SPM_CHANNEL_STATE_IDLE (0x03)
47 #define SPM_CHANNEL_STATE_ACTIVE (0x05)
49 #define MEM_PARTITIONS_ALL (0) /* A constant to use to retrieve the memory regions for all the partitions at once. */
51 #define SPM_CMSIS_RTOS_ERROR_BIT_MSK (0x80000000)
53 #ifndef TRUE
54 #define TRUE (1)
55 #endif
57 #ifndef FALSE
58 #define FALSE (0)
59 #endif
61 struct spm_partition;
62 struct spm_ipc_channel;
64 /*
65  * Structure to describe MMIO region along with owning partition.
66  */
67 typedef struct mem_region {
68  const uint32_t base;
69  const uint32_t size;
70  const uint32_t permission;
71  const int32_t partition_id;
72 } mem_region_t;
74 typedef union spm_iovec {
75  psa_invec in;
76  psa_outvec out;
77 } spm_iovec_t;
79 /*
80  * IRQ signal mapper definition.
81  * The function will not return on invalid signal.
82  */
83 typedef IRQn_Type(*spm_signal_to_irq_mapper_t)(uint32_t);
85 /*
86  * Structure to aggregate channels queue in a Root of Trust Service.
87  */
88 typedef struct spm_channel_linked_list {
89  struct spm_ipc_channel *head; /* List's first object*/
90  struct spm_ipc_channel *tail; /* List's last object*/
93 /*
94  * Structure containing resources and attributes of a Root of Trust Service.
95  */
96 typedef struct spm_rot_service {
97  const uint32_t sid; /* The Root of Trust Service ID.*/
98  const uint32_t mask; /* The signal for this Root of Trust Service*/
99  struct spm_partition *partition; /* Pointer to the Partition which the Root of Trust Service belongs to.*/
100  const uint32_t min_version; /* Minor version of the Root of Trust Service interface.*/
101  const uint32_t min_version_policy; /* Minor version policy of the Root of Trust Service.*/
102  const bool allow_nspe; /* Whether to allow non-secure clients to connect to the Root of Trust Service.*/
103  spm_channel_linked_list_t queue; /* Queue of channels holding ROT_SRV operations waiting to be served. */
106 /*
107  * Structure containing Partition->RoT-Service channel information.
108  */
109 typedef struct spm_ipc_channel {
110  struct spm_partition *src_partition; /* Pointer to the Partition which connects to the Root of Trust Service.*/
111  spm_rot_service_t *dst_rot_service; /* Pointer to the connected Root of Trust Service.*/
112  void *rhandle; /* Reverse handle to be used for this channel.*/
113  void *msg_ptr; /* Message data sent from user. */
114  struct spm_ipc_channel *next; /* Next channel in the chain.*/
115  uint8_t msg_type; /* The message type.*/
116  uint8_t state; /* The current processing state of the channel.*/
117  uint8_t is_dropped; /* Indicates whether the channel has been dropped by the partition.*/
120 /*
121  * Structure containing the currently active message for a Root of Trust Service.
122  */
123 typedef struct spm_active_msg {
124  spm_ipc_channel_t *channel; /* Pointer to the channel delivering this message.*/
125  spm_iovec_t iovecs[PSA_MAX_IOVEC]; /* IOvecs sent for message and response.*/
126  uint8_t out_index; /* First index of outvecs in iovecs*/
129 /*
130  * Structure containing resources and attributes of a secure partition.
131  */
132 typedef struct spm_partition {
133  const int32_t partition_id; /* The Partition ID.*/
134  osThreadId_t thread_id; /* Thread ID of the Partition thread.*/
135  const uint32_t flags; /* Mask of all the signals the partition supports.*/
136  spm_rot_service_t *rot_services; /* Array of the Partition's Root of Trust Services.*/
137  const uint32_t rot_services_count; /* Number of the Partition's Root of Trust Services.*/
138  const uint32_t *extern_sids; /* Array of Root of Trust Service IDs that the partition can connect to.*/
139  const uint32_t extern_sids_count; /* Number of Root of Trust Services which the partition can connect to.*/
140  osMutexId_t mutex; /* Mutex for all rot_service's queues operations. */
141  spm_signal_to_irq_mapper_t irq_mapper; /* a function which maps signal to irq number*/
144 /*
145  * Structure containing the SPM internal data.
146  */
147 typedef struct spm_db {
148  spm_partition_t *partitions; /* Array of all the Secure Partitions in the system.*/
149  uint32_t partition_count; /* Number of Secure Partitions in the system.*/
150  psa_handle_manager_t channels_handle_mgr;
151  psa_handle_manager_t messages_handle_mgr;
152  osMemoryPoolId_t channel_mem_pool; /* Channel memory pool identifier.*/
153  osMemoryPoolId_t active_messages_mem_pool; /* Channel memory pool identifier.*/
154 } spm_db_t;
156 /*
157  * Returns a pointer to the currently active secure partition or NULL in case called from NSPE.
158  */
159 spm_partition_t *get_active_partition(void);
161 /*
162  * Return an array of memory regions used by a given partition.
163  *
164  * @param[in] partition_id - a partition ID to find memory regions for, if MEM_PARTITIONS_ALL then
165  * memory regions for all the partitions are returned
166  * @param[out] region_count - will be set to the number of memory regions returned
167  */
168 const mem_region_t *get_mem_regions(int32_t partition_id, uint32_t *region_count);
170 // Platform dependent APIs
172 /*
173  * Validates that a memory block accessible from a specific partition
174  *
175  * @param[in] ptr - Pointer to the beggining of the memory block.
176  * @param[in] size - Size of the memory block in bytes.
177  * @param[in] accessing_partition - Which partition is trying to access the memory.
178  * @return `true` if the entire memory block is accessable from given partition.
179  */
180 bool is_buffer_accessible(const void *ptr, size_t size, spm_partition_t *accessing_partition);
182 /**
183  * Alerts NSPE that a proccess (connect or call) has ended.
184  *
185  * @param[in] completion_sem_id - semaphore id in NSPE.
186  */
187 void nspe_done(osSemaphoreId_t completion_sem_id);
189 /*
190  * Validates parameters sent from caller and queues a connect message on the correct ROT_SRV.
191  *
192  * @param[in] sid - desired RoT service ID
193  * @param[in] msg - pointer to connect message struct
194  */
195 void psa_connect_async(uint32_t sid, spm_pending_connect_msg_t *msg);
197 /*
198  * Validates parameters sent from caller and queues a call message on the correct ROT_SRV.
199  *
200  * @param[in] handle - channel handle for the connection
201  * @param[in] msg - pointer to call message struct
202  */
203 void psa_call_async(psa_handle_t handle, spm_pending_call_msg_t *msg);
205 /*
206  * Validates parameters sent from caller and queues a disconnect message on the correct ROT_SRV.
207  *
208  * @param[in] handle - handle of channel to close
209  * @param[in] msg - pointer to close message struct
210  */
211 void psa_close_async(psa_handle_t handle, spm_pending_close_msg_t *msg);
214 /*
215  * Validates IOvecs.
216  *
217  * @param[in] in_vec - psa_invec array
218  * @param[in] in_len - number of elements in in_vec
219  * @param[in] out_vec - psa_outvec array
220  * @param[in] out_len - number of elements in out_vec
221 */
222 void validate_iovec(
223  const void *in_vec,
224  const uint32_t in_len,
225  const void *out_vec,
226  const uint32_t out_len
227 );
229 /*
230  * Assert and modify PSA IPC channel state machine state
231  *
232  * @param[in,out] current_state - current state
233  * @param[in] expected_state - expected state
234  * @param[in] new_state - new state
235 */
236 void channel_state_switch(uint8_t *current_state, uint8_t expected_state, uint8_t new_state);
238 /*
239  * Assert PSA IPC channel state machine state
240  *
241  * @param[in] current_state - current state
242  * @param[in] expected_state - expected state
243 */
244 void channel_state_assert(const uint8_t *current_state, uint8_t expected_state);
246 #ifdef __cplusplus
247 }
248 #endif
250 #endif // SPM_INTERNAL_H
Structure which describes a scatter-gather output buffer.
Definition: client.h:54
Structure that describes a scatter-gather input buffer.
Definition: client.h:48
Maximum number of psa_invec and psa_outvec structures allowed for psa_call().
Definition: psa_defs.h:54
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