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Adding a new microcontroller to Arm Mbed OS depends on CMSIS-CORE and CMSIS-Pack. Please make sure that the microcontroller already has these available.

Adding a new microcontroller and board

First fork the mbed-os repository on GitHub into your own user account. We will use the placeholder USERNAME to refer to your username in the following documentation, MCU_NAME to refer to the new microcontroller you are adding and BOARD_NAME to refer to the new board you are adding. Import an Mbed OS example, and add your fork of mbed-os using:

mbed import mbed-os-example-blinky
cd mbed-os-example-blinky\mbed-os
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b my-new-target
git remote add USERNAME https://github.com/USERNAME/mbed-os
git branch my-new-target -u USERNAME
cd ..

Target description

Add the target description to mbed-os\targets\targets.json using keys that the Adding and configuring targets section describes. We recommend that you run the targets lint script on your target hierarchy before submitting your pull request:

    "inherits": ["Target"],
    "core": "Cortex-M3",
    "supported_toolchains": ["ARM", "GCC_ARM", "IAR"],
    "device_has": ["SERIAL", "STDIO_MESSAGES"]
    "inherits": ["MCU_NAME"],
    "macros_add": []

HAL porting

There are many more APIs to implement. You enable the following APIs by adding a device_has attribute to the MCU_NAME target definition in targets.json and providing an implementation of the API declared in the API header.

device_has API header
ANALOGIN analog_in.h
ANALOGOUT analog_out.h
CAN can_api.h
EMAC emac_api.h
INTERRUPTIN gpio_irq_api.h
I2C I2CSLAVE i2c_api.h
LPTICKER lp_ticker_api.h
LPTICKER lp_ticker_api.h
MPU mpu_api.h
PORT_IN PORT_OUT port_api.h
PWMOUT pwmout_api.h
RTC rtc_api.h
SLEEP sleep_api.h
SPI SPISLAVE spi_api.h
QSPI qspi_api.h
TRNG trng_api.h
FLASH flash_api.h


All HAL APIs that use pins have functions to get the corresponding pin maps. These functions return a PinMap array with each entry containing a pin name, a peripheral and a function. The presence of an NC pin indicates the end of the pin map array. Below is an example implementation of the function to get the serial transmit pin map:

const PinMap PinMap_UART_TX[] = {
    {P0_19, UART_0, 1},
    {P1_13, UART_0, 3},
    {P1_27, UART_0, 2},
    { NC  , NC    , 0}

const PinMap *serial_tx_pinmap()
    return PinMap_UART_TX;

Targets that don't use a pin map, such as ones with peripherals that can connect to any pin, must still define pin maps because testing requires them. For these devices, the pin map does not need to be comprehensive. Instead, it should list a representative sample of pins and peripherals, so they can be tested appropriately. Please see the static pin map extension documentation for information about how to statically specify the peripheral configuration (pin, peripheral or function) in the HAL API function.


The Mbed OS HAL provides a set of conformance tests for the Mbed OS HAL APIs. You can use these tests to validate the correctness of your implementation. To run the all of the Mbed OS HAL API tests, use the following command:

mbed test -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal*


You can test your port using the FPGA test shield component, which you can find in the mbed-os repository.

To run the FPGA test shield test, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure the FPGA test shield is programmed with the latest firmware version.

  2. Connect the FPGA test shield to the Device Under Test.

  3. Set the jumper on the FPGA test shield to select USB power.

  4. Connect the power to the FPGA test shield using a USB cable.

  5. Add the FPGA_CI_TEST_SHIELD component to the Device Under Test in the targets.json configuration file.

  6. Run the test:


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