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1 /*************************************************************************************************/
2 /*!
3  * \file
4  *
5  * \brief L2CAP subsystem API.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Arm Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Packetcraft, Inc.
10  *
11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
14  *
15  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
16  *
17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21  * limitations under the License.
22  */
23 /*************************************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef L2C_API_H
25 #define L2C_API_H
27 #include "dm_api.h"
28 #include "l2c_defs.h"
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif
34 /*! \addtogroup STACK_L2CAP_API
35  * \{ */
37 /**************************************************************************************************
38  Macros
39 **************************************************************************************************/
41 /** \name L2CAP Control Callback Events
42  * Control callback message events
43  */
44 /**@{*/
45 #define L2C_CTRL_FLOW_ENABLE_IND 0 /*!< \brief Data flow enabled */
46 #define L2C_CTRL_FLOW_DISABLE_IND 1 /*!< \brief Data flow disabled */
47 /**@}*/
49 /*! \brief Invalid channel registration ID for connection oriented channels */
50 #define L2C_COC_REG_ID_NONE 0
52 /*! \brief Invalid channel ID for connection oriented channels */
53 #define L2C_COC_CID_NONE 0
55 /*! \brief Invalid signal identifier */
56 #define L2C_SIGNAL_ID_INVALID 0
58 /** \name L2CAP COC Channel Roles
59  * Connection oriented channel initiator/acceptor role
60  */
61 /**@{*/
62 #define L2C_COC_ROLE_NONE 0x00 /*!< \brief No role (unallocated) */
63 #define L2C_COC_ROLE_INITIATOR 0x01 /*!< \brief Channel initiator */
64 #define L2C_COC_ROLE_ACCEPTOR 0x02 /*!< \brief Channel acceptor */
65 /**@}*/
67 /** \name L2CAP COC Data Confirm Codes
68  * Connection oriented channel data confirm status values
69  */
70 /**@{*/
71 #define L2C_COC_DATA_SUCCESS 0 /*!< \brief Data request successful */
72 #define L2C_COC_DATA_ERR_MEMORY 1 /*!< \brief Out of memory */
73 #define L2C_COC_DATA_ERR_OVERFLOW 2 /*!< \brief Transaction overflow */
74 /**@}*/
76 /** \name L2CAP COC Callback Events
77  * Connection oriented channel callback events.
78  */
79 /**@{*/
80 #define L2C_COC_CBACK_START 0x70 /*!< \brief L2C callback event starting value */
81 /*! \brief COC callback events */
82 enum
83 {
84  L2C_COC_CONNECT_IND = L2C_COC_CBACK_START, /*!< \brief Channel connect indication */
85  L2C_COC_DISCONNECT_IND, /*!< \brief Channel disconnect indication */
86  L2C_COC_EN_CONNECT_IND, /*!< \brief Received enhanced connection indication */
87  L2C_COC_EN_RECONFIG_IND, /*!< \brief Received enhanced reconfiguration indication */
88  L2C_COC_DATA_IND, /*!< \brief Received data indication */
89  L2C_COC_DATA_CNF /*!< \brief Transmit data confirm */
90 };
92 #define L2C_COC_CBACK_CBACK_END L2C_COC_DATA_CNF /*!< \brief L2C callback event ending value */
93 /**@}*/
95 /**************************************************************************************************
96  Data Types
97 **************************************************************************************************/
99 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel registration ID */
100 typedef uint16_t l2cCocRegId_t;
102 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel registration structure */
103 typedef struct
104 {
105  uint16_t psm; /*!< \brief Protocol service multiplexer */
106  uint16_t mps; /*!< \brief Maximum receive PDU fragment size */
107  uint16_t mtu; /*!< \brief Maximum receive data packet size */
108  uint16_t credits; /*!< \brief Data packet receive credits for this channel */
109  bool_t authoriz; /*!< \brief TRUE if authorization is required */
110  uint8_t secLevel; /*!< \brief Channel minimum security level requirements */
111  uint8_t role; /*!< \brief Channel initiator/acceptor role */
112 } l2cCocReg_t;
114 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel connect indication structure */
115 typedef struct
116 {
117  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
118  uint16_t cid; /*!< \brief Local channel ID */
119  uint16_t peerMtu; /*!< \brief Data packet MTU peer can receive */
120  uint16_t psm; /*!< \brief Connected PSM */
123 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel disconnect indication structure */
124 typedef struct
125 {
126  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
127  uint16_t cid; /*!< \brief Local channel ID */
128  uint16_t result; /*!< \brief Connection failure result code */
131 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel data indication structure */
132 typedef struct
133 {
134  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
135  uint16_t cid; /*!< \brief Local channel ID */
136  uint8_t *pData; /*!< \brief Pointer to packet data */
137  uint16_t dataLen; /*!< \brief packet data length */
140 /*! \brief Connection oriented channel disconnect indication structure */
141 typedef struct
142 {
143  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
144  uint16_t cid; /*!< \brief Local channel ID */
147 /*! \brief Enhanced connection oriented channel connect indication structure */
148 typedef struct
149 {
150  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
151  uint16_t mps; /*!< \brief Data packet MPS peer can receive */
152  uint16_t mtu; /*!< \brief Data packet MTU peer can receive */
153  bool_t req; /*!< \brief TRUE if indicating a request, else a response. */
154  uint8_t cidLen; /*!< \brief Number of channels in cidList */
155  uint16_t cidList[L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN]; /*!< \brief Local channel ID list */
158 /*! \brief Enhanced connection oriented channel reconfiguration indication structure */
159 typedef struct
160 {
161  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
162  uint16_t mps; /*!< \brief Data packet MPS */
163  uint16_t mtu; /*!< \brief Data packet MTU */
164  bool_t req; /*!< \brief TRUE if indicating a request, else a response. */
165  uint8_t cidLen; /*!< \brief Number of channels in cidList */
166  uint16_t cidList[L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN]; /*!< \brief Local channel ID list */
169 /*!
170  * \brief Connection oriented channel event structure
171  *
172  * Connection oriented channel callback header parameters:
173  *
174  * \param hdr.event Callback event
175  * \param hdr.param DM connection ID
176  * \param hdr.status Event status (L2C_COC_DATA_CNF only)
177  */
178 typedef union
179 {
180  wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; /*!< \brief Header structure */
181  l2cCocConnectInd_t connectInd; /*!< \brief Channel connect indication */
182  l2cCocDisconnectInd_t disconnectInd; /*!< \brief Channel disconnect indication */
183  l2cCocDataInd_t dataInd; /*!< \brief Received data indication */
184  l2cCocDataCnf_t dataCnf; /*!< \brief Transmit data confirm */
185  l2cCocEnConnectInd_t enConnectInd; /*!< \brief Enhanced channel connect indication */
186  l2cCocEnReconfigInd_t enReconfigInd; /*!< \brief Enhanced channel reconfigure indication */
187 } l2cCocEvt_t;
189 /*! \brief Configurable parameters */
190 typedef struct
191 {
192  uint16_t reqTimeout; /*!< \brief Request timeout in seconds */
193 } l2cCfg_t;
195 /*! \} */ /* STACK_L2CAP_API */
197 /**************************************************************************************************
198  Global Variables;
199 **************************************************************************************************/
201 /*! \addtogroup STACK_INIT
202  * \{ */
204 /** \name L2CAP Configuration Structure
205  * Pointer to structure containing initialization details of the L2CAP Subsystem. To be configured
206  * by Application.
207  */
208 /**@{*/
209 /*! \brief Configuration pointer */
210 extern l2cCfg_t *pL2cCfg;
211 /**@}*/
213 /*! \} */ /* STACK_INIT */
215 /**************************************************************************************************
216  Callback Function Types
217 **************************************************************************************************/
219 /*! \addtogroup STACK_L2CAP_API
220  * \{ */
222 /*************************************************************************************************/
223 /*!
224  * \brief This callback function sends a received L2CAP packet to the client.
225  *
226  * \param handle The connection handle.
227  * \param len The length of the L2CAP payload data in pPacket.
228  * \param pPacket A buffer containing the packet.
229  *
230  * \return None.
231  */
232 /*************************************************************************************************/
233 typedef void (*l2cDataCback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket);
235 /*************************************************************************************************/
236 /*!
237  * \brief This callback function sends control messages to the client.
238  *
239  * \param pMsg Pointer to message structure.
240  *
241  * \return None.
242  */
243 /*************************************************************************************************/
244 typedef void (*l2cCtrlCback_t)(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
246 /*************************************************************************************************/
247 /*!
248  * \brief This callback function sends data and other events to connection oriented
249  * channels clients.
250  *
251  * \param pMsg Pointer to message structure.
252  *
253  * \return None.
254  */
255 /*************************************************************************************************/
256 typedef void (*l2cCocCback_t)(l2cCocEvt_t *pMsg);
258 /*************************************************************************************************/
259 /*!
260  * \brief This callback function asks clients of connection oriented channels if a given number
261  * of channels can be created on the PSM.
262  *
263  * \param connId DM connection ID.
264  * \param numChans number of channels requested.
265  *
266  * \return number of channels permitted by client.
267  */
268 /*************************************************************************************************/
269 typedef uint8_t (*l2cCocAcceptCb_t)(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t numChans);
271 /*************************************************************************************************/
272 /*!
273  * \brief This callback function is used for authoriztion of connection oriented channels.
274  *
275  * \param connId DM connection ID.
276  * \param regId The registration instance requiring authorization.
277  * \param psm The PSM of the registration instance.
278  *
279  * \return L2C_CONN_SUCCESS if authorization is successful, any other value for failure.
280  */
281 /*************************************************************************************************/
282 typedef uint16_t (*l2cCocAuthorCback_t)(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm);
284 /**************************************************************************************************
285  Function Declarations
286 **************************************************************************************************/
288 /** \name L2CAP Initialization
289  * Initialization and registration functions
290  */
291 /**@{*/
293 /*************************************************************************************************/
294 /*!
295  * \brief Initialize L2C subsystem.
296  *
297  * \return None.
298  */
299 /*************************************************************************************************/
300 void L2cInit(void);
302 /*************************************************************************************************/
303 /*!
304  * \brief Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE master.
305  *
306  * \return None.
307  */
308 /*************************************************************************************************/
309 void L2cMasterInit(void);
311 /*************************************************************************************************/
312 /*!
313  * \brief Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE slave.
314  *
315  * \return None.
316  */
317 /*************************************************************************************************/
318 void L2cSlaveInit(void);
320 /**@}*/
322 /** \name L2CAP CID Functions
323  * Register and send data over a CID
324  */
325 /**@{*/
327 /*************************************************************************************************/
328 /*!
329  * \brief called by the L2C client, such as ATT or SMP, to register for the given CID.
330  *
331  * \param cid channel identifier.
332  * \param dataCback Callback function for L2CAP data received for this CID.
333  * \param ctrlCback Callback function for control events for this CID.
334  *
335  * \return None.
336  */
337 /*************************************************************************************************/
338 void L2cRegister(uint16_t cid, l2cDataCback_t dataCback, l2cCtrlCback_t ctrlCback);
341 /*************************************************************************************************/
342 /*!
343  * \brief Send an L2CAP data packet on the given CID.
344  *
345  * \param cid The channel identifier.
346  * \param handle The connection handle. The client receives this handle from DM.
347  * \param len The length of the payload data in pPacket.
348  * \param pL2cPacket A buffer containing the packet.
349  *
350  * \return None.
351  */
352 /*************************************************************************************************/
353 void L2cDataReq(uint16_t cid, uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pL2cPacket);
355 /*************************************************************************************************/
356 /*!
357 * \brief Build and send a signaling packet.
358 *
359 * \param handle The connection handle.
360 * \param code Type of command.
361 * \param len Length of the parameter.
362 * \param pParam parameters of command to send.
363 *
364 * \return None.
365 */
366 /*************************************************************************************************/
367 void L2cDmSigReq(uint16_t handle, uint8_t code, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pParam);
369 /**@}*/
371 /** \name L2CAP COC Functions
372  * Connection Oriented Channels Functions
373  */
374 /**@{*/
376 /*************************************************************************************************/
377 /*!
378  * \brief Initialize L2C connection oriented channel subsystem.
379  *
380  * \return None.
381  */
382 /*************************************************************************************************/
383 void L2cCocInit(void);
385 /*************************************************************************************************/
386 /*!
387  * \brief Register to use a connection oriented channel, as either a channel acceptor,
388  * initiator, or both. If registering as channel acceptor then the PSM is specified.
389  * After registering a connection can be established by the client using this
390  * registration instance.
391  *
392  * \param cback Client callback function.
393  * \param pReg Registration parameter structure.
394  *
395  * \return Registration instance ID or L2C_COC_REG_ID_NONE if registration failed.
396  */
397 /*************************************************************************************************/
398 l2cCocRegId_t L2cCocRegister(l2cCocCback_t cback, l2cCocReg_t *pReg);
400 /*************************************************************************************************/
401 /*!
402  * \brief Deregister and deallocate a connection oriented channel registration instance.
403  * This function should only be called if there are no active channels using this
404  * registration instance.
405  *
406  * \param regId Registration instance ID.
407  *
408  * \return None.
409  */
410 /*************************************************************************************************/
411 void L2cCocDeregister(l2cCocRegId_t regId);
413 /*************************************************************************************************/
414 /*!
415  * \brief Set the channel accept callback.
416  *
417  * \param regId Registration instance ID.
418  * \param cback Client callback function.
419  *
420  * \return None.
421  */
422 /*************************************************************************************************/
423 void L2cCocSetAcceptCback(l2cCocRegId_t regId, l2cCocAcceptCb_t cback);
425 /*************************************************************************************************/
426 /*!
427  * \brief Initiate a connection to the given peer PSM.
428  *
429  * \param connId DM connection ID.
430  * \param regId The associated registration instance.
431  * \param psm Peer PSM.
432  *
433  * \return Local CID or L2C_COC_CID_NONE none if failure.
434  */
435 /*************************************************************************************************/
436 uint16_t L2cCocConnectReq(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm);
438 /*************************************************************************************************/
439 /*!
440  * \brief Disconnect the channel for the given CID.
441  *
442  * \param cid Channel ID.
443  *
444  * \return None.
445  */
446 /*************************************************************************************************/
447 void L2cCocDisconnectReq(uint16_t cid);
449 /*************************************************************************************************/
450 /*!
451  * \brief Send an L2CAP data packet on the given connection oriented CID.
452  *
453  * \param cid The local channel identifier.
454  * \param len The length of the payload data in pPacket.
455  * \param pPayload Packet payload data.
456  *
457  * \return None.
458  */
459 /*************************************************************************************************/
460 void L2cCocDataReq(uint16_t cid, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPayload);
462 /*************************************************************************************************/
463 /*!
464  * \brief Send a request to open enhanced credit based channels.
465  *
466  * \param connId DM connection ID.
467  * \param regId The associated registration instance.
468  * \param psm The protocol slave multiplexer.
469  * \param credits The initial number of credits for each CID channel.
470  * \param numChan The number of channels to create - L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN max.
471  *
472  * \return FALSE if unable make request, else TRUE.
473  */
474 /*************************************************************************************************/
475 bool_t L2cCocEnhancedConnectReq(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm,
476  uint16_t credits, uint8_t numChan);
478 /*************************************************************************************************/
479 /*!
480  * \brief Send a request to reconfigure enhanced credit based channels.
481  *
482  * \param connId DM connection ID.
483  * \param mtu The maximum transmission unit of each source CID channel.
484  * \param mps The maximum payload size on each source CID channel.
485  * \param numChan The number of channels to create (1 to L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN).
486  * \param pChanList A list of local CID to reconfigure (L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN channels, set unused to 0).
487  *
488  * \return FALSE if unable make request, else TRUE.
489  */
490  /*************************************************************************************************/
491 bool_t L2cCocEnhancedReconfigReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t mps,
492  uint8_t numChan, uint16_t *pChanList);
494 /*************************************************************************************************/
495 /*!
496  * \brief For testing purposes only.
497  *
498  * \param result Result code
499  *
500  * \return None.
501  */
502 /*************************************************************************************************/
503 void L2cCocErrorTest(uint16_t result);
505 /*************************************************************************************************/
506 /*!
507  * \brief For testing purposes only.
508  *
509  * \param cid The local channel identifier.
510  * \param credits Credits to send.
511  *
512  * \return None.
513  */
514 /*************************************************************************************************/
515 void L2cCocCreditSendTest(uint16_t cid, uint16_t credits);
517 /**@}*/
519 /** \name L2CAP Connection Parameter Update Functions
520  *
521  */
522 /**@{*/
524 /*************************************************************************************************/
525 /*!
526  * \brief For internal use only. This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP
527  * connection update request.
528  *
529  * \param handle The connection handle.
530  * \param pConnSpec Pointer to the connection specification structure.
531  *
532  * \return None.
533  */
534 /*************************************************************************************************/
535 void L2cDmConnUpdateReq(uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec);
537 /*************************************************************************************************/
538 /*!
539  * \brief For internal use only. This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP
540  * connection update response.
541  *
542  * \param identifier Identifier value previously passed from L2C to DM.
543  * \param handle The connection handle.
544  * \param result Connection update response result.
545  *
546  * \return None.
547  */
548 /*************************************************************************************************/
549 void L2cDmConnUpdateRsp(uint8_t identifier, uint16_t handle, uint16_t result);
551 /**@}*/
553 /*! \} */ /*! STACK_L2CAP_API */
555 #ifdef __cplusplus
556 };
557 #endif
559 #endif /* L2C_API_H */
uint16_t dataLen
packet data length
Definition: l2c_api.h:137
uint16_t cid
Local channel ID.
Definition: l2c_api.h:144
void L2cDataReq(uint16_t cid, uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pL2cPacket)
Send an L2CAP data packet on the given CID.
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:134
Connection oriented channel registration structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:103
void L2cInit(void)
Initialize L2C subsystem.
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:143
uint8_t dmConnId_t
Connection identifier.
Definition: dm_api.h:588
Received data indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:88
void(* l2cCocCback_t)(l2cCocEvt_t *pMsg)
This callback function sends data and other events to connection oriented channels clients...
Definition: l2c_api.h:256
uint16_t cid
Local channel ID.
Definition: l2c_api.h:127
void L2cCocDataReq(uint16_t cid, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPayload)
Send an L2CAP data packet on the given connection oriented CID.
uint16_t psm
Connected PSM.
Definition: l2c_api.h:120
void L2cCocCreditSendTest(uint16_t cid, uint16_t credits)
For testing purposes only.
uint16_t mps
Maximum receive PDU fragment size.
Definition: l2c_api.h:106
void L2cDmConnUpdateRsp(uint8_t identifier, uint16_t handle, uint16_t result)
For internal use only. This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP connection update response...
void L2cCocDisconnectReq(uint16_t cid)
Disconnect the channel for the given CID.
uint16_t cid
Local channel ID.
Definition: l2c_api.h:118
void(* l2cDataCback_t)(uint16_t handle, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pPacket)
This callback function sends a received L2CAP packet to the client.
Definition: l2c_api.h:233
bool_t authoriz
TRUE if authorization is required.
Definition: l2c_api.h:109
uint16_t L2cCocConnectReq(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm)
Initiate a connection to the given peer PSM.
l2cCocConnectInd_t connectInd
Channel connect indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:181
uint8_t role
Channel initiator/acceptor role.
Definition: l2c_api.h:111
uint16_t(* l2cCocAuthorCback_t)(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm)
This callback function is used for authoriztion of connection oriented channels.
Definition: l2c_api.h:282
bool_t req
TRUE if indicating a request, else a response.
Definition: l2c_api.h:164
#define L2C_MAX_EN_CHAN
Max number of channels per enhanced connection request.
Definition: l2c_defs.h:49
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:150
Connection oriented channel disconnect indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:124
bool_t L2cCocEnhancedConnectReq(dmConnId_t connId, l2cCocRegId_t regId, uint16_t psm, uint16_t credits, uint8_t numChan)
Send a request to open enhanced credit based channels.
Connection oriented channel connect indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:115
void L2cDmSigReq(uint16_t handle, uint8_t code, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pParam)
Build and send a signaling packet.
L2C callback event starting value.
Definition: l2c_api.h:84
uint8_t cidLen
Number of channels in cidList.
Definition: l2c_api.h:165
uint16_t reqTimeout
Request timeout in seconds.
Definition: l2c_api.h:192
uint8_t(* l2cCocAcceptCb_t)(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t numChans)
This callback function asks clients of connection oriented channels if a given number of channels can...
Definition: l2c_api.h:269
Connection oriented channel event structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:178
Transmit data confirm.
Definition: l2c_api.h:89
uint8_t * pData
Pointer to packet data.
Definition: l2c_api.h:136
Channel disconnect indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:85
bool_t L2cCocEnhancedReconfigReq(dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t mps, uint8_t numChan, uint16_t *pChanList)
Send a request to reconfigure enhanced credit based channels.
L2CAP constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
void L2cCocInit(void)
Initialize L2C connection oriented channel subsystem.
Configurable parameters.
Definition: l2c_api.h:190
l2cCocRegId_t L2cCocRegister(l2cCocCback_t cback, l2cCocReg_t *pReg)
Register to use a connection oriented channel, as either a channel acceptor, initiator, or both. If registering as channel acceptor then the PSM is specified. After registering a connection can be established by the client using this registration instance.
uint8_t secLevel
Channel minimum security level requirements.
Definition: l2c_api.h:110
void(* l2cCtrlCback_t)(wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg)
This callback function sends control messages to the client.
Definition: l2c_api.h:244
Connection specification type.
Definition: hci_api.h:1023
uint16_t l2cCocRegId_t
Connection oriented channel registration ID.
Definition: l2c_api.h:100
Enhanced connection oriented channel reconfiguration indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:159
void L2cCocSetAcceptCback(l2cCocRegId_t regId, l2cCocAcceptCb_t cback)
Set the channel accept callback.
void L2cSlaveInit(void)
Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE slave.
Connection oriented channel data indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:132
bool_t req
TRUE if indicating a request, else a response.
Definition: l2c_api.h:153
uint16_t mtu
Data packet MTU.
Definition: l2c_api.h:163
uint16_t peerMtu
Data packet MTU peer can receive.
Definition: l2c_api.h:119
void L2cCocErrorTest(uint16_t result)
For testing purposes only.
Device Manager subsystem API.
uint16_t psm
Protocol service multiplexer.
Definition: l2c_api.h:105
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:180
void L2cRegister(uint16_t cid, l2cDataCback_t dataCback, l2cCtrlCback_t ctrlCback)
called by the L2C client, such as ATT or SMP, to register for the given CID.
l2cCocDataCnf_t dataCnf
Transmit data confirm.
Definition: l2c_api.h:184
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:161
Connection oriented channel disconnect indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:141
l2cCocDataInd_t dataInd
Received data indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:183
uint16_t credits
Data packet receive credits for this channel.
Definition: l2c_api.h:108
uint16_t mtu
Maximum receive data packet size.
Definition: l2c_api.h:107
l2cCocEnReconfigInd_t enReconfigInd
Enhanced channel reconfigure indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:186
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:126
void L2cDmConnUpdateReq(uint16_t handle, hciConnSpec_t *pConnSpec)
For internal use only. This function is called by DM to send an L2CAP connection update request...
uint16_t result
Connection failure result code.
Definition: l2c_api.h:128
Enhanced connection oriented channel connect indication structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:148
uint16_t mps
Data packet MPS peer can receive.
Definition: l2c_api.h:151
l2cCocDisconnectInd_t disconnectInd
Channel disconnect indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:182
void L2cCocDeregister(l2cCocRegId_t regId)
Deregister and deallocate a connection oriented channel registration instance. This function should o...
Received enhanced reconfiguration indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:87
l2cCocEnConnectInd_t enConnectInd
Enhanced channel connect indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:185
void L2cMasterInit(void)
Initialize L2C for operation as a Bluetooth LE master.
Received enhanced connection indication.
Definition: l2c_api.h:86
uint16_t cid
Local channel ID.
Definition: l2c_api.h:135
Common message structure passed to event handler.
Definition: wsf_os.h:106
L2C callback event starting value.
Definition: l2c_api.h:80
wsfMsgHdr_t hdr
Header structure.
Definition: l2c_api.h:117
uint8_t cidLen
Number of channels in cidList.
Definition: l2c_api.h:154
l2cCfg_t * pL2cCfg
Configuration pointer.
uint16_t mps
Data packet MPS.
Definition: l2c_api.h:162
uint16_t mtu
Data packet MTU peer can receive.
Definition: l2c_api.h:152
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