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Data Structures

Data Structures

struct  attsAttr_t
 Attribute structure. More...
struct  attsCsfRec_t
 Client supported features record structure. More...
struct  attsGroup_tag
 Attribute group. More...
struct  attsCccSet_t
 Client characteristc configuration settings. More...
struct  attsCccEvt_t
 ATTS client characteristic configuration callback structure. More...

ATT Server Attribute Settings

Settings that may be set on each attribute.

#define ATTS_SET_UUID_128   0x01
 Set if the UUID is 128 bits in length. More...
#define ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK   0x02
 Set if the group callback is executed when this attribute is written by a client device. More...
#define ATTS_SET_READ_CBACK   0x04
 Set if the group callback is executed when this attribute is read by a client device. More...
#define ATTS_SET_VARIABLE_LEN   0x08
 Set if the attribute has a variable length. More...
#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_OFFSET   0x10
 Set if writes are allowed with an offset. More...
#define ATTS_SET_CCC   0x20
 Set if the attribute is a client characteristic configuration descriptor. More...
#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_SIGNED   0x40
 Set if signed writes are allowed. More...
#define ATTS_SET_REQ_SIGNED   0x80
 Set if signed writes are required if link is not encrypted. More...

ATT Server Attribute Permissions

Permissions used to describe a attribute's security setting.

These values can be set in any combination.

#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ   0x01
 Set if attribute can be read. More...
#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_AUTH   0x02
 Set if attribute read requires authentication. More...
 Set if attribute read requires authorization. More...
#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_ENC   0x08
 Set if attribute read requires encryption. More...
#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE   0x10
 Set if attribute can be written. More...
 Set if attribute write requires authentication. More...
 Set if attribute write requires authorization. More...
#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_ENC   0x80
 Set if attribute write requires encryption. More...

Attribute Server Data Types

typedef struct attsGroup_tag attsGroup_t
 Attribute group. More...

ATT Server Callbacks

typedef uint8_t(* attsReadCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, attsAttr_t *pAttr)
 Attribute group read callback. More...
typedef uint8_t(* attsWriteCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pValue, attsAttr_t *pAttr)
 Attribute group write callback. More...
typedef uint8_t(* attsAuthorCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t permit, uint16_t handle)
 ATTS authorization callback type. More...
typedef void(* attsCsfWriteCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t changeAwareState, uint8_t *pCsf)
 ATTS client supported features write callback type. More...
typedef void(* attsCccCback_t) (attsCccEvt_t *pEvt)
 ATTS client characteristic configuration callback. More...

ATT Server Functions

void AttsInit (void)
 Initialize ATT server. More...
void AttsIndInit (void)
 Initialize ATT server for indications/notifications. More...
void AttsSignInit (void)
 Initialize ATT server for data signing. More...
void AttsAuthorRegister (attsAuthorCback_t cback)
 Register an authorization callback with the attribute server. More...
void AttsAddGroup (attsGroup_t *pGroup)
 Add an attribute group to the attribute server. More...
void AttsRemoveGroup (uint16_t startHandle)
 Remove an attribute group from the attribute server. More...
void AttsCalculateDbHash (void)
 Calculate database hash from the GATT database. More...
bool_t AttsHashDatabaseString (uint8_t *pKey, uint8_t *pMsg, uint16_t msgLen)
 Create hash from the database string. More...
uint8_t AttsSetAttr (uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Set an attribute value in the attribute server. More...
uint8_t AttsGetAttr (uint16_t handle, uint16_t *pLen, uint8_t **pValue)
 Get an attribute value in the attribute server. More...
void AttsHandleValueInd (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication. More...
void AttsHandleValueNtf (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification. More...
void AttsHandleValueIndZeroCpy (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication without copying the attribute value data. More...
void AttsHandleValueNtfZeroCpy (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification without copying the attribute value data. More...
void AttsCccRegister (uint8_t setLen, attsCccSet_t *pSet, attsCccCback_t cback)
 Register the utility service for managing client characteristic configuration descriptors. This function is typically called once on system initialization. More...
void AttsCccInitTable (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t *pCccTbl)
 Initialize the client characteristic configuration descriptor value table for a connection. The table is initialized with the values from pCccTbl. If pCccTbl is NULL the table will be initialized to zero. More...
void AttsCccClearTable (dmConnId_t connId)
 Clear and deallocate the client characteristic configuration descriptor value table for a connection. This function must be called when a connection is closed. More...
uint16_t AttsCccGet (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx)
 Get the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index. If not found, return zero. More...
void AttsCccSet (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx, uint16_t value)
 Set the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index. More...
uint16_t AttsCccEnabled (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t idx)
 Check if a client characteristic configuration descriptor is enabled and if the characteristic's security level has been met. More...
uint8_t AttsGetCccTableLen (void)
 Get number of CCC entries in table. More...
void AttsContinueWriteReq (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t status)
 Send a response to a pending write request. For use with ATT_RSP_PENDING. More...
void AttsSetCsrk (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t *pCsrk, bool_t authenticated)
 Set the peer's data signing key on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is established. The caller is responsible for maintaining the memory that contains the key. More...
void AttsSetSignCounter (dmConnId_t connId, uint32_t signCounter)
 Set the peer's sign counter on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is established. ATT maintains the value of the sign counter internally and sets the value when a signed packet is successfully received. More...
uint32_t AttsGetSignCounter (dmConnId_t connId)
 Get the current value peer's sign counter on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is closed so the application can store the sign counter for use on future connections. More...
void AttsCsfInit (void)
 Initialize ATTS client supported features module. More...
void AttsCsfConnOpen (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t changeAwareState, uint8_t *pCsf)
 Initialize the client supported features for a connection. More...
uint8_t AttsCsfWriteFeatures (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t offset, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 GATT write of client supported feature characteristic value. More...
void AttsCsfGetFeatures (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t *pCsfOut, uint8_t pCsfOutLen)
 Get client supported feature record. More...
uint8_t AttsCsfGetClientChangeAwareState (dmConnId_t connId)
 Get client state of awareness to a change in the database. More...
void AttsCsfSetClientChangeAwareState (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t state)
 Update a client's state of awareness to a change in the database. More...
void AttsCsfRegister (attsCsfWriteCback_t writeCback)
 Register callback. More...

ATT Server Dynamic Service Subsystem Functions

void AttsDynInit (void)
 Initialize the Dynamic ATT Service subsystem. More...
void * AttsDynCreateGroup (uint16_t startHandle, uint16_t endHandle)
 Dynamically create an ATT Service at runtime. More...
void AttsDynDeleteGroup (void *pSvcHandle)
 Dynamically delete an ATT Service at runtime. More...
void AttsDynRegister (void *pSvcHandle, attsReadCback_t readCback, attsWriteCback_t writeCback)
 Register callback functions for a dynamic ATT Service at runtime. More...
void AttsDynAddAttr (void *pSvcHandle, const uint8_t *pUuid, const uint8_t *pValue, uint16_t len, const uint16_t maxLen, uint8_t settings, uint8_t permissions)
 Dynamically add an attribute to a dynamic ATT Services at runtime. More...
void AttsDynAddAttrConst (void *pSvcHandle, const uint8_t *pUuid, const uint8_t *pValue, const uint16_t len, uint8_t settings, uint8_t permissions)
 Dynamically add an attribute with a constant value to a dynamic ATT Services at runtime. More...

ATT Server Testing

void AttsErrorTest (uint8_t status)
 For testing purposes only. More...

EATT Server Functions

void EattsMultiValueNtf (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t numTuples, eattTuple_t *pTupleList)
 Send multiple attribute protocol Handle Value Notification. More...
void EattsHandleValueInd (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication. More...
void EattsHandleValueNtf (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification. More...
void EattsHandleValueIndZeroCpy (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication without copying the attribute value data. More...
void EattsHandleValueNtfZeroCpy (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t priority, uint16_t handle, uint16_t valueLen, uint8_t *pValue)
 Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification without copying the attribute value data. More...
void EattsInit ()
 Initialize the Enhanced ATT Server. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ   0x01

Set if attribute can be read.

Definition at line 69 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_AUTH   0x02

Set if attribute read requires authentication.

Definition at line 70 of file att_api.h.


Set if attribute read requires authorization.

Definition at line 71 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_PERMIT_READ_ENC   0x08

Set if attribute read requires encryption.

Definition at line 72 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE   0x10

Set if attribute can be written.

Definition at line 73 of file att_api.h.


Set if attribute write requires authentication.

Definition at line 74 of file att_api.h.


Set if attribute write requires authorization.

Definition at line 75 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_ENC   0x80

Set if attribute write requires encryption.

Definition at line 76 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_OFFSET   0x10

Set if writes are allowed with an offset.

Definition at line 54 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_ALLOW_SIGNED   0x40

Set if signed writes are allowed.

Definition at line 58 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_CCC   0x20

Set if the attribute is a client characteristic configuration descriptor.

Definition at line 55 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_READ_CBACK   0x04

Set if the group callback is executed when this attribute is read by a client device.

Definition at line 50 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_REQ_SIGNED   0x80

Set if signed writes are required if link is not encrypted.

Definition at line 59 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_UUID_128   0x01

Set if the UUID is 128 bits in length.

Definition at line 46 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_VARIABLE_LEN   0x08

Set if the attribute has a variable length.

Definition at line 53 of file att_api.h.

#define ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK   0x02

Set if the group callback is executed when this attribute is written by a client device.

Definition at line 47 of file att_api.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8_t(* attsAuthorCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t permit, uint16_t handle)

ATTS authorization callback type.

This callback function is executed when a read or write operation occurs and the security field of an attribute structure is set to ATTS_PERMIT_READ_AUTHORIZ or ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE_AUTHORIZ respectively.

connIdDM Connection ID.
permitSet to ATTS_PERMIT_WRITE for a writre operation or ATTS_PERMIT_READ for a read operation.
handleAttribute handle.
status of the operation. ATT_SUCCESS if successful, else if failure the ATT_ERR_AUTH is typically returned.

Definition at line 290 of file att_api.h.

typedef void(* attsCccCback_t) (attsCccEvt_t *pEvt)

ATTS client characteristic configuration callback.

Client characteristic configuration callback. This function is executed when a CCCD value changes. This happens when a peer device writes a new value to the CCCD or when a CCCD table is initialized by calling AttsCccInitTable.

pEvtPointer to callback structure.

Definition at line 395 of file att_api.h.

typedef void(* attsCsfWriteCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t changeAwareState, uint8_t *pCsf)

ATTS client supported features write callback type.

This callback function is executed when the client supported features record for this client has been updated.

connIdDM Connection ID.
changeAwareStateThe state of awareness to a change, see attClientAwareStates.
pCsfPointer to the client supported features value.

Definition at line 303 of file att_api.h.

typedef struct attsGroup_tag attsGroup_t

Attribute group.

typedef uint8_t(* attsReadCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, attsAttr_t *pAttr)

Attribute group read callback.

This is the attribute server read callback. It is executed on an attribute read operation if bitmask ATTS_SET_READ_CBACK is set in the settings field of the attribute structure. For a read operation, if the operation is successful the function must set pAttr->pValue to the data to be read. In addition, if the attribute is variable length then pAttr->pLen must be set as well.

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
operationOperation type.
offsetRead data offset.
pAttrPointer to attribute structure.
status of the operation. ATT_SUCCESS if successful.

Definition at line 253 of file att_api.h.

typedef uint8_t(* attsWriteCback_t) (dmConnId_t connId, uint16_t handle, uint8_t operation, uint16_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *pValue, attsAttr_t *pAttr)

Attribute group write callback.

This is the attribute server write callback. It is executed on an attribute write operation if bitmask ATTS_SET_WRITE_CBACK is set in the settings field of the attribute structure.

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
operationOperation type.
offsetWrite data offset.
lenLength of data to write.
pValuePointer to data to write.
pAttrPointer to attribute structure.
status of operation. ATT_SUCCESS if successful.

Definition at line 272 of file att_api.h.

Function Documentation

void AttsAddGroup ( attsGroup_t pGroup)

Add an attribute group to the attribute server.

pGroupPointer to an attribute group structure.
void AttsAuthorRegister ( attsAuthorCback_t  cback)

Register an authorization callback with the attribute server.

cbackClient callback function.
void AttsCalculateDbHash ( void  )

Calculate database hash from the GATT database.

void AttsCccClearTable ( dmConnId_t  connId)

Clear and deallocate the client characteristic configuration descriptor value table for a connection. This function must be called when a connection is closed.

connIdDM connection ID.
uint16_t AttsCccEnabled ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  idx 

Check if a client characteristic configuration descriptor is enabled and if the characteristic's security level has been met.

connIdDM connection ID.
idxIndex of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table.
Value of the descriptor if security level is met, otherwise zero.
uint16_t AttsCccGet ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  idx 

Get the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index. If not found, return zero.

connIdDM connection ID.
idxIndex of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table.
Value of the descriptor.
void AttsCccInitTable ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t *  pCccTbl 

Initialize the client characteristic configuration descriptor value table for a connection. The table is initialized with the values from pCccTbl. If pCccTbl is NULL the table will be initialized to zero.

This function must be called when a connection is established or when a device is bonded.

connIdDM connection ID.
pCccTblPointer to the descriptor value array. The length of the array must equal the value of setLen passed to AttsCccRegister().
void AttsCccRegister ( uint8_t  setLen,
attsCccSet_t pSet,
attsCccCback_t  cback 

Register the utility service for managing client characteristic configuration descriptors. This function is typically called once on system initialization.

setLenLength of settings array.
pSetArray of CCC descriptor settings.
cbackClient callback function.
void AttsCccSet ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  idx,
uint16_t  value 

Set the value of a client characteristic configuration descriptor by its index.

connIdDM connection ID.
idxIndex of descriptor in CCC descriptor handle table.
valueValue of the descriptor.
void AttsContinueWriteReq ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  handle,
uint8_t  status 

Send a response to a pending write request. For use with ATT_RSP_PENDING.

connIdConnection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
statusStatus of the write request.
When a higher layer returns ATT_RSP_PENDING to an ATT write callback indicating the response status is pending, the higher layer must subsequently call this function with the status of the write request.
void AttsCsfConnOpen ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  changeAwareState,
uint8_t *  pCsf 

Initialize the client supported features for a connection.

connIdDM connection ID.
changeAwareStateThe state of awareness to a change in the database.
pCsfPointer to the client supported features value to cache. NULL or buffer of length ATT_CSF_LEN.
uint8_t AttsCsfGetClientChangeAwareState ( dmConnId_t  connId)

Get client state of awareness to a change in the database.

connIdDM connection ID.
Client's change-aware state. See attClientAwareStates.
void AttsCsfGetFeatures ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t *  pCsfOut,
uint8_t  pCsfOutLen 

Get client supported feature record.

connIdDM connection ID.
pCsfOutOutput parameter for client supported features buffer.
pCsfOutLenLength of output parameter buffer.
void AttsCsfInit ( void  )

Initialize ATTS client supported features module.

void AttsCsfRegister ( attsCsfWriteCback_t  writeCback)

Register callback.

writeCbackApplication callback for when client supported features record is updated.
void AttsCsfSetClientChangeAwareState ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  state 

Update a client's state of awareness to a change in the database.

connIdDM connection ID. if DM_CONN_ID_NONE, sets the state for all connected clients.
stateThe state of awareness to a change, see attClientAwareStates.
A callback to application is not needed as it is expected the caller (i.e. the application) will have updated all persistent records prior to calling this function.
uint8_t AttsCsfWriteFeatures ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  offset,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

GATT write of client supported feature characteristic value.

connIdDM connection ID.
offsetoffset into csf characteristic.
valueLenlength of write in bytes.
pValuePointer to client's supported features characteristic value.
ATT_SUCCESS is successful, ATT_ERR_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED if any supported features are flipped from 1 to 0.
void AttsDynAddAttr ( void *  pSvcHandle,
const uint8_t *  pUuid,
const uint8_t *  pValue,
uint16_t  len,
const uint16_t  maxLen,
uint8_t  settings,
uint8_t  permissions 

Dynamically add an attribute to a dynamic ATT Services at runtime.

pSvcHandleService handle returned by AttsDynCreateGroup
pUuidConstant UUID
pValueInitial value of attribute (copied into attribute memory)
lenLength of pValue in bytes
maxLenMaximum length of the attribute in bytes
settingsAttribute settings
permissionsAttribute permissions
void AttsDynAddAttrConst ( void *  pSvcHandle,
const uint8_t *  pUuid,
const uint8_t *  pValue,
const uint16_t  len,
uint8_t  settings,
uint8_t  permissions 

Dynamically add an attribute with a constant value to a dynamic ATT Services at runtime.

pSvcHandleService handle returned by AttsDynCreateGroup
pUuidConstant UUID
pValuePointer to constant attribute memory
lenLength of pValue in bytes
settingsAttribute settings
permissionsAttribute permissions
void* AttsDynCreateGroup ( uint16_t  startHandle,
uint16_t  endHandle 

Dynamically create an ATT Service at runtime.

startHandleStarting attribute handle in the service
endHandleLast attribute handle in the service
Service Handle.
void AttsDynDeleteGroup ( void *  pSvcHandle)

Dynamically delete an ATT Service at runtime.

pSvcHandleService handle returned by AttsDynCreateGroup
void AttsDynInit ( void  )

Initialize the Dynamic ATT Service subsystem.

void AttsDynRegister ( void *  pSvcHandle,
attsReadCback_t  readCback,
attsWriteCback_t  writeCback 

Register callback functions for a dynamic ATT Service at runtime.

pSvcHandleService handle returned by AttsDynCreateGroup
readCbackRead callback function
writeCbackWrite callback function
void AttsErrorTest ( uint8_t  status)

For testing purposes only.

statusATT status
uint8_t AttsGetAttr ( uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t *  pLen,
uint8_t **  pValue 

Get an attribute value in the attribute server.

handleAttribute handle.
pLenReturned attribute length pointer.
pValueReturned attribute value pointer.
ATT_SUCCESS if successful otherwise error.
This function returns the attribute length in pLen and a pointer to the attribute value in pValue.
uint8_t AttsGetCccTableLen ( void  )

Get number of CCC entries in table.

Number of CCC entries in table.
uint32_t AttsGetSignCounter ( dmConnId_t  connId)

Get the current value peer's sign counter on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is closed so the application can store the sign counter for use on future connections.

connIdDM connection ID.
Sign counter.
void AttsHandleValueInd ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication.

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void AttsHandleValueIndZeroCpy ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication without copying the attribute value data.

Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void AttsHandleValueNtf ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void AttsHandleValueNtfZeroCpy ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification without copying the attribute value data.

Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().

connIdDM connection ID.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
bool_t AttsHashDatabaseString ( uint8_t *  pKey,
uint8_t *  pMsg,
uint16_t  msgLen 

Create hash from the database string.

pKeyKey for hashing.
pMsgPlaintext to hash.
msgLenLength of Plaintext data.
TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
void AttsIndInit ( void  )

Initialize ATT server for indications/notifications.

void AttsInit ( void  )

Initialize ATT server.

void AttsRemoveGroup ( uint16_t  startHandle)

Remove an attribute group from the attribute server.

startHandleStart handle of attribute group to be removed.
uint8_t AttsSetAttr ( uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Set an attribute value in the attribute server.

handleAttribute handle.
valueLenAttribute length.
pValueAttribute value.
ATT_SUCCESS if successful otherwise error.
void AttsSetCsrk ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t *  pCsrk,
bool_t  authenticated 

Set the peer's data signing key on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is established. The caller is responsible for maintaining the memory that contains the key.

connIdDM connection ID.
pCsrkPointer to data signing key (CSRK).
authenticatedTrue if CSRK is authenticated and false otherwise.
void AttsSetSignCounter ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint32_t  signCounter 

Set the peer's sign counter on this connection. This function is typically called from the ATT connection callback when the connection is established. ATT maintains the value of the sign counter internally and sets the value when a signed packet is successfully received.

connIdDM connection ID.
signCounterSign counter.
void AttsSignInit ( void  )

Initialize ATT server for data signing.

void EattsHandleValueInd ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication.

connIdDM connection ID.
priorityOperation priority.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void EattsHandleValueIndZeroCpy ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Indication without copying the attribute value data.

Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().

connIdDM connection ID.
priorityOperation priority.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void EattsHandleValueNtf ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.

connIdDM connection ID.
priorityOperation priority.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void EattsHandleValueNtfZeroCpy ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  handle,
uint16_t  valueLen,
uint8_t *  pValue 

Send an attribute protocol Handle Value Notification without copying the attribute value data.

Note: attribute value buffer 'pValue' must be allocated with AttMsgAlloc().

connIdDM connection ID.
priorityOperation priority.
handleAttribute handle.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
void EattsInit ( )

Initialize the Enhanced ATT Server.

void EattsMultiValueNtf ( dmConnId_t  connId,
uint8_t  priority,
uint16_t  numTuples,
eattTuple_t pTupleList 

Send multiple attribute protocol Handle Value Notification.

connIdDM connection ID.
priorityOperation priority.
valueLenLength of value data.
pValuePointer to value data.
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